Why isn't Bin Laden wanted for 9-11?

wrong again, dipshit, i use the rep system as a peer review system like it was meant to be
and i neg rep dipshits like you because you are dipshits

What a fucking coward. You can't even be honest about how you abuse the neg rep button to try and compensate for your total inability to debate.
hey dipshit, if you really think i'm abusing it, report me

Don't confuse me with your Snitch Bitch buddies. I don't give a fuck what the rules say about it. I'm pointing out you use it as a means to try and compensate for the fact you can't debate. It doesn't work though does it? I mean after all the stoopid one liners, at the end of the day, there you are in all your glorious stoopidity. That burns you up quite a bit, doesn't it?
good thing we stole all their oil, eh? :cuckoo:

You're a fucking retard that should not try to debate anything at all. We did steal iraq's oil but you're way way too fucking dumb to understand how.

where did i say i was here to debate? i'm here to laugh at all you idiotic twoofers!!! its funny watching you do the equivalent of trying to prove water isnt wet.:lol:
good thing we stole all their oil, eh? :cuckoo:

You're a fucking retard that should not try to debate anything at all. We did steal iraq's oil but you're way way too fucking dumb to understand how.

where did i say i was here to debate? i'm here to laugh at all you idiotic twoofers!!! its funny watching you do the equivalent of trying to prove water isnt wet.:lol:

You're nothing but a sick fuck.
You're a fucking retard that should not try to debate anything at all. We did steal iraq's oil but you're way way too fucking dumb to understand how.

where did i say i was here to debate? i'm here to laugh at all you idiotic twoofers!!! its funny watching you do the equivalent of trying to prove water isnt wet.:lol:

You're nothing but a sick fuck.
yeah, YOU think the government killed nearly 3000 innocent citizens, and HE is the sick fuck

where did i say i was here to debate? i'm here to laugh at all you idiotic twoofers!!! its funny watching you do the equivalent of trying to prove water isnt wet.:lol:

You're nothing but a sick fuck.
yeah, YOU think the government killed nearly 3000 innocent citizens, and HE is the sick fuck


I've never made that claim but pathetic child raping fucks like you love to create lies to try and hide your own shit.
You don't know what you are talking about. He was indicted in Federal courts about 12 years ago. Now that we have the "unlawful combatant" shit out of the way, how about attempting an informed answer?

It's is not 12 years ago. After 911 we are now in a war.

Oh really? You just keep proving how fucking dumb you are. Since you want to use the technical term of "War" then show us where Congress made a Declaration of War? Also, even if that were true you dumbass do you think bin laden would not have charges brought against him? You do realize "unlawful combatants" do get charged with crimes don't you? Or are you too stoopid to know that as well?

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Congress hasn't officially declared war since WWII. Have you heard the vietnam, Korean, and Gulf wars?? Well guess what Congress didn't declare them wars either.

Even THE Obama finally realized that we are in a war

'“We are at war, we are at war against al Qaeda,” Obama said'

No, unlawful combatants don't need indictments made against them :cuckoo:
Why isn't Bin Laden wanted for 9-11?

Bin Laden has always been wanted by the Democrats.

By the Republicans, not so much. In fact, they gave him a 9 year "head start", so it's going to be very difficult to find him. Of course, they did find Saddam, only he didn't do anything to us.

Republicans, bass ackwards.

He harbored some of the very same terrorists that we sought. But that doesn't matter now does it?

There was never an operational link between iraq and alkida....but you go ahead and keep repeating those dumbass talking points because apparently you care more about bullshit than facts if it helps justify what you want to support.

Yeah...but there were ties between Al Qaida and Hussein that went back a decade.
Of course, they did find Saddam, only he didn't do anything to us.

are you a complete moron or just pretending to be?

he fired missiles at our aircraft on an almost daily basis. we foiled a plot he was behind to kill our ex-president.

"We know that he has stored nuclear supplies, secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country."

