Why is this democrat administration seemingly trying to destroy the US? (Ingraham on Fox)

Our Federal gas tax was suppose to be used for infrastructure but like all things government the government spent the money elsewhere.

Now the government is here to fix what they broke?

The Infrastructure law is being used to funnel $1 trillion dollars to the new green economy, yearly. All with tax credits, subsidies, that will appear off the books as well as with direct funding for green projects.

Government spending we do not need and that will actually hurt us.

More excuse making. Are you saying people don’t like roads?
I get to pay for student loans now? After the semi-government ran Universities and private Universities have made education something only the rich can afford, we are to subsidize that?

Again, instead of forcing these institutions to provide a good education cheap or free, the government will fund their extremely profitable cost.

All states used to support their public universities at much higher levels and everyone paid less. Here in WI in 1982 public support was 42% of the UWs budget. After years of republic cutting it’s currently 14%.

So, you opinion is bullshit
Abortion policy is a state issue, not a Federal issue.

You have not made any points or offered any commentary as to how these policies help, go ahead if you can


See current supreme court’s taking the case of the abortion pill.
Hilarious excuse making
no argument supporting your opinion duly noted

The government should not be building or subsidizing factories for the rich, especially after it was the government that destroyed the business
no argument supporting your opinion duly noted

The government should not be building or subsidizing factories for the rich, especially after it was the government that destroyed the business
Dude, WTF are you trying and failing to convey.

Your economic 101 class must have been a fail.

Well, this should be interesting but it is true most of us have been thinking about this topic for a long time. I will likely finish viewing this today. But I thought I would share before I forget to post it. she talks about how we are being forced to support China by accepting electric cars, which are NOT feasible at this time, at least not in mass quantities
If EV's are not feasible in mass quantities at this time then I guess we can't be forced into buying them, now can we?

Keep listening to Fox hacks like Laura Ingrate.

Nothing from Laura yet on her annual "War On Christmas" rant this year?
Assuming and then stating what I yearn for is bigotry. Once you display bigotry, and refuse to address your comment, proves you do not know what you are talking about.
You posted what YOU wanted as healthcare fuckup. It was get a job and provide for yourself. We did that for our first 200 years of our country and it lead to poor health, unhealthy workforce and bankruptcy for people.

And you want that asshole.

More excuse making. Are you saying people don’t like roads?
Of all the trillions f dollars legislated with the Progs paying off people, filling the coffers of the states and cities that closed down for COVID and filling the union pensions of privilege just to start they legislated only 110 billion dollars for roads and bridges. At the time it was estimated to be over 600 billion dollars easily. When Trump comes into office, there may need to be another roads and bridges legislation as we dump the green crap.
Of all the trillions f dollars legislated with the Progs paying off people, filling the coffers of the states and cities that closed down for COVID and filling the union pensions of privilege just to start they legislated only 110 billion dollars for roads and bridges. At the time it was estimated to be over 600 billion dollars easily. When Trump comes into office, there may need to be another roads and bridges legislation as we dump the green crap.
Bad spelling.

Try again
You posted what YOU wanted as healthcare fuckup. It was get a job and provide for yourself. We did that for our first 200 years of our country and it lead to poor health, unhealthy workforce and bankruptcy for people.

And you want that asshole.
you are delusional
By most of us you must mean the kind of folks who are receptive to the kinds flame bait nonsense Laura entertains her audience with. Angry, disinformed, disaffected, low brow, sponges for the packaged pablum she spews with great regularity.

No one cares about Laura.

You should be addressing post #58
Yes that is one issue, but an old issue, you have ObamaCare, so that is no longer an issue.

It's not an issue for most Americans, who support the ACA and have repeatedly endorsed its coverage expansions.

For Trump and the GOP, however, it remains and issue and they've reiterated their call to scrap it and strip tens of millions of Americans of access to health care.

Anyway, you asked for an issue that the Democrats are on the right side of that helps the American people, there you go.

Translation: force American Taxpayers to pay $10,000 deductibles annually while Illegals & uninsured poor get the same care for free.

Personally I'd buy up from a $10K deductible plan but to each his own. The beauty of markets.

