Why Isn't Everyone an Atheist?


VIP Member
Jan 20, 2014
Under a different thread on this board, I posted the below video, of Dan Barker of Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) fame, who speaks about why the biblical god is an impossibility as my response to a Christian's comment, which I paraphrase here, that everything one needed to know about living a good life could be found in the bible and that I should obtain one and read it. Since I received no reply from this person whom I directed it to, nor did I receive a reply from anyone else for that matter, I'm hoping that by now making it the subject of a thread some other bible believer will 'step up to the plate', so to speak, and tell us all where Barker errs in his belief that there is no God because of the many biblical contradictions that he cites. If no one can do it, why isn't everyone an Atheist like me? Thank you. ~ Susan
I'm not going to spend 10.5 minutes listening to someone make your argument. However, anyone who claims there is no God has no more evidence to back up their position than someone who claims there is. To talk about the Bible merely indicates your entire perspective is Christian, which kind of belies the entire premise of Atheism. So the reason everyone isn't an Atheist like you is because they are making another blind guess than the blind guess you are making. But that doesn't make your blind guess any less blind.
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The reason why not everyone is an atheist?

Because deep down, we are all afraid of dying. and if you aren't you're an idiot.

Religion gives us the comforting hope that after we die, we continue.

Perhaps your religion does. Mine assures just the opposite.
The more important question is why aren't atheists agnostic? Why do they choose the same ultimatum religious folks do and claim a difference?
Oh, wait....
You can't prove that God does not exist any more than I can prove that He does. It all comes down to faith. I have faith and truly believe that God exists. You do not. End of story.
You can't prove that God does not exist any more than I can prove that He does. It all comes down to faith. I have faith and truly believe that God exists. You do not. End of story.

And nothing logically separates the two. Only if I weren't an unknown, I'd be a believer. Why not? Why have hate in your heart? That's what atheism ultimately is - hate.
Under a different thread on this board, Grendelyn said that she is not the least bit afraid to apologize for any error she has made on this board. So I called her out on it here (the thread is in the Israel/Palestine conflict section):

Israel Taps an Offshore Natural Gas Field Page 7 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

That post that I made was almost a week ago. In it I suggested, no accused her that she would not do any such thing, when proven wrong she would more likely ignore and disappear from the thread. And I attempted another response in that thread here:

Israel Taps an Offshore Natural Gas Field Page 8 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

She has logged into this site and responded (and now created) some threads, but for some reason she has not visited the Israel/Palestine section of this site.

Why? IMHO because she means nothing of the sort, i.e. to admit she is wrong.

I just thought I'd post this for all to see how much credulity she has here on this board. For me, NONE!
Under a different thread on this board, Grendelyn said that she is not the least bit afraid to apologize for any error she has made on this board. So I called her out on it here (the thread is in the Israel/Palestine conflict section):

Israel Taps an Offshore Natural Gas Field Page 7 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

That post that I made was almost a week ago. In it I suggested, no accused her that she would not do any such thing, when proven wrong she would more likely ignore and disappear from the thread. And I attempted another response in that thread here:

Israel Taps an Offshore Natural Gas Field Page 8 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

She has logged into this site and responded (and now created) some threads, but for some reason she has not visited the Israel/Palestine section of this site.

Why? IMHO because she means nothing of the sort, i.e. to admit she is wrong.

I just thought I'd post this for all to see how much credulity she has here on this board. For me, NONE!

You mean I wasted my wisdom on her for nuthin'??
Religion goes far beyond afterlife scenarios, creation stories, and belief in Gods and Goddesses. There is so much more to religion than just those things. So much more. Perhaps if you extended your knowledge about religion beyond Christianity and into the many other religious/ spiritual systems embraced by humanity worldwide, you would come to understand the value and Power in all religion.

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Religion goes far beyond afterlife scenarios, creation stories, and belief in Gods and Goddesses. There is so much more to religion than just those things. So much more. Perhaps if you extended your knowledge about religion beyond Christianity and into the many other religious/ spiritual systems embraced by humanity worldwide, you would come to understand the value and Power in all religion.

