Why is the thought of Iran with nukes so threatening

While the reality of US nukes scares no one?

Nothing to do with Iran.
And yet not 6 months ago we were hearing endless nonsense about how Kim Jong-un was a madman with nothing to lose.

Kim Jong Un is a madman with nothing to lose which makes him unstable. Sure he could use nukes, but he does not feel a religious obligation to use them. Iran does.

Prove it. Khameini has said they feel a religious obligation to not even own them. Now, you don't have to take him at his word, obviously, but you're going to have to make your case.

Kohmeni "said". That's what you are going on?

October 13 is the annual holiday of Grand Day of Death To America.

'Grand Day of Death to America' rally planned in Iran | Fox News
Prove it. Khameini has said they feel a religious obligation to not even own them. Now, you don't have to take him at his word, obviously, but you're going to have to make your case.

See above, dumbass. Oh, and why would a nation with peaceful intentions hide their uranium enrichment facilities under a mountain? :eusa_eh:

Of course if you believe the US is the true evil in the world you should take up arms against us instead of throwing around bullshit on a message board. Grow a set....do something.
If you get your news from the DISGUSTING FILTH in the American LSM.... You are an uninformed idiot. Or, just an idiot.

Here is what they New Yawk Slimes reported on Iran's Supreme leader's speech....


See anything in there about the Assahollah calling Israel a “The Zionist regime is a cancerous tumor and it will be removed.” ??

Of course not.

Because the New Yawk Slimes takes its marching orders DIRECTLY from dimocrap scum HQ -- the White House.

But if you read the Foreign Press, if you ignore the DISGUSTING FILTH in the American LSM and go to outside sources, the UK, Germany, Israel or even our very own 'Off-Broadway' media like the Daily Caller, Drudge, Ace, etc.....

You can find the truth. the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the dimocrap party.


Here's a link that will tell you what the Assahollah said VERBATIM..

Khamenei: Zionist regime is a cancer - Israel News, Ynetnews

And yes, there is no doubt that if Iran gets a nuke, they plan to hit Israel as soon as they can.

They said so on numerous occasions. And anybody that doesn't know that is an idiot.
Why is the thought of Iran with nukes so threatening

It's not. The country will be returned to the Stone Age before that.
Letting Iran have nukes is a bad idea.

Militarizing nuclear energy was a bad idea. Now its too late.


You'd have preferred losing another two hundred thousand American GIs taking the japanese mainland and occupying it? You might want to keep in mind the japs and germans both had heavy-water programs to produce atomic bombs to use on us.

WAKEY WAKEY....the world is hair and bone....thousands have stood the wall while you were dreaming snug in your bed.
Letting Iran have nukes is a bad idea.

Militarizing nuclear energy was a bad idea. Now its too late.


You'd have preferred losing another two hundred thousand American GIs taking the japanese mainland and occupying it? You might want to keep in mind the japs and germans both had heavy-water programs to produce atomic bombs to use on us.

WAKEY WAKEY....the world is hair and bone....thousands have stood the wall while you were dreaming snug in your bed.

And the Japanese would have lost 50 times as many people. Maybe more. Maybe a hundred times more.

All you gotta do is look at Okinawa and multiple it by a factor of one hundred.

dimocraps are just stupid. Too stupid to vote at the very least. On some days, too stupid to breathe the same air as Patriotic Americans.

Happy Veterans Day :salute:
Given the overwhelming evidence of Iran's intentions, Israel has every right to not only attack the Iranian facilities, but to IRRADIATE them for a half-life of serveral thousand years. It''s the only feasible way to insure they can't be rebuilt after using bunker-busters. And as a prelude, they might first locate and attack Iranian leadership which could well alleviate the need to do more. We must remember the Iranian people hate the mullahs.....another of Barry's gutless blunders not helping their revolt in 2009.
I believe if you look into the "Iranian CIVILIAN aircraft full of passengers" you'll find it was a case of mistaken identity.....


An airbus A300 looks like a military aircraft?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Shut the fuck up.


On Radar it does. And the Iranian Airbus was refusing to recognize the asked-for "Friend or Foe" (IFF) signal.

