Why Isn't 20,000 Border Patrol Agents Enough

No one is under the impression that the wall is the end all for illegal migration.
But, it is part of the solution, a wall and electronics is a formidable blend to reduce illegal immigration to a trickle. It would make life a lot more manageable for the border patrol.
We don't need 15,000 agents. Again Trump is trying to please his base. It may not matter anyweay.

"In a sign of the difficulties, Customs and Border Protection allocated $60.7 million to Accenture Federal Services, a management consulting firm, as part of a $297 million contract to recruit, vet and hire 7,500 border officers over five years, but the company has produced only 33 new hires so far.

The president's promised hiring surge steadily lost ground even as he publicly hammered away at the need for stiffer border security, warned of a looming migrant "invasion" and shut down parts of the government for five weeks over his demands for $5.7 billion from Congress for a border wall.

The Border Patrol gained a total of 120 agents in 2018, the first net gain in five years."

Trump's border hiring surge has fallen far short
We get 400,000 illegals / year, so we obviously need more of something. Without a wall, that means we need to get more agents. All you're saying is that you're content to allow 400,000 illegals into the country every year. That's what makes you a douchebag and a traitor.

You are a douchebag and unmitigated trash. Disagreeing with you does not make one a traitor. You are the traitor as you refuse to accept different opinions.
No, but opposing any solution to our porous border does make you a traitor, and that's all you do. Build a wall? You RACIST! Hire more border patrol? You RACIST! Tighten up our immigration law? You RACIST!

The border does not need a wall. Opposing a wall does not make anyone a traitor. There is nothing wrong that requires a wall or a huge amount of border patrol agents. There is nothing wrong with our immigration laws. You are the traitor.
All lies, of course. All the evidence shows that a wall can reduce illegal immigration by 95%. When you oppose the wall, you support illegal immigration 20 times larger than it has to be. We have 400,000 illegals crossing the border every year. What solution have you proposed? All you do is object to any solution anyone proposes. You obviously want all those illegals pouring in.

You are a fucking traitor.

You are the liar. We don't need a wall. Opposing a wall does not mean you support illegal immigration. A majority of voters oppose a wall and they support DACA and a path to citizenship. Your hateful agenda is falling flat. Trump's attempt to make it a issue in the midterms accelerated the Republican losses in the House. The fact is that my solution was proposed by Ronald Reagan in 1980.

"Rather than making them … we’re talking about putting up a fence. Why don’t we work out some recognition of our mutual problems, make it possible for them to come here legally with a work permit, and then while they’re working and earning here, they pay taxes here? And when they want to go back, they can go back and they can cross. And open the border both ways by understanding their problems. This is the only safety valve they have with that unemployment that probably keeps the lid from blowing off down there. And I think we could have a fine relationship and it would solve the problem you mentioned also."

Clearly we also need more help at our POEs. That is where the vast majority of drugs and weapons are coming trough. We also need to do something with these drug cartels. American dollars are fueling these drug lords. We need to go after drug dollars the same way we go after terrorist groups' funding

I object to white supremacists and neo-nazis that have taken over the Republican Party. You are the fucking traitor you racist pig. We know what this is all about. White males concerned that their political power is eroding.
Trump wants 15,000 more agents on the southern border. The border is 2,000 miles. That means there would be 18 agents for ever mile of border or an agent for every 290 feet. This seems like a big overkill when you consider the difficulty in crossing large portions of the border and the technology we have available today to detect and track intruders.

Where the hell did YOU learn math? People work an 8 hour shift. Assuming three shifts a day with no sickness, absentees or vacations, that means 6,600 agents ON DUTY at any given time. Spread over 2000 miles, that is one agent every 3.3 miles. If they ride in teams of two, then that is one vehicle every 6.7 miles. At that scarcity, it is a wonder they ever catch anyone at all.

It doesn’t work that way. There are 700 miles already with walls. Southern border is dotted with thousands of ground sensors. CBP agents know where and when there are movements.
You may want to read the total number apprehensions at the southern border.

