Why is Trump so hated?

The American drug trade brings in more money than most of the governments South of our border put together. And Trump knows it. He's had this whole take down planned before his escalator ride. Think about it peeps, the upper echelon tards and RINO's come to congress with zilch and within a few terms are multimillionaires. You know any other source of massive invisible money like the drug trade? The tards want to ruin Trump, cause they spent all these years building up this massive drug ring With the Mexican Drug Cartel and now Trump is going to bring them all down in his first term.
"The Daily Diary of the American Dream"

There was a movie co-starring Denise Richards about the Wall Street Laundromat, but it was forced to imply that was just one exceptionally crooked stockbroker and a completely new thing to the druglords.
Well LordBrownTrout, Mo Money Mo Problems, right? no money no problems. Hold on, I need to repeat that 7 times. Mo Money Mo ProblemsMo Money Mo Problems Mo Money Mo Problems Mo Money Mo Problems Mo Money Mo Problems Mo Money Mo Problems Mo Money Mo Problems...?...Mo Money Mo Problems!
Why is Donald Trump so hated in the US? Let’s explore:

First of all, many less than careful observers believe he’s a Republican. Trump is no Republican; Trump used the Republican Party as a vehicle to win the White House because his instincts directed him there. When the Democratic Party went full on Peter Pan with Barack Obama, Trump realized the country was in dire straits.

After witnessing the nearly absolute redaction of Obama’s past Trump likely concluded as many Baby Boomers did that the country had become like those who in the 1950’s watched Mary Martin fly over the crowd and never saw the wires.

But why is Trump so hated? Well, when a fool looks up the word “fool” in the dictionary and finds not a definition but a page that turns to a mirror, the humiliation becomes anger and they walk off muttering slogans like “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor; if you like your health plan you can keep your health plan-period! The “period” is huge in the mind of a fool because that means it’s true.

Trump had the gall to say it wasn’t true and millions of Clinton voters huddled in safe spaces with hot chocolate shivering like confused Tinkerbells. They long for encouraging words like: “Yes Virginia, there is a Peter Pan”.

Trump, being ahead of his time, coined the term “fake news” and Americans watched as the corruption of US education demonstrates that news readers and viewers get fake news delivered by media personalities with phony purchased credentials that are nothing but participation trophies called college diplomas.

Trump is likely hated for being blunt; he comes right out and calls a fool a fool. Fools don’t like that, just as starry-eyed, giddy members of a cult go off the rails when outsiders approach them with reason. To a Trump hater Trump is like the parent that goes to the amusement park and says it’s time to go home.

Sadly, Trump haters just retreat deeper into fantasyland with Green New Deals. Trump can see that millennials are walking diabetic diagnoses and will probably die before most Boomers. This is almost certainly why they are trying to legalize marijuana.

Racism and sexism have been cash registers for the Democratic Party for decades and open borders are becoming a bottomless well for democratic votes. Trump is especially hated for trying to fix that.
It’s what Trump does that is hated, not the individual.

Trump’s incessant lying.

Trump’s ignorance, arrogance, and stupidity.

Trump’s contempt for our democratic institutions, the Constitution, and the rule of law.

And of course Trump’s bigotry, racism, and hate.
Why is Donald Trump so hated in the US? Let’s explore:

First of all, many less than careful observers believe he’s a Republican. Trump is no Republican; Trump used the Republican Party as a vehicle to win the White House because his instincts directed him there. When the Democratic Party went full on Peter Pan with Barack Obama, Trump realized the country was in dire straits.

After witnessing the nearly absolute redaction of Obama’s past Trump likely concluded as many Baby Boomers did that the country had become like those who in the 1950’s watched Mary Martin fly over the crowd and never saw the wires.

But why is Trump so hated? Well, when a fool looks up the word “fool” in the dictionary and finds not a definition but a page that turns to a mirror, the humiliation becomes anger and they walk off muttering slogans like “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor; if you like your health plan you can keep your health plan-period! The “period” is huge in the mind of a fool because that means it’s true.

Trump had the gall to say it wasn’t true and millions of Clinton voters huddled in safe spaces with hot chocolate shivering like confused Tinkerbells. They long for encouraging words like: “Yes Virginia, there is a Peter Pan”.

Trump, being ahead of his time, coined the term “fake news” and Americans watched as the corruption of US education demonstrates that news readers and viewers get fake news delivered by media personalities with phony purchased credentials that are nothing but participation trophies called college diplomas.

Trump is likely hated for being blunt; he comes right out and calls a fool a fool. Fools don’t like that, just as starry-eyed, giddy members of a cult go off the rails when outsiders approach them with reason. To a Trump hater Trump is like the parent that goes to the amusement park and says it’s time to go home.

Sadly, Trump haters just retreat deeper into fantasyland with Green New Deals. Trump can see that millennials are walking diabetic diagnoses and will probably die before most Boomers. This is almost certainly why they are trying to legalize marijuana.

Racism and sexism have been cash registers for the Democratic Party for decades and open borders are becoming a bottomless well for democratic votes. Trump is especially hated for trying to fix that.

