Why is Trump endangering the nation?

President-elect Joe Biden on Monday slammed Donald Trump's administration for not co-operating with the transition process, specifically singling out the Pentagon for 'obstruction.'

'Right now we just aren't getting the information that we need from the outgoing administration in key national security areas,' he said during brief remarks in Wilmington, Del., after a briefing with his national security team.

'It's nothing short in my view of irresponsibility,' he noted.


The nation faces many crises in the coming months but Trump is playing politics with the nation's national security by keeping the incoming Biden Administration in the dark. Why do so many "Conservatives" remain silent while Trump plays roulette with our security?

I mean you would think "Conservatives" would at least make a squeak about keeping an incoming Administration informed of national security issues.

But should we be surprised?

"Conservatives" have shown little backbone with Trump.

Trump has remained silent as the Covid virus runs rampant and says nothing about the Russian the cyber-attack on this nation.

For Trump and Trumpers, Trump comes first; US national security last.

It has been that way since the beginning of Trump's presidency, so why should we be surprised when it ends the same way.
TDS: Terminal
President-elect Joe Biden on Monday slammed Donald Trump's administration for not co-operating with the transition process, specifically singling out the Pentagon for 'obstruction.'

'Right now we just aren't getting the information that we need from the outgoing administration in key national security areas,' he said during brief remarks in Wilmington, Del., after a briefing with his national security team.

'It's nothing short in my view of irresponsibility,' he noted.


The nation faces many crises in the coming months but Trump is playing politics with the nation's national security by keeping the incoming Biden Administration in the dark. Why do so many "Conservatives" remain silent while Trump plays roulette with our security?

I mean you would think "Conservatives" would at least make a squeak about keeping an incoming Administration informed of national security issues.

But should we be surprised?

"Conservatives" have shown little backbone with Trump.

Trump has remained silent as the Covid virus runs rampant and says nothing about the Russian the cyber-attack on this nation.

For Trump and Trumpers, Trump comes first; US national security last.

It has been that way since the beginning of Trump's presidency, so why should we be surprised when it ends the same way.
Why is Trump endangering the nation?

Why is the Donkey Party running a man who is unfit for duty, endangering the entire population to the bioweaponeering Communist China by ignoring the peril dealing with bioweapon-using communists?

Is this the part where you try to tell the board you're not a Rumpologist?

Hope I got here in time. Don't wanna miss this. :popcorn:
How cute, They learned the fake word "rumpologist" in third grade today.
President-elect Joe Biden on Monday slammed Donald Trump's administration for not co-operating with the transition process, specifically singling out the Pentagon for 'obstruction.'

'Right now we just aren't getting the information that we need from the outgoing administration in key national security areas,' he said during brief remarks in Wilmington, Del., after a briefing with his national security team.

'It's nothing short in my view of irresponsibility,' he noted.


The nation faces many crises in the coming months but Trump is playing politics with the nation's national security by keeping the incoming Biden Administration in the dark. Why do so many "Conservatives" remain silent while Trump plays roulette with our security?

I mean you would think "Conservatives" would at least make a squeak about keeping an incoming Administration informed of national security issues.

But should we be surprised?

"Conservatives" have shown little backbone with Trump.

Trump has remained silent has the Covid virus runs rampant and says nothing about the Russian the cyber-attack on this nation.

For Trump and Trumpers, Trump comes first; US national security last.

It has been that way since the beginning of Trump's presidency and so why should we be surprised when it ends the same way.
He is a sociopath. He doesn't care about the country. This was simply an exercise in self-aggrandizement by a damaged man who suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Far more troubling than Trump himself is the cult of personality that grew around him and enabled him.

----- and continues to, even now. Even now that the game is over and has been over. They're like a team that lost, the clock ran out weeks ago, yet they're still on the field running the ball against invisible defenses who went home long ago because they won.

In other words they out here playing with themselves.
At this point it's difficult to say whether they're continuing with this farce because they're still conned, or because they're too ashamed to ADMIT that they've been conned.

My guess is that it's more often the former.
President-elect Joe Biden on Monday slammed Donald Trump's administration for not co-operating with the transition process, specifically singling out the Pentagon for 'obstruction.'

