It really is rather insane republicans are more likely to support Trump because of his convictions

It’s not a matter of whether or not Trump is guilty. Republicans are inevitably going to defend Trump regardless of what he actually says or does. The strange part is why the conviction makes them MORE likely to support Trump. Even if you think he is innocent, why in the hell would you support him MORE because of it? It doesn’t make any goddamn sense. Him supposedly being “persecuted” wouldn’t somehow make him a better president now would it?

Still no crime?
Because it shows the depths the opposition will go to squelch the will of said people voting for him?

You've made a martyr, congratulations.
A martyr. That is goddamn stupid. Trump throws a whiny, pathetic, moronic word salad rant every day about his grievances. He isn’t tough. He’s an insecure, subhuman piece of absolute garbage
It's funny to watch rabid liberals whine about Trump when all they had to do was let him fade away. Instead they showed their true selves, a bunch of petty vindictive scumbags who will stop at nothing to punish Trump. Now that their ill conceived plans have failed they howl at the moon because they can't even defend the Biden disaster.
Most people don`t call the longest period of low unemployment since 1969 a disaster.
Trump and his cult does.
How many of them have ever held jobs? Rachel Powell is exhibit A. She has 8 kids, no husband and no job but had the time to riot in D.C. on J6. She hates the government that feeds her and her trashy kids.
It’s not a matter of whether or not Trump is guilty. Republicans are inevitably going to defend Trump regardless of what he actually says or does. The strange part is why the conviction makes them MORE likely to support Trump. Even if you think he is innocent, why in the hell would you support him MORE because of it? It doesn’t make any goddamn sense. Him supposedly being “persecuted” wouldn’t somehow make him a better president now would it?

If you understood that the charges are 100% politically motivated and that if the DOJ wanted to at a future date try to destroy your candidate, would it be clearer to you?

Decent people are realizing that this is no way to run a civilized country.
A martyr. That is goddamn stupid. Trump throws a whiny, pathetic, moronic word salad rant every day about his grievances. He isn’t tough. He’s an insecure, subhuman piece of absolute garbage

The more you think that, the more you feed his support.

Typical leftist, you think reality bends to your will and desires.
If you understood that the charges are 100% politically motivated and that if the DOJ wanted to at a future date try to destroy your candidate, would it be clearer to you?

Decent people are realizing that this is no way to run a civilized country.
I guess I have no choice but to reframe my point to something even more obvious. How does Trump’s supposed persecution make him a better president?
If you understood that the charges are 100% politically motivated and that if the DOJ wanted to at a future date try to destroy your candidate, would it be clearer to you?

Decent people are realizing that this is no way to run a civilized country.
What I understand is that you don`t know squat and you`re proud of it. Politically motivated? :icon_rolleyes:
The more you think that, the more you feed his support.

Typical leftist, you think reality bends to your will and desires.
It’s just so pathetic you idiots worship this Neanderthal moron. I just can’t wrap my mind around it. It’s not a matter that you should support Biden instead. It’s just so fucking stupid on its own. Vote third party or don’t vote at all. Quit embarrassing yourselves
Maybe you should state your point more clearly..

How hard is this to understand? I feel like you know whet my point is. You just can’t actually dispute it. Obviously you supported Trump before these indictments. The simple point is why do these indictments make him more popular?

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