Why Is The Right Wing Spewing That The Polls Are All Wrong...Except Rasmussen?

Are they that desperate? That naive? That ignorant? That much in the bubble?

Are they punch-drunk on the Kool-Aid?

I mean, this is ridiculous now.

What. Is. The problem...............................??

They are in denial. Its as simple as that.
Are they that desperate? That naive? That ignorant? That much in the bubble?

Are they punch-drunk on the Kool-Aid?

I mean, this is ridiculous now.

What. Is. The problem...............................??

While many of the polls that have Obama way out in front are clearly incorrect, Laura Ingraham said that if Romney's internal polling thought they were ahead, they would have said so.....
So in other words...my OP is correct. Thanks!

BTW, how much is "way out in front?" And which poll/s have it as "way out in front?"
Are they that desperate? That naive? That ignorant? That much in the bubble?

Are they punch-drunk on the Kool-Aid?

I mean, this is ridiculous now.

What. Is. The problem...............................??

The polls are using data from the 2008 election to determine the appropriate party "weight"....

Most realize that being part of history was, in itself, a motivation for many to vote in 2008.

That incentive does not exist now.
Like everything you post, you just made that bullshit up. Please link to the exit polls that support your bullshit.
Thank you in advance.
Are they that desperate? That naive? That ignorant? That much in the bubble?

Are they punch-drunk on the Kool-Aid?

I mean, this is ridiculous now.

What. Is. The problem...............................??

They are not saying the polls are wrong they are saying there slanted when a poll samples one party 10% or more than the other you tend to get that. When one group is over sampled the poll numbers may very well be accurate to the way it was set up but the poll it's self is misleading. I suspect if Republicans were being over sampled by 10% or more in these polls the left would feel very much the same way.
I believe every RW pundint on TV and radio have been stating they are flat out wrong.

If they're using the term "slanted" they're using it in such an extreme manner than their audience understands it as "wrong." And most importantly their audience agrees it is "wrong." You know it and I know it, so let's cut with the pretense.
Are they that desperate? That naive? That ignorant? That much in the bubble?

Are they punch-drunk on the Kool-Aid?

I mean, this is ridiculous now.

What. Is. The problem...............................??

Just Google
Who was the most accurate pollster in 2008. Find out for yourself.

Yup, they decided to tell the truth in the FINAL poll of 2008- And got lucky. Before that they were the worst. Look it up- they're scumbags and liars.

Pollers sample more Dems because there ARE more Dems, dingbats...Ay caramba.

One Dem lie, chump- so I can beat around the head and shoulders. As always, nothing. Or a huge pile of Pubcrappe link, for dupes only. Come on, ASSHOLE.
When? They have always leaned hard to the right, that's why the right wing trolls worship them.

Lean hard to the right because they're the only ones that don't drastically oversample democrats?

Rasmussen is an admitted conservative...so to many who despise conservatives, they take that as meaning that he "cheats to the right" with his polls.

However....they are wrong with that assessment.
More pure made up bullshit. Ratmuffin claims to be a former Democrat who is now an INDEPENDENT.

PODIUM-Scott Rasmussen

Q - Your website says that you are an independent pollster, but because of your background, I know some people label you as a conservative-leaning pollster. How do you feel about that?

A - I was brought up loosely as a Republican, but at our family dinner table we talked about the important politics of the New York Giants and the New York Yankees. There was no political discussion in my life growing up. I became a Democrat after Richard Nixon and into the Jimmy Carter era and have been an Independent ever since. I spoke today about how the American people were skeptical about politicians—well, I’m more skeptical. I really do see the core issue as the political class versus mainstream voters. I think that is a much bigger gap than Republican, Democrat, conservative, or liberal.
They are doing it for one of 3 reasons:

1. They really are that stupid.

2. They know it's bullshit, but it makes them feel better to pretend.

3. They know it's bullshit, but they enjoy the annoyance it creates.

Hmmm...you may be on to something there.

