It really is rather insane republicans are more likely to support Trump because of his convictions

There is nothing "insane" about it. In fact, it is the most sane thing to do whether you are republican or democrat. The whole Trump conviction circus is Fascist. Maybe you don't care that the US is becoming more Fascist by the day, but I do.
None of this explains why you would support him MORE.
There is nothing "insane" about it. In fact, it is the most sane thing to do whether you are republican or democrat. The whole Trump conviction circus is Fascist. Maybe you don't care that the US is becoming more Fascist by the day, but I do.
None of this explains why you would support him MORE.
"MORE"? I don't think I understand what you are saying. Are you asking me why I'd give MORE support to Trump than I did earlier or that MORE of the American population are now supporting him? You did notice my reply was based on the Fascist metamorphism of the US government, yes? If so, then you need to ask yourself if you support the Fascist trend in the US or if you oppose it. Does that help to clarify my statement?
"MORE"? I don't think I understand what you are saying. Are you asking me why I'd give MORE support to Trump than I did earlier or that MORE of the American population are now supporting him? You did notice my reply was based on the Fascist metamorphism of the US government, yes? If so, then you need to ask yourself if you support the Fascist trend in the US or if you oppose it. Does that help to clarify my statement?
It’s a pretty simple question. Why would YOU support Trump MORE simply because you think he is being persecuted?
"MORE"? I don't think I understand what you are saying. Are you asking me why I'd give MORE support to Trump than I did earlier or that MORE of the American population are now supporting him? You did notice my reply was based on the Fascist metamorphism of the US government, yes? If so, then you need to ask yourself if you support the Fascist trend in the US or if you oppose it. Does that help to clarify my statement?
It’s a pretty simple question.
It's about time.
Why would YOU support Trump MORE simply because you think he is being persecuted?
Wrong question. You should be asking me why I would support Trump MORE because he is being persecuted.
It’s not a matter of whether or not Trump is guilty. Republicans are inevitably going to defend Trump regardless of what he actually says or does. The strange part is why the conviction makes them MORE likely to support Trump. Even if you think he is innocent, why in the hell would you support him MORE because of it? It doesn’t make any goddamn sense. Him supposedly being “persecuted” wouldn’t somehow make him a better president now would it?

Not because of. In spite of. The insanity is supporting a mentally incompetent president because you hate Trump.
I wouldn`t trust anyone who has been sued 3,500 times. Were the lawsuits politically motivated when he wasn`t a politician? The guy is such a crook that he even steals from his own charity.
It’s not a matter of whether or not Trump is guilty. Republicans are inevitably going to defend Trump regardless of what he actually says or does. The strange part is why the conviction makes them MORE likely to support Trump. Even if you think he is innocent, why in the hell would you support him MORE because of it? It doesn’t make any goddamn sense. Him supposedly being “persecuted” wouldn’t somehow make him a better president now would it?

Yes, Americans hate this lawfare, so it makes them want to vote for him even more. You guys can try to say that these are all legit cases, but the American public isnt buying it.
It’s a pretty simple question. Why would YOU support Trump MORE simply because you think he is being persecuted?
Because we dont like what dems are doing with lawfare. We want him even more now because we DEFINITELY dont want more of these bullshit cases. It isnt hard to understand. Trump's political carreer was over until democrats revived it with these horseshit prosecutions.
The strange part is why the conviction makes them MORE likely to support Trump. Even if you think he is innocent, why in the hell would you support him MORE because of it? It doesn’t make any goddamn sense.
I think I understand the reason, but you're right, it doesn't make sense.

The answer is included in your question. "Even if you think he is innocent"

They do. And because they do His Orangeness is able to tap in to the victimhood theme that is the through line of his campaigns. His minions love him because despite all the advantages he's had for his whole life he's convinced them "they're out to get me." Making people who feel slighted by life want two things he provides. A champion they can identify with (how ridiculous is identifying with a billionaire?) and someone or some thing to blame for their plight. Who is to blame? Dems, gays, Muslims, pinkos, libtards, MSNBC, Soros, globalism, the fictitious deep state, the media, the gubmint, and blacks. Those that don't need a scapegoat have a list of things to hate anyway.
Yes, Americans hate this lawfare
Please, sincerely, stop and think next time before you repeat a talking point. He is a convicted felon and remains under indictment in 3 other criminal cases because he committed crimes and for no other reason. He put himself where he is.
It's about time.

Wrong question. You should be asking me why I would support Trump MORE because he is being persecuted.
Well apparently you’re too stupid to answer either question so…
Please, sincerely, stop and think next time before you repeat a talking point. He is a convicted felon and remains under indictment in 3 other criminal cases because he committed crimes and for no other reason. He put himself where he is.
You loons took misdemeanors that the time of limitations ran out on and turned them into felonies. I'm glad you did it. Now say president Trump!
It’s a pretty simple question. Why would YOU support Trump MORE simply because you think he is being persecuted?
You answered your own question, but don't recognize what you are saying. Think about it.
We MAGA Republicans don't support Trump MORE because of his convictions (well, maybe financially). But MORE PEOPLE are starting to see how bogus these prosecutions are, starting to see how they were all choreographed out of the White House, starting to see that the reason the Democrats keep calling Trump a "threat to democracy" is their own craven it appears that more people are moving to the Trump camp.

Still not enough, but more nevertheless.
Please, sincerely, stop and think next time before you repeat a talking point. He is a convicted felon and remains under indictment in 3 other criminal cases because he committed crimes and for no other reason. He put himself where he is.
1. He did not "rape" anyone in a busy department store 30-years ago. There was no "crime" reported, yet "Lawfare" cost Trump $82m.

2. There was no victim in Trump's loan application, no one lost any money, yet NY "Lawfare" cost Trump $355,000,000 for numbers on a form that the lender had to review and accept via "due diligence".

3. Trump was found guilty of 34 felonies from an expired misdemeanor because those payments to Stormy Daniels covered-up a more serious crime, but that "more serious crime" was never charged nor convicted in court via "due process".

4. Fani Willis' charges for election interference could be called election verification.

5. Smith's J6 charge for "insurrection" comes after the FBI said Trump did not incite anything, and did in-fact request the National Guard to protect his rally, a request also made by Capitol Police Chief Sund, both requests were denied. The capitol riot was probably instigated by the FBI. The FBI still doesn't know who planted those pipe bombs on video.

6. Smith's "classified document" prosecution comes after Joe Biden was about to be indicted for mishandling classified documents, but was deemed too mentally incompetent to stand trial. We'll see how Trump, who had legal rights to documents, fares in a DC court.

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