Why is The Left So Determined to Slaughter Innocent Babies?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Legit question as what do they benefit from it? It doesn't really make sense to me. Although it's probably something to do with control.

Legit question as what do they benefit from it? It doesn't really make sense to me. Although it's probably something to do with control.

Fetuses aren't babies.
If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.
Innocence has little to do with the slaughter, and it's not only babies!

It's become expectant mothers, abortion doctors, and any others that Americans deem deserving of death.

Prevention of the need for an abortion is the solution that America refuses to accept!

They need to sentence their babies to death for the sake of their politics. Praise the lord and pass the forceps.
Legit question as what do they benefit from it? It doesn't really make sense to me. Although it's probably something to do with control.

there is a lot about "freedom" that i , representing "the left" do not have to explain.

whatever we really feel about the procedure , (it is just birth control to me. others have different opinions it is really none of my business.

doesn't this talk of tracking girls across state lines and monitoring their periods sound just a little bit creepy?
Prove that a newborn baby has had its soul inserted / transmitted and I might believe this plea that a human life has been hurt .

The ancient and wise people did not believe that a new born baby has its soul immediately . Let alone pre-birth .

We just assume otherwise because it is intellectually tidy and convenient .
But we have zero idea factually .
Legit question as what do they benefit from it? It doesn't really make sense to me. Although it's probably something to do with control.

Because the most of them are black.

The leftbats are eugenicists.
Fetuses aren't babies.
If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.
Legit question as what do they benefit from it? It doesn't really make sense to me. Although it's probably something to do with control.

The Left, i.e globalists, are consumed with the notion of population control.

This dates back long, long, long ago.

Listen to this interview in 1958 with Mike Wallace. We were warned to learn to mitigate population levels ourselves or the government would do it for us

Then you had the Georgia Stonehenge in the 1980's.

The whole monument was a clandestine mystery as the builder and maker did not want to be identified, even though it cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. The very first thing written on it was the need to reduce population levels. It was akin to an environmentalist 10 commandments.

Notice, these people are very wealthy, powerful, and educated.

Today, you have the Climate Cult taking up the mantel of promoting reduced population levels to reduce their carbon footprints.

And if you look at government policy, it all starts to make sense when you realize this.

Government will pay for abortions or sex changes 100%. They will do literally anything to sterilize you. But if you need that heart bypass, well, you may not be able to afford it.

Also, drugs coming across the border kill about 200 Americans today, but the US defends every border on earth via weapons given to defend them while ignoring their own border. They then ignore China sending the Fentanyl into the US that are killing hundreds of thousands of Americans every year.

But America is not the only one. China also had their one baby policy for a long time. I think they gave up on it when they realized how much it was hurting their own national interests for various reasons, so I think they switched to the Covid to knock off population levels, but mostly targeted outside their own country instead of reducing their own numbers. The virus mainly targeted the old and sick, who were not productive for the state of China anyway, so it was a win/win. Also notice how China stopped immigration into their own country during the Covid outbreak when they knew was going on but allowed their own citizens to travel abroad to spread it.

Also, increased poverty decreases a life span, so killing the world economy is part of this equation. The entire world economy is inflating itself away thanks to world wide government policies, such as their war on fossil fuels.

And they are also reducing food production as billions across the globe have issues with hunger and starvation.

It's a kinder, gentler, world-wide genocide.
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If you support the genocide in Gaza yet oppose abortion, you’re an idiot.
If I believed that Israel was targeting innocent people I would agree, but I do not. Hamas is known for their human shields and only being concerned with killing Jews than helping their own people.

Israel has the military capacity to annihilate everyone in the region, but they have refrained all these years.

Conversely, if Hamas had that capacity, every Jew in Israel would be dead, but not before they rape and torture them and proudly film it before they do.

There is a reason globalists like George Soros and China favor Hamas over Israel, just kill the 7 million Jews and prop up organizations like them that do nothing but terrorize and kill, leading to less people on earth.

Ask anyone on the face of the planet, where would you rather live, Israel or any given Islamic country.

Chances are, they answer Israel.
If I believed that Israel was targeting innocent people I would agree, but I do not. Hamas is known for their human shields and only being concerned with killing Jews than helping their own people.

Israel has the military capacity to annihilate everyone in the region, but they have refrained all these years.

Conversely, if Hamas had that capacity, every Jew in Israel would be dead, but not before they rape and torture them and proudly film it before they do.

