Why Isn't 20,000 Border Patrol Agents Enough

Trump wants 15,000 more agents on the southern border. The border is 2,000 miles. That means there would be 18 agents for ever mile of border or an agent for every 290 feet. This seems like a big overkill when you consider the difficulty in crossing large portions of the border and the technology we have available today to detect and track intruders.

Obviously he wants the drug cartels to go broke bribing all those agents! ;-)
Trump wants 15,000 more agents on the southern border. The border is 2,000 miles. That means there would be 18 agents for ever mile of border or an agent for every 290 feet. This seems like a big overkill when you consider the difficulty in crossing large portions of the border and the technology we have available today to detect and track intruders.
Border patrol do not just patrol at the border. You'll find border patrol further in as well, sometimes, up to 70 to 100 miles away from the border. Maybe even further.

That's a lot of territory to cover.

I know when I worked out of corpus christi, our territory would take us to pharr Texas, pretty much to the border. There is a border patrol checkpoint about 60 miles north of the border, and you would see border patrol vehicles up to, and beyond falfurias, which is 73 miles away from the border.

There are a few of those border checkpoints on various highways, apart from the agents who patrol that whole area, and this is just in south Texas.
The Border Patrol should be protecting the border. The primary reason you find so much of the border patrol 25 to 100 miles away from the border is because they fail to apprehend migrants at the border, the surest and easiest place to apprehend them. In the past that was not a consideration because we couldn't get enough people, border barriers, intrusion monitoring, or fast access to all parts of the border.

With the emphasis on border security by the president and congress looking for a compromise to keep government open, a comprehensive security package including appropriate border barriers, roads, intrusion monitoring and surveillance, and personnel if needed seems possible.
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Trump wants 15,000 more agents on the southern border. The border is 2,000 miles. That means there would be 18 agents for ever mile of border or an agent for every 290 feet. This seems like a big overkill when you consider the difficulty in crossing large portions of the border and the technology we have available today to detect and track intruders.

I know right...seems silly huh?
All your LefTarded buddies have their heads buried so deep in their asses they never stopped to think about the fact that we’d need far fewer agents if we had a functional barrier.
By the way, what does a single border agent cost taxpayers per year? What is that number over the next 10, 20, 30 - 100 years?
Multiply that number by however many more agents we hire as part of the Mexicrats bullshit, faux support for “increased border security.
What are the numbers?
Trump wants 15,000 more agents on the southern border. The border is 2,000 miles. That means there would be 18 agents for ever mile of border or an agent for every 290 feet. This seems like a big overkill when you consider the difficulty in crossing large portions of the border and the technology we have available today to detect and track intruders.

Well, to be fair, they have to sleep and only work (I assume) roughly 40 hours per week.

So, (yes, I am bored right now), there are 168 hours in a week. So assuming each border agent works 42 hours per week, that would mean 4 border agents per section of fence to cover it 24/7.
And I would hope they would have a partner (I do not know). One single, border agent trying to single-handedly stop illegal immigrants in their 'sector' seems a lot to ask.
So that leaves 8 border agents per section (assuming that zero agents were held back for processing and the like).
That would raise the length of border that each pair covers to 2,320 feet.
(all of the above is based on your estimates)
That is almost a half a mile.
That seems fair to me.

I understand your point...but I just could not resist a little quick math.
Actually the most important thing about the border patrol is not really the numbers but what they do. If you take the time to look at a map of areas surrounding all the small towns on the border you will see that there are very few roads anywhere near the border once you leave these town. That means the border patrol has to patrol on highways that are often 10 to 50 miles from the border. To actually get to the border means driving on dirt and gravel farm roads or just through the desert which can take a half hour to a half day to reach the border. Migrants crossing the border are long gone before the border patrol arrives. This situation is true in most of the remote areas of the border which is most of the border. What is needed is good roads close to border. In that way the border patrol will be able to actual drive close to border and watch for intruders. With intrusion monitoring, the time it takes to get to a point of intrusion will be mins.

You have never seen the border. That is why you are wrong.
What a dumbass! You think those agents work 24/7/365?
Of course not. If you allow for 3 shifts it's 6 agents per mile per shift. Round the figure down for sick time and you're down to 5 agents per mile per shift. That's an agent every thousand feet.

No one has pointed why we need that number of agents. When most people think of the border and the patrolling of the border they think of a border fence with a road running beside it. However, in most cases that road is many miles from the border, as much as 50 miles. So when migrants cross the border, they may go in many different directions making apprehension very difficult if not impossible.

The solution is really very simple. Build a paved road as near the border as possible so agents can be at a point of intrusion in minutes, not hours. Second, use technology to monitor the border and track intruders. We would probably need a lot less agents and apprehend a lot more people. Also, we would save the lives of lot of people that get lost out the desert.

