Why is the thought of Iran with nukes so threatening

If anything, it should be the people in the region that should be upset about Iran's nuclear intentions. They have no way to hit the US. They would only have enough material for a few weapons at best, while Israel is estimated to have anywhere from 80 - 400. Russia has thousands. India and Pakistan also possess them.

I don't get why people are so concerned about Israel and Israel's security. Israel isn't the 51st state or something. They have a very capable military and intelligence apparatus of their own. If they see Iran as a threat, they will take action in accordance with their own national interest.
Kim Jong Un is a madman with nothing to lose which makes him unstable. Sure he could use nukes, but he does not feel a religious obligation to use them. Iran does.

Prove it. Khameini has said they feel a religious obligation to not even own them. Now, you don't have to take him at his word, obviously, but you're going to have to make your case.

Kohmeni "said". That's what you are going on?

October 13 is the annual holiday of Grand Day of Death To America.

'Grand Day of Death to America' rally planned in Iran | Fox News

As I said, you don't have to take him at his word. I certainly don't. But neither am I simply going to take you at your word that they want to wipe out life on Earth for some religious reason.
If anything, it should be the people in the region that should be upset about Iran's nuclear intentions. They have no way to hit the US. They would only have enough material for a few weapons at best, while Israel is estimated to have anywhere from 80 - 400. Russia has thousands. India and Pakistan also possess them.

I don't get why people are so concerned about Israel and Israel's security. Israel isn't the 51st state or something. They have a very capable military and intelligence apparatus of their own. If they see Iran as a threat, they will take action in accordance with their own national interest.

Exactly. A nuclear Iran isn't even a threat to Israel, let alone the United States.
If anything, it should be the people in the region that should be upset about Iran's nuclear intentions. They have no way to hit the US. They would only have enough material for a few weapons at best, while Israel is estimated to have anywhere from 80 - 400. Russia has thousands. India and Pakistan also possess them.

I don't get why people are so concerned about Israel and Israel's security. Israel isn't the 51st state or something. They have a very capable military and intelligence apparatus of their own. If they see Iran as a threat, they will take action in accordance with their own national interest.

Iran is part of a security pact with the SCO and Israel might suffer a military response. Then we will have to answer the question are we willing to sacrifice millions of young Americans to support Israel's theft of Palestinian land.
If anything, it should be the people in the region that should be upset about Iran's nuclear intentions. They have no way to hit the US. They would only have enough material for a few weapons at best, while Israel is estimated to have anywhere from 80 - 400. Russia has thousands. India and Pakistan also possess them.

I don't get why people are so concerned about Israel and Israel's security. Israel isn't the 51st state or something. They have a very capable military and intelligence apparatus of their own. If they see Iran as a threat, they will take action in accordance with their own national interest.

You got it half right....Israel has every right to defend itself even if that entails a preemptive strike on Iran....same as the '67 war....when attack is imminent, attack FIRST. The second part is Israel is our only real friend in the ME.....they served as a very useful ally during the Cold War stealing signal intel from the old soviet union. With Putin getting frisky they're again serving that role for us. We created Israel...you might remember after Hitler murdered 6,000,000 Jews, we had to assure them that could never happen again. Obama is a muslim....he has nothing but contempt for Israel. The IDF must overfly Iraq to get to Iran and back. The Iraqies can't stop them without knowing when, but Obama could by tipping them off in advance. This is why Obama must not be given advance notice of an IDF strike.
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If anything, it should be the people in the region that should be upset about Iran's nuclear intentions. They have no way to hit the US. They would only have enough material for a few weapons at best, while Israel is estimated to have anywhere from 80 - 400. Russia has thousands. India and Pakistan also possess them.

I don't get why people are so concerned about Israel and Israel's security. Israel isn't the 51st state or something. They have a very capable military and intelligence apparatus of their own. If they see Iran as a threat, they will take action in accordance with their own national interest.

Exactly. A nuclear Iran isn't even a threat to Israel, let alone the United States.

Take a look at a map of Israel...it's only 10 kilometers wide in places. Now take a look at pics of the Hiroshima aftermath....hello? :confused:
If anything, it should be the people in the region that should be upset about Iran's nuclear intentions. They have no way to hit the US. They would only have enough material for a few weapons at best, while Israel is estimated to have anywhere from 80 - 400. Russia has thousands. India and Pakistan also possess them.

I don't get why people are so concerned about Israel and Israel's security. Israel isn't the 51st state or something. They have a very capable military and intelligence apparatus of their own. If they see Iran as a threat, they will take action in accordance with their own national interest.

Iran is part of a security pact with the SCO and Israel might suffer a military response. Then we will have to answer the question are we willing to sacrifice millions of young Americans to support Israel's theft of Palestinian land.

