Why Is This Not A National Tragedy?

"No amount of laws will prevent the bad guys from getting them."

This false cliché just won't die. It is a worthless statement. If this is true then there is no reason for any law, because according to you and every other gun licker bad guys do what they want anyway.

Why are there laws against owning dynamite.
Why are there laws against owning fully auto machine guns.
Why are there laws against owning a tank.

Ad absurdum. Laws DO keep bad guys from getting their hands on most things by keeping these things scarce. A lot tougher with guns because the NRA and gun lobby has spent every waking hour making sure the entire country is flooded with guns, guns, guns, guns.

As usual you make some good points. IF they were ever able to get all guns and prevent more this would require complete seal of the border(s)? They can't and won't control living human traffic.

I suppose if someone needed dynamite.......they could get some from Mexico. Guns work for now.

Fully auto machine guns are illegal in France......terrorists on government watch lists in France got them to murder cartoonists, on the train from Belguim and in Paris.....and I repeat...fully automatic rifles are illegal in France....

Explosives are completely illegal in France....especially, double secret probation illegal for people on French, government terrorist watch lists.....and the terrorists in all the attacks got explosives..........

Tell me again how gun control works?
Full-auto is illegal here as well. That, and shooting Federal agents, led to this:

What needs to happen when you don't turn in your guns...
Why, Luddly? Why is it just accepted? Why is it less worse than the other? Even before any officers were shot, it was national headline news. Was it because the potential ,of more harm was greater? Even the 3 killed in Colorado Springs on Oct. 31, made headline news. Yet these, will be but a blip on the screen.

You're the one who says it's "accepted." Murder is wrong, full stop. But unless you expect the national media to consist of nothing but a roll-call of every murder nationwide, what does a headline accomplish?

Are the police investigating? Are arrests being made? Will the perps be caught and put on trial? Then that aspect of the national tragedy has been addressed.

Now, if you start talking about prevention, you get certain people upset, and when they get upset, they start screaming about "free stuff" and "government programs" and trotting out bogus stats about how "blacks murder EVERYBODY!!!!" and "Ur just trynta tak away ur gunz!"

And what does that accomplish?
It IS a national tragedy, just not the kind the democrat party cares about. Their media wing 'covers' it accordingly.
It IS a national tragedy, just not the kind the democrat party cares about. Their media wing 'covers' it accordingly.

It's a tragedy to people who respect human life, to bed wetting libturds it's the desired end result.

It IS a national tragedy, just not the kind the democrat party cares about. Their media wing 'covers' it accordingly.

It's a tragedy to people who respect human life, to bed wetting libturds it's the desired end result.

Yeah, we want the ******* killing each other, that's why we want gun control or in my case, no guns at all...
Chicago Tribune
3 dead, 5 wounded in Chicago shootings

Updated at 8:17 am

I understand why the Colorado Springs shooting is a tragedy, but my question is, why is this not? Why is it of the attitude, it is just Chicago.
The lives of those killed and injured are of importance, too. All 8 were within 24 hours. Three separate incidence involved someone exiting a dark/black sedan and firing on others in different places. Another involved someone exiting a white sedan.
.Why is this just accepted, and doesn't deserve the attention of federal authorities, as did the Colorado Springs incident?

What is wrong with this picture? I would like to hear from you.

Why is this allowed to go on? Why aren't all resources used to help weed this poison out? Why is it not a national conversation? Is it simply because of race? And if so, what does that say about our/their leaders, representatives? Ir has been happening for years and only getting worse.

Do remember that gun laws have not solved it. This is do e by illegally acquired guns. No amount of laws will prevent the bad guys from getting them. Only the vunerable, law abiding can't get them.

"No amount of laws will prevent the bad guys from getting them."

This false cliché just won't die. It is a worthless statement. If this is true then there is no reason for any law, because according to you and every other gun licker bad guys do what they want anyway.

Why are there laws against owning dynamite.
Why are there laws against owning fully auto machine guns.
Why are there laws against owning a tank.

Ad absurdum. Laws DO keep bad guys from getting their hands on most things by keeping these things scarce. A lot tougher with guns because the NRA and gun lobby has spent every waking hour making sure the entire country is flooded with guns, guns, guns, guns.

Twit...you can get all of those things legally.....and illegally....and it is easier to get them illegally than legally,and criminals don't fill out paperwork...

Fail on that point....

Laws do not keep bad guys from getting guns...that is not how they work...laws allow you to put people in jail if and when they break them...that is how they work...twit.

so when you make a law, the only people who actually obey them are normal, law abiding people...so if you register guns, license gun owners and enforce background checks....the only people they effect are law abiding people who do not use guns to commit crimes....

