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Why is This??

And you cant show where I'm wrong that's what you do.

Can't show you where you are wrong in being a partisan hack? You can't even figure that one out by yourself?

Cutting the sarcasm

Show me where one repub supports paid maternity leave.

There is no logical connection between that statement and your hysterically partisan conclusions.

And you can't even type the word "Republican"? Are you that childish? Are you as far gone as that idiot Franco-whatever who posts nothing but "pub dupe! pub dupe!" over and over? Is that where you're at?
Many liberals seem to have the strangest aversion to logic.

1) There is Problem A

2) Liberal favors Approach X to solve Problem A

3) Conservative favors Approach Y to solve Problem A

Liberal: "You don't care about Problem A!"

Conservative: "Of course I do."

Liberal: "Prove it! Prove you care by showing me where you have supported Approach X! If you don't fully and without question favor Approach X that proves you don't care about Problem A, and that you hate people and are a racist and that your socks smell funny! Yhehaaaaweeeeaarrrgh!!!!!!"

Conservative: "Actually, I believe that Approach X may actually hurt more than it helps with Problem A in the long term."

Liberal: "Racist! Xenophobe! Homophobe! Phobophobe! 1%-er!"

Conservative: "Actually, you are quite wealthy yourself, aren't you?"

Liberal: "Shut up, shut up, shut up! I'll shit on a police car!"

Conservative: "..."
So let me get this right. They FORCE maternity leave and everyone elses economy is terrible EXCEPT ours? :lol: Got another one? That made me laugh

People laugh at what they dont understand.

Countries with high employer mandates experience chronically high unemployment and labor market stagnation.

Name 'em...You cant, because you're making it up.

See you quoted him saying EVERYONES economies are terrible. And ours is a-ok and the proof of that is....*crickets*. Dont tell me some crap like "Some economies blank blank". Name 'em



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Please repeat the question .

Why do you donate to that local fire department? Why pay to put out the fire at someone else's house, right? Does it piss you off that any of your taxes go to pay for national defense?

I donate, or pay taxes to the local fire department because I couldn't logically be expected to fight a fire at my home by myself.

I did, however, raise my children without expecting you to foot the bill.
And you cant show where I'm wrong that's what you do.

Can't show you where you are wrong in being a partisan hack? You can't even figure that one out by yourself?

Cutting the sarcasm

Show me where one repub supports paid maternity leave. When you cant then I'll take that as an admission that they do not.

I sure as hell don't. I support personal responsibility. When my wife had children, I got a second job or tapped my savings.
As far as I know, American companies do have maternity leave. Everywhere I've worked had maternity leave. I suppose it isn't provided by the federal government and you need to work for a company that provides it. Is that the problem? You want the federal government to provide it?
Please repeat the question .

Why do you donate to that local fire department? Why pay to put out the fire at someone else's house, right? Does it piss you off that any of your taxes go to pay for national defense?

I donate, or pay taxes to the local fire department because I couldn't logically be expected to fight a fire at my home by myself.

You could, but it probably wouldn't turn out too well.

So, you contribute to something you recognize as being of value to you as a member of society? Fine.
Well then, I'd much rather be more concerned with my newborn than my paycheck. Does it strike you odd that the OP would be more enamored with compensation than the birth of a child? Oh that's right, he would much rather the woman have an abortion.

CC, you make me sick.

Please try to make intelligent aguments.

A new mother either has to deliver on her day off and go right back to work on her next scheduled workday, or she can take up to 6 months off WITHOUT PAY. So she's expected to work when she's physically incapacitated, or she's expected to raise an infant on a single income (the husband's.) Babies cost a lot of money, so it's likely that without paid leave she and the hubs will have to go on welfare until she gets back to work - assuming she still has a job, which isn't guaranteed, meaning they'll be on welfare longer until she gets hired at a new job.

Sooo... the right opposes birth control, and opposes welfare, and opposes helping new mothers.

Yet they think they can win elections.

Please try to keep up. Try to spell the word "arguments" before you accuse me of not making an intelligent one.

Do you think the mother really should care about all of that? And what right do you have to speak when you condone the senseless slaughter of innocents?! I don't oppose welfare, I advocate helping the needy, not funding laziness. I advocate only one form of birth control, namely ABSTINENCE. But in this day and age, self-restraint is a thing of the past.

