Why Isn't Everyone an Atheist?

Under a different thread on this board, I posted the below video, of Dan Barker of Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) fame, who speaks about why the biblical god is an impossibility as my response to a Christian's comment, which I paraphrase here, that everything one needed to know about living a good life could be found in the bible and that I should obtain one and read it. Since I received no reply from this person whom I directed it to, nor did I receive a reply from anyone else for that matter, I'm hoping that by now making it the subject of a thread some other bible believer will 'step up to the plate', so to speak, and tell us all where Barker errs in his belief that there is no God because of the many biblical contradictions that he cites. If no one can do it, why isn't everyone an Atheist like me? Thank you. ~ Susan

Why should they waste their time pleasing you? It's not like we haven't been ex[posed to fools before. If you choose to deny God and be a member of the Walking Dead, have at it. We Christians have chosen LIFE.

Overwhelmingly, you xtians (and overwhelmingly, believers in all religions), have done nothing but accept the religion of your familial, social circumstances and that dictated by your geographic location.

You're just cultists of happenstance.

At least I am something! LOL!!

Yes. A cultist. An accomplishment of some merit, I suppose.

I always considered you one of these missing links: Evolution Fraud and Myths
Forget the fact that if you read the scriptures, Jesus said very few of you are actually getting into heaven.

Well, I am afraid he would not have gathered a lot of followers if he had told them they all would meet their mothers in law again there.
For eternity.
The big difference is, that people who believe in Santa Claus aren't trying to impose their beliefs on the rest of us or order society around the Naughty and Nice List. Mostly because they are six-year olds.

Theists have the temperment of six-year olds, but they keep trying to put prayer in school or keep people form getting married or managing other people's lady parts.

Comrade Stalin; in my lifetime in the USA, no Christian has ever used the implied violence of the state to force any person to pray.

The freedom from religion Taliban uses the implied violence of the state to STOP people from praying or expressing their faith each and every day.

So who is it "forcing their faith" on people?
Under a different thread on this board, I posted the below video, of Dan Barker of Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) fame, who speaks about why the biblical god is an impossibility as my response to a Christian's comment, which I paraphrase here, that everything one needed to know about living a good life could be found in the bible and that I should obtain one and read it. Since I received no reply from this person whom I directed it to, nor did I receive a reply from anyone else for that matter, I'm hoping that by now making it the subject of a thread some other bible believer will 'step up to the plate', so to speak, and tell us all where Barker errs in his belief that there is no God because of the many biblical contradictions that he cites. If no one can do it, why isn't everyone an Atheist like me? Thank you. ~ Susan

Why should they waste their time pleasing you? It's not like we haven't been ex[posed to fools before. If you choose to deny God and be a member of the Walking Dead, have at it. We Christians have chosen LIFE.

Overwhelmingly, you xtians (and overwhelmingly, believers in all religions), have done nothing but accept the religion of your familial, social circumstances and that dictated by your geographic location.

You're just cultists of happenstance.

At least I am something! LOL!!

Yes. A cultist. An accomplishment of some merit, I suppose.

I always considered you one of these missing links: Evolution Fraud and Myths

The problem, of course, is that you only devalue your argument with links to the most extreme of the fundie charlatans who pray upon the fears and superstitions of people like you.

Why do you choose to be an accomplice to fraud?
Why should they waste their time pleasing you? It's not like we haven't been ex[posed to fools before. If you choose to deny God and be a member of the Walking Dead, have at it. We Christians have chosen LIFE.
Overwhelmingly, you xtians (and overwhelmingly, believers in all religions), have done nothing but accept the religion of your familial, social circumstances and that dictated by your geographic location.

You're just cultists of happenstance.

At least I am something! LOL!!
Yes. A cultist. An accomplishment of some merit, I suppose.

I always considered you one of these missing links: Evolution Fraud and Myths
The problem, of course, is that you only devalue your argument with links to the most extreme of the fundie charlatans who pray upon the fears and superstitions of people like you.

Why do you choose to be an accomplice to fraud?

I didn't commit the fraud, Dear. Your evolution scientists committed the fraud. Here's some more for you: Big Bang Theory Busted By 33 Top Scientists
Overwhelmingly, you xtians (and overwhelmingly, believers in all religions), have done nothing but accept the religion of your familial, social circumstances and that dictated by your geographic location.

You're just cultists of happenstance.