That is why you are dumb....you focus on the wrong people.....and then wonder why your laws don't stop gun violence.............

320 million guns in private hands....

8,124 guns used by career criminals to murder other career criminals, in most cases...

Normal gun owners are not a problem...why do you focus on them?

Please dopey, you are an anarchist. Your whole premise is 'laws don't stop anyone from doing anything'.

You get to live in your lawless house and that's it. The rest of us live in a nation of laws. Get used to it. Laws do work. Why? Because they prescribe a punishment for not following them. Why do you think all those people on the tv show COPS run! Your example of 320 guns is lazy (we aren't talking about rifles or anything else other than handguns to begin with) and explains what the problem is. The scared minority has made sure the entire country is flooded with guns and now that same scared minority wants to argue 'we can't do anything now, there are too many guns'. Yeah you created the problem!!

And stop with the also tired cliché 'you focus on 'normal' gun owners'. No, you do. You are fixated on the handful of NRA/Gun Lobby talking points.

The 2nd amendment is a law, why would we have it if no one follows the law?
It IS a national tragedy, just not the kind the democrat party cares about. Their media wing 'covers' it accordingly.

It's a tragedy to people who respect human life, to bed wetting libturds it's the desired end result.

Yeah, we want the ******* killing each other, that's why we want gun control or in my case, no guns at all...

Mein Fuhrer!!!
Hitler had gun control only for Jews. Are you a fan of ISIS having guns? Yes or no? And you know, guns are for protection...
It IS a national tragedy, just not the kind the democrat party cares about. Their media wing 'covers' it accordingly.

It's a tragedy to people who respect human life, to bed wetting libturds it's the desired end result.

Yeah, we want the ******* killing each other, that's why we want gun control or in my case, no guns at all...

Mein Fuhrer!!!
Hitler had gun control only for Jews. Are you a fan of ISIS having guns? Yes or no? And you know, guns are for protection...

Yes, Adolf! You only disarm the ones you want to round up
It IS a national tragedy, just not the kind the democrat party cares about. Their media wing 'covers' it accordingly.

It's a tragedy to people who respect human life, to bed wetting libturds it's the desired end result.

Yeah, we want the ******* killing each other, that's why we want gun control or in my case, no guns at all...

Mein Fuhrer!!!
Hitler had gun control only for Jews. Are you a fan of ISIS having guns? Yes or no? And you know, guns are for protection...

Yes, Adolf! You only disarm the ones you want to round up
So, you're a big fan of ISIS having many guns then? Got it.

Or, do you actually believe in gun control, just not for your kind?
What makes Colorado Springs 2 incidents a national concern, while this doesn't. Please explain.
Why, Luddly? Why is it just accepted? Why is it less worse than the other? Even before any officers were shot, it was national headline news. Was it because the potential ,of more harm was greater? Even the 3 killed in Colorado Springs on Oct. 31, made headline news. Yet these, will be but a blip on the screen.
It is.

And Chicago is far from the worst.

It's not accepted. It's just not covered nationally. National news covers things with national relevance. A local shooting is a local coverage story, not a national one. You're confusing coverage with concern.
Actually, if you look at the funding, one wonders where it is really going. Who's pockets are being lined. It certainly isn't making it into the community's themselves, other than possibly the politicians and their friends.
Chicago Tribune
3 dead, 5 wounded in Chicago shootings

Updated at 8:17 am

I understand why the Colorado Springs shooting is a tragedy, but my question is, why is this not? Why is it of the attitude, it is just Chicago.
The lives of those killed and injured are of importance, too. All 8 were within 24 hours. Three separate incidence involved someone exiting a dark/black sedan and firing on others in different places. Another involved someone exiting a white sedan.
.Why is this just accepted, and doesn't deserve the attention of federal authorities, as did the Colorado Springs incident?

What is wrong with this picture? I would like to hear from you.

Why is this allowed to go on? Why aren't all resources used to help weed this poison out? Why is it not a national conversation? Is it simply because of race? And if so, what does that say about our/their leaders, representatives? Ir has been happening for years and only getting worse.

Do remember that gun laws have not solved it. This is do e by illegally acquired guns. No amount of laws will prevent the bad guys from getting them. Only the vunerable, law abiding can't get them.

Because by and large people do not give a fuck. At all. It requires getting into the details beyond gun rights and people don't want to do that.

It also requires funding. People don't want to do that shit either. It also requires prison time. People don't want to do that shit either.
It has nothing to do with legal guns. Only in your fantasies.
Inner City violence is no longer newsworthy. We've gone through and to great lengths to make guns cheap, affordable, and readily available. This is the price society pays when it lives under 230 y/o laws and don't adjust them to 21st century reality.

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