Why is the thought of Iran with nukes so threatening

I would think that Iran WITH nukes would be a windfall for defense contractors...think of all the alternative weapons systems we would need.

How has that worked out with North Korea having nukes? No, there's much more profit in invading, overthrowing a government, and occupying the country for years.

The difference is, North Korea does not have a religious extremist running the nuclear program who believes charged by Allah to destroy the world so that the 12th imam can restore order.

If Iran had nuclear power they would build sufficient bombs to create Dar al Islam. They would not threaten to use them like North Korea, they would actually use them, as soon as possible. There is no form of deterrent that can be used against fanatics like that. The American left likes to think that Iran would only bomb Israel so that's okay. Every country in the middle east knows that a nuclear Iran is a nuclear religious war, Sunni against Shia, as much as against Israel or the West.

And yet not 6 months ago we were hearing endless nonsense about how Kim Jong-un was a madman with nothing to lose.
How has that worked out with North Korea having nukes? No, there's much more profit in invading, overthrowing a government, and occupying the country for years.

The difference is, North Korea does not have a religious extremist running the nuclear program who believes charged by Allah to destroy the world so that the 12th imam can restore order.

If Iran had nuclear power they would build sufficient bombs to create Dar al Islam. They would not threaten to use them like North Korea, they would actually use them, as soon as possible. There is no form of deterrent that can be used against fanatics like that. The American left likes to think that Iran would only bomb Israel so that's okay. Every country in the middle east knows that a nuclear Iran is a nuclear religious war, Sunni against Shia, as much as against Israel or the West.

And yet not 6 months ago we were hearing endless nonsense about how Kim Jong-un was a madman with nothing to lose.

Kim Jong Un is a madman with nothing to lose which makes him unstable. Sure he could use nukes, but he does not feel a religious obligation to use them. Iran does.
The difference is, North Korea does not have a religious extremist running the nuclear program who believes charged by Allah to destroy the world so that the 12th imam can restore order.

If Iran had nuclear power they would build sufficient bombs to create Dar al Islam. They would not threaten to use them like North Korea, they would actually use them, as soon as possible. There is no form of deterrent that can be used against fanatics like that. The American left likes to think that Iran would only bomb Israel so that's okay. Every country in the middle east knows that a nuclear Iran is a nuclear religious war, Sunni against Shia, as much as against Israel or the West.

And yet not 6 months ago we were hearing endless nonsense about how Kim Jong-un was a madman with nothing to lose.

Kim Jong Un is a madman with nothing to lose which makes him unstable. Sure he could use nukes, but he does not feel a religious obligation to use them. Iran does.

What obligates the US to use them?

Doesn't the world community feel that they must armed themselves to the teeth when the US is a belligerent bellicose hostile aggressive power where the presidents are obligated by the Military Industrial Complex to attack other countries?

Nukes are weapons that are LESS likely to be used the more each side has of them. The problem with Iran getting nukes is the chance they think they can survive a first strike against Israel and withstand any retaliatory strike. They also have the hope that any first strike on thier part would be so overwhelming that the rest of the world would prevent any Israeli retaliation. A stupid hope surely, but governments make mistakes of logic just like people do.

This is correct....Iran now has enough 20% enriched uranium to build a crude nuclear device...which if exploded in or over Tel Aviv would devastate Israel. Who would retaliate...Obama? Not a chance in hell. Kerry is mentally ill and yet he's speaking for the United States in these ridiculous meetings Iran is using to stall for time... Thank goodness the FRENCH saw through the mullahs treachery and said no to lifting sanctions. Israel has to act and quickly if they intend to survive what's on the horizon if they don't.

BTW....4% enriched uranium is all that's required for energy generation and if the Iranians are only intent on producing electricity, why are they trying to produce plutonium which has no energy application?
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And yet not 6 months ago we were hearing endless nonsense about how Kim Jong-un was a madman with nothing to lose.

Kim Jong Un is a madman with nothing to lose which makes him unstable. Sure he could use nukes, but he does not feel a religious obligation to use them. Iran does.

What obligates the US to use them?

Doesn't the world community feel that they must armed themselves to the teeth when the US is a belligerent bellicose hostile aggressive power where the presidents are obligated by the Military Industrial Complex to attack other countries?


Contumacious has left earth orbit...
Kim Jong Un is a madman with nothing to lose which makes him unstable. Sure he could use nukes, but he does not feel a religious obligation to use them. Iran does.

What obligates the US to use them?

