Why Is Uncle Bernie Leading Her Thighness Clinton by 21 points with Women under 40?


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
I was listening to some of the latest numbers and Her Thighness is dropping fast against Bernie. He best be careful or end of getting 'Fostered'

I was listening to some of the latest numbers and Her Thighness is dropping fast against Bernie. He best be careful or end of getting 'Fostered'

Younguns don't really relate to her...She's like out of touch...She's fading even without an indictment. They see Bernie as Uncle Sam....
He's leading her with this 50-year-old woman, too. :thup:

Not a hillary fan.

Sorry far left drones your candidate has already been chosen for you, just like 2008..

Hopefully all the drones that claim this will stay home on election day!
Maybe because women in their 40s need jobs and careers and they ain't gonna get them from a Hillary Presidency.
He's leading her with this 50-year-old woman, too. :thup:

Not a hillary fan.

Sorry far left drones your candidate has already been chosen for you, just like 2008..

Hopefully all the drones that claim this will stay home on election day!
I hope you can shit in one hand and wish it was in the other hand...

Sorry not into following your led. I am sure that is a dream of yours..

But then again you prove this:

I just found Bernie's new logo.

i wonder what per-cent of white woman think Hillary is a man. well, she sure acts like a man.
I was listening to some of the latest numbers and Her Thighness is dropping fast against Bernie. He best be careful or end of getting 'Fostered'


Because women under 40 weren't old enough to know that her husband was a rapist and that she helped him cover up his rapes and sexual assaults...........they are hearing these stories for the first time in their lives....and they can't just dismiss them, because they have been trained since early girlhood to believe any allegation about sexual assault by a man......
Young professional women are a far stronger breed than those of the 90's. (No offense intended). They were raised not to take the crap that was common place in the 90's and earlier. They're learning about Blowjob Billy and his rapist enabler hag and they're disgusted. They are offended that a woman would treat other women like that.

"Bimbo" was a common phrase in the 90's and earlier. Younger women have a harder time wearing that moniker. Hillary's hostile management of Blowjob Billy's numerous bimbo eruptions are out there for young women to view. They're not liking what they're seeing about this era for the first time. I imagine more than a few thousand of these young women are aghast upon learning of the slime the Clintons dragged this country through.

I doubt any young, professional woman would want her reputation associated with a rapist enabler just to see the first woman in the WH. At their age, they're going to see it anyway. And it will be a far more classy and dignified woman.

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