Why Isn't 20,000 Border Patrol Agents Enough

Trump wants 15,000 more agents on the southern border. The border is 2,000 miles. That means there would be 18 agents for ever mile of border or an agent for every 290 feet. This seems like a big overkill when you consider the difficulty in crossing large portions of the border and the technology we have available today to detect and track intruders.
Further confirmation of the fact that Trump is an idiot.
Trump wants 15,000 more agents on the southern border. The border is 2,000 miles. That means there would be 18 agents for ever mile of border or an agent for every 290 feet. This seems like a big overkill when you consider the difficulty in crossing large portions of the border and the technology we have available today to detect and track intruders.

What a dumbass! You think those agents work 24/7/365?
We don't need 15,000 agents. Again Trump is trying to please his base. It may not matter anyweay.

"In a sign of the difficulties, Customs and Border Protection allocated $60.7 million to Accenture Federal Services, a management consulting firm, as part of a $297 million contract to recruit, vet and hire 7,500 border officers over five years, but the company has produced only 33 new hires so far.

The president's promised hiring surge steadily lost ground even as he publicly hammered away at the need for stiffer border security, warned of a looming migrant "invasion" and shut down parts of the government for five weeks over his demands for $5.7 billion from Congress for a border wall.

The Border Patrol gained a total of 120 agents in 2018, the first net gain in five years."

Trump's border hiring surge has fallen far short
Dems say that they are for more drones and high-tech, etc., but if we don't have the agents to apprehend, then all we have is alot of video.
A wall/barrier/fence will chokepoint incursions and insure that we have the agents to do most of the apprehensions.
It's not rocket science, folks!
We have a lot of agents and Trump wants that number nearly doubled. It seems to me what is needed listening interviews with the border patrol is monitoring for intrusion. If you know where the intrusion is then it's a matter of getting to that point fast enough.

IMHO, the type of border barriers should be dependent on terrain. Obviously building a wall where you have a good natural barrier is not the way to go and neither is putting a chain link fence beside high density neighborhood. Regardless of the barrier type, it is only a means of slowing down the intruder. So if you have the right kind of barrier and monitoring then the border patrol becomes much more effective.

Even if you have the right kind barriers and sufficient border patrol, you will still have large numbers of migrants entering the country.
What we need is a wall.

As soon as Mexico sends the money.

Trump already took the money from Mexico by force. :itsok:
How did he take?
Did he build another Trump Tower with the money?
Trump wants 15,000 more agents on the southern border. The border is 2,000 miles. That means there would be 18 agents for ever mile of border or an agent for every 290 feet. This seems like a big overkill when you consider the difficulty in crossing large portions of the border and the technology we have available today to detect and track intruders.

What a dumbass! You think those agents work 24/7/365?
Of course not. If you allow for 3 shifts it's 6 agents per mile per shift. Round the figure down for sick time and you're down to 5 agents per mile per shift. That's an agent every thousand feet.

No one has pointed out why we need that number of agents. When most people think of the border and the patrolling of the border they think of a border fence with a road running beside it. However, in most cases that road is many miles from the border, as much as 50 miles. So when migrants cross the border, they may go in many different directions making apprehension very difficult if not impossible.

The solution is really very simple. Build a paved road as near the border as possible so agents can be at a point of intrusion in minutes, not hours. Second, use technology to monitor the border and track intruders. We would probably need a lot less agents and apprehend a lot more people. Also, we would save the lives of a lot of people that get lost out the desert.
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Trump wants 15,000 more agents on the southern border. The border is 2,000 miles. That means there would be 18 agents for ever mile of border or an agent for every 290 feet. This seems like a big overkill when you consider the difficulty in crossing large portions of the border and the technology we have available today to detect and track intruders.

Had anyone else in government announced they want to expand the federal payroll by 15,000 employees, they'd be called the "swamp". :stir:

Lotsa fun.

The swamp is made up of bureaucrats not field agents. Are postal workers considered part of the swamp? i dont hardly think so.

The swamp seems to be whomever someone says the swamp is on any given day depending on how they treat the blob. The same for the "deep state"

Neither exists.
Dems say that they are for more drones and high-tech, etc., but if we don't have the agents to apprehend, then all we have is alot of video.
A wall/barrier/fence will chokepoint incursions and insure that we have the agents to do most of the apprehensions.
It's not rocket science, folks!
We have a lot of agents and Trump wants that number nearly doubled. It seems to me what is needed listening interviews with the border patrol is monitoring for intrusion. If you know where the intrusion is then it's a matter of getting to that point fast enough.