My grandmother lost her baby three days after he was born, she didn't particularly care about having maternity leave or not. It's quite pathetic that Liberals place more value on money they would earn rather than on the birth of a child. How sickening can you be?

Did she go right back to work after the funeral?

Oh, btw, please don't presume to lecture me on infant deaths. I'm a bit closer to that subject than you are.
Do you think any woman deserves 12 weeks salary just because she decided to have a child?

First I note that the question is illegitimate because, like a child yourself, you couldn't resist adding "just because," thereby injecting your (bizarre) subjective conclusion into the form of the question itself. In other words, you are not an honest interlocutor.

As to the real question - minus your personal bias - the answer is that it should be a matter agreed upon between the employer and the employee when making hiring decisions and negotiating the terms of employment.

As to the issue underlying this question and your misanthropic attitude yes, a family having and raising a child is more important than you buying a second home or otherwise indulging yourself individually. It's more important because it benefits society as a whole much more than you alone do no matter how highly you think of yourself. Perpetuating the species and raising the next generation of citizens is immeasurably more important than you (especially the likes of you). That doesn't mean I advocate the government imposing itself upon private business unnecessarily, but it is true nonetheless.

Here is the first of many times I answered the humanity-hating head case's question. I advise Skull Fuck to read it over and over and over again instead of wasting anymore bandwidth.

that is not the only question I have asked.
Please repeat the question .

Why do you donate to that local fire department? Why pay to put out the fire at someone else's house, right? Does it piss you off that any of your taxes go to pay for national defense?

I donate because they need the funds and I believe having a fire department with proper equipment to be prudent.

I have no problem with taxes used for national defense. I might disagree with invading and occupying other countries as we are wont to but being prepared to defend the country is also prudent.

Now what does that have to do with the topic of mandating 12 weeks paid leave for choosing to give birth?
Please repeat the question .

Why do you donate to that local fire department? Why pay to put out the fire at someone else's house, right? Does it piss you off that any of your taxes go to pay for national defense?

I donate because they need the funds and I believe having a fire department with proper equipment to be prudent.

I have no problem with taxes used for national defense. I might disagree with invading and occupying other countries as we are wont to but being prepared to defend the country is also prudent.

Why is it "prudent"? Can't you put out your own fires and defend your own shack?
Why do you donate to that local fire department? Why pay to put out the fire at someone else's house, right? Does it piss you off that any of your taxes go to pay for national defense?

I donate because they need the funds and I believe having a fire department with proper equipment to be prudent.

I have no problem with taxes used for national defense. I might disagree with invading and occupying other countries as we are wont to but being prepared to defend the country is also prudent.

Why is it "prudent"? Can't you put out your own fires and defend your own shack?
look up the word if you don't know what it means.

Now you tell me why everyone else finds families important enough to make sure they can eat while caring for a newborn and why America is so kick ass that women don't need Maternity leave?

I'll never understand the liberal value that you can demonstrate how much you care by spending someone else's money.

I'll never understand the "conservative" value that places the corporation on a pedestal and the laborers and consumers in the trash heap.

It’s very easy to understand.

Conservatives despise those whom work for others, it’s a sign of failure and weakness, where the employee has willingly placed himself at the mercy of his employer, and should expect no further accommodation or consideration beyond that of a wage or salary.

Conservatives are the bane of civilized society.
As far as I know, American companies do have maternity leave. Everywhere I've worked had maternity leave. I suppose it isn't provided by the federal government and you need to work for a company that provides it. Is that the problem? You want the federal government to provide it?

No, that’s not the problem.

No one is asking for the Federal government to provide anything.

The issue is a sick and perverted corporate culture hostile to working Americans, where not all employers offer paid maternity leave, or penalize the employee for taking the leave.

It’s about employers refusing to value their employees, where the employee is perceived as just another troublesome cost of doing business, adversely effecting profits, and a cost the employer would gladly eliminate if possible.
I donate because they need the funds and I believe having a fire department with proper equipment to be prudent.

I have no problem with taxes used for national defense. I might disagree with invading and occupying other countries as we are wont to but being prepared to defend the country is also prudent.

Why is it "prudent"? Can't you put out your own fires and defend your own shack?
look up the word if you don't know what it means.

I know what it means. Answer the question.

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