U.S. Border Patrol Southwest Border Apprehensions by Sector FY2018 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

Border Surveillance Systems (BSS)

U.S.-Mexico border apprehensions increased in 2018 | Pew Research Center

The U.S. Border Patrol apprehended nearly 400,000 people crossing the Mexico-U.S. border in fiscal 2018, up roughly 100,000 from the prior year, driven in large part by Central American families seeking to enter the United States.
No one is under the impression that the wall is the end all for illegal migration.
But, it is part of the solution, a wall and electronics is a formidable blend to reduce illegal immigration to a trickle. It would make life a lot more manageable for the border patrol.
Building a wall was Trump's answer to ending illegal immigrated. You're probably correct, no one really believes it will stop illegal immigration now. In fact, almost everyday Trump back-peddles. The big beautiful concrete wall across our southern border has shrunk to a reinforced slatted fence, to span a thousand miles, then 700 miles, now just over 200 miles.

Pelosi has resurrected the technology wall which was part of the Obama immigration reform which never got through congress.
No one is under the impression that the wall is the end all for illegal migration.
But, it is part of the solution, a wall and electronics is a formidable blend to reduce illegal immigration to a trickle. It would make life a lot more manageable for the border patrol.
Building a wall was Trump's answer to ending illegal immigrated. You're probably correct, no one really believes it will stop illegal immigration now. In fact, almost everyday Trump back-peddles. The big beautiful concrete wall across our southern border has shrunk to a reinforced slatted fence, to span a thousand miles, then 700 miles, now just over 200 miles.

Pelosi has resurrected the technology wall which was part of the Obama immigration reform which never got through congress.
You misrepresented or just didn't understand what I posted.
People who work the border say the wall does work. I will always go with the people with their boots on the ground, than those
who reside in Washington DC.
Pelosi's electronic fence doesn't stop anything. All it does is alert of a breach at the border. It doesn't stop illegals, or even slow them down.
If it takes 20 min. for the border patrol to get to the area of the breach, the illegals are long gone.
This isn't rocket science and it doesn't have to be, just some common sense will suffice.
No one is under the impression that the wall is the end all for illegal migration.
But, it is part of the solution, a wall and electronics is a formidable blend to reduce illegal immigration to a trickle. It would make life a lot more manageable for the border patrol.
Building a wall was Trump's answer to ending illegal immigrated. You're probably correct, no one really believes it will stop illegal immigration now. In fact, almost everyday Trump back-peddles. The big beautiful concrete wall across our southern border has shrunk to a reinforced slatted fence, to span a thousand miles, then 700 miles, now just over 200 miles.

Pelosi has resurrected the technology wall which was part of the Obama immigration reform which never got through congress.
You misrepresented or just didn't understand what I posted.
People who work the border say the wall does work. I will always go with the people with their boots on the ground, than those
who reside in Washington DC.
Pelosi's electronic fence doesn't stop anything. All it does is alert of a breach at the border. It doesn't stop illegals, or even slow them down.
If it takes 20 min. for the border patrol to get to the area of the breach, the illegals are long gone.
This isn't rocket science and it doesn't have to be, just some common sense will suffice.
Barriers such as the ones we have and what Trump is proposing won't stop migrants but it will delay them.
Trump's wall is very similar to the reinforced fences. They are about 4 to 6 feet higher which just means the migrants need longer ladders. In all the Mexican border towns people sell what ever is needed to cross the border. Guides (coyotes) transport migrants to the border providing whatever equipment is needed to cross.

The major difference between the re-enforced fences and the Trump wall is that it will take longer to cross and that's where electronic monitoring and rapid response by the border patrol is so important. If you don't stop migrants close to the border, there's a very good chance you never will.
No one is under the impression that the wall is the end all for illegal migration.
But, it is part of the solution, a wall and electronics is a formidable blend to reduce illegal immigration to a trickle. It would make life a lot more manageable for the border patrol.
Building a wall was Trump's answer to ending illegal immigrated. You're probably correct, no one really believes it will stop illegal immigration now. In fact, almost everyday Trump back-peddles. The big beautiful concrete wall across our southern border has shrunk to a reinforced slatted fence, to span a thousand miles, then 700 miles, now just over 200 miles.