Trump only appeals to his base, but doesn't attempt to reach out to the rest of the USA..
Democrats Are the Porta Party

Why would anyone in his right mind try to reach out to people who are drowning in their own excrement?
Trump must appeal to independent voters as well.
35 percent maximum of likely voters support Trump. no way to win 2020 like that.
It isn't so much that Trump is hated. Trump is the symbol of white Christian America. That's what's really hated. Trump is emblematic of what the left truly desires to destroy.

i'm white and Christian :uhoh3:
You don't really think the Democrat left is on your side do you? Democrats will defend the illegal alien that stabs you to death and leaves your body in a ditch.

that's a bullshit fear mongering talking point parroted by liars (like you).

the issue, dumbo, is ALL about protecting our constitutional principles from being compromised.

you know, that silly thing they all promise to protect and defend, right? :rolleyes:
It's ALL about excusing the murder of whites. Particularly murdered white women. You could be the next Kate Steinle or Mollie Tibbets or Bambi Larson. The illegal alien killer gets what Americans don't get. Sanctuary. That is not constitutional. Its protecting the killers of white women so they can kill again.
Why is Donald Trump so hated in the US? Let’s explore:

First of all, many less than careful observers believe he’s a Republican. Trump is no Republican; Trump used the Republican Party as a vehicle to win the White House because his instincts directed him there. When the Democratic Party went full on Peter Pan with Barack Obama, Trump realized the country was in dire straits.

After witnessing the nearly absolute redaction of Obama’s past Trump likely concluded as many Baby Boomers did that the country had become like those who in the 1950’s watched Mary Martin fly over the crowd and never saw the wires.

But why is Trump so hated? Well, when a fool looks up the word “fool” in the dictionary and finds not a definition but a page that turns to a mirror, the humiliation becomes anger and they walk off muttering slogans like “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor; if you like your health plan you can keep your health plan-period! The “period” is huge in the mind of a fool because that means it’s true.

Trump had the gall to say it wasn’t true and millions of Clinton voters huddled in safe spaces with hot chocolate shivering like confused Tinkerbells. They long for encouraging words like: “Yes Virginia, there is a Peter Pan”.

Trump, being ahead of his time, coined the term “fake news” and Americans watched as the corruption of US education demonstrates that news readers and viewers get fake news delivered by media personalities with phony purchased credentials that are nothing but participation trophies called college diplomas.

Trump is likely hated for being blunt; he comes right out and calls a fool a fool. Fools don’t like that, just as starry-eyed, giddy members of a cult go off the rails when outsiders approach them with reason. To a Trump hater Trump is like the parent that goes to the amusement park and says it’s time to go home.

Sadly, Trump haters just retreat deeper into fantasyland with Green New Deals. Trump can see that millennials are walking diabetic diagnoses and will probably die before most Boomers. This is almost certainly why they are trying to legalize marijuana.

Racism and sexism have been cash registers for the Democratic Party for decades and open borders are becoming a bottomless well for democratic votes. Trump is especially hated for trying to fix that.
It’s what Trump does that is hated, not the individual.

Trump’s incessant lying.

Trump’s ignorance, arrogance, and stupidity.

Trump’s contempt for our democratic institutions, the Constitution, and the rule of law.

And of course Trump’s bigotry, racism, and hate.

Biggest projection post of the year. . .

So far.
Trump is the symbol of white Christian America.

"He willfully causes pain and distress to others. And he repeats this public behavior so frequently that it’s fair to call it a character trait. Any single example would be off-putting but forgivable. Being shown many examples across many years should make any decent person recoil in disgust.

Judge for yourself if these examples qualify:"

Donald Trump Is Senselessly Cruel

If he does and Heaven is populated with people like that?

Please God, send me to Hell!
Nonsense. We have snowflakes who believe the sight of bread rising is senselessly cruel. Awww I'm triggggeeereeeed, make me feeeel better.

They need to see a little real cruelty just so they know the difference.
"Donald J. Trump is the modern day St. Patrick - he’s driving out all the snakes in D.C. just like St. Patrick drove all the snakes outta Ireland!"
The Globalist Government was poised to begin its takeover of America in 2016.

But Patriotic Americans Rebuffed them
in sufficient numbers to stop it despite a rigged Primary and attempts to rig our National Election.

Trump will be hated by Globalists, and Leftists no matter how successful he is, because he is restraining Globalism.

Trump has also inspired Nationalism and resistance against Globalism in other Nations giving even more cause for Socialists and Globalists to hate him. He pissed in their Globalist Bowl of Cheerios and they don’t like it.

You need Great Britain and America to fully install Globalism. Without them, things will be delayed and much more complicated for Globalists who want to see Global Governance. If other Nations resist Globalism, the Globalist will have lost a lot of ground, but they are going no where.

Global Governance will eventually come.
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now dumbo donny's all like urkel... DID I DO THAT? :uhoh3:
Fill up your 757 or shut up

i don't think so
Actually Valerie we are already aware that you do not think...…………………

We know so

Think less, know more

actually, n00b... you know nothing...just like your dumbo hero knows nothing. :itsok:
LOL says the PROFESSIONAL poster child for dorkdom

Trump wins in a landslide in 2020
you watch and believe the MSM too much
he's NOT that much hated as much as Obama/etc was
...and some of the hate is from IDIOTS = they hate him for trying to protect US borders !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! = DUMBSHIT = it's not so much as hate as it is lunacy/etc
etc etc

the right does NOT hate as much as the left == left are jackasses --not Trump
Martin Luther King Jr.’s Children Slam Trump for ‘Shithole’ Countries Comment

That's fine except for one little thing: TRUMP: NEVER SAID IT. Trump said some of these 3rd world countries are cesspools, one of the democrats ran outside the closed door meeting straight to the media claiming Trump called their countries shitholes expressly to start a media storm, and assholes like you have been running with that crap ever since. Keep it up! You'll just guarantee us another election victory! People aren't as stupid as you apparently think.

Oh and PS: who gives a FLYING CRAP what MLK Jr's kids think?

"Trump's attack on the FBI is an attack on the US constitution itself"


Only a profoundly servile bootlicker would make such a claim

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