Why Isn't Everyone an Atheist?

Hollie, I am not interested in what Christian groups say or what activist Atheist groups say. Neither of them have a thing to do with Science. I want to see the peer reviewed science which disproves Pasteur's Law of Biogenesis. You can either point me to that or you can't. I already know that you can't because you're full of shit.

You can be a troll and demagogue the thread with floods of copy-n-paste from atheist blogs, hoping no one notices what an utter moron you are, but I predict this tactic will fail hard.
  1. The spontaneous generation that Pasteur and others disproved was the idea that life forms such as mice, maggots, and bacteria can appear fully formed. They disproved a form of creationism. There is no law of biogenesis saying that very primitive life cannot form from increasingly complex molecules.

There is no scientific law or principle which says anything cannot happen. Science doesn't conclude, it only predicts probability of possibility. Science never says anything is absolute and it never says anything is impossible. Those would be faith-based determinations you've made through science.

Pasteur did not disprove a form of creation, he proved that life comes from life, and so far we've not observed anything different.

However, there does come a time when science simply stops looking in a certain direction because we know there are no answers there. Astronomers are never going to look towards geocentrism as a solution because we know it's wrong. We know cell theory is right, we know atomic theory is right, we know germ theory is right, and anyone who says otherwise at this point is simply going to be ignored because there isn't going to be evidence to the contrary. Otherwise we have to consider an Earth-centered universe, everything is a combination of Earth, Fire, Water, and Air and that diseases are imbalances in the Four Humours
Hollie, I am not interested in what Christian groups say or what activist Atheist groups say. Neither of them have a thing to do with Science. I want to see the peer reviewed science which disproves Pasteur's Law of Biogenesis. You can either point me to that or you can't. I already know that you can't because you're full of shit.

You can be a troll and demagogue the thread with floods of copy-n-paste from atheist blogs, hoping no one notices what an utter moron you are, but I predict this tactic will fail hard.

How really silly, bossy. You're asking me to disprove something you have made no case for. Your "because the Watchtower Bible Society says so" claim is laughable.

Sorry, but your silly "law of biogenesis" is a fraud. You are free to perpetuate such a fraud but don't expect your christian creationist nonsense to be taken seriously.
OK you two, my little 'someone has reply to this thread' is going crazy. Can we agree to disagree on this?
I didn't commit the fraud, Dear. Your evolution scientists committed the fraud. Here's some more for you: Big Bang Theory Busted By 33 Top Scientists
Ah, yes. Rense.com.

It may be the most infamous of the dumping grounds for those conspiracy addled types like you.

While the web can be a source of knowledge and provide access to vast amounts of information, it can also be a playground for the conspiracy theory addled and hyper-religious kooks who mouth the bait cast out to them by the more dangerous kooks.

I know you appreciate truth and transparency in scientific discovery. Here's yet another link attesting to the character of the scientists you worship:

25 Greatest Scientific Hoaxes In History
Sure, I appreciate truth and transparency in scientific discovery. That's precisely why your cutting and pasting from fundamentalist Christian ministries is so tragically comic.

You science loathing / hyper-religious types have an agenda to disparage the science you don't understand.

Realizing how much you love the truth, here's yet another one for you: Archaeological Cover-ups - A Plot to Control History

Yes. Your fundie christian ministries are an unending source of goofy conspiracy theories.

How lucky they are to have the gullible and the superstitious to buy into them.

Speaking about "buying". Have you checked the charge on your fire extinguisher lately Hollie. Time's getting close when you're gonna need it, especially since you've already turned down the fore insurance policy you were offered.
However, there does come a time when science simply stops looking in a certain direction because we know there are no answers there. Astronomers are never going to look towards geocentrism as a solution because we know it's wrong. We know cell theory is right, we know atomic theory is right, we know germ theory is right, and anyone who says otherwise at this point is simply going to be ignored because there isn't going to be evidence to the contrary. Otherwise we have to consider an Earth-centered universe, everything is a combination of Earth, Fire, Water, and Air and that diseases are imbalances in the Four Humours

People like you scare me because you really don't seem to comprehend what science is about. Uhm... no, science doesn't "stop looking" ...because science is inanimate. Men who use science may stop looking, once they've adopted a faith in the conclusions made. Science holds no opinion.