You are a dumbass! You have never bothered to even look at the border. That is why your comments and your math are so stupid!

Get a map and LOOK at it!
I have and apparently you haven't or you would see the problem with not having a paved access road near the border.

Either toward the end of the Trump campaign or just after he was elected they published a vision of the Trump wall. It had a paved access road running between the wall and a security fence. Of course in the latest rendition of the big beautiful wall, it's a barrier sitting out in the desert with no security fence and no road which guarantees it will be worthless in stopping migrants. But what the hell, it will make a nice display or slide show at Trump rallies which is exactly what this is all about.

Why on God's green earth would be the purpose of putting a road next to the border on a fucking map?

You are such a dumbass!

You see that little strip of border west of Yuma? I have been there and have seen the road along the border with my own eyes. Where is it on your stupid map?

I work on a military base. Guess what? The roads on the base do not appear on maps available for the general public. Why? They aren't allowed on the fucking road! Just like no one needs to know where the roads are along the border because they aren't allowed on those fucking roads!

I swear you have the intellect of a middle school student at best! Start learning some critical thinking skills or sue your school district for letting a dumbass loose on the public!
I've seen what you call roads. They are a patchwork of dirt roads and open desert that you would be lucky to make 10mph in a 4x4. Most of those roads do not run right beside the border. They are often miles from the actually border and in some case don't even exist. In fact, the roads are so lousy in many places, the border patrol uses ATVs.

What is needed is roads that run right beside the border barrier, not a half mile or 5 miles away. They also need to be good enough that agents can be at any point of intrusion in minutes, not hours.

No. You haven't. This is what I am talking about!


Look pretty remote to me!
Trump wants 15,000 more agents on the southern border. The border is 2,000 miles. That means there would be 18 agents for ever mile of border or an agent for every 290 feet. This seems like a big overkill when you consider the difficulty in crossing large portions of the border and the technology we have available today to detect and track intruders.

Sure, so that they can be caught and released.

What sense is that? Why even catch them to begin with if that is what you are going to do?

With over 300 American dying from drugs flowing across the border a day, I would think the army would be there to protect Americans.

Guess not.

Those people dying from drugs coming across the border get no sympathy from me. If they die, so be it! They should not be doing drugs anymore than a person who thinks they can jump out of a perfectly good airplane with no parachute!
I worked for Customs and Border Protection (CBP) for four years during the last three years under Bush and during Obama's first year. CBP does not just man the southern border, for starters. They man entry control points in other areas. Senior CBP officers are based all over the country, with many being based in DC. Every border entry point needs a strong concentration of CBP agents. You need agents to do tours as trainers at CBP training facilities for new recruits. Border operations are 24/7, so you're talking about multiple shifts. Then you have to factor in training time, vacation time, sick time, rotation days off, etc., etc. 20,000 agents is not nearly enough for the job that needs to be done.

Let me say something about virtual fencing. Virtual fencing is only effective if you have enough CBP agents who can rush to the spot where human movement has been detected by the mounted cameras/sensors, assuming the cameras/sensors are all working. You have to have agents manning the sensor stations, and those agents have to alert to response agents when they detect human movement. The bad guys are not dumb. In many cases, they can make a faint in one part of a sector, wait until agents show up to respond, and then other illegals will sneak across out of sight of the responders in another part of the sector. A virtual fence is just that: virtual. If you can't get agents to the area where movement has been spotted in a matter of a few minutes, the illegals can simply waltz across and wave at the cameras as they do so, especially if they know that you only have enough agents in that sector to respond to one or two sightings at a time.

The word is "feint", unless they are passing out.
Trump wants 15,000 more agents on the southern border. The border is 2,000 miles. That means there would be 18 agents for ever mile of border or an agent for every 290 feet. This seems like a big overkill when you consider the difficulty in crossing large portions of the border and the technology we have available today to detect and track intruders.
Border patrol do not just patrol at the border. You'll find border patrol further in as well, sometimes, up to 70 to 100 miles away from the border. Maybe even further.

That's a lot of territory to cover.

I know when I worked out of corpus christi, our territory would take us to pharr Texas, pretty much to the border. There is a border patrol checkpoint about 60 miles north of the border, and you would see border patrol vehicles up to, and beyond falfurias, which is 73 miles away from the border.

There are a few of those border checkpoints on various highways, apart from the agents who patrol that whole area, and this is just in south Texas.
The Border Patrol should be protecting the border. The primary reason you find so much of the border patrol 25 to 100 miles away from the border is because they fail to apprehend migrants at the border, the surest and easiest place to apprehend them. In the past that was not a consideration because we couldn't get enough people, border barriers, intrusion monitoring, or fast access to all parts of the border.

