Why is Trump and Bernie doing so well

Not much difference between Hillary and Bernie policy wise.

The GOP base is pissed. They have been told that government can't do anything and their leaders prove it.
Trump is a progressive centrist, not a conservative.

Now then, you may very well be correct. Doesn't that show us as a party of diversity-) Also, if that is so, why is it that so many people find it hard to believe, that blue collar workers are willing to cross over?

See, you just proved what some of us have been saying is 100% true------------> Trump's support is bipartisan, and thank you very much for pointing that out. We; in our benevolence, shall nominate you for a one "gold star of truth," amongst all your ranting posts.

Hey, 1 is better than none, take what you get-)
Easy answer. The others are more of the same we have had and have dug us deep into a hole. It's drawing younger people into the mess and they won't vote for the normal candidates. There is a very serious chance that it might be Trump Vs Bernie for President. Both parties have been hijacked and are no longer functional. Do a search for the Whig Party.

I was going to go with "humans have become irretrievably stupid".
Why "is" Trump and Bernie doing so well? You mean, "Why are Trump and Bernie doing so well?"

What Trump's conservative critics don't get about him is that he is a patriot first and foremost and a Republican a distant second. He cares far more about the country than he does about any party.

He's the GOP version of Barack Obama, and you're the GOP version of that fat twat blathering about "free money" from "Obama's stash".
I am ready to try Crazy.

If these people are sane:

Barack Obama
John Kerry
Hillary Clinton
Nancy Pelosi
Harry Reed
Mitch McConnell
John Boehner
Chuck Schumer
Every other vote-whore and money-whore in Washington, D. C.............................

Then, yes, I am ready to try Crazy.

Macaulay, why don't you explain to these nice people why Barack Obama defeated Hillary for the Democratic nomination in 08! Couldn't be because he was seen as an outsider, now could it? Forget what Obama has done as President, just look at who/whom they were in 08.

So when they try to tell anyone that an outsider can't win the Presidency, let alone a party primary, they are kind of rewriting history, don't you agree!
ima, you are the one rewriting history. BHO was and is and has been for a long time an insider, as a keynote speaker at the DNC, as city machine wheeler dealer, and as US Senator. You won't get away with your nonsense.

OMG, Jake, you are off the reservation.......again, lol!

Are you telling anyone who can think, that a 1st term senator, who avoided voting on 1/2 the bills introduced, is not an outsider compared to Hillary Clinton? Are you really trying to float that lead balloon, lol!

You are beyond any logical thinking, seriously. To say that he was an insider who ran, is almost like me saying that the former Mayor Daley of Chicago was an insider. In Democratic circles, maybe; but in national circles, come on! And Daley was mayor for how many years? 16? 20?

The only credibility in your statement is that he addressed the DNC as keynote speaker. Of course he did, duh! How many African Americans did the DNC have at the time in the senate, lolololol! Got to keep up the false premise as the party of diversity, now don't you, lol.

If you can't do any better than this "false premise," then you just threw you credibility out the window. Sad, but true! (of course, you haven't had any, so you really had nothing to lose, hehehehehehehe)
Ima, I know you want to rewrite history, but you will be called out every time you do it. You are every bit as woeful at it as Correll and Blaylock and others.

Once again, "BHO was and is and has been for a long time an insider, as a keynote speaker at the DNC, as city machine wheeler dealer, and as US Senator." HRC was even more of an insider, but the race was between two Washington insiders.

But, ima, if Obama were an outsider as you suggest and you claim Obama is a failure, then you are sticking a fork in in your "we need an outsider" in the WH.

So which is it, please?
Trump is a progressive centrist, not a conservative.

Now then, you may very well be correct. Doesn't that show us as a party of diversity-) Also, if that is so, why is it that so many people find it hard to believe, that blue collar workers are willing to cross over?

See, you just proved what some of us have been saying is 100% true------------> Trump's support is bipartisan, and thank you very much for pointing that out. We; in our benevolence, shall nominate you for a one "gold star of truth," amongst all your ranting posts.

Hey, 1 is better than none, take what you get-)
No, you have agreed that Trump is a progressive, so you give up any cred as a true conservative if you are going to vote for him. Then you make a statement that he has bipartisan support. without any facts or evidence or documentation. You can hope for it, your feeling might make you feel better, but right now you are only blowing hot air.
I am ready to try Crazy.

If these people are sane:

Barack Obama
John Kerry
Hillary Clinton
Nancy Pelosi
Harry Reed
Mitch McConnell
John Boehner
Chuck Schumer
Every other vote-whore and money-whore in Washington, D. C.............................

Then, yes, I am ready to try Crazy.

Macaulay, why don't you explain to these nice people why Barack Obama defeated Hillary for the Democratic nomination in 08! Couldn't be because he was seen as an outsider, now could it? Forget what Obama has done as President, just look at who/whom they were in 08.

So when they try to tell anyone that an outsider can't win the Presidency, let alone a party primary, they are kind of rewriting history, don't you agree!
ima, you are the one rewriting history. BHO was and is and has been for a long time an insider, as a keynote speaker at the DNC, as city machine wheeler dealer, and as US Senator. You won't get away with your nonsense.

