Why is the thought of Iran with nukes so threatening

Only one nation has ever actually used a Nuclear weapon to kill

The very first nation to ever develop one.

Whose Decision-Makers did not have the luxury of hindsight nor full understanding of the after-effects nor the faux pseudo-morality talking-points of latter-day revisionists and rock-throwers who were not faced with a decision to either use the New Contraption or be responsible for ordering the deaths of hundreds of thousands more, in order to bring the worst war in history to a close.

Hmmmmm... let's see... a quarter-million of The Enemy, or a quarter-million of the Good Guys...

No contest... The Enemy loses-out every time you replay that Historical Event.

A great many Americans and their children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren are alive and exist today, because our own leadership had the balls to make such a decision.

An old-style dyed-in-the-wool Democrat who did what he had to in the service of his people.

But all of that has little or no bearing to that same nation and its policies in a later age and with the benefit of hindsight.

Teller later regretted building the bomb but the others didn't....The Captain of the Enola Gay had mental problems later because of Hiroshima. War isn't easy on the mind whether you're bombing hundreds or garroting a sentry. Decisions are made on the best information available and deeds are done. The whole world of PTSD symptoms baffles me.....I've done despicable things in-threatre and sleep like a baby....you either seal if off and toss the key into a ditch or face the chance what you did was unnecessary. No military man should go through that....leave the past in your rearview mirror and focus on the positive....it's the only way to have a future.
Prove it. Khameini has said they feel a religious obligation to not even own them. Now, you don't have to take him at his word, obviously, but you're going to have to make your case.

See above, dumbass. Oh, and why would a nation with peaceful intentions hide their uranium enrichment facilities under a mountain? :eusa_eh:

Of course if you believe the US is the true evil in the world you should take up arms against us instead of throwing around bullshit on a message board. Grow a set....do something.

Could it be because the Judeo-American axis of evil will attempt to destroy its defenses.

"...Could it be because the Judeo-American axis of evil will attempt to destroy its defenses." .
There is a Judeo-American axis of evil?

Dang! I must have missed the memo!

How cool is that?
What kind of a dumb question is this?

At best Iran getting nukes would set off a nuclear arms race in the ME. At worst Iran is crazy enough to use their nukes. Anyone who doesn't understand that the world would be much more dangerous is a fool.
What kind of a dumb question is this?

At best Iran getting nukes would set off a nuclear arms race in the ME. At worst Iran is crazy enough to use their nukes. Anyone who doesn't understand that the world would be much more dangerous is a fool.

Great observation Rocko...now what do you do about it? :eusa_shifty:
What kind of a dumb question is this?

At best Iran getting nukes would set off a nuclear arms race in the ME. At worst Iran is crazy enough to use their nukes. Anyone who doesn't understand that the world would be much more dangerous is a fool.

Great observation Rocko...now what do you do about it? :eusa_shifty:

Military action if necessary.
The whole we gotta stop Iran from getting a nuke situation is nothing more than a false pretext to invade. If you think it's anything other than that than I'm afraid that you've been taken for the fool.

First we have to put this whole thing in perspective. If you are the leader of Iran and had put together a nuke weapon, why would you bring about the certain destruction of your people by launching it at the U.S. or Israel? Wouldn't be too smart now would it? It's all nonsense if you asked me. Why should ANY nation not have a right to defend itself? How would we see it if China or Russia told us that we can't have a nuclear weapon?

Don't buy into the never ending propaganda over this issue. We have been hearing about this so called threat for at least 20 years now. They are not in the dark ages, if they truly desired to have one than I'm sure they would of already gotten one.

This has NOTHING to do with nukes. It's just the excuse we are using. It's all really about money. There are only 3 nations left that are not slaves to the Rothschild banking trust. The 3 nations without a central bank are. Iran, North Korea, Cuba.
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I would have preferred we would have accepted Japan's first attempts to surrender and saved many thousands of GI's lives and the lives of many hundreds of thousands of of innocent men, women and children.

The japanese were only interested in a cessation of hostilities....keeping what they'd stolen in asia and the south Pacific....hardly acceptable after Pearl Harbor. And you might recall they wouldn't quit after Hiroshima, which necessitated Nagasaki. If they'd known we only had two bombs they wouldn't have quit then either. This isn't a matter of opinion, this is a matter of accepted fact. The only reason we could occupy mainland japan was that McArthur argued to keep the emperor away from the hangman's noose. Obama BOWED to that little cocksucker's son.

