Why isn't Bin Laden wanted for 9-11?

you are the whiner, dipshit

Why don't you use your sooper psychic abilities to do something useful.....like figure out how you can at least fake being honest and not be a hypocrite every single day? All you fucking do is troll and whine.
more TPP

Hey DiveCon:

I have a helpful hint for you and all rational people when it comes to bent tight's always dishonest & stupid-ass posts: "ignore" works!

I have him relegated to the Ignore Poster Zone for a couple of weeks. The scumbag is there for at least another week at this point. These pages look GREAT and the average intelligence level of the posts which are viewable SOAR when bent tight's imbecile posts are reduced to this:
Today 11:08 PM
CurveLight This user is on your Ignore List.


The fucktard posts like six or seven mindless posts in a row, and all we have to see (unless the fucker gets quoted) is:

Today 11:08 PM
CurveLight This user is on your Ignore List.
Today 11:08 PM
CurveLight This user is on your Ignore List.
Today 11:08 PM
CurveLight This user is on your Ignore List.
Today 11:08 PM
CurveLight This user is on your Ignore List.
Today 11:08 PM
CurveLight This user is on your Ignore List.
Today 11:08 PM
CurveLight This user is on your Ignore List.
{Of course, the time stamps vary.}

It's beautiful! Highly recommended!
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Why don't you use your sooper psychic abilities to do something useful.....like figure out how you can at least fake being honest and not be a hypocrite every single day? All you fucking do is troll and whine.
more TPP

Hey DiveCon:

I have a helpful hint for you and all rational people when it comes to bent tight's always dishonest & stupid-ass posts: "ignore" works!

I have him relegated to the Ignore Poster Zone for a couple of weeks. The scumbag is there for at least another week at this point. These pages look GREAT and the average intelligence level of the posts which are viewable SOAR when bent tight's imbecile posts are reduced to this:


The fucktard posts like six or seven mindless posts in a row, and all we have to see (unless the fucker gets quoted) is:

Today 11:08 PM
CurveLight This user is on your Ignore List.
Today 11:08 PM
CurveLight This user is on your Ignore List.
{Of course, the time stamps vary.}

It's beautiful! Highly recommended!
are you kidding???
and miss his comedy routine

At least by the FBI?
FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitive - Usama Bin Laden
No mention of the 9-11 attacks what so ever on the wanted poster? Some thing isn't right, why isn't on there?

While it is proven that he heads the organization that plotted the attacks, planned the attacks, and carried out the attacks, there is only circumstantial evidence that he had a direct hand in any of that.

What you're asking is, in essence, why isn't the CEO of a company held liable for anything that his employees do on the job that is wrong. If a ConEd meter reader steals your dog while reading your meter, should the CEO of ConEd be charged?

so what you are saying is bin laden is a CEO and 19 renegade employees are responsible for 9/11 so he cant be held liable for 9/11 is that correct
Why don't you use your sooper psychic abilities to do something useful.....like figure out how you can at least fake being honest and not be a hypocrite every single day? All you fucking do is troll and whine.
more TPP

Hey DiveCon:

I have a helpful hint for you and all rational people when it comes to bent tight's always dishonest & stupid-ass posts: "ignore" works!

I have him relegated to the Ignore Poster Zone for a couple of weeks. The scumbag is there for at least another week at this point. These pages look GREAT and the average intelligence level of the posts which are viewable SOAR when bent tight's imbecile posts are reduced to this:


The fucktard posts like six or seven mindless posts in a row, and all we have to see (unless the fucker gets quoted) is:

Today 11:08 PM
CurveLight This user is on your Ignore List.
Today 11:08 PM
CurveLight This user is on your Ignore List.
{Of course, the time stamps vary.}

It's beautiful! Highly recommended!

Not one of you ***** can debate 9E so you hide then brag about your cowardice but such is expected from Snitch Bitches like you.
You are pure chickshit cowardly bitch. The NFZ was illegal you dumbfuck.

according to who?