OMG, Jake, you are off the reservation.......again, lol!

Are you telling anyone who can think, that a 1st term senator, who avoided voting on 1/2 the bills introduced, is not an outsider compared to Hillary Clinton? Are you really trying to float that lead balloon, lol!

You are beyond any logical thinking, seriously. To say that he was an insider who ran, is almost like me saying that the former Mayor Daley of Chicago was an insider. In Democratic circles, maybe; but in national circles, come on! And Daley was mayor for how many years? 16? 20?

The only credibility in your statement is that he addressed the DNC as keynote speaker. Of course he did, duh! How many African Americans did the DNC have at the time in the senate, lolololol! Got to keep up the false premise as the party of diversity, now don't you, lol.

If you can't do any better than this "false premise," then you just threw you credibility out the window. Sad, but true! (of course, you haven't had any, so you really had nothing to lose, hehehehehehehe)
Ima, I know you want to rewrite history, but you will be called out every time you do it. You are every bit as woeful at it as Correll and Blaylock and others.

Once again, "BHO was and is and has been for a long time an insider, as a keynote speaker at the DNC, as city machine wheeler dealer, and as US Senator." HRC was even more of an insider, but the race was between two Washington insiders.

But, ima, if Obama were an outsider as you suggest and you claim Obama is a failure, then you are sticking a fork in in your "we need an outsider" in the WH.

So which is it, please?

I will adress your ridiculous assertion before I move on to greener pastures. Why? Because you are the easiest Democratic operative of any on here to make, look, silly-)

Who were the Democratic candidates Jake? Oh, didn't think about that did you! Let me refresh your memory-)

1. BHO

2, Hillary Clinton. (outsider for sure, lol.

3. Senator Christopher Dodd from Conn. 5 term senator. Oh yeas, an outsider for sure.

4. John (I am a stud muffin) Edwards. Outsider is he? How many times did he run for President-)

5. Mike Gravel, 2 term senator from Alaska.

6. Dennis Kucinich, former mayor, and a member of the house of reps for almost 10 years at the time.

7. Bill Richardson, at the time, governor of New Mexico, had been the secretary of energy, had been a United States ambassador, and had been a member of the house from 83 to around 97.

So, here where your choices, and who/whom was considered the outsider? Why BHO, less than a one term senator. And there it is, the Democrats elected an outsider, he hosed Hillary, you know it is a winning formula for election, which is why you are shedding crocodile tears so much. You are facing 3 outsiders in the GOP, and you know what effect that has when the people are pissed, because you people used the same tactic in 08, and the people are pissed more than they were then-)
ima is running around in circles looking silly.

If ima wants an outsider yet calls Obama an outsider then argues for Trump, there is a worm in his apple.

In fact the truth of it is that Obama was and remains an insider. ima can do nothing to change it.

One of the reasons Carter failed with Congress was his outsider status. He could not compromise and build consensus.

Trump may move to dead center if he is elected, ignore the far left and the hard right, and work with mainstream America.
ima is running around in circles looking silly.

If ima wants an outsider yet calls Obama an outsider then argues for Trump, there is a worm in his apple.

In fact the truth of it is that Obama was and remains an insider. ima can do nothing to change it.

One of the reasons Carter failed with Congress was his outsider status. He could not compromise and build consensus.

Trump may move to dead center if he is elected, ignore the far left and the hard right, and work with mainstream America.

Jake has just said something accurate. That Ima is running around in circles? No, lol.

That Trump may move to the center? Why yes, that is a winner! So what? The center is faaaaaaaaaar right of where Obama resides, and that is a win! In fact, the center is further right of where the rinos reside, lol!

Wanna check to see if I am correct? (which I am) Ask the GOP people on here who they would rather have as President, any current Democrat running for President, Kasich, Bush, Christie, or JFK if he were alive today and trying to do the same thing he was then!

I bet you get 70% JFK against all of those rino candidates, and that should tell you something.
Ima continues to run around in circles.

Ima is far right from Trump and far out of the mainstream.

Trump is so going to screw the hard right and the hard left. Who knows, they may roll over and like it.
IMHO , we all know , deep down that the U.S. government is on the verge of fiscal collapse . The parasite class are hurrying to grab all the free stuff they can and the patriots are scrambling to salvage the system from said impending collapse . BTW , all the illegal aliens that our gov. claims it cannot find nor deport , they are here , by design , to buoy our economy and delay said impending fiscal collapse . It is these unique circumstances along with the growing Muslim terrorist threat that have the likes of Trump and Sanders doing so well against the more traditional candidates .
The OP is correct about The Donald, but not about Bernie. Bernie represents the heart and soul of the Democrat Party; Socialist. He simply came out of nowhere and a shrinking majority of the Democrats weren't quite ready to give up on Hillary. That is slowly changing. The democrats are sheep. They never ever think outside of the DNC Agenda. Unlike the GOP, there will never be any more division in the Democrat Party.

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