Pelosi has resurrected the technology wall which was part of the Obama immigration reform which never got through congress.
You misrepresented or just didn't understand what I posted.
People who work the border say the wall does work. I will always go with the people with their boots on the ground, than those
who reside in Washington DC.
Pelosi's electronic fence doesn't stop anything. All it does is alert of a breach at the border. It doesn't stop illegals, or even slow them down.
If it takes 20 min. for the border patrol to get to the area of the breach, the illegals are long gone.
This isn't rocket science and it doesn't have to be, just some common sense will suffice.
It is not prison walls that keep inmates inside, it's the people that guard them.
No one is under the impression that the wall is the end all for illegal migration.
But, it is part of the solution, a wall and electronics is a formidable blend to reduce illegal immigration to a trickle. It would make life a lot more manageable for the border patrol.
Building a wall was Trump's answer to ending illegal immigrated. You're probably correct, no one really believes it will stop illegal immigration now. In fact, almost everyday Trump back-peddles. The big beautiful concrete wall across our southern border has shrunk to a reinforced slatted fence, to span a thousand miles, then 700 miles, now just over 200 miles.

Pelosi has resurrected the technology wall which was part of the Obama immigration reform which never got through congress.
You misrepresented or just didn't understand what I posted.
People who work the border say the wall does work. I will always go with the people with their boots on the ground, than those
who reside in Washington DC.
Pelosi's electronic fence doesn't stop anything. All it does is alert of a breach at the border. It doesn't stop illegals, or even slow them down.
If it takes 20 min. for the border patrol to get to the area of the breach, the illegals are long gone.
This isn't rocket science and it doesn't have to be, just some common sense will suffice.
With 20,000 border patrol and 15,000 new ones, there no reason why you can't have have a patrols 5-10 minutes apart for the entire length of the border, 24 hours a day if needed.
No one is under the impression that the wall is the end all for illegal migration.
But, it is part of the solution, a wall and electronics is a formidable blend to reduce illegal immigration to a trickle. It would make life a lot more manageable for the border patrol.
Building a wall was Trump's answer to ending illegal immigrated. You're probably correct, no one really believes it will stop illegal immigration now. In fact, almost everyday Trump back-peddles. The big beautiful concrete wall across our southern border has shrunk to a reinforced slatted fence, to span a thousand miles, then 700 miles, now just over 200 miles.

Pelosi has resurrected the technology wall which was part of the Obama immigration reform which never got through congress.
You misrepresented or just didn't understand what I posted.
People who work the border say the wall does work. I will always go with the people with their boots on the ground, than those
who reside in Washington DC.
Pelosi's electronic fence doesn't stop anything. All it does is alert of a breach at the border. It doesn't stop illegals, or even slow them down.
If it takes 20 min. for the border patrol to get to the area of the breach, the illegals are long gone.
This isn't rocket science and it doesn't have to be, just some common sense will suffice.
Barriers such as the ones we have and what Trump is proposing won't stop migrants but it will delay them.
Trump's wall is very similar to the reinforced fences. They are about 4 to 6 feet higher which just means the migrants need longer ladders. In all the Mexican border towns people sell what ever is needed to cross the border. Guides (coyotes) transport migrants to the border providing whatever equipment is needed to cross.

The major difference between the re-enforced fences and the Trump wall is that it will take longer to cross and that's where electronic monitoring and rapid response by the border patrol is so important. If you don't stop migrants close to the border, there's a very good chance you never will.
I have no idea where you stand on this, Flopper. Call it a wall, call it a barrier, but we need to build whatever you want to call it.
No one is under the impression that the wall is the end all for illegal migration.
But, it is part of the solution, a wall and electronics is a formidable blend to reduce illegal immigration to a trickle. It would make life a lot more manageable for the border patrol.
Building a wall was Trump's answer to ending illegal immigrated. You're probably correct, no one really believes it will stop illegal immigration now. In fact, almost everyday Trump back-peddles. The big beautiful concrete wall across our southern border has shrunk to a reinforced slatted fence, to span a thousand miles, then 700 miles, now just over 200 miles.

