Why isn't Bin Laden wanted for 9-11?

"H.L. Mencken had it right: 'The whole aim of practical politics is to keep
the populace alarmed -- and hence clamorous to be led to safety -- by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
-- Pat Buchanan, describing Bush's war on terror, Link
[SIZE=+1]No regrets, many mistakes[/SIZE]

Bush told Charlie Gibson, "Saddam Hussein was unwilling to let the inspectors go in to determine whether or not the U.N. resolutions were being upheld." Bush has been peddling this brazen falsehood for years. It's even possible he's come to believe it. In reality, Iraq produced a 12,000-page document on Dec. 7, 2002, explaining the destruction of its chemical and biological weapons. Despite some foot-dragging, Saddam then allowed U.N. inspectors to travel at will inside Iraq searching for forbidden weapons. The inspectors remained until March 2003 when Bush ordered them out ahead of his "shock and awe" bombing campaign. The U.N. inspectors' activities were broadcast on TV daily for weeks. The same kinds of easily manipulated patriots doubtless infuriated by this column were then focusing their ire on chief arms inspector Hans Blix.
All conveniently forgotten by Bush, his followers (like DiveTurd) and our intrepid press corps, no longer so much covering for a failed president as for themselves.
[SIZE=+1]No regrets, many mistakes[/SIZE]

Bush told Charlie Gibson, "Saddam Hussein was unwilling to let the inspectors go in to determine whether or not the U.N. resolutions were being upheld." Bush has been peddling this brazen falsehood for years. It's even possible he's come to believe it. In reality, Iraq produced a 12,000-page document on Dec. 7, 2002, explaining the destruction of its chemical and biological weapons. Despite some foot-dragging, Saddam then allowed U.N. inspectors to travel at will inside Iraq searching for forbidden weapons. The inspectors remained until March 2003 when Bush ordered them out ahead of his "shock and awe" bombing campaign. The U.N. inspectors' activities were broadcast on TV daily for weeks. The same kinds of easily manipulated patriots doubtless infuriated by this column were then focusing their ire on chief arms inspector Hans Blix.
All conveniently forgotten by Bush, his followers (like DiveTurd) and our intrepid press corps, no longer so much covering for a failed president as for themselves.
and jay smuck is a fucking idiot
your "link" go to a PAGE NOT FOUND

That's a headline. No where does it quote directly from the Pentagon report.

In fact, in the article itself it even says that the report wasn't even released yet.

From your link

The Pentagon report won't be released before Wednesday

If you want to be taken seriously quote directly from the pentagon report and provide a link to it
the weekly standard versus the Pentagon?....yeah Mike you are cuckoo.

The Weekly Standard quoted large excerpts of a DOD memo. That is mainly what I posted.

This is from the link

The memo, dated October 27, 2003, was sent from Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Douglas J. Feith to Senators Pat Roberts and Jay Rockefeller, the chairman and vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. It was written in response to a request from the committee as part of its investigation into prewar intelligence claims made by the administration. Intelligence reporting included in the 16-page memo comes from a variety of domestic and foreign agencies, including the FBI, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the National Security Agency. Much of the evidence is detailed, conclusive, and corroborated by multiple sources. Some of it is new information obtained in custodial interviews with high-level al Qaeda terrorists and Iraqi officials, and some of it is more than a decade old. The picture that emerges is one of a history of collaboration between two of America's most determined and dangerous enemies.
What a pentagon report actually said is that there was "no smoking gun".

It was quite vague.
Exhaustive review finds no link between Saddam and al Qaida

Exhaustive review finds no link between Saddam and al Qaida | McClatchy

Once again, that's a headline.

This is from your own link

The new study of the Iraqi regime's archives found no documents indicating a "direct operational link" between Hussein's Iraq and al Qaida before the invasion, according to a U.S. official familiar with the report.

I never said that there was evidence of a "direct operational link".

Also, your article is talking about a report that wasn't even released yet.

From your link

He and others spoke to McClatchy on condition of anonymity because the study isn't due to be shared with Congress and released before Wednesday

However, what the study did say was that there was "no smoking gun".
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CNN.com - U.S.: Mobile labs found in Iraq - Apr. 15, 2003

U.S.: Mobile labs found in Iraq
Tuesday, April 15, 2003 Posted: 4:19 AM EDT (0819 GMT)

KARBALA, Iraq (CNN) -- U.S. troops have found 11 mobile laboratories buried south of Baghdad that are capable of biological and chemical uses, a U.S. general said Monday.

wow! 2003 story thats already debunked retard:lol:

where are the WMD's again.... the year is 2010 and the world is still waiting?:lol:

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