'Right now we just aren't getting the information that we need from the outgoing administration in key national security areas,' he said during brief remarks in Wilmington, Del., after a briefing with his national security team.

'It's nothing short in my view of irresponsibility,' he noted.


The nation faces many crises in the coming months but Trump is playing politics with the nation's national security by keeping the incoming Biden Administration in the dark. Why do so many "Conservatives" remain silent while Trump plays roulette with our security?

I mean you would think "Conservatives" would at least make a squeak about keeping an incoming Administration informed of national security issues.

But should we be surprised?

"Conservatives" have shown little backbone with Trump.

Trump has remained silent has the Covid virus runs rampant and says nothing about the Russian the cyber-attack on this nation.

For Trump and Trumpers, Trump comes first; US national security last.

It has been that way since the beginning of Trump's presidency and so why should we be surprised when it ends the same way.
He is a sociopath. He doesn't care about the country. This was simply an exercise in self-aggrandizement by a damaged man who suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Far more troubling than Trump himself is the cult of personality that grew around him and enabled him.

----- and continues to, even now. Even now that the game is over and has been over. They're like a team that lost, the clock ran out weeks ago, yet they're still on the field running the ball against invisible defenses who went home long ago because they won.

In other words they out here playing with themselves.
At this point it's difficult to say whether they're continuing with this farce because they're still conned, or because they're too ashamed to ADMIT that they've been conned.

My guess is that it's more often the former.

Mine would be the latter. To paraphrase Jerry Lee Lewis there's a whole lotta responsibility-shirkin' goin' on.
Rump has been running a master class on responsibility-shirkin'. He shirks off every day.
. . . maybe he hasn't completely made up his mind about that "martial law" thingy yet?

IF congress doesn't show the spine he is hoping, he might act in a way the other side is not. . . um. . .

. . . er. . . expecting? He seems sort of like a cornered animal right now. Just an observation.

I mean, if he isn't certain that he wants to relinquish power, he may still need the military to round up what he believes are the, "traitors."

eh? :dunno:

"eh" that ain't gonna happen. He can't do any of that. If there's a military action it will be forcibly removing him from public property.

I do not have any inside information as to what is going on inside the inner circle's of power, nor do I know what the intel. is, of what the highest levels of the CIA, NSA, and DNI know.

Just because information was not revealed in civilian courts for the purview of civilian judges, or published in civilian media, it may not necessarily prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the paradigm being sold by the corporate and government propaganda currently.

I am aware that OVER 50% of our intelligence system is now privatized, and they are not amateurs. If they wanted to make it look like a legitimate election, they have had plenty of practice in other nations. I have no doubt they would have no trouble doing so, and the only tools the official state could use to prove, definitively, that they did it, would probably be top secret.

OTH, everything may be exactly as it seems.

So your declarative statements mean nothing to those who have seen the circumstantial evidence and know how to do their own critical thinking. The only thing left for us, is to wait and see what Trump and the military actually do about it.

I don't pretend or even claim to have Top Secret clearance or even higher than Top Secret.

I am glad to have you on the forum, so that you can give us the inside scoop b/c of your security clearances. :heehee:
President-elect Joe Biden on Monday slammed Donald Trump's administration for not co-operating with the transition process, specifically singling out the Pentagon for 'obstruction.'

'Right now we just aren't getting the information that we need from the outgoing administration in key national security areas,' he said during brief remarks in Wilmington, Del., after a briefing with his national security team.

'It's nothing short in my view of irresponsibility,' he noted.


The nation faces many crises in the coming months but Trump is playing politics with the nation's national security by keeping the incoming Biden Administration in the dark. Why do so many "Conservatives" remain silent while Trump plays roulette with our security?

I mean you would think "Conservatives" would at least make a squeak about keeping an incoming Administration informed of national security issues.

But should we be surprised?

"Conservatives" have shown little backbone with Trump.

Trump has remained silent as the Covid virus runs rampant and says nothing about the Russian the cyber-attack on this nation.

For Trump and Trumpers, Trump comes first; US national security last.

