Why Isn't Everyone an Atheist?

I think the OP asks a really good question, one that should be turned around and asked of the 'geniuses' who are atheists. They have obviously proven the Bible is a book of contradictions and myths, so why is it so many people still believe in it? In fact, let me take this a step further, forget the question about why isn't everyone an atheist, why are only about one in ten people atheist? Why does 95% of our species hold belief in something greater than self? People can dispute that statistic all they like, only 5% identify as Nihilists (belief in nothing), which leaves 95% who believe in something, whether it can be defined as religious or whatever. Even in Sweden, the most atheistic country in the world at 33%, only 16% are willing to say they believe in no possibility of anything spiritual or greater than self. If it's all a load of crap, why so many believers?

I've heard many atheists argue that man had to create religions to "explain the unexplained" and to "console fears of mortality." However, I find these arguments to be baseless, unproven and actually contradictory to nature itself. Nothing else in nature "fears mortality" to the point of having to invent an imaginary friend to cope, and we are supposed to be the most advanced intelligence. Then there is the logic of cause and effect... Do people who "believe" gain immortality? It doesn't appear so, they live and die like everyone else, so we can safely say that our "created to cope with mortality" solution isn't working, if that was indeed what religion was about. And if religion is supposed to suffice for "explaining the unexplained" then why was science invented? Obviously we can see that science has done a very good job at explaining the unexplained, much better than religion or faith. So with the advent of a superior way to explain the unexplained, you'd think religion would have fallen out of favor through the years. But nope... still around, still predominate, still persisting in the hearts of mankind worldwide.

In fact, our history is full of wars and persecution of people over religious beliefs. Millions have died as martyrs for their religious beliefs, which seems strange if they adopted them out of fear of mortality. We roll out of the Dark Ages where half the people met the consequences of the mortality they feared in spite of their religions, with science boldly blazing the way to enlightenment and knowledge for all, but still... over thousands more years people are slaughtered in the name of religious beliefs. No closer to immortality and with all kinds of questions of the unknown answered, humans remain devoutly spiritual creatures. 95% still believe in something greater than self.

So why is this, Mr. Atheist? What's your explanation for why everyone isn't an atheist? Or for why only about one in ten are atheists? If everything you claim to believe is true, it makes no sense whatsoever. Hence, the reason and motivation for this thread. It must be frustrating to be an atheist and not be able to rationalize why everyone else doesn't see things your way. You've so clearly figured it all out, you have all the answers as well as an Internet full of sycophants and cheerleaders, but still.... those religious people just keep on coming.

Allow me to enlighten you a bit... Humans are spiritual creatures. We have an intrinsic spiritual awareness which is actually the foundational cornerstone of an attribute we define as "humanity." All the things that make us unique from the rest of living nature comes from our ability to comprehend our spiritual nature. It is mankind's ability to muster courage, resolve, imagination, ingenuity, creativity and hope, through our awareness of something greater than ourselves, which has led to the rise of our species to present glory. All of us have this ability to tap into power outside of our person, and this realization forms the basis for our spirituality.

Argument can be had over Religion. We must understand that Religion is a byproduct of our human spirituality and proves we do have this and it's real. However, religions are creations of man in an attempt to try and comprehend this mercurial power we are intrinsically aware of. Men are flawed. Therefore, the religions they create are also flawed, and there is nothing we can do about it other than to accept it.
Argument can be had over Religion. We must understand that Religion is a byproduct of our human spirituality and proves we do have this and it's real. However, religions are creations of man in an attempt to try and comprehend this mercurial power we are intrinsically aware of. Men are flawed. Therefore, the religions they create are also flawed, and there is nothing we can do about it other than to accept it.

This is an awesome summation if I comprehend you correctly. Religion (with the capital "R"), is mankind's acknowledgment of his spirituality, or the fact that there is more to us than just a body and a brain; but the undying spark that is our spirit. Religions (with a small "r") are as you said, creations of man and as such all are flawed in some way or another.
As long as you theists stop burning us at the stake, crucifying us, forcing us to convert or live with your religious laws. You live in America? Then you are free to follow whatever religion you want, even atheism.

If you watch the Cosmos you will see that us humans have advanced faster every time people were free to think and talk. For thousands of years religion held our civilization back. They're still doing it today. Kings/Priests were one and the same for thousands of years.