:lol: and who did the Palis steal that land from? The propaganda you're believing would be hilarious if it wasn't being believed. Nobody is going to nuke the US even if the whole ME is engulfed in war. You might also remember the Saudis are fully able to react to the Iranians with their own nuclear weapons program. How would that accomplish peace in the area?
Why are people so opposed to a Theocracy armed with Nuclear Weapons?

Uhhhh... ohhhh... I dunno... folks are nervous about regimes with a Collective Death Wish or Martyr Complex... for themselves, or Unbelievers?
We are the enemy of large countries with a like capability.

Large countries with sophisticated command and control systems, countries with a long track record of never using the weapons they have made. Countries with enough weapons to make sure MAD is a viable result of any nuclear exchange.

Nukes are weapons that are LESS likely to be used the more each side has of them. The problem with Iran getting nukes is the chance they think they can survive a first strike against Israel and withstand any retaliatory strike. They also have the hope that any first strike on thier part would be so overwhelming that the rest of the world would prevent any Israeli retaliation. A stupid hope surely, but governments make mistakes of logic just like people do.

So they are certain they only have Israel retaliation to be concerned with? What gives them that idea?

Adding the fact that they are aware that Israel already has a functioning nuclear arsenal makes me think that they aren't going to do anything stupid with their arsenal if they ever are successful. I think they are doing it for defensive reasons and not offensive reasons.
You'd have preferred losing another two hundred thousand American GIs taking the japanese mainland and occupying it? You might want to keep in mind the japs and germans both had heavy-water programs to produce atomic bombs to use on us.

WAKEY WAKEY....the world is hair and bone....thousands have stood the wall while you were dreaming snug in your bed.

I would have preferred we would have accepted Japan's first attempts to surrender and saved many thousands of GI's lives and the lives of many hundreds of thousands of of innocent men, women and children.

The japanese were only interested in a cessation of hostilities....keeping what they'd stolen in asia and the south Pacific....hardly acceptable after Pearl Harbor. And you might recall they wouldn't quit after Hiroshima, which necessitated Nagasaki. If they'd known we only had two bombs they wouldn't have quit then either. This isn't a matter of opinion, this is a matter of accepted fact. The only reason we could occupy mainland japan was that McArthur argued to keep the emperor away from the hangman's noose. Obama BOWED to that little cocksucker's son.

Accepted by who?

"The use of this barbarous weapon at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was of no material assistance in our war against Japan. The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender. . . ." - Admiral William D. Leahy, the President's Chief of Staff
Letting Iran have nukes is a bad idea.

Militarizing nuclear energy was a bad idea. Now its too late.


You'd have preferred losing another two hundred thousand American GIs taking the japanese mainland and occupying it? You might want to keep in mind the japs and germans both had heavy-water programs to produce atomic bombs to use on us.

WAKEY WAKEY....the world is hair and bone....thousands have stood the wall while you were dreaming snug in your bed.

Excuse me ding dong

The US was supposed to be a NEUTRAL FUCKING COUNTRY so war with Japan should have been AVOIDED.

Instead scumbag FDR was SECRETLY fighting Japan in Indochina, it froze Japanese assets in US banks and refused to allow oil companies to sell them oil.

He wanted to provoke Japan into attacking in order to have a pretext to join WWII.

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Prove it. Khameini has said they feel a religious obligation to not even own them. Now, you don't have to take him at his word, obviously, but you're going to have to make your case.

Kohmeni "said". That's what you are going on?

October 13 is the annual holiday of Grand Day of Death To America.

'Grand Day of Death to America' rally planned in Iran | Fox News

As I said, you don't have to take him at his word. I certainly don't. But neither am I simply going to take you at your word that they want to wipe out life on Earth for some religious reason.

They don't want to wipe out life on earth. Nothing happens but by the Will of Allah. They are simply moving the earth from Dar al Harb to Darl al Islam, where the whole of the earth is under shariah law. If all life is wiped out, that is the Will of Allah. Or, some life will remain if Allah wishes it.
I would have preferred we would have accepted Japan's first attempts to surrender and saved many thousands of GI's lives and the lives of many hundreds of thousands of of innocent men, women and children.

The japanese were only interested in a cessation of hostilities....keeping what they'd stolen in asia and the south Pacific....hardly acceptable after Pearl Harbor. And you might recall they wouldn't quit after Hiroshima, which necessitated Nagasaki. If they'd known we only had two bombs they wouldn't have quit then either. This isn't a matter of opinion, this is a matter of accepted fact. The only reason we could occupy mainland japan was that McArthur argued to keep the emperor away from the hangman's noose. Obama BOWED to that little cocksucker's son.

Accepted by who?

"The use of this barbarous weapon at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was of no material assistance in our war against Japan. The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender. . . ." - Admiral William D. Leahy, the President's Chief of Staff

The bolded portion is nonsense.