The left just keep fabricating BS ^^^. This one's logic is Obama stole $500 billion from Medicare, because he saved Medicare (which is going broke) more than $500 billion.

$500 billion is what Obamacare was supposed to save Medicare (specifically from 2010-19). It actually ended up saving a lot more than that.

Real per beneficiary Medicare cost growth stopped when the Affordable Care Act passed and, aside from a brief transient pandemic-related bump, has not resumed. We're talking about closer to $4 trillion in savings so far.

It's not an issue for most Americans, who support the ACA and have repeatedly endorsed its coverage expansions.

For Trump and the GOP, however, it remains and issue and they've reiterated their call to scrap it and strip tens of millions of Americans of access to health care.

Anyway, you asked for an issue that the Democrats are on the right side of that helps the American people, there you go.

Personally I'd buy up from a $10K deductible plan but to each his own. The beauty of markets.

$500 billion is what Obamacare was supposed to save Medicare (specifically from 2010-19). It actually ended up saving a lot more than that.

Real per beneficiary Medicare cost growth stopped when the Affordable Care Act passed and, aside from a brief transient pandemic-related bump, has not resumed. We're talking about closer to $4 trillion in savings so far.

The affordable care act drove up the price of healthcare, dramatically.

The ACA also forces people to participate.

I do not see how higher costs is being on the right side of an issue.

And yes, the GOP plan would have you work and pay for your own.
I do not see how higher costs is being on the right side of an issue.

The remarkable thing is that health care costs are not higher. The final numbers for health care spending in 2022 came out last week and health care cost the country the same thing last year as it did in 2010: just over 17% of GDP. There's no more-than-decade-long period on record where that number has not gone up. The Obamacare era is the only time it's ever happened.

(Of course that reality shows up in lots of different places, like in the fact that real per beneficiary Medicare costs have not grown in thirteen years mentioned above. But it's a health care system-wide fact.)
The remarkable thing is that health care costs are not higher. The final numbers for health care spending in 2022 came out last week and health care cost the country the same thing last year as it did in 2010: just over 17% of GDP. There's no more-than-decade-long period on record where that number has not gone up. The Obamacare era is the only time it's ever happened.

(Of course that reality shows up in lots of different places, like in the fact that real per beneficiary Medicare costs have not grown in thirteen years mentioned above. But it's a health care system-wide fact.)
I used to pay nothing for health care, my job covered it 100% and gave me a choice of 7 different plans, companies. Rather quickly that went away. Less choice, more money.

Before ObamaCare/Affordable Care Act I was paying $200 a month. Now I pay $800 a month for a family of four.
Nothing the Democrats are doing, is good for the USA.

Name any issue or policy that the Democrats are on the right side of, that helps the American people. There are none. Period
They believe it is the thought that counts, no matter the results.
I used to pay nothing for health care, my job covered it 100% and gave me a choice of 7 different plans, companies. Rather quickly that went away. Less choice, more money.

Before ObamaCare/Affordable Care Act I was paying $200 a month. Now I pay $800 a month for a family of four.

Getting older and raising a family does tend to raise one's own health care costs, but I'm not sure what that has to do with the point I was making.

Well, this should be interesting but it is true most of us have been thinking about this topic for a long time. I will likely finish viewing this today. But I thought I would share before I forget to post it. she talks about how we are being forced to support China by accepting electric cars, which are NOT feasible at this time, at least not in mass quantities

Because organizations like the world economic forum want to destabilize America so they shovel money to politicians and get ones elected that push their agendas. George soros of the wef has done a lot of damage to America and most haven't even heard of him.

Wef members like Bill Gates and john Kerry use their money and power and influence to push their agendas.

Major major companies like black rock work to undermine America as well.

Democrats, including the president, are just well funded tools high powers use to achieve their goals.

That's why illegals are allowed to flood our country, why we bankrupt ourselves giving money to other countries, why single family homes are disappearing in some areas while rental properties skyrocket, it's why inflation crushes so many, why we keep trying to heard people into smaller areas and travel less and so on.

Like the world economic forum said, in 2030 America will no longer be a world super power.

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