It has been that way since the beginning of Trump's presidency, so why should we be surprised when it ends the same way.
HE'S not endangering the US--BLM/Dems/Biden/etc are
. . . maybe he hasn't completely made up his mind about that "martial law" thingy yet?

IF congress doesn't show the spine he is hoping, he might act in a way the other side is not. . . um. . .

. . . er. . . expecting? He seems sort of like a cornered animal right now. Just an observation.

I mean, if he isn't certain that he wants to relinquish power, he may still need the military to round up what he believes are the, "traitors."

eh? :dunno:

"eh" that ain't gonna happen. He can't do any of that. If there's a military action it will be forcibly removing him from public property.

I do not have any inside information as to what is going on inside the inner circle's of power, nor do I know what the intel. is, of what the highest levels of the CIA, NSA, and DNI know.

Just because information was not revealed in civilian courts for the purview of civilian judges, or published in civilian media, it may not necessarily prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the paradigm being sold by the corporate and government propaganda currently.

I am aware that OVER 50% of our intelligence system is now privatized, and they are not amateurs. If they wanted to make it look like a legitimate election, they have had plenty of practice in other nations. I have no doubt they would have no trouble doing so, and the only tools the official state could use to prove, definitively, that they did it, would probably be top secret.

OTH, everything may be exactly as it seems.

So your declarative statements mean nothing to those who have seen the circumstantial evidence and know how to do their own critical thinking. The only thing left for us, is to wait and see what Trump and the military actually do about it.

I don't pretend or even claim to have Top Secret clearance or even higher than Top Secret.

I am glad to have you on the forum, so that you can give us the inside scoop b/c of your security clearances. :heehee:

Beyond all that snow job word salad, care to make a bet on it?
. . . maybe he hasn't completely made up his mind about that "martial law" thingy yet?

IF congress doesn't show the spine he is hoping, he might act in a way the other side is not. . . um. . .

. . . er. . . expecting? He seems sort of like a cornered animal right now. Just an observation.

I mean, if he isn't certain that he wants to relinquish power, he may still need the military to round up what he believes are the, "traitors."

eh? :dunno:

"eh" that ain't gonna happen. He can't do any of that. If there's a military action it will be forcibly removing him from public property.

I do not have any inside information as to what is going on inside the inner circle's of power, nor do I know what the intel. is, of what the highest levels of the CIA, NSA, and DNI know.

Just because information was not revealed in civilian courts for the purview of civilian judges, or published in civilian media, it may not necessarily prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the paradigm being sold by the corporate and government propaganda currently.

I am aware that OVER 50% of our intelligence system is now privatized, and they are not amateurs. If they wanted to make it look like a legitimate election, they have had plenty of practice in other nations. I have no doubt they would have no trouble doing so, and the only tools the official state could use to prove, definitively, that they did it, would probably be top secret.

OTH, everything may be exactly as it seems.

So your declarative statements mean nothing to those who have seen the circumstantial evidence and know how to do their own critical thinking. The only thing left for us, is to wait and see what Trump and the military actually do about it.

I don't pretend or even claim to have Top Secret clearance or even higher than Top Secret.

I am glad to have you on the forum, so that you can give us the inside scoop b/c of your security clearances. :heehee:

Beyond all that snow job word salad, care to make a bet on it?
I do not.

I know Trump and his history better than most.

I also know who his backers are.

. . . he's just drawing this out for the donations.

Who the hell are we kidding? :rolleyes:

IN the end, he isn't a whole lot different than Biden. We have gone over this.

Hell with all the info out there about China and Biden I'm not surprised the Pentagon doesn't want to clue him in on anything.
. . . maybe he hasn't completely made up his mind about that "martial law" thingy yet?

IF congress doesn't show the spine he is hoping, he might act in a way the other side is not. . . um. . .

. . . er. . . expecting? He seems sort of like a cornered animal right now. Just an observation.

I mean, if he isn't certain that he wants to relinquish power, he may still need the military to round up what he believes are the, "traitors."

eh? :dunno:

"eh" that ain't gonna happen. He can't do any of that. If there's a military action it will be forcibly removing him from public property.
That sounds a lot like where your soft coup of the last 4 years turns military. Democrats are unfit to lead. They're evil.
. . . maybe he hasn't completely made up his mind about that "martial law" thingy yet?