Pelosi has resurrected the technology wall which was part of the Obama immigration reform which never got through congress.
You misrepresented or just didn't understand what I posted.
People who work the border say the wall does work. I will always go with the people with their boots on the ground, than those
who reside in Washington DC.
Pelosi's electronic fence doesn't stop anything. All it does is alert of a breach at the border. It doesn't stop illegals, or even slow them down.
If it takes 20 min. for the border patrol to get to the area of the breach, the illegals are long gone.
This isn't rocket science and it doesn't have to be, just some common sense will suffice.
It is not prison walls that keep inmates inside, it's the people that guard them.
Why have a wall around the prisons then?
No one is under the impression that the wall is the end all for illegal migration.
But, it is part of the solution, a wall and electronics is a formidable blend to reduce illegal immigration to a trickle. It would make life a lot more manageable for the border patrol.
Building a wall was Trump's answer to ending illegal immigrated. You're probably correct, no one really believes it will stop illegal immigration now. In fact, almost everyday Trump back-peddles. The big beautiful concrete wall across our southern border has shrunk to a reinforced slatted fence, to span a thousand miles, then 700 miles, now just over 200 miles.

Pelosi has resurrected the technology wall which was part of the Obama immigration reform which never got through congress.
You misrepresented or just didn't understand what I posted.
People who work the border say the wall does work. I will always go with the people with their boots on the ground, than those
who reside in Washington DC.
Pelosi's electronic fence doesn't stop anything. All it does is alert of a breach at the border. It doesn't stop illegals, or even slow them down.
If it takes 20 min. for the border patrol to get to the area of the breach, the illegals are long gone.
This isn't rocket science and it doesn't have to be, just some common sense will suffice.
With 20,000 border patrol and 15,000 new ones, there no reason why you can't have have a patrols 5-10 minutes apart for the entire length of the border, 24 hours a day if needed.
You've done the math on that, have you? Or, is it a guess, Flopper?
Again, I go back to what the professionals.....the ones with the boots on the ground say.
Seems you go by what Pelosi says.
You are a dumbass! You have never bothered to even look at the border. That is why your comments and your math are so stupid!

Get a map and LOOK at it!
I have and apparently you haven't or you would see the problem with not having a paved access road near the border.

Either toward the end of the Trump campaign or just after he was elected they published a vision of the Trump wall. It had a paved access road running between the wall and a security fence. Of course in the latest rendition of the big beautiful wall, it's a barrier sitting out in the desert with no security fence and no road which guarantees it will be worthless in stopping migrants. But what the hell, it will make a nice display or slide show at Trump rallies which is exactly what this is all about.

Why on God's green earth would be the purpose of putting a road next to the border on a fucking map?

You are such a dumbass!

You see that little strip of border west of Yuma? I have been there and have seen the road along the border with my own eyes. Where is it on your stupid map?

I work on a military base. Guess what? The roads on the base do not appear on maps available for the general public. Why? They aren't allowed on the fucking road! Just like no one needs to know where the roads are along the border because they aren't allowed on those fucking roads!

I swear you have the intellect of a middle school student at best! Start learning some critical thinking skills or sue your school district for letting a dumbass loose on the public!
I've seen what you call roads. They are a patchwork of dirt roads and open desert that you would be lucky to make 10mph in a 4x4. Most of those roads do not run right beside the border. They are often miles from the actually border and in some case don't even exist. In fact, the roads are so lousy in many places, the border patrol uses ATVs.

What is needed is roads that run right beside the border barrier, not a half mile or 5 miles away. They also need to be good enough that agents can be at any point of intrusion in minutes, not hours.

No. You haven't. This is what I am talking about!


Look pretty remote to me!
When I say good roads I mean roads very close to border barriers that run the length of the border. There are many roads just as you pictured above that run 5 or 10 miles only to turn away from border for miles then connect to dirt roads full of pot holes. You also have good roads like the one below but are a mile or more from the border and other places the 5 or more miles from the border. Border barriers delay intruders but if they have enough time they can cross any border. It just takes time.