With the emphasis on border security by the president and congress looking for a compromise to keep government open, a comprehensive security package including appropriate border barriers, roads, intrusion monitoring and surveillance, and personnel if needed seems possible.
I agree, currently, many of them slip past and make it to the interior, which means the border patrol also has to work the interior.

Putting up a wall in strategic locations, combined with other technologies should help to slow down those who are trying to cross, but even still, no solution is going to be 100% effective, at least not yet. It will take a lot to completely secure 2000 miles of border.
Trump wants 15,000 more agents on the southern border. The border is 2,000 miles. That means there would be 18 agents for ever mile of border or an agent for every 290 feet. This seems like a big overkill when you consider the difficulty in crossing large portions of the border and the technology we have available today to detect and track intruders.
Border patrol do not just patrol at the border. You'll find border patrol further in as well, sometimes, up to 70 to 100 miles away from the border. Maybe even further.

That's a lot of territory to cover.

I know when I worked out of corpus christi, our territory would take us to pharr Texas, pretty much to the border. There is a border patrol checkpoint about 60 miles north of the border, and you would see border patrol vehicles up to, and beyond falfurias, which is 73 miles away from the border.

There are a few of those border checkpoints on various highways, apart from the agents who patrol that whole area, and this is just in south Texas.
The Border Patrol should be protecting the border. The primary reason you find so much of the border patrol 25 to 100 miles away from the border is because they fail to apprehend migrants at the border, the surest and easiest place to apprehend them. In the past that was not a consideration because we couldn't get enough people, border barriers, intrusion monitoring, or fast access to all parts of the border.

With the emphasis on border security by the president and congress looking for a compromise to keep government open, a comprehensive security package including appropriate border barriers, roads, intrusion monitoring and surveillance, and personnel if needed seems possible.
I agree, currently, many of them slip past and make it to the interior, which means the border patrol also has to work the interior.

Putting up a wall in strategic locations, combined with other technologies should help to slow down those who are trying to cross, but even still, no solution is going to be 100% effective, at least not yet. It will take a lot to completely secure 2000 miles of border.
Israel had zero illegal aliens cross its border in 2017. Their wall is 100% effective.
Another 242 picked up yesterday, where those barriers previously funded keep no one out-


West of the port of Lukeville.
A soldier working on securing some more of the border was struck by a large rock thrown from Mexico that hit him in the head. He was hospitalized, but will recover.
Trump wants 15,000 more agents on the southern border. The border is 2,000 miles. That means there would be 18 agents for ever mile of border or an agent for every 290 feet. This seems like a big overkill when you consider the difficulty in crossing large portions of the border and the technology we have available today to detect and track intruders.
Border patrol do not just patrol at the border. You'll find border patrol further in as well, sometimes, up to 70 to 100 miles away from the border. Maybe even further.

That's a lot of territory to cover.

I know when I worked out of corpus christi, our territory would take us to pharr Texas, pretty much to the border. There is a border patrol checkpoint about 60 miles north of the border, and you would see border patrol vehicles up to, and beyond falfurias, which is 73 miles away from the border.

There are a few of those border checkpoints on various highways, apart from the agents who patrol that whole area, and this is just in south Texas.
The Border Patrol should be protecting the border. The primary reason you find so much of the border patrol 25 to 100 miles away from the border is because they fail to apprehend migrants at the border, the surest and easiest place to apprehend them. In the past that was not a consideration because we couldn't get enough people, border barriers, intrusion monitoring, or fast access to all parts of the border.

With the emphasis on border security by the president and congress looking for a compromise to keep government open, a comprehensive security package including appropriate border barriers, roads, intrusion monitoring and surveillance, and personnel if needed seems possible.
Of course not. If you allow for 3 shifts it's 6 agents per mile per shift. Round the figure down for sick time and you're down to 5 agents per mile per shift. That's an agent every thousand feet.

No one has pointed why we need that number of agents. When most people think of the border and the patrolling of the border they think of a border fence with a road running beside it. However, in most cases that road is many miles from the border, as much as 50 miles. So when migrants cross the border, they may go in many different directions making apprehension very difficult if not impossible.

The solution is really very simple. Build a paved road as near the border as possible so agents can be at a point of intrusion in minutes, not hours. Second, use technology to monitor the border and track intruders. We would probably need a lot less agents and apprehend a lot more people. Also, we would save the lives of lot of people that get lost out the desert.

You are a dumbass! You have never bothered to even look at the border. That is why your comments and your math are so stupid!

Get a map and LOOK at it!
I have and apparently you haven't or you would see the problem with not having a paved access road near the border.