Also, you are not the typical religious nut who says believe my lie or go to hell, are you? Then we're cool, sorta. I still think they use that ignorance in you to control you. When we as a society drop the god I think we'll be much better off. Solve poverty, no wars, less work, fair government. The rich use religion to sucker poor people into voting GOP.

I am a theist, but I have never burned anyone at the stake. I have never forced anyone to do anything. I live in America. In general, I agree that in many ways, Kings and Priests and religion (with a small "r") over time has held us back. I do believe that there is (or at the very least could or should be) a hell. But I am not a General, King, nor a Priest.

All I know is that all my life I have looked around at this planet and its ecosystem and for me cannot logically say that it 'just happened' and that it can all be explained away scientifically. Scientists still have many more questions than answers. No. The way our planet is woven together, for me, only tells me; no screams, that something of great intelligence put this thing together to work so well, in spite of anything.

I mentioned the visions of Indians for a reason. Some thirty years ago, I had painted my life so far into a very dark corner that . . . . . suffice it to say I was in a very very very low point . . . . and then I had a vision. A person visited me and explained quite a few things to me. That person had infinite knowledge of all things and told me that he knew what it was like to be a human. I learned through independent study that that person was Jesus Christ.

So sure, for a while I did some armchair quarterback preaching, but I never acted like what everyone else considers on the surface that a Christian should act and have grown out of that for now. I am not controlled by anyone but myself and my choices based upon that meeting and my learning of who Jesus is since then.

To summarize, I am a different person than I was before that vision; and now even in older age the thirty years has made me wonder about what really happened. That is why now I water down my 'evangelistic' urges and say, I would rather have faith in Jesus and not need it, than to not ever to have known Him and need Him when it is too late. I/we will not know the truth for sure until we die. Period.

I am not trying to change anyone's mind, just saying what I think, and relating my personal experience.
I think the OP asks a really good question, one that should be turned around and asked of the 'geniuses' who are atheists. They have obviously proven the Bible is a book of contradictions and myths, so why is it so many people still believe in it? In fact, let me take this a step further, forget the question about why isn't everyone an atheist, why are only about one in ten people atheist? Why does 95% of our species hold belief in something greater than self? People can dispute that statistic all they like, only 5% identify as Nihilists (belief in nothing), which leaves 95% who believe in something, whether it can be defined as religious or whatever. Even in Sweden, the most atheistic country in the world at 33%, only 16% are willing to say they believe in no possibility of anything spiritual or greater than self. If it's all a load of crap, why so many believers?

I've heard many atheists argue that man had to create religions to "explain the unexplained" and to "console fears of mortality." However, I find these arguments to be baseless, unproven and actually contradictory to nature itself. Nothing else in nature "fears mortality" to the point of having to invent an imaginary friend to cope, and we are supposed to be the most advanced intelligence. Then there is the logic of cause and effect... Do people who "believe" gain immortality? It doesn't appear so, they live and die like everyone else, so we can safely say that our "created to cope with mortality" solution isn't working, if that was indeed what religion was about. And if religion is supposed to suffice for "explaining the unexplained" then why was science invented? Obviously we can see that science has done a very good job at explaining the unexplained, much better than religion or faith. So with the advent of a superior way to explain the unexplained, you'd think religion would have fallen out of favor through the years. But nope... still around, still predominate, still persisting in the hearts of mankind worldwide.

In fact, our history is full of wars and persecution of people over religious beliefs. Millions have died as martyrs for their religious beliefs, which seems strange if they adopted them out of fear of mortality. We roll out of the Dark Ages where half the people met the consequences of the mortality they feared in spite of their religions, with science boldly blazing the way to enlightenment and knowledge for all, but still... over thousands more years people are slaughtered in the name of religious beliefs. No closer to immortality and with all kinds of questions of the unknown answered, humans remain devoutly spiritual creatures. 95% still believe in something greater than self.

So why is this, Mr. Atheist? What's your explanation for why everyone isn't an atheist? Or for why only about one in ten are atheists? If everything you claim to believe is true, it makes no sense whatsoever. Hence, the reason and motivation for this thread. It must be frustrating to be an atheist and not be able to rationalize why everyone else doesn't see things your way. You've so clearly figured it all out, you have all the answers as well as an Internet full of sycophants and cheerleaders, but still.... those religious people just keep on coming.

