Why Isn't Everyone an Atheist?

If no one can do it, why isn't everyone an Atheist like me? Thank you. ~ Susan

Because you are special.

Actually, she asks a valid question.

We've heard about this weird belief in a magic guy who killed his son and all the rest - we've heard it all for so long that we're no longer shocked by it.

If one person says they see Napoleon, we think he's nuts. When millions see him, we come to think its normal.

Its not.

Its no more normal than believing you were abducted by aliens and anally probed.
The more important question is why aren't atheists agnostic? Why do they choose the same ultimatum religious folks do and claim a difference?
Oh, wait....

Well, I AM an agnostic in the sense that I approach the matter by using the same guidelines as renowned atheist, Richard Dawkins does only he uses a scale of, I believe, seven and I use a scale of ten. That is to say, because I can't prove that there is a God, I rank the chances of there not being one at about 9.5 on a scale of 10 . . . the same ranking as other things that I can't prove such as the tooth fairy, the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, Beelzebub, goblins, witches, unicorns, etc. ~ Susan
PS One only has to walk into a children's hospital to know that there is no God . . . however, if I err and there is one, this God, who childishly plays hide-go-seek with us, surely has no compassion nor love for us.
You can't prove that God does not exist any more than I can prove that He does. It all comes down to faith. I have faith and truly believe that God exists. You do not. End of story.

True, please see Message #23 under this thread that I posted as a reply to Takeastepback. ~ Susan
The more important question is why aren't atheists agnostic? Why do they choose the same ultimatum religious folks do and claim a difference?
Oh, wait....

Well, I AM an agnostic in the sense that I approach the matter by using the same guidelines as renowned atheist, Richard Dawkins does only he uses a scale of, I believe, seven and I use a scale of ten. That is to say, because I can't prove that there is a God, I rank the chances of there not being one at about 9.5 on a scale of 10 . . . the same ranking as other things that I can't prove such as the tooth fairy, the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, Beelzebub, goblins, witches, unicorns, etc. ~ Susan
PS One only has to walk into a children's hospital to know that there is no God . . . however, if I err and there is one, this God, who childishly plays hide-go-seek with us, surely has no compassion nor love for us.

Agnosticism is the realization that whether or not there is a god, or many gods, we aren't going to be privileged enough to understand these entities. There could be one, there also could not be - we are humble enough to understand we do not get to know. While atheists flat out deny the idea of god and religious folks are sure their chosen one exists and they can also understand specifics about this god(s).
You can't prove that God does not exist any more than I can prove that He does. It all comes down to faith. I have faith and truly believe that God exists. You do not. End of story.

It is not an atheist's job to disprove your beliefs. That would be foolish.

Most atheists do not go door to door proclaiming the good news of no gods. Lets keep things in perspective.
Agnosticism is the realization that whether or not there is a god, or many gods, we aren't going to be privileged enough to understand these entities. There could be one, there also could not be - we are humble enough to understand we do not get to know. While atheists flat out deny the idea of god and religious folks are sure their chosen one exists and they can also understand specifics about this god(s).

Agnosticism is hedging your bets. You don't want to defend the stu pidity and superstition, but you also don't want to think about when you die, you go to nothingness.
Agnosticism is the realization that whether or not there is a god, or many gods, we aren't going to be privileged enough to understand these entities. There could be one, there also could not be - we are humble enough to understand we do not get to know. While atheists flat out deny the idea of god and religious folks are sure their chosen one exists and they can also understand specifics about this god(s).

Agnosticism is hedging your bets. You don't want to defend the stu pidity and superstition, but you also don't want to think about when you die, you go to nothingness.

I don't feed trolls, Job. But you're wrong for making blanket statements about what an agnostic may think. It's not about hedging bets or superstitions. It's also not about calling other people stupid for their beliefs - that is the type of tripe we have come to expect from arrogant liberal atheists.
I don't feed trolls, Job. But you're wrong for making blanket statements about what an agnostic may think. It's not about hedging bets or superstitions. It's also not about calling other people stupid for their beliefs - that is the type of tripe we have come to expect from arrogant liberal atheists.

sorry, dude, silly beliefs are silly beliefs. If you believe in a zombie who was his own father coming down to erase a sin caused by a woman listening to a talking snake and eating fruit from a magic tree, that's just silly.
I don't feed trolls, Job. But you're wrong for making blanket statements about what an agnostic may think. It's not about hedging bets or superstitions. It's also not about calling other people stupid for their beliefs - that is the type of tripe we have come to expect from arrogant liberal atheists.

sorry, dude, silly beliefs are silly beliefs. If you believe in a zombie who was his own father coming down to erase a sin caused by a woman listening to a talking snake and eating fruit from a magic tree, that's just silly.

There is no reason for you to apologize for being an arrogant liberal atheist. It is expected from you. All you do is troll and say dumb shit on this board, so these statements are par for your course - mindless drivel.
There is no reason for you to apologize for being an arrogant liberal atheist. It is expected from you. All you do is troll and say dumb shit on this board, so these statements are par for your course - mindless drivel.

Guy, if you want to try to pretend fairy stories are true because you are afraid of dying, I'm all for it.

I don't feed trolls, Job. You're a 12th tier troll. No more food for you.
There is no reason for you to apologize for being an arrogant liberal atheist. It is expected from you. All you do is troll and say dumb shit on this board, so these statements are par for your course - mindless drivel.

Guy, if you want to try to pretend fairy stories are true because you are afraid of dying, I'm all for it.

I don't feed trolls, Job. You're a 12th tier troll. No more food for you.

Yes, I know I should be paying you rent on all the space I occupy in your head.
If no one can do it, why isn't everyone an Atheist like me? Thank you. ~ Susan

Because you are special.

Actually, she asks a valid question.

Actually she does not. Not everyone is a Christian, so that everyone must logically be an atheist because of inconsistencies in one religious text is a false premise.
All religions are equally false, as all religions are creations of man, imbued with man's faults and failings.
All religions are equally false, as all religions are creations of man, imbued with man's faults and failings.

More accurately, God is perceived through the human experience, kind of like my parakeets perceive me through the parakeet experience. Just because parakeets don't fully understand me, and what they think they understand may be incorrect, it doesn't mean I do not exist.

Humans are simply trying to grasp and understand a being more intelligent and more versatile than ourselves.
If no one can do it, why isn't everyone an Atheist like me? Thank you. ~ Susan

Because you are special.

Actually, she asks a valid question.

Actually she does not. Not everyone is a Christian, so that everyone must logically be an atheist because of inconsistencies in one religious text is a false premise.
All religions are equally false, as all religions are creations of man, imbued with man's faults and failings.

Not all religions draw from a single text.
The bible and science are filled with contradictions because humans can't agree unanimously on how to describe an experience or concept.

Religious people create different sects and different religions.

Scientists create different theories that oppose one and other.

Additionally, as more information comes to light human thought evolves.

The earth is no longer flat, God is not seen as an abusive man judging everyone, etc etc......

This is why many people whether religious or not may choose to leave the door open and not be an atheist.

That said, atheists are just that those who choose not to believe in Religion or God.

It shouldn't be a problem. :dunno:
Most atheists do not go door to door proclaiming the good news of no gods. Lets keep things in perspective.
talking about perspective, most Christians don't go door to door either.....in fact, its pretty much just the Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses.....

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