It really is rather insane republicans are more likely to support Trump because of his convictions

It’s just so pathetic you idiots worship this Neanderthal moron. I just can’t wrap my mind around it. It’s not a matter that you should support Biden instead. It’s just so fucking stupid on its own. Vote third party or don’t vote at all. Quit embarrassing yourselves

You aren't someone who has earned the massive narcissistic disdain you have for your fellow citizens.

We get to vote for who we want, and fuck you anyway.
LOL. The Democrats have created a monster. If they had just left him alone, he would have faded into obscurity.
But nooo...they had to go psycho.
Now they are looking to lose both the black vote and the latino vote...chuckle
How hard is this to understand? I feel like you know whet my point is. You just can’t actually dispute it. Obviously you supported Trump before these indictments. The simple point is why do these indictments make him more popular?

He has exactly the same level of popularity with me.

So your premise is wrong.
You aren't someone who has earned the massive narcissistic disdain you have for your fellow citizens.

We get to vote for who we want, and fuck you anyway.
And you will never be able to justify it. It’s just so embarrassing. It really is.
How many of them have ever held jobs? Rachel Powell is exhibit A. She has 8 kids, no husband and no job but had the time to riot in D.C. on J6. She hates the government that feeds her and her trashy kids.
They hate the "gubmint" until they need it.

Greg Abbott Announces Texas Disaster Declaration Amid ...​

Newsweek › greg-abbott-texas-disaster...

2 days ago — A Presidential Disaster Declaration has been extended to five more Texas counties following extreme weather.

WHY didn't they call Walmart?
It’s just so pathetic you idiots worship this Neanderthal moron. I just can’t wrap my mind around it. It’s not a matter that you should support Biden instead. It’s just so fucking stupid on its own. Vote third party or don’t vote at all. Quit embarrassing yourselves

Why would someone vote for anyone not actually running for President?
It’s not a matter of whether or not Trump is guilty. Republicans are inevitably going to defend Trump regardless of what he actually says or does. The strange part is why the conviction makes them MORE likely to support Trump. Even if you think he is innocent, why in the hell would you support him MORE because of it? It doesn’t make any goddamn sense. Him supposedly being “persecuted” wouldn’t somehow make him a better president now would it?

No, what's insane is how dipshits, like you, think normal people care about an obviously corrupt legal proceeding.

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