At least I am something! LOL!!
Yes. A cultist. An accomplishment of some merit, I suppose.

I always considered you one of these missing links: Evolution Fraud and Myths
The problem, of course, is that you only devalue your argument with links to the most extreme of the fundie charlatans who pray upon the fears and superstitions of people like you.

Why do you choose to be an accomplice to fraud?

I didn't commit the fraud, Dear. Your evolution scientists committed the fraud. Here's some more for you: Big Bang Theory Busted By 33 Top Scientists
Ah, yes. Rense.com.

It may be the most infamous of the dumping grounds for those conspiracy addled types like you.

While the web can be a source of knowledge and provide access to vast amounts of information, it can also be a playground for the conspiracy theory addled and hyper-religious kooks who mouth the bait cast out to them by the more dangerous kooks.
At least I am something! LOL!!
Yes. A cultist. An accomplishment of some merit, I suppose.

I always considered you one of these missing links: Evolution Fraud and Myths
The problem, of course, is that you only devalue your argument with links to the most extreme of the fundie charlatans who pray upon the fears and superstitions of people like you.

Why do you choose to be an accomplice to fraud?

I didn't commit the fraud, Dear. Your evolution scientists committed the fraud. Here's some more for you: Big Bang Theory Busted By 33 Top Scientists
Ah, yes. Rense.com.

It may be the most infamous of the dumping grounds for those conspiracy addled types like you.

While the web can be a source of knowledge and provide access to vast amounts of information, it can also be a playground for the conspiracy theory addled and hyper-religious kooks who mouth the bait cast out to them by the more dangerous kooks.

I know you appreciate truth and transparency in scientific discovery. Here's yet another link attesting to the character of the scientists you worship:

25 Greatest Scientific Hoaxes In History
Yes. A cultist. An accomplishment of some merit, I suppose.

I always considered you one of these missing links: Evolution Fraud and Myths
The problem, of course, is that you only devalue your argument with links to the most extreme of the fundie charlatans who pray upon the fears and superstitions of people like you.

Why do you choose to be an accomplice to fraud?

I didn't commit the fraud, Dear. Your evolution scientists committed the fraud. Here's some more for you: Big Bang Theory Busted By 33 Top Scientists
Ah, yes. Rense.com.

It may be the most infamous of the dumping grounds for those conspiracy addled types like you.

While the web can be a source of knowledge and provide access to vast amounts of information, it can also be a playground for the conspiracy theory addled and hyper-religious kooks who mouth the bait cast out to them by the more dangerous kooks.

I know you appreciate truth and transparency in scientific discovery. Here's yet another link attesting to the character of the scientists you worship:

25 Greatest Scientific Hoaxes In History
Sure, I appreciate truth and transparency in scientific discovery. That's precisely why your cutting and pasting from fundamentalist Christian ministries is so tragically comic.

You science loathing / hyper-religious types have an agenda to disparage the science you don't understand.
I always considered you one of these missing links: Evolution Fraud and Myths
The problem, of course, is that you only devalue your argument with links to the most extreme of the fundie charlatans who pray upon the fears and superstitions of people like you.

Why do you choose to be an accomplice to fraud?

I didn't commit the fraud, Dear. Your evolution scientists committed the fraud. Here's some more for you: Big Bang Theory Busted By 33 Top Scientists
Ah, yes. Rense.com.

It may be the most infamous of the dumping grounds for those conspiracy addled types like you.

While the web can be a source of knowledge and provide access to vast amounts of information, it can also be a playground for the conspiracy theory addled and hyper-religious kooks who mouth the bait cast out to them by the more dangerous kooks.

I know you appreciate truth and transparency in scientific discovery. Here's yet another link attesting to the character of the scientists you worship:

25 Greatest Scientific Hoaxes In History
Sure, I appreciate truth and transparency in scientific discovery. That's precisely why your cutting and pasting from fundamentalist Christian ministries is so tragically comic.

You science loathing / hyper-religious types have an agenda to disparage the science you don't understand.

Realizing how much you love the truth, here's yet another one for you: Archaeological Cover-ups - A Plot to Control History
I'm more than willing to admit that the evidence of God's word is the entire Universe, Max . . . kindly show me this evidence please. Thank you. ~ Susan

Ha!!! If G-d came and posted an answer to your question here on this board you would then disappear, ignore it and go to a different section of the board for a few weeks. I know this from experience.