Allow me to enlighten you a bit... Humans are spiritual creatures. We have an intrinsic spiritual awareness which is actually the foundational cornerstone of an attribute we define as "humanity." All the things that make us unique from the rest of living nature comes from our ability to comprehend our spiritual nature. It is mankind's ability to muster courage, resolve, imagination, ingenuity, creativity and hope, through our awareness of something greater than ourselves, which has led to the rise of our species to present glory. All of us have this ability to tap into power outside of our person, and this realization forms the basis for our spirituality.

Argument can be had over Religion. We must understand that Religion is a byproduct of our human spirituality and proves we do have this and it's real. However, religions are creations of man in an attempt to try and comprehend this mercurial power we are intrinsically aware of. Men are flawed. Therefore, the religions they create are also flawed, and there is nothing we can do about it other than to accept it.

A truly excellent synopsis. That sound you hear in the background? It is I, applauding. Thank you.
You can't prove that God does not exist any more than I can prove that He does. It all comes down to faith. I have faith and truly believe that God exists. You do not. End of story.

I have been asked on more than one occasion by an atheist for proof that God exists. The interesting thing is the type of proof they wanted was something they knew I couldn't provide. Therefore, I asked them for a type of proof of what they believed in a manner I knew they couldn't provide. The difference is they claimed my lack of ability to provide proof to their level of request meant my claims were false yet still expected me to believe what they did despite their lack to do the same for me.
You can't prove that God does not exist any more than I can prove that He does. It all comes down to faith. I have faith and truly believe that God exists. You do not. End of story.

I have been asked on more than one occasion by an atheist for proof that God exists. The interesting thing is the type of proof they wanted was something they knew I couldn't provide. Therefore, I asked them for a type of proof of what they believed in a manner I knew they couldn't provide. The difference is they claimed my lack of ability to provide proof to their level of request meant my claims were false yet still expected me to believe what they did despite their lack to do the same for me.
The problem is that they are not willing to admit that the evidence of God's Word is the entire Universe.
If no one can do it, why isn't everyone an Atheist like me? Thank you. ~ Susan

Because you are special.

Actually, she asks a valid question.

We've heard about this weird belief in a magic guy who killed his son and all the rest - we've heard it all for so long that we're no longer shocked by it.

If one person says they see Napoleon, we think he's nuts. When millions see him, we come to think its normal.

Its not.

Its no more normal than believing you were abducted by aliens and anally probed.

So if millions insist that those wanting to have sex with the same gender are normal, and we've heard it for so long that we're no longer shocked by it, it's still not normal? Thanks!

Thank you for describing the leftist mindset/MO for just about everything they do!

You're very welcome, Newbie. And thank you for showing the board what right wing loving Christianity is all about . . . I seriously doubt that even Sarah Palin could have set a better example! Kudos back! ~ Susan
Yeah, that was me. What was the question again..I am not gonna watch the video - it doesn't interest me.

Oh, I didn't reply because I forgot about that post, no other reason.
You can't prove that God does not exist any more than I can prove that He does. It all comes down to faith. I have faith and truly believe that God exists. You do not. End of story.

I have been asked on more than one occasion by an atheist for proof that God exists. The interesting thing is the type of proof they wanted was something they knew I couldn't provide. Therefore, I asked them for a type of proof of what they believed in a manner I knew they couldn't provide. The difference is they claimed my lack of ability to provide proof to their level of request meant my claims were false yet still expected me to believe what they did despite their lack to do the same for me.
The problem is that they are not willing to admit that the evidence of God's Word is the entire Universe.

I'm more than willing to admit that the evidence of God's word is the entire Universe, Max . . . kindly show me this evidence please. Thank you. ~ Susan
You can't prove that God does not exist any more than I can prove that He does. It all comes down to faith. I have faith and truly believe that God exists. You do not. End of story.

I have been asked on more than one occasion by an atheist for proof that God exists. The interesting thing is the type of proof they wanted was something they knew I couldn't provide. Therefore, I asked them for a type of proof of what they believed in a manner I knew they couldn't provide. The difference is they claimed my lack of ability to provide proof to their level of request meant my claims were false yet still expected me to believe what they did despite their lack to do the same for me.
The problem is that they are not willing to admit that the evidence of God's Word is the entire Universe.