Here's how I'd break your answer down...

1. About 50 percent of them, you know, the low-information voters of the Deep South
2. 10% - 15%, which include all the elites and pundits on da teevee.
3. 25% - 35%, they feel they are in a war against "Libruls" and find some joy in that nonsense.

There's a weird, mass obsessive/compulsive behaviour on the Right where they feel this need to take any piece of bad news, i.e., bad for conservatives, and come up with some sort of rewrite that makes the bad good away.
Yep, this is the song they're singing...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIIbCA5I-RE]Goodness Makes The Badness GO AWAY - YouTube[/ame]

I was looking for the original Smurfs version, but couldn't locate the vid.
mitt's "likability" #'s are rightfully in the tank. He's not a personable guy. His laugh is even contrived.

I don't know who Ghris Wallace is.

Neither do I, but I bet Chris Wallace does. So tell that to Chris Wallace instead.

Why would I want to tell that to him? If your going to make a obscure comment like that you really need to provide some context to go along with it otherwise it really makes no sense.

Ok. I thought you were informed. My mistake:

Things initially got tense when Gallagher took issue with Wallace characterizing the Romney campaign as “in trouble.”
“Wait a minute,” Gallagher interrupted, “what do you mean ‘Romney’s in trouble’? Where’d you get that from? What, because of the poll manipulation crap?”

That set Wallace off.

“This criticism of the polls is craziness. I actually did some research on this today, which is more than you’ve done,” he snapped at Gallagher.
“No self-respecting pollster,” including Fox, he explained, weighs their polls to even out party identification. He agreed with Gallagher that there is a mainstream media bias towards supporting President Barack Obama and “antagonizing” Mitt Romney.

Chris Wallace Snaps At Right-Wing Host For Criticizing Polls: ‘Obama Is Winning’ | Mediaite
Are they that desperate? That naive? That ignorant? That much in the bubble?

Are they punch-drunk on the Kool-Aid?

I mean, this is ridiculous now.

What. Is. The problem...............................??

They are not saying the polls are wrong they are saying there slanted when a poll samples one party 10% or more than the other you tend to get that. When one group is over sampled the poll numbers may very well be accurate to the way it was set up but the poll it's self is misleading. I suspect if Republicans were being over sampled by 10% or more in these polls the left would feel very much the same way.
I believe every RW pundint on TV and radio have been stating they are flat out wrong.

If they're using the term "slanted" they're using it in such an extreme manner than their audience understands it as "wrong." And most importantly their audience agrees it is "wrong." You know it and I know it, so let's cut with the pretense.
Really you believe that do even watch any conservative pundits or do you just watch liberal pundits tell you what they alleged they said? Now if you want to cut something cut thinking you know what everyone else agrees or does not agree with and you can dam sure cut telling me what you think I know you speak for yourself but don't ever presume to speak for me.
Rasmussen's great record of accuracy:

1. 2010 - NV Senate final poll - Sharron Angle by 3 - Reid wins by 5, an 8 point pro-Repub Rasmussen miss

2. 2010 - CO Senate final poll - Ken Buck by 4 - Bennett wins by 1, a 5 point pro-R Rasmussen miss.

3. 2010 - WV Senate final poll - Joe Manchin by 4 - Manchin wins by 10 - a 6 point pro-R Rasmussen miss.

get it?
Are they that desperate? That naive? That ignorant? That much in the bubble?

Are they punch-drunk on the Kool-Aid?

I mean, this is ridiculous now.

What. Is. The problem...............................??

They’re trying to undermine democratic confidence while instilling confidence among the right.

They understand the psychology of presidential elections and know that he who is perceived to be the loser is indeed lost.
They are not saying the polls are wrong they are saying there slanted when a poll samples one party 10% or more than the other you tend to get that. When one group is over sampled the poll numbers may very well be accurate to the way it was set up but the poll it's self is misleading. I suspect if Republicans were being over sampled by 10% or more in these polls the left would feel very much the same way.
I believe every RW pundint on TV and radio have been stating they are flat out wrong.