Figures after all these years even a dumbfuck like you doesn't know. Tell ya what einstein, show us where they were specifically legally authorized. (a dumb shit like you will probably try to respond by saying I need to show they are illegal.....and you'll be too stoopid to realize the fact you cannot show where they were specifically authorized proves they were illegal)

so what you are saying is that you dont know who said it is illegal and maybe nobody said it at all. therefore, i need to do your work for you to see if its legal or not because you are too fucking lazy to back up your own fucking statement. :lol:

why dont you just come clean and say you are a lazy uneducated dumbfuck that lives at home and cant hold down a job that pays above minimum wage.
according to who?

Figures after all these years even a dumbfuck like you doesn't know. Tell ya what einstein, show us where they were specifically legally authorized. (a dumb shit like you will probably try to respond by saying I need to show they are illegal.....and you'll be too stoopid to realize the fact you cannot show where they were specifically authorized proves they were illegal)

so what you are saying is that you dont know who said it is illegal and maybe nobody said it at all. therefore, i need to do your work for you to see if its legal or not because you are too fucking lazy to back up your own fucking statement. :lol:

why dont you just come clean and say you are a lazy uneducated dumbfuck that lives at home and cant hold down a job that pays above minimum wage.

this is a favorite past time of debwunkers..to have little imaginings about the what the opposing poster does and it is usually tainted with some kind of classes statement implying the opinions of other Americans are negated by their level of income or choice of occupation..they are a queer bunch..those debwunkers
Figures after all these years even a dumbfuck like you doesn't know. Tell ya what einstein, show us where they were specifically legally authorized. (a dumb shit like you will probably try to respond by saying I need to show they are illegal.....and you'll be too stoopid to realize the fact you cannot show where they were specifically authorized proves they were illegal)

so what you are saying is that you dont know who said it is illegal and maybe nobody said it at all. therefore, i need to do your work for you to see if its legal or not because you are too fucking lazy to back up your own fucking statement. :lol:

why dont you just come clean and say you are a lazy uneducated dumbfuck that lives at home and cant hold down a job that pays above minimum wage.

this is a favorite past time of debwunkers..to have little imaginings about the what the opposing poster does and it is usually tainted with some kind of classes statement implying the opinions of other Americans are negated by their level of income or choice of occupation..they are a queer bunch..those debwunkers
wow, how ironic

Hey DiveCon:

I have a helpful hint for you and all rational people when it comes to bent tight's always dishonest & stupid-ass posts: "ignore" works!

I have him relegated to the Ignore Poster Zone for a couple of weeks. The scumbag is there for at least another week at this point. These pages look GREAT and the average intelligence level of the posts which are viewable SOAR when bent tight's imbecile posts are reduced to this:


The fucktard posts like six or seven mindless posts in a row, and all we have to see (unless the fucker gets quoted) is:

Today 11:08 PM
CurveLight This user is on your Ignore List.
{Of course, the time stamps vary.}

It's beautiful! Highly recommended!

Not one of you ***** can debate 9E so you hide then brag about your cowardice but such is expected from Snitch Bitches like you.
fuck, you cant even say "9/11"
you are what you call others, dipshit
according to who?

Figures after all these years even a dumbfuck like you doesn't know. Tell ya what einstein, show us where they were specifically legally authorized. (a dumb shit like you will probably try to respond by saying I need to show they are illegal.....and you'll be too stoopid to realize the fact you cannot show where they were specifically authorized proves they were illegal)

so what you are saying is that you dont know who said it is illegal and maybe nobody said it at all. therefore, i need to do your work for you to see if its legal or not because you are too fucking lazy to back up your own fucking statement. :lol:

why dont you just come clean and say you are a lazy uneducated dumbfuck that lives at home and cant hold down a job that pays above minimum wage.

What I am saying is you have proven to ignore evidence you do not like. On several occasions you've asked for evidence and I provided it only to be followed up by you dodging like the cowardly bitch you are. If someone worth the effort comes along and asks I'll post the evidence again as I have done before. You're too much of a dishonest cowardly bitch for me to care if you agree or not. Wanna threaten to come see me too you fucking worthless coward? Lol.....
Hey DiveCon:

I have a helpful hint for you and all rational people when it comes to bent tight's always dishonest & stupid-ass posts: "ignore" works!