Do you realize that virtually every physics textbook in America is wrong? They all state the universe is comprised mostly of atoms. This is because science indicated this was a fact and men believed it was a fact. However, in spite of our certainty... science itself, doesn't conclude things, it keeps on asking questions and examining possibility, and about 15 years ago, science found that 96% of the universe is dark energy and dark matter, not atoms.

This is just one of many examples where "science says" turned out to be incorrect. You say we know this is right and that is right, but we've "known" things before and they weren't right in the end, and we discovered they weren't because someone kept asking questions and using science.
Ah, yes. Rense.com.

It may be the most infamous of the dumping grounds for those conspiracy addled types like you.

While the web can be a source of knowledge and provide access to vast amounts of information, it can also be a playground for the conspiracy theory addled and hyper-religious kooks who mouth the bait cast out to them by the more dangerous kooks.

I know you appreciate truth and transparency in scientific discovery. Here's yet another link attesting to the character of the scientists you worship:

25 Greatest Scientific Hoaxes In History
Sure, I appreciate truth and transparency in scientific discovery. That's precisely why your cutting and pasting from fundamentalist Christian ministries is so tragically comic.

You science loathing / hyper-religious types have an agenda to disparage the science you don't understand.

Realizing how much you love the truth, here's yet another one for you: Archaeological Cover-ups - A Plot to Control History

Yes. Your fundie christian ministries are an unending source of goofy conspiracy theories.

How lucky they are to have the gullible and the superstitious to buy into them.

Speaking about "buying". Have you checked the charge on your fire extinguisher lately Hollie. Time's getting close when you're gonna need it, especially since you've already turned down the fore insurance policy you were offered.
No need. I'm going to heaven. Odin told me so.
Comrade Stalin; in my lifetime in the USA, no Christian has ever used the implied violence of the state to force any person to pray.

The freedom from religion Taliban uses the implied violence of the state to STOP people from praying or expressing their faith each and every day.

YOu know, your attempt to convince people you aren't crazy aren't working, guy. What does that mean, implied violence of the state? You can't put your religion in the public square. Deal with it. No one says you can't practice your superstitions in your churches and homes.
I know you appreciate truth and transparency in scientific discovery. Here's yet another link attesting to the character of the scientists you worship:

25 Greatest Scientific Hoaxes In History
Sure, I appreciate truth and transparency in scientific discovery. That's precisely why your cutting and pasting from fundamentalist Christian ministries is so tragically comic.

You science loathing / hyper-religious types have an agenda to disparage the science you don't understand.

Realizing how much you love the truth, here's yet another one for you: Archaeological Cover-ups - A Plot to Control History

Yes. Your fundie christian ministries are an unending source of goofy conspiracy theories.

How lucky they are to have the gullible and the superstitious to buy into them.

Speaking about "buying". Have you checked the charge on your fire extinguisher lately Hollie. Time's getting close when you're gonna need it, especially since you've already turned down the fore insurance policy you were offered.
No need. I'm going to heaven. Odin told me so.

You'd best stay away from Odin when your Mom's not home.
A better question is "Who would ever wish to become an atheist?" Look around. All the atheists on here are weird, very unhappy and totally nuts. They are completely obsessed with a god they claim does not exist and a Bible they say is full of fabricated lies. All this is truth they swear, yet they simply must discuss all issues of Christianity day after day. It appears they are so weak they can't even stand it when someone lies to them. How will they ever cope in a grown-up world without Mommy?
A better question is "Who would ever wish to become an atheist?" Look around. All the atheists on here are weird, very unhappy and totally nuts. They are completely obsessed with a god they claim does not exist and a Bible they say is full of fabricated lies. All this is truth they swear, yet they simply must discuss all issues of Christianity day after day. It appears they are so weak they can't even stand it when someone lies to them. How will they ever cope in a grown-up world without Mommy?
You really do represent the stereotype of the angry, self-hating fundamentalist crank.

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