Why is the thought of Iran with nukes so threatening

"...The possibility of a nuclear deal with Iran..."
What possibility? France (of all countries!) just told the Iranians to go fuck themselves. We jumped on that bandwagon alongside France to avoid the Administration looking too spineless. The talks have collapsed, have they not?

They have not. They will continue till we reach a deal. We will probably have to give them more than we have offered so far.
Iran blames Western powers for nuclear talks failure


Iran's foreign minister has blamed divisions between Western powers for the failure to agree a deal on its nuclear programme on Saturday.

BBC World News - 12 November 2013 Last updated at 07:04 ET

Mohammad Javad Zarif rejected US Secretary of State John Kerry's claim that Iran had been unable to accept the deal "at that particular moment".

He said "no amount of spinning" could change what had happened in Geneva, but it could "further erode confidence".

Mr Zarif appeared to blame France for "gutting over half" of a US draft deal.


Some reports said the latest talks failed because France had wanted to place tight restrictions on the heavy-water reactor being built at Arak; others that the Iranian government's insistence on formal recognition of its "right" to enrich uranium had been the major obstacle.


At the end of the day's talks, Mr Fabius told France Inter radio that Paris could not accept a "fool's game".


BBC News - Iran blames Western powers for nuclear talks failure

Sounds like the talks, did, indeed, fall apart over the weekend.

The conferees are apparently going to take another (last?) crack at it, beginning on November 20th.
"...I miss the old school democrats who were patriotic and believed in a strong military and a strong shop union..."
Ditto. God bless those old-style Democrats. The ones with a fierce love of country and the balls to back it up.

Too many pansy-ass milktoasts and fifth-columnists and whiney-bitch neo-socialists haunting the Party halls nowadays for my liking.
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This year Iran ran a test of a rocket engine that could be employed for a future intercontinental ballistic missile (ICMB).

The Pentagon's 2013 report to Congress on Iran's military stated that, "Iran may be technically capable of flight testing an intercontinental ballistic missile by 2015."

Shia Iran already has missiles that can reach the Sunni Arab gulf states and Israel.

This Persian ICMB in development is meant for us.

My soul is in torment . . . there is an unknown fear within me . . . a terrible premonition. . . . (bg)

Hey, if the US is as terrible and evil as you say, GET THE FUCK OUT BOY! Nobody needs your sorry Rican ass around anyway.

Hopefully we will get rid of you fuckers first. Nobody needs your retarded ass around anyway, we have enough.


Don't hold your breath....wait, do hold your breath.....your MESSiah finally exposed himself for what he is.....a sheep in wolf's clothing. Your kind never had a chance to defeat this nation.....even our koolaid drinkers see your shit for what it is now. :fu:

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