It really is rather insane republicans are more likely to support Trump because of his convictions

It’s not a matter of whether or not Trump is guilty. Republicans are inevitably going to defend Trump regardless of what he actually says or does. The strange part is why the conviction makes them MORE likely to support Trump. Even if you think he is innocent, why in the hell would you support him MORE because of it? It doesn’t make any goddamn sense. Him supposedly being “persecuted” wouldn’t somehow make him a better president now would it?

Because the current convictions are politically motivated. That drives hard core supporters toward a political candidate.
We MAGA Republicans don't support Trump MORE because of his convictions (well, maybe financially). But MORE PEOPLE are starting to see how bogus these prosecutions are, starting to see how they were all choreographed out of the White House, starting to see that the reason the Democrats keep calling Trump a "threat to democracy" is their own craven it appears that more people are moving to the Trump camp.

Still not enough, but more nevertheless.
Well the poll in my OP speaks for itself
1. He did not "rape" anyone in a busy department store 30-years ago. There was no "crime" reported, yet "Lawfare" cost Trump $82m.
He finger fucked Carroll against her will. The jury found him culpable and thus responsible to pay fines for repeated, reprehensible behavior in defaming her. What you call lawfare is the system working to hold the guilty accountable for their actions.
That doesn’t explain why
sure it does. If you support a political candidate and the opposition (either real or perceived) lodges politically motivated criminal lawsuits against that candidate it would push you toward that candidate. Not away from them.
That doesn’t explain why
Sure it does .. it's the new flavor of COVID leading up to an election year to attempt to disqualify the leading opponent (or to make your opponent look better). The problem is .. It's not only Republicans .. it is black and hispanic voters as well in key battleground states, not to mention the uncommitted muslims in Michigan.
Sure it does .. it's the new flavor of COVID leading up to an election year to attempt to disqualify the leading opponent (or to make your opponent look better). The problem is .. It's not only Republicans .. it is black and hispanic voters as well in key battleground states, not to mention the uncommitted muslims in Michigan.
Obviously that doesn’t actually answer the question. Why would an attempt to disqualify him mean MORE support. I mean no shit you supported him prior to this. That doesn’t explain why you support him MORE. See because if it did, you would be able to explain how it somehow makes him better at being president
Obviously that doesn’t actually answer the question. Why would an attempt to disqualify him mean MORE support. I mean no shit you supported him prior to this. That doesn’t explain why you support him MORE. See because if it did, you would be able to explain how it somehow makes him better at being president
I know the anti-Trump crowd thought he'd lose support .. it's not happening. Accept it. Just like the anti-Israel protests that continue to gain support as their narrative is destroyed. Conflict builds support from those who tend to be inert.
It’s not a matter of whether or not Trump is guilty. Republicans are inevitably going to defend Trump regardless of what he actually says or does. The strange part is why the conviction makes them MORE likely to support Trump. Even if you think he is innocent, why in the hell would you support him MORE because of it? It doesn’t make any goddamn sense. Him supposedly being “persecuted” wouldn’t somehow make him a better president now would it?

I don't defend Trump nor care about his convictions. Trump is a pos, a scummy human being. I hate the reps and I hate the dems. But reps slow down the destruction and chances are lower I won't get Malinowski'ed.

It is all identity politics nowadays. Whether it is senile commie Biden or scummy conman just don't matter. Or should I vote to get my guns confiscated, force the neighbor boy's parents to cut his dick off and turn America into Mehico?

atlas shrugged.jpg
It's about time.

Wrong question. You should be asking me why I would support Trump MORE because he is being persecuted.
Well apparently you’re too stupid to answer either question so…
So, you refuse to clarify yourself but you expect a sensible answer to an ambiguous question. I thought maybe you'd learn something from my previous response but you just get dumber by the minute. It's voluntary, I am sure.
They aren't. What choice did prosecutors have in the face of overtly criminal acts?
everything other than the classified docs case are wildly political. If Trumps not running for President they aren’t filed. If you don’t understand that theres not much I can do for you. I suspect the same would be true for the classified docs case as well even frankly.
So, you refuse to clarify yourself but you expect a sensible answer to an ambiguous question. I thought maybe you'd learn something from my previous response but you just get dumber by the minute. It's voluntary, I am sure.
You’re so fucking stupid. How else do I dumb this down for you? Why does Trump being prosecuted mean you support him MORE? It’s such a basic question but you’re too stupid for it
You’re so fucking stupid.
You think so, huh?
Why does Trump being prosecuted mean you support him MORE?
Two reasons:
1). I believe in Democracy.
2). I dislike politicians (and their system) who are not Democratic, in other words those who are Fascists.
It’s such a basic question
.. and I've just asnwered it.
but you’re too stupid for it
I see. So you don't love Democracy and you think I'm "stupid" because I do. Shut up now and go to bed.

You’re so fucking stupid. How else do I dumb this down for you? Why does Trump being prosecuted mean you support him MORE? It’s such a basic question but you’re too stupid for it
Because of the political motivation of the prosecutions. This has already been explained to you.
Please, sincerely, stop and think next time before you repeat a talking point. He is a convicted felon and remains under indictment in 3 other criminal cases because he committed crimes and for no other reason. He put himself where he is.

Yes, those 34 misdemeanors were very serious!!!

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