Why Is the World Becoming Such a Nasty Place?

oh boy, I guess I should of put it in the politic forum

nice dodge...

There is no such thing as a "nice Dodge", holmes.

Matter of fact, Daimler-Chrysler-Benz is yet another reason the world has become such a nasty place.

Every time I see a frick'n Dodge, I just wanna go punch a random someone in the face. :badgrin:
Taking into account Khan, Alexander, Diaz, Amin, Mao, Hitler, Stalin, Nero, Seko, Caligula, et. al., today looks almost kind.....
This is the natural cycle of humanity. We have a period of calm and than violence.

Anyone that thinks we're going to all hold hands doesn't consider that there's thousands of frictions on this planet that hates the other guy.

When was this "period of calm"? I agree with Daws101. The world has always been a nasty place. The only difference is that we live in an age when you can watch the nastiness unfold from your living room moment by moment.
This is the natural cycle of humanity. We have a period of calm and than violence.

Anyone that thinks we're going to all hold hands doesn't consider that there's thousands of frictions on this planet that hates the other guy.

When was this "period of calm"? I agree with Daws101. The world has always been a nasty place. The only difference is that we live in an age when you can watch the nastiness unfold from your living room moment by moment.
the ice ages were kinda quiet .
Taking into account Khan, Alexander, Diaz, Amin, Mao, Hitler, Stalin, Nero, Seko, Caligula, et. al., today looks almost kind.....

War has changed. Asymmetrical, and no longer Napoleonic etc. Looks different, but the horror remains.

We press a button on a warship, and remove ourselves from the destruction we unleash. Then we refer to those without access to these weapons savages for decapitating a man on the internet. Humans are a funny lot. :lol:
everyone should report him

Yup! Come on everyone... LET'S ROLL!

Why Is the World Becoming Such a Nasty Place?

Obviously you're ignorant of history, and already a proven partisan hack.

The world was considerably more 'nasty' 40 to 50 years ago – in the United States alone African-Americans, Hispanic Americans, and women were relegated to the status of second-class citizens, subject to abuse, discrimination, and disenfranchisement.

The inane whining by the reactionary right of how 'awful' everything is today is both pathetic and telling, as they seek in futility to return to an idealized American past that never actually existed, an American past that was far from 'ideal' for millions of Americans solely as a consequence of their race and gender.
Why Is the World Becoming Such a Nasty Place?

Obviously you're ignorant of history, and already a proven partisan hack.

The world was considerably more 'nasty' 40 to 50 years ago – in the United States alone African-Americans, Hispanic Americans, and women were relegated to the status of second-class citizens, subject to abuse, discrimination, and disenfranchisement.

The inane whining by the reactionary right of how 'awful' everything is today is both pathetic and telling, as they seek in futility to return to an idealized American past that never actually existed, an American past that was far from 'ideal' for millions of Americans solely as a consequence of their race and gender.

Yes, let's water it down with the race card. A little over year ago we were at Defcon 3 and you whine about this stupid crap that we have no control over? You people are a dime a dozen.
Why Is the World Becoming Such a Nasty Place?

Obviously you're ignorant of history, and already a proven partisan hack.

The world was considerably more 'nasty' 40 to 50 years ago – in the United States alone African-Americans, Hispanic Americans, and women were relegated to the status of second-class citizens, subject to abuse, discrimination, and disenfranchisement.

The inane whining by the reactionary right of how 'awful' everything is today is both pathetic and telling, as they seek in futility to return to an idealized American past that never actually existed, an American past that was far from 'ideal' for millions of Americans solely as a consequence of their race and gender.

Yes, let's water it down with the race card. A little over year ago we were at Defcon 3 and you whine about this stupid crap that we have no control over? You people are a dime a dozen.

Stop playing the reverse race card. It never works because you sound like you are whining when reminded of the truth.

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No genius, I'm whining about the fact that you have bigger things to worry about then getting a free pass to turn EVERY fucking thing into a race issue. That is all people like you care about. Race, race, race, race, free shit, reparations, race, race, race blah, blah, blah.

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