Actually, what I found is that other religions are just the same bullshit in different packaging.
Religion goes far beyond afterlife scenarios, creation stories, and belief in Gods and Goddesses. There is so much more to religion than just those things. So much more. Perhaps if you extended your knowledge about religion beyond Christianity and into the many other religious/ spiritual systems embraced by humanity worldwide, you would come to understand the value and Power in all religion.

Hmm, no thanks. Either Jesus will be there when I die, or when I die there will be nothing.
Under a different thread on this board, I posted the below video, of Dan Barker of Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) fame, who speaks about why the biblical god is an impossibility as my response to a Christian's comment, which I paraphrase here, that everything one needed to know about living a good life could be found in the bible and that I should obtain one and read it. Since I received no reply from this person whom I directed it to, nor did I receive a reply from anyone else for that matter, I'm hoping that by now making it the subject of a thread some other bible believer will 'step up to the plate', so to speak, and tell us all where Barker errs in his belief that there is no God because of the many biblical contradictions that he cites. If no one can do it, why isn't everyone an Atheist like me? Thank you. ~ Susan

I tend to prefer people ask their own questions and make their own arguments, because I cannot ask a link or a video for clarification. My discussion is with you. But like the video, let's say you have a concern that something contradictory cannot exist. The video offers an example of an unmarried bachelor.

If one person sees a man about town with a different woman on his arm whenever they bump into each other, the perception would be that the man is a bachelor. However, the person who lives next door and sees him with wife and children perceives him as married. They both write of their experiences. One claims the man is a bachelor; the other claims he is married.

The contradictions found it the Bible are from different people in different situations.

One example offered is that God says He never changes, and then this appears to be refuted with God changing His mind. But...does changing one's mind change one's character or who they are? I was going to have tuna for dinner, but then I changed my mind and I am making chicken. Does this change of mind change who I am? Tonight I think, if offered, I will substitute teach tomorrow. If I change my mind tomorrow and elect not to teach, does it change who I am?

The next examples warns that the iniquity of the father will be visited upon the child--for many generations. I can see this being played out in the lives of a family member. The (bad) choices he made have affected his children, and in turn has had a great affect on his grandchildren as well.

On the other hand, any punishment my family member may receive for his sin either from God or governmental authority, will not be visited upon his children and grandchildren.

As you see, there is a different connotation in what each passage is saying.

The third "contradiction" involves God tempting. Closer examination shows us that God does not tempt us to do evil. However, God does test our will.

The commandment is to not murder (not 'kill'.) We have to be careful to read correct context and connotation.

And so on and so forth throughout the video, but I think I have made my point. I see the video as someone who has come up with a clever idea--contradictions cannot exist. Therefore, let's label this, that, and the other a contradiction and declare God does not exist.

However, what's the answer when something is incorrectly labeled a contradiction? Does a label shown to be incorrect prove God's existence? :wink:
I'm not going to spend 10.5 minutes listening to someone make your argument. However, anyone who claims there is no God has no more evidence to back up their position than someone who claims there is. To talk about the Bible merely indicates your entire perspective is Christian, which kind of belies the entire premise of Atheism. So the reason everyone isn't an Atheist like you is because they are making another blind guess than the blind guess you are making. But that doesn't make your blind guess any less blind.

Dear PratchettFan and Grendelyn:
People who talk with God are not guessing. That is how they experience divine intervention.

People who do not personify God see life in secular general terms. That is valid, too!

Why this business of making one right and one wrong?
A trained musician or dancer is going to 'experience' going to a ballet
or symphony differently from someone who sees it flat for what it is.

When my friends write a poem because an inspiration came to them,
nobody else hears that voice, it is only for them.

Only we remember our own dreams. Sometimes we don't.

Doesn't make this experience right or wrong, real or false for one person VERSUS another.

If one person dreams in black and white or someone dreams in sounds
that is their experience and equally real to them as someone who experiences visions in other forms.

Why does this have to be the same for all people?
Religion goes far beyond afterlife scenarios, creation stories, and belief in Gods and Goddesses. There is so much more to religion than just those things. So much more. Perhaps if you extended your knowledge about religion beyond Christianity and into the many other religious/ spiritual systems embraced by humanity worldwide, you would come to understand the value and Power in all religion.

Actually, what I found is that other religions are just the same bullshit in different packaging.

Not the religions that don't believe in some variation of supernatural "god".

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