IMHO, the type of border barriers should be dependent on terrain. Obviously building a wall where you have a good natural barrier is not the way to go and neither is putting a chain link fence beside high density neighborhood. Regardless of the barrier type, it is only a means of slowing down the intruder. So if you have the right kind of barrier and monitoring then the border patrol becomes much more effective.

Even if you have the right kind barriers and sufficient border patrol, you will still have large numbers of migrants entering the country.
What we need is a wall.

As soon as Mexico sends the money.

Trump already took the money from Mexico by force. :itsok:

Really? How much have we gotten?

well BluesLegend , how much have we gotten from Mexico as of 1/27/19? How did we get it?
Trump wants 15,000 more agents on the southern border. The border is 2,000 miles. That means there would be 18 agents for ever mile of border or an agent for every 290 feet. This seems like a big overkill when you consider the difficulty in crossing large portions of the border and the technology we have available today to detect and track intruders.

What a dumbass! You think those agents work 24/7/365?
Of course not. If you allow for 3 shifts it's 6 agents per mile per shift. Round the figure down for sick time and you're down to 5 agents per mile per shift. That's an agent every thousand feet.

No one has pointed why we need that number of agents. When most people think of the border and the patrolling of the border they think of a border fence with a road running beside it. However, in most cases that road is many miles from the border, as much as 50 miles. So when migrants cross the border, they may go in many different directions making apprehension very difficult if not impossible.

The solution is really very simple. Build a paved road as near the border as possible so agents can be at a point of intrusion in minutes, not hours. Second, use technology to monitor the border and track intruders. We would probably need a lot less agents and apprehend a lot more people. Also, we would save the lives of lot of people that get lost out the desert.

You are a dumbass! You have never bothered to even look at the border. That is why your comments and your math are so stupid!

Get a map and LOOK at it!
Trump wants 15,000 more agents on the southern border. The border is 2,000 miles. That means there would be 18 agents for ever mile of border or an agent for every 290 feet. This seems like a big overkill when you consider the difficulty in crossing large portions of the border and the technology we have available today to detect and track intruders.

Clearly, they are outnumbered. And since there are areas with no physical barriers, it is impossible for them to be everywhere and catch every criminal entering this country..

They are often under attack. If border security was sufficient, we would not have so many pouring in, would we? And the drug runners and human traffickers wouldn't have such a booming business.

We know the left wants it this way. They got 58,000 votes from illegals, just in Texas. If the illegals were supporting Republicans, Obama would have built the wall and the left would have cheered.
Trump wants 15,000 more agents on the southern border. The border is 2,000 miles. That means there would be 18 agents for ever mile of border or an agent for every 290 feet. This seems like a big overkill when you consider the difficulty in crossing large portions of the border and the technology we have available today to detect and track intruders.

Had anyone else in government announced they want to expand the federal payroll by 15,000 employees, they'd be called the "swamp". :stir:

Lotsa fun.

The swamp is made up of bureaucrats not field agents. Are postal workers considered part of the swamp? i dont hardly think so.

The swamp seems to be whomever someone says the swamp is on any given day depending on how they treat the blob. The same for the "deep state"

Neither exists.
The term "deep state" is often misused.
Trump wants 15,000 more agents on the southern border. The border is 2,000 miles. That means there would be 18 agents for ever mile of border or an agent for every 290 feet. This seems like a big overkill when you consider the difficulty in crossing large portions of the border and the technology we have available today to detect and track intruders.

Clearly, they are outnumbered. And since there are areas with no physical barriers, it is impossible for them to be everywhere and catch every criminal entering this country..

They are often under attack. If border security was sufficient, we would not have so many pouring in, would we? And the drug runners and human traffickers wouldn't have such a booming business.

We know the left wants it this way. They got 58,000 votes from illegals, just in Texas. If the illegals were supporting Republicans, Obama would have built the wall and the left would have cheered.
Is that something like Make America Great Again or America First or Lock Her Up. Here's a tip, use a toll free line rather than waste a couple of bucks.
Trump wants 15,000 more agents on the southern border. The border is 2,000 miles. That means there would be 18 agents for ever mile of border or an agent for every 290 feet. This seems like a big overkill when you consider the difficulty in crossing large portions of the border and the technology we have available today to detect and track intruders.