There is a reason globalists like George Soros and China favor Hamas over Israel, just kill the 7 million Jews and prop up organizations like them that do nothing but terrorize and kill, leading to less people on earth.

Ask anyone on the face of the planet, where would you rather live, Israel or any given Islamic country.

Chances are, they answer Israel.
How could you not believe Israel is targeting innocent people? Are you blind?

Israel has the capacity to mass murder and is doing it. Hamas doesn’t. Think better.

Shut off Fox News.
Prevention of the need for an abortion is the solution that America refuses to accept!
Glad that you mentioned that. I as a lefty fully agree. How then do we prevent the demand for abortion? A few thoughts:

Meaningful and honest sex education

Readily available birth control

Universal health care coverage so that a woman knows that she and her pre born child will get the care that they need

Access to nutritional programs so that a pregnant woman will not be insecure about feeding her family

Affordable housing and a living wage in order to encourage people to carry a child to term

Which of these items do you support. ? Which do Republicans support?
Legit question as what do they benefit from it? It doesn't really make sense to me. Although it's probably something to do with control.
Control? You people have no business talking about control This whole so called pro life thing is about control , control of women and their bodies. You people don’t give a shit about children after they are born.
Glad that you mentioned that. I as a lefty fully agree. How then do we prevent the demand for abortion? A few thoughts:

Meaningful and honest sex education

Readily available birth control

Universal health care coverage so that a woman knows that she and her pre born child will get the care that they need

Access to nutritional programs so that a pregnant woman will not be insecure about feeding her family

Affordable housing and a living wage in order to encourage people to carry a child to term

Which of these items do you support. ? Which do Republicans support?
I support them all!
And I'm very impressed with hearing that.

But I'm afraid that the political hole has been already dug too deep for the Christian right to ever be able to climb out!

They've chosen to keep killing more babies with their dogma against socially responsible solutions.

And fwiw, they believe that they are doing the right thing in the eyes of their god.
Control? You people have no business talking about control This whole so called pro life thing is about control , control of women and their bodies. You people don’t give a shit about children after they are born.

Who says I don't care about babies after they're born? Also, murder is illegal so why does it matter if they're out of the womb or not?
If you support the genocide in Gaza yet oppose abortion, you’re an idiot.
Hamas cowards are evil and hide behind women and children and then blame IDF when the cover for Hamas cowards are killed. There is almost no difference between Palestinians and Hamas cowards since Palestinians voted Hamas in to control Gaza; Palestinians cheer and cluck their tongues when Hamas murders and slaughters; Palestinians brainwash their youngest children to hate Jews and kill them whenever possible.

You celebrate and applaud the Hamas cowards by repeating their lies. Jews have a right to eliminate the further threat of terror and Useful Idiots like you are protesting across America and Europe. Hamas cowards would just as soon kill you as they hate all Americans, which you may call yourself but clearly are not one.

Koran violence verses.jpg
Control? You people have no business talking about control This whole so called pro life thing is about control , control of women and their bodies. You people don’t give a shit about children after they are born.

The hatred is deep in you. It consumes and destroys you and your mind.

Many men are in prison for murdering unborn babies, but not ONE woman is in prison for having a butcher doctor tear apart the body inside her which is NOT "her body."

You celebrate and promote this double standard of injustice. When real mothers hold their baby in their arms for the first time, they create a lifelong bond, of love and responsibility about which you obviously know nothing.

My good friend has a grandson whose mother is an unfit drug addict. They put their infant grandson up for adoption as they are too old to raise the baby. A beautiful and loving couple had to come across the US from Virginia to California to adopt the baby as there are so few available for adoption due to the mass slaughter you find so delightful and defend so maliciously.

My niece cannot conceive and years ago went to Russia twice to adopt children, as there were none in America, thanks to butchers/savages like you.

```6 month old baby aborted.jpg

"If you didn't want to go to Chicago, why did you get on the bus?" - Garrison Keillor, pointing out the obvious alternative to killing unborn babies, and that is BIRTH CONTROL, or ABSTENTION!!!

Women were ashamed of being "knocked up" out of wedlock in a bygone era. Along came "feminists" who stamped and said they can do damned well whatever they want, the hell with the consequences. Then pregnancies soared and rather than get married, many took the evil, irresponsible way out, killing the "problem." So the first evil of feminist sluttiness resulted in the second evil of feminist butchery of innocents. Eighty million dead and eighty million wounded survivors.

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