Either toward the end of the Trump campaign or just after he was elected they published a vision of the Trump wall. It had a paved access road running between the wall and a security fence. Of course in the latest rendition of the big beautiful wall, it's a barrier sitting out in the desert with no security fence and no road which guarantees it will be worthless in stopping migrants. But what the hell, it will make a nice display or slide show at Trump rallies which is exactly what this is all about.

Why on God's green earth would be the purpose of putting a road next to the border on a fucking map?

You are such a dumbass!

You see that little strip of border west of Yuma? I have been there and have seen the road along the border with my own eyes. Where is it on your stupid map?

I work on a military base. Guess what? The roads on the base do not appear on maps available for the general public. Why? They aren't allowed on the fucking road! Just like no one needs to know where the roads are along the border because they aren't allowed on those fucking roads!

I swear you have the intellect of a middle school student at best! Start learning some critical thinking skills or sue your school district for letting a dumbass loose on the public!
I've seen what you call roads. They are a patchwork of dirt roads and open desert that you would be lucky to make 10mph in a 4x4. Most of those roads do not run right beside the border. They are often miles from the actually border and in some case don't even exist. In fact, the roads are so lousy in many places, the border patrol uses ATVs.

What is needed is roads that run right beside the border barrier, not a half mile or 5 miles away. They also need to be good enough that agents can be at any point of intrusion in minutes, not hours.

No. You haven't. This is what I am talking about!


Look pretty remote to me!
When I say good roads I mean roads very close to border barriers that run the length of the border. There are many roads just as you pictured above that run 5 or 10 miles only to turn away from border for miles then connect to dirt roads full of pot holes. You also have good roads like the one below but are a mile or more from the border and other places the 5 or more miles from the border. Border barriers delay intruders but if they have enough time they can cross any border. It just takes time.

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Trump wants 15,000 more agents on the southern border. The border is 2,000 miles. That means there would be 18 agents for ever mile of border or an agent for every 290 feet. This seems like a big overkill when you consider the difficulty in crossing large portions of the border and the technology we have available today to detect and track intruders.
Border patrol do not just patrol at the border. You'll find border patrol further in as well, sometimes, up to 70 to 100 miles away from the border. Maybe even further.

That's a lot of territory to cover.

I know when I worked out of corpus christi, our territory would take us to pharr Texas, pretty much to the border. There is a border patrol checkpoint about 60 miles north of the border, and you would see border patrol vehicles up to, and beyond falfurias, which is 73 miles away from the border.

There are a few of those border checkpoints on various highways, apart from the agents who patrol that whole area, and this is just in south Texas.
The Border Patrol should be protecting the border. The primary reason you find so much of the border patrol 25 to 100 miles away from the border is because they fail to apprehend migrants at the border, the surest and easiest place to apprehend them. In the past that was not a consideration because we couldn't get enough people, border barriers, intrusion monitoring, or fast access to all parts of the border.

With the emphasis on border security by the president and congress looking for a compromise to keep government open, a comprehensive security package including appropriate border barriers, roads, intrusion monitoring and surveillance, and personnel if needed seems possible.
I agree, currently, many of them slip past and make it to the interior, which means the border patrol also has to work the interior.

Putting up a wall in strategic locations, combined with other technologies should help to slow down those who are trying to cross, but even still, no solution is going to be 100% effective, at least not yet. It will take a lot to completely secure 2000 miles of border.
The catch zone is the distance between the barrier and the point where border guards can not pursue without difficulty. In some cases if might be only a quarter mile but other cases it may be as as much 5 miles. However, the average is about 1 mile. This means the catch zone on a 2000 mile border is about 2000 square miles. However, if the border patrol for whatever reason has to cover up to 100 miles from the border then they are protecting not 2000 square miles but 200,000.
Trump wants 15,000 more agents on the southern border. The border is 2,000 miles. That means there would be 18 agents for ever mile of border or an agent for every 290 feet. This seems like a big overkill when you consider the difficulty in crossing large portions of the border and the technology we have available today to detect and track intruders.

I know right...seems silly huh?
All your LefTarded buddies have their heads buried so deep in their asses they never stopped to think about the fact that we’d need far fewer agents if we had a functional barrier.
By the way, what does a single border agent cost taxpayers per year? What is that number over the next 10, 20, 30 - 100 years?
Multiply that number by however many more agents we hire as part of the Mexicrats bullshit, faux support for “increased border security.
What are the numbers?
A lot. They start around $50,000 but go up to about $120,000, which are probably supervisors and administrators. Benefits are about 25% of base pay. However, working as a border patrol agent is often very dangerous because there are so many hazards that can affect you on a daily basis. Most of the border patrol today are Hispanics and 95% are men.

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