IF congress doesn't show the spine he is hoping, he might act in a way the other side is not. . . um. . .

. . . er. . . expecting? He seems sort of like a cornered animal right now. Just an observation.

I mean, if he isn't certain that he wants to relinquish power, he may still need the military to round up what he believes are the, "traitors."

eh? :dunno:

"eh" that ain't gonna happen. He can't do any of that. If there's a military action it will be forcibly removing him from public property.
That sounds a lot like where your soft coup of the last 4 years turns military. Democrats are unfit to lead. They're evil.

DING what is a sweeping generalization fallacy for 800 Alex
President-elect Joe Biden on Monday slammed Donald Trump's administration for not co-operating with the transition process, specifically singling out the Pentagon for 'obstruction.'

'Right now we just aren't getting the information that we need from the outgoing administration in key national security areas,' he said during brief remarks in Wilmington, Del., after a briefing with his national security team.

'It's nothing short in my view of irresponsibility,' he noted.


The nation faces many crises in the coming months but Trump is playing politics with the nation's national security by keeping the incoming Biden Administration in the dark. Why do so many "Conservatives" remain silent while Trump plays roulette with our security?

I mean you would think "Conservatives" would at least make a squeak about keeping an incoming Administration informed of national security issues.

But should we be surprised?

"Conservatives" have shown little backbone with Trump.

Trump has remained silent as the Covid virus runs rampant and says nothing about the Russian the cyber-attack on this nation.

For Trump and Trumpers, Trump comes first; US national security last.

It has been that way since the beginning of Trump's presidency, so why should we be surprised when it ends the same way.

You should stay under your bed clutching your Binky, Buttercup.
Why is Trump endangering the nation?
Short answer? Because fuck you, that's why!

You declared him a lame-duck president by clear fraud and you expect him to do a goddamn thing? Fuck you.

If it were me and I got defrauded the way he did, I would burn the motherfucking shit down on the way out. I would make this nation destroyed on the way out. I would fuck it up so goddamn bad that it would never recover.

I hope he does.

Here's to Texas independence.
Why is Trump endangering the nation?
Short answer? Because fuck you, that's why!

You declared him a lame-duck president by clear fraud and you expect him to do a goddamn thing? Fuck you.

If it were me and I got defrauded the way he did, I would burn the motherfucking shit down on the way out. I would make this nation destroyed on the way out. I would fuck it up so goddamn bad that it would never recover.

I hope he does.

Here's to Texas independence.
Mr Farnsworth, I have a feeling the current Senate will nix a Biden administration due to excesses of his use of the title, "Vice President" to garner extorted money from numerous foreign countries under the Obama administration. It would be a blight on the Senate and House of Representatives to allow such a heinous career that damaged all good things our military men and women who gave their lives in battle gave to the Founder's America and civil war that gave freedom to all who came here to escape a government negligent to their human needs and rights.
President-elect Joe Biden on Monday slammed Donald Trump's administration for not co-operating with the transition process, specifically singling out the Pentagon for 'obstruction.'

'Right now we just aren't getting the information that we need from the outgoing administration in key national security areas,' he said during brief remarks in Wilmington, Del., after a briefing with his national security team.

'It's nothing short in my view of irresponsibility,' he noted.


The nation faces many crises in the coming months but Trump is playing politics with the nation's national security by keeping the incoming Biden Administration in the dark. Why do so many "Conservatives" remain silent while Trump plays roulette with our security?

I mean you would think "Conservatives" would at least make a squeak about keeping an incoming Administration informed of national security issues.

But should we be surprised?

"Conservatives" have shown little backbone with Trump.

Trump has remained silent as the Covid virus runs rampant and says nothing about the Russian the cyber-attack on this nation.

For Trump and Trumpers, Trump comes first; US national security last.

It has been that way since the beginning of Trump's presidency, so why should we be surprised when it ends the same way.

Because Xiden is a manchurian candidate, that's why. He's bought by the chinese communist party.

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