If they're using the term "slanted" they're using it in such an extreme manner than their audience understands it as "wrong." And most importantly their audience agrees it is "wrong." You know it and I know it, so let's cut with the pretense.
Really you believe that do even watch any conservative pundits or do you just watch liberal pundits tell you what they alleged they said? Now if you want to cut something cut thinking you know what everyone else agrees or does not agree with and you can dam sure cut telling me what you think I know you speak for yourself but don't ever presume to speak for me.

Hey Babbling Brook, I watched Laura Ingram tell O'Reilly that if Romney's camp were getting different numbers from their internal polls they would be hollering them from the rooftops, which they aren't.

She doesn't even believe the hype.
Are they that desperate? That naive? That ignorant? That much in the bubble?

Are they punch-drunk on the Kool-Aid?

I mean, this is ridiculous now.

What. Is. The problem...............................??

They’re trying to undermine democratic confidence while instilling confidence among the right.

They understand the psychology of presidential elections and know that he who is perceived to be the loser is indeed lost.

Then it seems that Romney has lost.
Neither do I, but I bet Chris Wallace does. So tell that to Chris Wallace instead.

Why would I want to tell that to him? If your going to make a obscure comment like that you really need to provide some context to go along with it otherwise it really makes no sense.

Ok. I thought you were informed. My mistake:

Things initially got tense when Gallagher took issue with Wallace characterizing the Romney campaign as “in trouble.”
“Wait a minute,” Gallagher interrupted, “what do you mean ‘Romney’s in trouble’? Where’d you get that from? What, because of the poll manipulation crap?”

That set Wallace off.

“This criticism of the polls is craziness. I actually did some research on this today, which is more than you’ve done,” he snapped at Gallagher.
“No self-respecting pollster,” including Fox, he explained, weighs their polls to even out party identification. He agreed with Gallagher that there is a mainstream media bias towards supporting President Barack Obama and “antagonizing” Mitt Romney.

Chris Wallace Snaps At Right-Wing Host For Criticizing Polls: ‘Obama Is Winning’ | Mediaite

Forgive me I work five days a week eight hours a day and do not have time to keep up with every political statement, comment, and story from every person out there or cruise all the political websites. I am informed but I do have other things that take up my time and yes your right it was your mistake.
I believe every RW pundint on TV and radio have been stating they are flat out wrong.

If they're using the term "slanted" they're using it in such an extreme manner than their audience understands it as "wrong." And most importantly their audience agrees it is "wrong." You know it and I know it, so let's cut with the pretense.
Really you believe that do even watch any conservative pundits or do you just watch liberal pundits tell you what they alleged they said? Now if you want to cut something cut thinking you know what everyone else agrees or does not agree with and you can dam sure cut telling me what you think I know you speak for yourself but don't ever presume to speak for me.

Hey Babbling Brook, I watched Laura Ingram tell O'Reilly that if Romney's camp were getting different numbers from their internal polls they would be hollering them from the rooftops, which they aren't.

She doesn't even believe the hype.
Well guess what nitwit I was not asking you if you watched the pundits now was I.
Are they that desperate? That naive? That ignorant? That much in the bubble?

Are they punch-drunk on the Kool-Aid?

I mean, this is ridiculous now.

What. Is. The problem...............................??

I think it is hilarious. I say we play along with them...:lol:

"Polls mean nothing!"
"The only poll that counts is election day!"
"There is an oversampling of Dems!"
"The Liberal Media is skewing the Poll results!"

The voters are finally beginning the understand Ryan and his kill medicare plan and they now know that Mitt is not concerned about the poor and low income portion of America. He is so brazen, he has written off 47% of the country...That will always be known as one of the biggest political blunders of all time.

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