God has posted on this board?
were the OT prophets anything more than the original sock puppets?.........
I'm more than willing to admit that the evidence of God's word is the entire Universe, Max . . . kindly show me this evidence please. Thank you. ~ Susan

Ha!!! If G-d came and posted an answer to your question here on this board you would then disappear, ignore it and go to a different section of the board for a few weeks. I know this from experience.

God has posted on this board?
were the OT prophets anything more than the original sock puppets?.........

Far better. They were great story tellers.
The problem, of course, is that you only devalue your argument with links to the most extreme of the fundie charlatans who pray upon the fears and superstitions of people like you.

Why do you choose to be an accomplice to fraud?

I didn't commit the fraud, Dear. Your evolution scientists committed the fraud. Here's some more for you: Big Bang Theory Busted By 33 Top Scientists
Ah, yes. Rense.com.

It may be the most infamous of the dumping grounds for those conspiracy addled types like you.

While the web can be a source of knowledge and provide access to vast amounts of information, it can also be a playground for the conspiracy theory addled and hyper-religious kooks who mouth the bait cast out to them by the more dangerous kooks.

I know you appreciate truth and transparency in scientific discovery. Here's yet another link attesting to the character of the scientists you worship:

25 Greatest Scientific Hoaxes In History
Sure, I appreciate truth and transparency in scientific discovery. That's precisely why your cutting and pasting from fundamentalist Christian ministries is so tragically comic.

You science loathing / hyper-religious types have an agenda to disparage the science you don't understand.

Realizing how much you love the truth, here's yet another one for you: Archaeological Cover-ups - A Plot to Control History

Yes. Your fundie christian ministries are an unending source of goofy conspiracy theories.

How lucky they are to have the gullible and the superstitious to buy into them.
  1. The spontaneous generation that Pasteur and others disproved was the idea that life forms such as mice, maggots, and bacteria can appear fully formed. They disproved a form of creationism. There is no law of biogenesis saying that very primitive life cannot form from increasingly complex molecules.

There is no scientific law or principle which says anything cannot happen. Science doesn't conclude, it only predicts probability of possibility. Science never says anything is absolute and it never says anything is impossible. Those would be faith-based determinations you've made through science.

Pasteur did not disprove a form of creation, he proved that life comes from life, and so far we've not observed anything different.
  1. The spontaneous generation that Pasteur and others disproved was the idea that life forms such as mice, maggots, and bacteria can appear fully formed. They disproved a form of creationism. There is no law of biogenesis saying that very primitive life cannot form from increasingly complex molecules.

There is no scientific law or principle which says anything cannot happen. Science doesn't conclude, it only predicts probability of possibility. Science never says anything is absolute and it never says anything is impossible. Those would be faith-based determinations you've made through science.

Pasteur did not disprove a form of creation, he proved that life comes from life, and so far we've not observed anything different.

Um, no. Your time spent at the Watchtower Bible Society has left you ill-prepared to deal with contingent reality.

You skidded off the road with the silly "law of biogenesis" nonsense and now managed to back yourself into a corner by not being able to understand that your creationist clowns actually refuted their own argument.

Such are the wages of religious extremism.
Okay, as usual, I'm not wasting time on the whole of your verbal diarrhea.

You need to look up the "Miller-Urey" experiment, which proved that the building blocks of life could be created by natural forces.

And it's much easier to believe that over millions of years, proteins could combine to form life than it is that some old guy with a beard decided, 'Meh, I'm going to create life so that in a few billion years, it's going to evolve into a species that is going to be smart enough to worship me, and those fuckers better not start doing any of that gay shit, or they are in real trouble!!!"

Well I am glad you know when you are in over your head and need to bail from the conversation, so many on your side don't realize this and just keep on making utter fools of themselves.

I am familiar with Miller-Urey, enough to know they have never created any living organism as a result. Amino acids are only one intricate part of life. Analogy: It's as if we had a cake and we're trying to figure out how it came to be... Miller-Urey discovered how to naturally create sugar.

You final paragraph explains why you have abandoned rationality and have adopted your faith in science that doesn't yet exist. This issue has more to do with your anger at religious people because they tell gay people homosexuality is bad.
  1. The spontaneous generation that Pasteur and others disproved was the idea that life forms such as mice, maggots, and bacteria can appear fully formed. They disproved a form of creationism. There is no law of biogenesis saying that very primitive life cannot form from increasingly complex molecules.