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I believe if you look into the "Iranian CIVILIAN aircraft full of passengers" you'll find it was a case of mistaken identity.....


An airbus A300 looks like a military aircraft?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Shut the fuck up.


That's correct....the radar signature is the same as a mid-range bomber.

Shut me up you scrawny punk.....toot sweet, eh?
Letting Iran have nukes is a bad idea.

Militarizing nuclear energy was a bad idea. Now its too late.


You'd have preferred losing another two hundred thousand American GIs taking the japanese mainland and occupying it? You might want to keep in mind the japs and germans both had heavy-water programs to produce atomic bombs to use on us.

WAKEY WAKEY....the world is hair and bone....thousands have stood the wall while you were dreaming snug in your bed.

I would have preferred we would have accepted Japan's first attempts to surrender and saved many thousands of GI's lives and the lives of many hundreds of thousands of of innocent men, women and children.
I believe if you look into the "Iranian CIVILIAN aircraft full of passengers" you'll find it was a case of mistaken identity.....


An airbus A300 looks like a military aircraft?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Shut the fuck up.


That's correct....the radar signature is the same as a mid-range bomber.

Shut me up you scrawny punk.....toot sweet, eh?


But even if that was true, military commanders must rely on other means of telling friend from foe. The most important of these is the transponder.

Now go get you BFF to ram your ass.

I believe if you look into the "Iranian CIVILIAN aircraft full of passengers" you'll find it was a case of mistaken identity.....


An airbus A300 looks like a military aircraft?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Shut the fuck up.


That's correct....the radar signature is the same as a mid-range bomber.

Shut me up you scrawny punk.....toot sweet, eh?

The USS Vincennes was engaged in hot pursuit of Iranian Patrol Boats who had just fired on a US Helicopter in International Waters.

The Vincennes crossed into Iranian waters and they thought the radar signature was an Iranian F-14. which is a HUGE Aircraft.

Truth be told, it was an accident. It shouldn't have happened but it did.

Fog of War.

Had the hot-heads in the Iranian Patrol Boats not fired on a US Chopper, I doubt it would have happened.

An F-14 is a VERY badass Aircraft and can sink a US Destroyer -- Easy. At the very least, it can kill a lot of Americans.

I'd be a little nervous, too.

Actually, no I wouldn't. But that's me. I would have waited but the Captain of the Vincennes didn't.

Shit happens :dunno:
Militarizing nuclear energy was a bad idea. Now its too late.


You'd have preferred losing another two hundred thousand American GIs taking the japanese mainland and occupying it? You might want to keep in mind the japs and germans both had heavy-water programs to produce atomic bombs to use on us.

WAKEY WAKEY....the world is hair and bone....thousands have stood the wall while you were dreaming snug in your bed.

I would have preferred we would have accepted Japan's first attempts to surrender and saved many thousands of GI's lives and the lives of many hundreds of thousands of of innocent men, women and children.

The japanese were only interested in a cessation of hostilities....keeping what they'd stolen in asia and the south Pacific....hardly acceptable after Pearl Harbor. And you might recall they wouldn't quit after Hiroshima, which necessitated Nagasaki. If they'd known we only had two bombs they wouldn't have quit then either. This isn't a matter of opinion, this is a matter of accepted fact. The only reason we could occupy mainland japan was that McArthur argued to keep the emperor away from the hangman's noose. Obama BOWED to that little cocksucker's son.
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An airbus A300 looks like a military aircraft?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Shut the fuck up.


That's correct....the radar signature is the same as a mid-range bomber.

Shut me up you scrawny punk.....toot sweet, eh?


But even if that was true, military commanders must rely on other means of telling friend from foe. The most important of these is the transponder.

Now go get you BFF to ram your ass.


Shut the fuck up.


That's correct....the radar signature is the same as a mid-range bomber.

Shut me up you scrawny punk.....toot sweet, eh?[/QUOTE]


But even if that was true, military commanders must rely on other means of telling friend from foe. The most important of these is the transponder.

Now go get you BFF to ram your ass.[/QUOTE]

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