Clearly, they are outnumbered. And since there are areas with no physical barriers, it is impossible for them to be everywhere and catch every criminal entering this country..

They are often under attack. If border security was sufficient, we would not have so many pouring in, would we? And the drug runners and human traffickers wouldn't have such a booming business.

We know the left wants it this way. They got 58,000 votes from illegals, just in Texas. If the illegals were supporting Republicans, Obama would have built the wall and the left would have cheered.
If we simple built a big beautiful paved road near the border they could actually patrol the border rather than patrolling a highway ten to 50 miles away from the border.
Trump wants 15,000 more agents on the southern border. The border is 2,000 miles. That means there would be 18 agents for ever mile of border or an agent for every 290 feet. This seems like a big overkill when you consider the difficulty in crossing large portions of the border and the technology we have available today to detect and track intruders.

Clearly, they are outnumbered. And since there are areas with no physical barriers, it is impossible for them to be everywhere and catch every criminal entering this country..

They are often under attack. If border security was sufficient, we would not have so many pouring in, would we? And the drug runners and human traffickers wouldn't have such a booming business.

We know the left wants it this way. They got 58,000 votes from illegals, just in Texas. If the illegals were supporting Republicans, Obama would have built the wall and the left would have cheered.
If we simple built a big beautiful paved road near the border they could actually patrol the border rather than patrolling a highway ten to 50 miles away from the border.

Google some images of the border and you might realize how truly f-ing stupid you are!
Trump wants 15,000 more agents on the southern border. The border is 2,000 miles. That means there would be 18 agents for ever mile of border or an agent for every 290 feet. This seems like a big overkill when you consider the difficulty in crossing large portions of the border and the technology we have available today to detect and track intruders.

What a dumbass! You think those agents work 24/7/365?
Of course not. If you allow for 3 shifts it's 6 agents per mile per shift. Round the figure down for sick time and you're down to 5 agents per mile per shift. That's an agent every thousand feet.

No one has pointed why we need that number of agents. When most people think of the border and the patrolling of the border they think of a border fence with a road running beside it. However, in most cases that road is many miles from the border, as much as 50 miles. So when migrants cross the border, they may go in many different directions making apprehension very difficult if not impossible.

The solution is really very simple. Build a paved road as near the border as possible so agents can be at a point of intrusion in minutes, not hours. Second, use technology to monitor the border and track intruders. We would probably need a lot less agents and apprehend a lot more people. Also, we would save the lives of lot of people that get lost out the desert.

You are a dumbass! You have never bothered to even look at the border. That is why your comments and your math are so stupid!

Get a map and LOOK at it!
I have and apparently you haven't or you would see the problem with not having a paved access road near the border.

Either toward the end of the Trump campaign or just after he was elected they published a vision of the Trump wall. It had a paved access road running between the wall and a security fence. Of course in the latest rendition of the big beautiful wall, it's a barrier sitting out in the desert with no security fence and no road which guarantees it will be worthless in stopping migrants. But what the hell, it will make a nice display or slide show at Trump rallies which is exactly what this is all about.

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Trump wants 15,000 more agents on the southern border. The border is 2,000 miles. That means there would be 18 agents for ever mile of border or an agent for every 290 feet. This seems like a big overkill when you consider the difficulty in crossing large portions of the border and the technology we have available today to detect and track intruders.

What a dumbass! You think those agents work 24/7/365?
Of course not. If you allow for 3 shifts it's 6 agents per mile per shift. Round the figure down for sick time and you're down to 5 agents per mile per shift. That's an agent every thousand feet.

No one has pointed why we need that number of agents. When most people think of the border and the patrolling of the border they think of a border fence with a road running beside it. However, in most cases that road is many miles from the border, as much as 50 miles. So when migrants cross the border, they may go in many different directions making apprehension very difficult if not impossible.

The solution is really very simple. Build a paved road as near the border as possible so agents can be at a point of intrusion in minutes, not hours. Second, use technology to monitor the border and track intruders. We would probably need a lot less agents and apprehend a lot more people. Also, we would save the lives of lot of people that get lost out the desert.

You are a dumbass! You have never bothered to even look at the border. That is why your comments and your math are so stupid!

Get a map and LOOK at it!
I have and apparently you haven't or you would see the problem with not having a paved access road near the border.