"Japan… has absolutely no idea of annexing or holding the territories which she occupied during the war."

Kohmeni "said". That's what you are going on?

October 13 is the annual holiday of Grand Day of Death To America.

'Grand Day of Death to America' rally planned in Iran | Fox News

As I said, you don't have to take him at his word. I certainly don't. But neither am I simply going to take you at your word that they want to wipe out life on Earth for some religious reason.

They don't want to wipe out life on earth. Nothing happens but by the Will of Allah. They are simply moving the earth from Dar al Harb to Darl al Islam, where the whole of the earth is under shariah law. If all life is wiped out, that is the Will of Allah. Or, some life will remain if Allah wishes it.

Again, you're just resting on your own assertions. You have to back it up. You have to give us quotes and evidence about how this is their real aim, otherwise you're just speculating.
If anything, it should be the people in the region that should be upset about Iran's nuclear intentions. They have no way to hit the US. They would only have enough material for a few weapons at best, while Israel is estimated to have anywhere from 80 - 400. Russia has thousands. India and Pakistan also possess them.

I don't get why people are so concerned about Israel and Israel's security. Israel isn't the 51st state or something. They have a very capable military and intelligence apparatus of their own. If they see Iran as a threat, they will take action in accordance with their own national interest.

Iran is part of a security pact with the SCO and Israel might suffer a military response. Then we will have to answer the question are we willing to sacrifice millions of young Americans to support Israel's theft of Palestinian land.

:lol: and who did the Palis steal that land from? The propaganda you're believing would be hilarious if it wasn't being believed. Nobody is going to nuke the US even if the whole ME is engulfed in war. You might also remember the Saudis are fully able to react to the Iranians with their own nuclear weapons program. How would that accomplish peace in the area?

Palestinian people are part of the Canaanite society,the first inhabitants of that area. I didn't say anyone would nuke the U.S.
Militarizing nuclear energy was a bad idea. Now its too late.


You'd have preferred losing another two hundred thousand American GIs taking the japanese mainland and occupying it? You might want to keep in mind the japs and germans both had heavy-water programs to produce atomic bombs to use on us.

WAKEY WAKEY....the world is hair and bone....thousands have stood the wall while you were dreaming snug in your bed.

Excuse me ding dong

The US was supposed to be a NEUTRAL FUCKING COUNTRY so war with Japan should have been AVOIDED.

Instead scumbag FDR was SECRETLY fighting Japan in Indochina, it froze Japanese assets in US banks and refused to allow oil companies to sell the oil.

He wanted to provoke Japan into attacking in order to have a pretext to join WWII.


Does Pearl Harbor ring a bell?
Only one nation has ever actually used a Nuclear weapon to kill
Excuse me ding dong

The US was supposed to be a NEUTRAL FUCKING COUNTRY so war with Japan should have been AVOIDED.

Instead scumbag FDR was SECRETLY fighting Japan in Indochina, it froze Japanese assets in US banks and refused to allow oil companies to sell the oil.

He wanted to provoke Japan into attacking in order to have a pretext to join WWII

:lol: Who says we were "supposed to be neutral"? Given the japs activity in asia and the south Pacific up to 1941, there wasn't much skill needed guessing they wouldn't stop at Midway. We cut off oil and scrap metal to the Nips to halt their advances elsewhere. Their amabassador to the US understood that and never rattled his samauri sword about it. Then PEARL....if FDR had known in advance do you think he'd have left the cream of our battleship fleet to be sunk at anchor? Do you think he'd have had war plans ready instead of being sealed in a time-locked safe until the next morning? You don't know your history....the left counts on that with the low-information crowd. The only reason I'm even replying to this shit is because somebody has to waste their time trying and I drew the short straw. :lol:
Only one nation has ever actually used a Nuclear weapon to kill

The very first nation to ever develop one.

Whose Decision-Makers did not have the luxury of hindsight nor full understanding of the after-effects nor the faux pseudo-morality talking-points of latter-day revisionists and rock-throwers who were not faced with a decision to either use the New Contraption or be responsible for ordering the deaths of hundreds of thousands more, in order to bring the worst war in history to a close.

Hmmmmm... let's see... a quarter-million of The Enemy, or a quarter-million of the Good Guys...

No contest... The Enemy loses-out every time you replay that Historical Event.

A great many Americans and their children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren are alive and exist today, because our own leadership had the courage and resolve to make such a decision - preventing the loss of those Americans (and, by extension, their descendants) during Operation Downfall, which would otherwise have been launched.

Harry Truman - an old-style dyed-in-the-wool Democrat with balls, who did what he had to, in the service of his people.

But all of that has little or no bearing upon the disposition of that same nation and its policies in a later age, with a far more sophisticated perspective and policies on the subject, and with the benefit of hindsight.
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