I have him relegated to the Ignore Poster Zone for a couple of weeks. The scumbag is there for at least another week at this point. These pages look GREAT and the average intelligence level of the posts which are viewable SOAR when bent tight's imbecile posts are reduced to this:


The fucktard posts like six or seven mindless posts in a row, and all we have to see (unless the fucker gets quoted) is:

{Of course, the time stamps vary.}

It's beautiful! Highly recommended!

Not one of you ***** can debate 9E so you hide then brag about your cowardice but such is expected from Snitch Bitches like you.
fuck, you cant even say "9/11"
you are what you call others, dipshit

I'm pretty sure we have all seen you claim troofers complain about minutia matters.....yet here you complaining about "9E?" Rotfl! What a stoopid bitch!
Why don't you use your sooper psychic abilities to do something useful.....like figure out how you can at least fake being honest and not be a hypocrite every single day? All you fucking do is troll and whine.
more TPP

Hey DiveCon:

I have a helpful hint for you and all rational people when it comes to bent tight's always dishonest & stupid-ass posts: "ignore" works!

I have him relegated to the Ignore Poster Zone for a couple of weeks. The scumbag is there for at least another week at this point. These pages look GREAT and the average intelligence level of the posts which are viewable SOAR when bent tight's imbecile posts are reduced to this:


The fucktard posts like six or seven mindless posts in a row, and all we have to see (unless the fucker gets quoted) is:

Today 11:08 PM
CurveLight This user is on your Ignore List.
Today 11:08 PM
CurveLight This user is on your Ignore List.
{Of course, the time stamps vary.}

It's beautiful! Highly recommended!

It does make for a more relaxed atmosphere... :lol:
There was never an operational link between iraq and alkida....but you go ahead and keep repeating those dumbass talking points because apparently you care more about bullshit than facts if it helps justify what you want to support.

Yeah...but there were ties between Al Qaida and Hussein that went back a decade.

Why would you say that? Saddam killed members of his own family to stay in power. He certainly wouldn't invite such a threat into his country.

Bin Laden, along with al Qaeda, tried to put together a coalition to drive Saddam from Kuwait. Bin Laden became angry when other Arab countries turned towards US and not him. That is the basis for the reason Bin Laden gives for the attack on the WTC.

How can you debate when you know so little? If you had more sense, you would be ashamed.

Saddam's al Qaeda Connection | The Weekly Standard

In case you don't know Tenet was the CIA director.

The Tenet letter declassified CIA reporting on weapons of mass destruction and Iraq's links to al Qaeda. Two sentences on WMD garnered most media attention, but the intelligence chief's comments on al Qaeda deserved notice. "We have solid reporting of senior level contacts between Iraq and al Qa'ida going back a decade," Tenet wrote. "Credible information indicates that Iraq and al Qa'ida have discussed safe haven and reciprocal non-aggression. Since Operation Enduring Freedom [in Afghanistan], we have solid evidence of the presence in Iraq of al Qa'ida members, including some that have been in Baghdad. We have credible reporting that al Qa'ida leaders sought contacts in Iraq who could help them acquire WMD capabilities. The reporting also stated that Iraq has provided training to al Qa'ida members in the areas of poisons and gases and making conventional bombs." In sum, the letter said, "Iraq's increasing support to extremist Palestinians, coupled with growing indications of a relationship with al Qa'ida, suggest that Baghdad's links to terrorists will increase, even absent US military actions."

Below is a link to an article that quotes excerpts from a DOD memo that gives over 50 links between Al Qaida and Hussein.

I don't feel like copy and pasting so just go to the link.

Case Closed | The Weekly Standard

Hey DiveCon:

I have a helpful hint for you and all rational people when it comes to bent tight's always dishonest & stupid-ass posts: "ignore" works!