John Kerry October 9th, 2002

You ignorant bitches still repeat that bullshit eh? The No Fly Zones were not legal. By invading Iraq's sovereign airspace he had the legal right to fire on foreign military aircraft you dumbfuck.

What a moron. He is on Hussein's side :cuckoo:
Why isn't Bin Laden wanted for 9-11?

Bin Laden has always been wanted by the Democrats.

By the Republicans, not so much. In fact, they gave him a 9 year "head start", so it's going to be very difficult to find him. Of course, they did find Saddam, only he didn't do anything to us.

Republicans, bass ackwards.


As a matter of fact, Sudan offered to arrest and extradite OBL and hand him over him to the US twice, -- Clinton refused.

More fucking dumb shit. What the fuck is wrong with you ignorant assholes? Sudan never offered bin laden to the US and when those rumors were flying the US had no charges filed against bin laden. So tell us you genius level dumbass, how can you extradite someone you don't have charges against?

:lol: Make up your mind. It never happend or Clinton didn't agree because he was only unindicted co-conspirator in the first WTC attack. You are very confused.

You can hear the audio of Clinton talking about it if you go to the link.

On Tape, Clinton Admits Passing Up bin Laden Capture; Lewinsky Played Role

You don't need an indictment to arrest or kill a terrorist leader. We are in a war :cuckoo:

Sudan offered OBL's head to Clinton twice and twice Clinton refused.

As a matter of fact, Sudan offered to arrest and extradite OBL and hand him over him to the US twice, -- Clinton refused.

More fucking dumb shit. What the fuck is wrong with you ignorant assholes? Sudan never offered bin laden to the US and when those rumors were flying the US had no charges filed against bin laden. So tell us you genius level dumbass, how can you extradite someone you don't have charges against?

:lol: Make up your mind. It never happend or Clinton didn't agree because he was only unindicted co-conspirator in the first WTC attack. You are very confused.

You can hear the audio of Clinton talking about it if you go to the link.

On Tape, Clinton Admits Passing Up bin Laden Capture; Lewinsky Played Role

You don't need an indictment to arrest or kill a terrorist leader. We are in a war :cuckoo:

Sudan offered OBL's head to Clinton twice and twice Clinton refused.

You've posted that dumbass newsmax link before. Were you hoping to fool people by posting it again? Lol....

As a matter of fact, Sudan offered to arrest and extradite OBL and hand him over him to the US twice, -- Clinton refused.

More fucking dumb shit. What the fuck is wrong with you ignorant assholes? Sudan never offered bin laden to the US and when those rumors were flying the US had no charges filed against bin laden. So tell us you genius level dumbass, how can you extradite someone you don't have charges against?

:lol: Make up your mind. It never happend or Clinton didn't agree because he was only unindicted co-conspirator in the first WTC attack. You are very confused.

You can hear the audio of Clinton talking about it if you go to the link.

On Tape, Clinton Admits Passing Up bin Laden Capture; Lewinsky Played Role

You don't need an indictment to arrest or kill a terrorist leader. We are in a war :cuckoo:

Sudan offered OBL's head to Clinton twice and twice Clinton refused.

You've posted that dumbass link before.
are you a complete moron or just pretending to be?

he fired missiles at our aircraft on an almost daily basis. we foiled a plot he was behind to kill our ex-president.

"We know that he has stored nuclear supplies, secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country."

John Kerry October 9th, 2002

You ignorant bitches still repeat that bullshit eh? The No Fly Zones were not legal. By invading Iraq's sovereign airspace he had the legal right to fire on foreign military aircraft you dumbfuck.

What a moron. He is on Hussein's side :cuckoo:

You are pure chickshit cowardly bitch. The NFZ was illegal you dumbfuck.
You ignorant bitches still repeat that bullshit eh? The No Fly Zones were not legal. By invading Iraq's sovereign airspace he had the legal right to fire on foreign military aircraft you dumbfuck.

What a moron. He is on Hussein's side :cuckoo:

You are pure chickshit cowardly bitch. The NFZ was illegal you dumbfuck.

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