Doesn't the world community feel that they must armed themselves to the teeth when the US is a belligerent bellicose hostile aggressive power where the presidents are obligated by the Military Industrial Complex to attack other countries?


Contumacious has left earth orbit...

Dingle Berry, wrong response.

Didn't the US depose a duly elected Iranian President? Didn't the US shoot down an Iranian CIVILIAN aircraft full of passengers --women and children ?!?!?!?!?

Now who the fuck is insane?!?!?!?!?!?!

I love how the cowards mock the Tiger in his cage.

But let the Tiger be loosed and they will be the first to hide, the first to demand protection, the first to run away, the first to ask 'why' something wasn't done to protect them.

Because, they're cowards.

If it ever happens. If Iran gets a nuke and hits Israel, as they have PROMISED they will do as soon as they can...... When Israel hits back, which they will.....

Then watch as the cowards line up, demanding protection.

Because, boys and girls...... An Iran-Israel nuclear War could get out of control VERY easily.

Taunt the Tiger, cowards. It's what you do best.

When he's in his cage.

One other thing while I'm thinking of it...... The ME has never really known Total War.

They have no clue what that would mean. They think they're ready, they think they're tough..... But they don't know what the FUCK they're talking about.

Europe and Europeans understand Total War. They know what it's like to see tanks go through the Battlefield a thousand at a time killing everything and everyone within their hundred-mile reach.

They know what it's like to have entire Cities burnt to the ground killing tens of thousands. I'm talking annihilation, not just taking territory.... Killing everything and everyone in your path so there is no enemy behind you by making sure everything behind you is dead.

The ME doesn't. But if they attack Israel with nukes..... They will. Israel will kill them by the million. And not even the 12th Imam can save them.

Letting Iran have nukes is a bad idea. A very idea.

But with a scumbag of a fucking douche-nozzle commie, America-Hating piece of fucking shit like obama in charge....? What can you expect?

We'll be fortunate to survive this scumbag's tenure
What obligates the US to use them?

Doesn't the world community feel that they must armed themselves to the teeth when the US is a belligerent bellicose hostile aggressive power where the presidents are obligated by the Military Industrial Complex to attack other countries?


Contumacious has left earth orbit...

Dingle Berry, wrong response.

Didn't the US depose a duly elected Iranian President? Didn't the US shoot down an Iranian CIVILIAN aircraft full of passengers --women and children ?!?!?!?!?

Now who the fuck is insane?!?!?!?!?!?!


Why bring up glitches?
Contumacious has left earth orbit...

Dingle Berry, wrong response.

Didn't the US depose a duly elected Iranian President? Didn't the US shoot down an Iranian CIVILIAN aircraft full of passengers --women and children ?!?!?!?!?

Now who the fuck is insane?!?!?!?!?!?!


Why bring up glitches?

So the narcotized don't forget that we are being governed by a continuing criminal enterprise.

While the reality of US nukes scares no one?
Dingle Berry, wrong response.

Didn't the US depose a duly elected Iranian President? Didn't the US shoot down an Iranian CIVILIAN aircraft full of passengers --women and children ?!?!?!?!?

Now who the fuck is insane?!?!?!?!?!?!


Why bring up glitches?

So the narcotized don't forget that we are being governed by a continuing criminal enterprise.


I believe if you look into the "Iranian CIVILIAN aircraft full of passengers" you'll find it was a case of mistaken identity....not the same as the American airliner bounced over Lockerbie or the one splashed off Long Island.....Iran has no qualms about killing Americans. The name of the game is be hit and hit back. Always was, always will be until their people realize the futility of calling us the Great Satan when we can turn them into a black sheet of glass.
The difference is, North Korea does not have a religious extremist running the nuclear program who believes charged by Allah to destroy the world so that the 12th imam can restore order.

If Iran had nuclear power they would build sufficient bombs to create Dar al Islam. They would not threaten to use them like North Korea, they would actually use them, as soon as possible. There is no form of deterrent that can be used against fanatics like that. The American left likes to think that Iran would only bomb Israel so that's okay. Every country in the middle east knows that a nuclear Iran is a nuclear religious war, Sunni against Shia, as much as against Israel or the West.

And yet not 6 months ago we were hearing endless nonsense about how Kim Jong-un was a madman with nothing to lose.

Kim Jong Un is a madman with nothing to lose which makes him unstable. Sure he could use nukes, but he does not feel a religious obligation to use them. Iran does.

Prove it. Khameini has said they feel a religious obligation to not even own them. Now, you don't have to take him at his word, obviously, but you're going to have to make your case.

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