Zone1 Why is there fear of Black people?

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Admiral Tory Rockwell,

Whites have a record of 258 year of violence from 1776 to this very second. And its time to stop lying about how thats all in the past because its not.
If only you were apprehensive about double negatives.

If you could somehow prove that less than .01% of whites were racist, you'd have a field day with that percent, and cite the statistic over and over as a win in the culture war. Yet, somehow, I'm supposed to have black guilt over 0.01% of the blacks who do the murders? I don't think so. And like 90% of these murders are black gang members killing other gang members, not you or even myself.

Most whites are racist and it has nothing to do with crime. I don't care what you think or do-that's yo bidnezz. If you can do it then you can do it lol. It's no different than the Europeans yoinking the Americas from the Natives, or Hong Kong from the Chinese. My focus is not about white validation, but bettering the race so that we can punish you when you do exhibit racist behavior, in the same way that Israel can retaliate after a terrorist attack from the Palestinians. You misunderstand: I don't want to assimilate; I want to dominate. That's the core issue I have with contemporary wokeness in black spaces. All of their solutions revolve around non blacks choosing to treat us fairly. You'll be waiting a long time, if not, for eternity. I'd much rather force them. I posit Woke Conservatism as the only real paradigm for Black people today. It is equal parts Racial realism as it is Personal responsibility.

Those are the kinds of black people you actually fear. You may not even know it, but it's true. You seriously want millions of high IQ black men and women in the employment line in front of you and your children? I don't think so. That goes against nature.
It is troubling when talking to angry posters. I have witnessed angry blacks in my lifetime. They do not speak down to circumstances, they target whites. As if we whites are a bunch of racists that you want to punish. Then when we reply back, your tactic is to say we are racists. This will never stop until blacks quit feeling sorry for themselves. Millions of blacks live very well but they do not talk here as some blacks talk.
It is common sense. At one time 1/2 of Black males (younger ages) were either locked up, on parole or probation. So when you see them it is about 50% chance they could be up to no good. Why would I roll the dice and approach? Avoid and survive.

I grew up played HS the math. When you are young and have nothing to take....they won't kill those as often as someone they want the car or the phone like nowdays. The interactions were not so threatening. One wrong word was not murder time.

But then, there is the sucker punch, the attack from behind, the gang beatings, targeting older Asian ladies raining down over 100 blows to the head in NYC w/o cause (the video got removed). Things like that make smart people more wary of surroundings.
Which wasn’t I said. The causes behind crime rates are complex and often regional, which is why there has never been an easy or one size fits all solution. Ignoring that and blaming it on racial characteristics is what is racist.
Actually, that is not correct. The causes behind crime rates are simple. The criminals either commit crimes because they believe they won't be caught, or won't be punished harshly if they are caught, or simply don't care if they are caught. I grew up in a crime ridden neighborhood and many of my friends turned into criminals. Because of that I have some knowledge about the criminal mind.
It's the basis of psychosis given the history of this country. We have more reason to fear whites than whites have to fear us.
And yet you are one of many blacks who tell whites that there will be bodily harm done if they say particular things to their face. I’m not just talking about derogatory name calling. Threatening someone physically seems to be your way of settling things.
You are totally allowed to tell of your experiences (note, it is all still in this thread). But if you choose to use racist canards in the process, it is perfectly appropriate to call out those canards which I did and I will continue to so, see below.

The odds really depend on WHERE you are…not the race of the person. If you are in Fairmont, WV, and you see a group of 5 White youths approaching would feel unconcerned?
If I were alone and it was late at night, certainly. I'd feel the same way in Beverly Hills or Brentwood in California two areas that have large Jewish populations. Nothing good happens when groups of youth hang out late at night.
And yet you are one of many blacks who tell whites that there will be bodily harm done if they say particular things to their face. I’m not just talking about derogatory name calling. Threatening someone physically seems to be your way of settling things.
Threatening someone is a crime in and of itself. No bodily harm is needed.
If I were alone and it was late at night, certainly. I'd feel the same way in Beverly Hills or Brentwood in California two areas that have large Jewish populations. Nothing good happens when groups of youth hang out late at night.
It isn’t about race.
Actually, that is not correct. The causes behind crime rates are simple. The criminals either commit crimes because they believe they won't be caught, or won't be punished harshly if they are caught, or simply don't care if they are caught. I grew up in a crime ridden neighborhood and many of my friends turned into criminals. Because of that I have some knowledge about the criminal mind.
I disagree that it is the simple. Of course they believe they won’t get caught.
I wonder if White people are afraid of Black people because they see too many of them in ads and feel threatened :dunno:
It isn’t about race.
I agree in this case. It's about violent youth. But white culture tends to not glorify violence, while black culture TODAY seems to. There was a time when black culture was as against violence as white culture. Our nation was a healthier place then. Violence should not be glorified.
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I saw this on another message board:
"I was talking race with a friend of mine who happens to be White. I told him that as a Black person we often enter situations distrusted and have to do so much more than the next person to establish trust, simply because of the color of our skin.
He replied to me, 'Do you know why lots of Whites are hesitant around Black people? Because if they were you they would have burned this nation (USA) down by now, and they don't know if today is the day that you'll decide to do it'.
First time I was speechless in my adult life".