You obviously missed the other photos showing a nice road right next to no wall, but a demarcation.
No one is under the impression that the wall is the end all for illegal migration.
But, it is part of the solution, a wall and electronics is a formidable blend to reduce illegal immigration to a trickle. It would make life a lot more manageable for the border patrol.
Building a wall was Trump's answer to ending illegal immigrated. You're probably correct, no one really believes it will stop illegal immigration now. In fact, almost everyday Trump back-peddles. The big beautiful concrete wall across our southern border has shrunk to a reinforced slatted fence, to span a thousand miles, then 700 miles, now just over 200 miles.

Pelosi has resurrected the technology wall which was part of the Obama immigration reform which never got through congress.

Good Lord, you suck at math! Did you ever get past 5th grade?
No one is under the impression that the wall is the end all for illegal migration.
But, it is part of the solution, a wall and electronics is a formidable blend to reduce illegal immigration to a trickle. It would make life a lot more manageable for the border patrol.
Building a wall was Trump's answer to ending illegal immigrated. You're probably correct, no one really believes it will stop illegal immigration now. In fact, almost everyday Trump back-peddles. The big beautiful concrete wall across our southern border has shrunk to a reinforced slatted fence, to span a thousand miles, then 700 miles, now just over 200 miles.

Pelosi has resurrected the technology wall which was part of the Obama immigration reform which never got through congress.
You misrepresented or just didn't understand what I posted.
People who work the border say the wall does work. I will always go with the people with their boots on the ground, than those
who reside in Washington DC.
Pelosi's electronic fence doesn't stop anything. All it does is alert of a breach at the border. It doesn't stop illegals, or even slow them down.
If it takes 20 min. for the border patrol to get to the area of the breach, the illegals are long gone.
This isn't rocket science and it doesn't have to be, just some common sense will suffice.
Barriers such as the ones we have and what Trump is proposing won't stop migrants but it will delay them.
Trump's wall is very similar to the reinforced fences. They are about 4 to 6 feet higher which just means the migrants need longer ladders. In all the Mexican border towns people sell what ever is needed to cross the border. Guides (coyotes) transport migrants to the border providing whatever equipment is needed to cross.

The major difference between the re-enforced fences and the Trump wall is that it will take longer to cross and that's where electronic monitoring and rapid response by the border patrol is so important. If you don't stop migrants close to the border, there's a very good chance you never will.

Now, you have gone full libtard. How many people will it take to carry those ladders across the desert to the wall. You realize they will need more than one, right? As soon as you put the ladder against the wall, walk up along the wall, or make too much noise, the electronic surveillance will catch you in the act and dispatch the border patrol.
No one is under the impression that the wall is the end all for illegal migration.
But, it is part of the solution, a wall and electronics is a formidable blend to reduce illegal immigration to a trickle. It would make life a lot more manageable for the border patrol.
Building a wall was Trump's answer to ending illegal immigrated. You're probably correct, no one really believes it will stop illegal immigration now. In fact, almost everyday Trump back-peddles. The big beautiful concrete wall across our southern border has shrunk to a reinforced slatted fence, to span a thousand miles, then 700 miles, now just over 200 miles.

Pelosi has resurrected the technology wall which was part of the Obama immigration reform which never got through congress.
You misrepresented or just didn't understand what I posted.
People who work the border say the wall does work. I will always go with the people with their boots on the ground, than those
who reside in Washington DC.
Pelosi's electronic fence doesn't stop anything. All it does is alert of a breach at the border. It doesn't stop illegals, or even slow them down.
If it takes 20 min. for the border patrol to get to the area of the breach, the illegals are long gone.
This isn't rocket science and it doesn't have to be, just some common sense will suffice.
It is not prison walls that keep inmates inside, it's the people that guard them.


A federal minimum security prison I once toured has only a handful of guards for the hundreds of inmates. The concertina wire, double fencing, automated gates, and electronic surveillance is what keeps them inside.

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