Accepted by who?

"The use of this barbarous weapon at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was of no material assistance in our war against Japan. The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender. . . ." - Admiral William D. Leahy, the President's Chief of Staff

Japan never offered to surrender all she offered to do was return to the start lines of 41. The Atomic Bomb and the End of World War II: A Collection of Primary Sources
While the reality of US nukes scares no one?

We have been proven to be a stable and level headed possessor of nuclear weapons.

The Muslim states have, for the most part, been scarily unstable.

You shouldn't want ANY new members of the Nuclear Club...ESPECIALLY Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia will immediately get one if the Iranians get one. And then we'll have an entire region full of hot headed Middle Easterners (Persians AND Arabas) with nukes.

Guess how THEIR version of MADD would turn out!

Then, we have the possibility of Tel Aviv going up in a mushroom cloud.

Finally, there's the likelihood of Iran smuggling one of those babies out to one of their favorite terrorist groups which praise Allah every time one of their fellows blows himself and scores of others, up. They would risk anything and everything to send one in a giant shipping container on a cargo ship into a major American sea port, as in Clancy's "Clear and Present Danger."

Or, finally, they could sail the ship out to our territorial limit then launch a nuclear missile up a few hundred miles or less and explode it OVER the USA and the Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP) will fry ALL of our computer and wiring circuitry in all our electrical devices, leaving us helpless except for some military equipment which has been 'hardened' to withstand EMP's.

All of that from Iran getting nukes.

Nope. We can't let it happen.

Not after they've been crying out, "Death to America" every week after prayers since 1979.

Not with them virtually promising to wipe Israel off the map.

Not with Islamists of the Shia sect believing they can bring forth the looooong deceased 12th Imam from 'hiding' by starting a global fiery conflagration and then he comes forth, rounds up all the believers, and shuts the Earth down for good while he goes to Paradise with the faithful.

Not with the Sunni wanting to establish the entire world as a global caliphate for Allah.

No way.
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Given the overwhelming evidence of Iran's intentions, Israel has every right to not only attack the Iranian facilities, but to IRRADIATE them for a half-life of serveral thousand years. .

Typically I wouldn't give a shit if they were to obliterate each other out.

Unfortunately , regardless of which American prostitute is the Commander-in-chief at the time, will claim that it is our "duty" to bail the Zionists out.

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Militarizing nuclear energy was a bad idea. Now its too late.


You'd have preferred losing another two hundred thousand American GIs taking the japanese mainland and occupying it? You might want to keep in mind the japs and germans both had heavy-water programs to produce atomic bombs to use on us.

WAKEY WAKEY....the world is hair and bone....thousands have stood the wall while you were dreaming snug in your bed.

I would have preferred we would have accepted Japan's first attempts to surrender and saved many thousands of GI's lives and the lives of many hundreds of thousands of of innocent men, women and children.


These stupid motherfuckers get sexually aroused at the sight of spilt blood.

The US is not run by religious fanatics that believe that the end of the world is a good thing.

But there's a hell of a lot of such people (dominionists) in the Air Force, taking care of the nuclear weapons.

You ever know someone who just had a way about them that made you uneasy?

A slight smell, tics, habits of speech and action or how they dress or the music they like or the way they perceive things? Their point of view, their value system, their sensibilities and the way they settle disputes. The way they treat each other and their children and their women-folk.

These people may be nice individuals but they just don't fit in or you just don't like them.

Well, how would you feel if, out of a sense of Christian brotherhood and hospitality, you invited thousands of them into the United States and then in a few years you started hearing about honor killings and protests to have Halal food in the local KFC and Burger king. Then a matter of disputed anti-Muslim discrimination brought in OUR courts against someone who published the inconvenient truths about Islam and Muslims. Then protests that Islam will prevail and a few American patriots become victims of Islamo thuggery and violence. Maybe a few beheadings here or there.

What would you do if you had a time machine?

You'd go back and change your actions to bar them from coming here in large numbers or at all.


Well, that time is now or else it hasn't yet arrived. Phew!

Aren't you glad you took a ride in the old time machine?

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