Either toward the end of the Trump campaign or just after he was elected they published a vision of the Trump wall. It had a paved access road running between the wall and a security fence. Of course in the latest rendition of the big beautiful wall, it's a barrier sitting out in the desert with no security fence and no road which guarantees it will be worthless in stopping migrants. But what the hell, it will make a nice display or slide show at Trump rallies which is exactly what this is all about.

Why does it have to be paved?

Your information is incredibly wrong. That barrier has a road and it it is virtually impossible to get over without serious injury. Consuela and her baby are not getting over that wall that is a difficult task for special operations troops to conquer. Jose might, but he will be picked up when the electronic surveillance catches him trying and the patrol scoops his ass up while he is waiting on the American side for his BMW and their offspring to try to get across.
Trump wants 15,000 more agents on the southern border. The border is 2,000 miles. That means there would be 18 agents for ever mile of border or an agent for every 290 feet. This seems like a big overkill when you consider the difficulty in crossing large portions of the border and the technology we have available today to detect and track intruders.

What a dumbass! You think those agents work 24/7/365?
Of course not. If you allow for 3 shifts it's 6 agents per mile per shift. Round the figure down for sick time and you're down to 5 agents per mile per shift. That's an agent every thousand feet.

No one has pointed why we need that number of agents. When most people think of the border and the patrolling of the border they think of a border fence with a road running beside it. However, in most cases that road is many miles from the border, as much as 50 miles. So when migrants cross the border, they may go in many different directions making apprehension very difficult if not impossible.

The solution is really very simple. Build a paved road as near the border as possible so agents can be at a point of intrusion in minutes, not hours. Second, use technology to monitor the border and track intruders. We would probably need a lot less agents and apprehend a lot more people. Also, we would save the lives of lot of people that get lost out the desert.

You are a dumbass! You have never bothered to even look at the border. That is why your comments and your math are so stupid!

Get a map and LOOK at it!
I have and apparently you haven't or you would see the problem with not having a paved access road near the border.

Either toward the end of the Trump campaign or just after he was elected they published a vision of the Trump wall. It had a paved access road running between the wall and a security fence. Of course in the latest rendition of the big beautiful wall, it's a barrier sitting out in the desert with no security fence and no road which guarantees it will be worthless in stopping migrants. But what the hell, it will make a nice display or slide show at Trump rallies which is exactly what this is all about.

Why does it have to be paved?

Your information is incredibly wrong. That barrier has a road and it it is virtually impossible to get over without serious injury. Consuelo and her baby are not getting over that wall that is a difficult task for special operations troops to conquer. Jose might, but he will be picked up when the electronic surveillance catches him trying and the patrol scoops his ass up while he is waiting on the American side for his BMW and their offspring to try to get across.
The road doesn't have to be paved but it might detract from Trump's big beautiful wall if it was gravel.

Electronic surveillance of the wall is not going to be much use if the border patrol has to drive across the desert for two hours to get to the wall.

Consuelo and her 6 kids will have no real problem getting over the wall because she will pay a coyote with the necessary equipment to get her over. The test done on the wall in California reveal the height of the wall would need to be 30 feet, over 10 feet higher than what has been planned.
Trump wants 15,000 more agents on the southern border. The border is 2,000 miles. That means there would be 18 agents for ever mile of border or an agent for every 290 feet. This seems like a big overkill when you consider the difficulty in crossing large portions of the border and the technology we have available today to detect and track intruders.

Well, to be fair, they have to sleep and only work (I assume) roughly 40 hours per week.

So, (yes, I am bored right now), there are 168 hours in a week. So assuming each border agent works 42 hours per week, that would mean 4 border agents per section of fence to cover it 24/7.
And I would hope they would have a partner (I do not know). One single, border agent trying to single-handedly stop illegal immigrants in their 'sector' seems a lot to ask.
So that leaves 8 border agents per section (assuming that zero agents were held back for processing and the like).
That would raise the length of border that each pair covers to 2,320 feet.
(all of the above is based on your estimates)
That is almost a half a mile.
That seems fair to me.

I understand your point...but I just could not resist a little quick math.
There are more deck chairs in Border Patrol than there are agents.

Only losers and psychotics want that job.
Consuelo and her 6 kids will have no real problem getting over the wall because she will pay a coyote with the necessary equipment to get her over. The test done on the wall in California reveal the height of the wall would need to be 30 feet, over 10 feet higher than what has been planned.

they can all wave to the border choppers from the top>>>>


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