There is no scientific law or principle which says anything cannot happen. Science doesn't conclude, it only predicts probability of possibility. Science never says anything is absolute and it never says anything is impossible. Those would be faith-based determinations you've made through science.

Pasteur did not disprove a form of creation, he proved that life comes from life, and so far we've not observed anything different.

Um, no. Your time spent at the Watchtower Bible Society has left you ill-prepared to deal with contingent reality.

You skidded off the road with the silly "law of biogenesis" nonsense and now managed to back yourself into a corner by not being able to understand that your creationist clowns actually refuted their own argument.

Such are the wages of religious extremism.

You are such a fucking air head, really. Whenever you show me some peer reviewed science which disproves Pasteur's Law of Biogenesis, I am willing to look at it. If you can't, just keep your pie hole closed and stop embarrassing yourself.
  1. The spontaneous generation that Pasteur and others disproved was the idea that life forms such as mice, maggots, and bacteria can appear fully formed. They disproved a form of creationism. There is no law of biogenesis saying that very primitive life cannot form from increasingly complex molecules.

There is no scientific law or principle which says anything cannot happen. Science doesn't conclude, it only predicts probability of possibility. Science never says anything is absolute and it never says anything is impossible. Those would be faith-based determinations you've made through science.

Pasteur did not disprove a form of creation, he proved that life comes from life, and so far we've not observed anything different.

Um, no. Your time spent at the Watchtower Bible Society has left you ill-prepared to deal with contingent reality.

You skidded off the road with the silly "law of biogenesis" nonsense and now managed to back yourself into a corner by not being able to understand that your creationist clowns actually refuted their own argument.

Such are the wages of religious extremism.

You are such a fucking air head, really. Whenever you show me some peer reviewed science which disproves Pasteur's Law of Biogenesis, I am willing to look at it. If you can't, just keep your pie hole closed and stop embarrassing yourself.

Your silly "Law of Biogenesis" is only a law in the realm of religious zealots.

I'm not under any obligation to disprove some nonsensical "law" that doesn't exist and which you provide no support for.

I've noticed you're retreating to your usual pattern of behavior, that of a petulant child who's been sent to his room for a time out.
Your silly "Law of Biogenesis" is only a law in the realm of religious zealots.

I'm not under any obligation to disprove some nonsensical "law" that doesn't exist and which you provide no support for.

I've noticed you're retreating to your usual pattern of behavior, that of a petulant child who's been sent to his room for a time out.

Don't know who told you that but they are wrong. The work of Louis Pasteur is some of the most important science to mankind. For you to sit here and claim it's religious nonsense is laughable. You're not obligated to do anything, sweetie... you are free as a bird to keep on demonstrating what a clueless UNscientific idiot you are.
Your silly "Law of Biogenesis" is only a law in the realm of religious zealots.

I'm not under any obligation to disprove some nonsensical "law" that doesn't exist and which you provide no support for.

I've noticed you're retreating to your usual pattern of behavior, that of a petulant child who's been sent to his room for a time out.

Don't know who told you that but they are wrong. The work of Louis Pasteur is some of the most important science to mankind. For you to sit here and claim it's religious nonsense is laughable. You're not obligated to do anything, sweetie... you are free as a bird to keep on demonstrating what a clueless UNscientific idiot you are.

Yet, what's interesting is that you have tacitly acknowledged your failure to provide any verifiable standard for your silly "law of biogenesis", nonsense. It's good you have abandoned it as it was indefensible.

Sorry, but your creation ministries have again failed you. If you follow the included link, you'll see that your arguments are classic (classically corrupt) nonsense from various creation ministries.

Your views are not just standard christian creation apologetics and fabrications, they're classically fraudulent christian creation apologetics.

Some creationist claims about Pasteur and Spontaneous Generation

Creationist claims about Pasteur and SpontaneousGeneration

Louis Pasteur
Outstanding scientist and opponent of evolution (1822-1895)


Pasteur's work should have dealt the death blow to the idea of spontaneous generation. But spontaneous generation is an essential part of the theory of evolution. Despite all the efforts of evolutionary scientists, not one observable case of spontaneous generation has ever been found. Pasteur's findings conflicted with the idea of spontaneous generation (as do all scientific results since). Consequently, Louis Pasteur was a strong opponent of Darwin's theory.


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