Is there anyone here who can identify with the White man in the above narrative?
No. The black population in this country have the highest standard of living of ANY black people in the entire world. So that claim is ridiculous.
I wonder if White people are afraid of Black people because they see too many of them in ads and feel threatened :dunno:
I don't believe so, I believe that it is because whites see blacks in the news and on other media being violent, or at least excusing the violence of other members of their race.
I agree in this case. It's bout violent youth. But white culture tends to not glorify violence, while black culture TODAY seems to. There was a time when black culture was as against violence as white culture. Our nation was a healthier place then. Violence should not be glorified.

Maybe, but then gangsters and outlaws have always been glorified, particular by those who tend to feel marginalized. Look at the 30’s. Look at attraction of gangs.
“Racism has distorted reality for many whites. Teachings about history, the world, the pursuits of thought, expressions of culture, and personal relationships have for most whites been both limited and false.”-Horace Seldon

No, I don't. I've done qute fine in 63 years without her. How about whites shut up because the things you lecture us about are not why you have what you do. Whites have recieved at least 8 handouts and at least 40 percent of whites today are benefitting from the Homestead Act. According to the study, “Black Reparations for Twentieth Century Federal Housing Discrimination: the Construction of White Wealth and the Effects of Denied Black homeownership” written by Jane Kim, Federal housing policies that excluded blacks from funding provided the equivalent of 1.239 quintillion dollars to create white wealth in the 20th century.

Maybe you need to read the study instead of posting stuff from black idiots on Youtube.

This is why whites have what they do today. Not emphasizing education, or having babies when you can afford them. And it's certainly not because of a superior work ethic or talent. Because affording babies out of wedlock was not a white concern due to the fact that:


Mothers' pensions
, also referred to as mothers' aid or widows' aid, were cash payments distributed to impoverished single mothers in the United States during the first three decades of the 20th century. Introduced during the Progressive Era, they were among the earliest components of the modern American welfare state and were the first public cash assistance programs targeted to single mothers.

Mother's pensions were aimed at family preservation, intending to provide the means for poor single mothers to care for their children in their own homes. While primarily targeted at widows, they were also sometimes authorized for women whose husbands had deserted them, were confined to mental hospitals or prisons, or were physically or mentally incapacitated. They were financed and administered by state and local governments, and served as a precursor to the federal Aid to Dependent Children program created by the Social Security Act of 1935

Social Security Act Title V gave money to states as Aid To Dependent Children. Eventually the name of the program was changed to Aid to Families with Dependent Children. This was welfare. Financoal assistance for single moms with children and no father in the home. In 1935. Blacks were excluded. The goal was to provide aid to all children whose mothers had no support from a husband no matter how they got into that position. From the time of the Mothers Pension until 1965, no one said ---- about it. There was none of this judgemental trash about the irresponsible white father. The program was not seen as a creator of government dependence. It was seen as needed help for women without husbands who had children. Only when the law required that others besides whites be included did the story change and the ignorant lectures we see now start to begin.

So it's time for the whites who do so, to stop with the lectures.
Those benefits were restricted to widows and deserted wives. Unmarried women with illegitimate children were excluded.
Leftists are natural racists.
Bullshit. The right has created the lie that leftists think they are so superior to blacks and feel like they are our saviors. But in my experience of working on matters of race, leftitsts listen and work to help us with our own ideas while those on the right are full of suggestions on what we need to do and how to do it.
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White groups hate each other. So you have no point.
There aren't many white groups anymore, whites have become pretty homogenous. Yes, in the thirties and forties in the aftermath of the massive immigration flood, many whites considered themselves separated by their homelands especially the Irish, Italians and Polish. That has pretty much disappeared with Polish Americans and Italian Americans celebrating Saint Patrick's Day just as uproariously as Irish Americans, but they celebrate Cinco de Mayo with just as much gusto; they are holidays that give excuses to party.
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