I have him relegated to the Ignore Poster Zone for a couple of weeks. The scumbag is there for at least another week at this point. These pages look GREAT and the average intelligence level of the posts which are viewable SOAR when bent tight's imbecile posts are reduced to this:


The fucktard posts like six or seven mindless posts in a row, and all we have to see (unless the fucker gets quoted) is:

Today 11:08 PM
CurveLight This user is on your Ignore List.
{Of course, the time stamps vary.}

It's beautiful! Highly recommended!

Not one of you ***** can debate 9E so you hide then brag about your cowardice but such is expected from Snitch Bitches like you.

Don't worry I'm still here. You amuse me.
Wanna threaten to come see me too you fucking worthless coward? Lol.....

no thanks. i dont go inside trailer parks.

see..I told you these debwunkers just love to have imaginings the people that oppose their point of veiw work as minumum wage workers or live in trailers or basements ..they cant deal with facts and have to escape into fantasy
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Yeah...but there were ties between Al Qaida and Hussein that went back a decade.

Why would you say that? Saddam killed members of his own family to stay in power. He certainly wouldn't invite such a threat into his country.

Bin Laden, along with al Qaeda, tried to put together a coalition to drive Saddam from Kuwait. Bin Laden became angry when other Arab countries turned towards US and not him. That is the basis for the reason Bin Laden gives for the attack on the WTC.

How can you debate when you know so little? If you had more sense, you would be ashamed.

Saddam's al Qaeda Connection | The Weekly Standard

In case you don't know Tenet was the CIA director.

The Tenet letter declassified CIA reporting on weapons of mass destruction and Iraq's links to al Qaeda. Two sentences on WMD garnered most media attention, but the intelligence chief's comments on al Qaeda deserved notice. "We have solid reporting of senior level contacts between Iraq and al Qa'ida going back a decade," Tenet wrote. "Credible information indicates that Iraq and al Qa'ida have discussed safe haven and reciprocal non-aggression. Since Operation Enduring Freedom [in Afghanistan], we have solid evidence of the presence in Iraq of al Qa'ida members, including some that have been in Baghdad. We have credible reporting that al Qa'ida leaders sought contacts in Iraq who could help them acquire WMD capabilities. The reporting also stated that Iraq has provided training to al Qa'ida members in the areas of poisons and gases and making conventional bombs." In sum, the letter said, "Iraq's increasing support to extremist Palestinians, coupled with growing indications of a relationship with al Qa'ida, suggest that Baghdad's links to terrorists will increase, even absent US military actions."

Below is a link to an article that quotes excerpts from a DOD memo that gives over 50 links between Al Qaida and Hussein.

I don't feel like copy and pasting so just go to the link.

Case Closed | The Weekly Standard

ROTFL!!!!!!!! The Weekly Standard? Are you fucking retarded or do you actually think this is amateur hour? Are you aware of the Pentagon report on this or are you hoping others are as uninformed as you are?
Wanna threaten to come see me too you fucking worthless coward? Lol.....

no thanks. i dont go inside trailer parks.

see..I told you these debwunkers just love to have imaginings the people that oppose their point of veiw work as minumum wage workers or live in trailers or basements ..they cant deal with facts and have to escape into fantasy

They invent an entire fantasy world to defend their ignorance and stoopidity about 9E so why would they stop with that issue? I have one employee that acts a lot like these idiots so I let him run his mouth because he's not a bad worker and makes me some money. Sometimes it's better not to disturb the delicate balance of their imaginary galaxies.
Personally, I think Bin Laden is going to die on his yak powered dialysis machine in the cold and empty mountains of Pakistan wondering, lamenting, howling to Allah, why, oh why, did he never live to rule a universal caliphate?

Live by the delusion, die in the delusion.

*Royalty check to Dennis Miller for "Yak powered dialysis machine."
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Personally, I think Bin Laden is going to die on his yak powered dialysis machine in the cold and empty mountains of Pakistan wondering, lamenting, howling to Allah, why, oh why, did he never live to rule a universal caliphate?

Live by the delusion, die in the delusion.

*Royalty check to Dennis Miller for "Yak powered dialysis machine."

Bin laden has been dead for about 7 years. That's my view anyways.

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