I'm more than willing to admit that the evidence of God's word is the entire Universe, Max . . . kindly show me this evidence please. Thank you. ~ Susan
I don't understand why you would want evidence of something you don't believe. Why such a reaction to a simple statement that I made? Don't you think you are a bit over the top? Is it that important to you to disprove God? What benefits do you get from trashing my faith?
I think the OP asks a really good question, one that should be turned around and asked of the 'geniuses' who are atheists. They have obviously proven the Bible is a book of contradictions and myths, so why is it so many people still believe in it? In fact, let me take this a step further, forget the question about why isn't everyone an atheist, why are only about one in ten people atheist? Why does 95% of our species hold belief in something greater than self? People can dispute that statistic all they like, only 5% identify as Nihilists (belief in nothing), which leaves 95% who believe in something, whether it can be defined as religious or whatever. Even in Sweden, the most atheistic country in the world at 33%, only 16% are willing to say they believe in no possibility of anything spiritual or greater than self. If it's all a load of crap, why so many believers?

I've heard many atheists argue that man had to create religions to "explain the unexplained" and to "console fears of mortality." However, I find these arguments to be baseless, unproven and actually contradictory to nature itself. Nothing else in nature "fears mortality" to the point of having to invent an imaginary friend to cope, and we are supposed to be the most advanced intelligence. Then there is the logic of cause and effect... Do people who "believe" gain immortality? It doesn't appear so, they live and die like everyone else, so we can safely say that our "created to cope with mortality" solution isn't working, if that was indeed what religion was about. And if religion is supposed to suffice for "explaining the unexplained" then why was science invented? Obviously we can see that science has done a very good job at explaining the unexplained, much better than religion or faith. So with the advent of a superior way to explain the unexplained, you'd think religion would have fallen out of favor through the years. But nope... still around, still predominate, still persisting in the hearts of mankind worldwide.

In fact, our history is full of wars and persecution of people over religious beliefs. Millions have died as martyrs for their religious beliefs, which seems strange if they adopted them out of fear of mortality. We roll out of the Dark Ages where half the people met the consequences of the mortality they feared in spite of their religions, with science boldly blazing the way to enlightenment and knowledge for all, but still... over thousands more years people are slaughtered in the name of religious beliefs. No closer to immortality and with all kinds of questions of the unknown answered, humans remain devoutly spiritual creatures. 95% still believe in something greater than self.

So why is this, Mr. Atheist? What's your explanation for why everyone isn't an atheist? Or for why only about one in ten are atheists? If everything you claim to believe is true, it makes no sense whatsoever. Hence, the reason and motivation for this thread. It must be frustrating to be an atheist and not be able to rationalize why everyone else doesn't see things your way. You've so clearly figured it all out, you have all the answers as well as an Internet full of sycophants and cheerleaders, but still.... those religious people just keep on coming.

Allow me to enlighten you a bit... Humans are spiritual creatures. We have an intrinsic spiritual awareness which is actually the foundational cornerstone of an attribute we define as "humanity." All the things that make us unique from the rest of living nature comes from our ability to comprehend our spiritual nature. It is mankind's ability to muster courage, resolve, imagination, ingenuity, creativity and hope, through our awareness of something greater than ourselves, which has led to the rise of our species to present glory. All of us have this ability to tap into power outside of our person, and this realization forms the basis for our spirituality.

Argument can be had over Religion. We must understand that Religion is a byproduct of our human spirituality and proves we do have this and it's real. However, religions are creations of man in an attempt to try and comprehend this mercurial power we are intrinsically aware of. Men are flawed. Therefore, the religions they create are also flawed, and there is nothing we can do about it other than to accept it.

Thank you, Boss, for the obvious hard work you put into your lengthy reply to explain your point of view :) ~ Susan
The problem is that they are not willing to admit that the evidence of God's Word is the entire Universe.

The universe, insofar as it is ever-expanding presence of physical matter and energy we can explore, is seemingly explained away as coming into existence "just because" and without any legitimate physical explanation. Theories abound, but no one can really explain from where the universe came. Singularity has been a popular theory but it is fraught with physical contradiction. Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle pretty much negates the possibility of ever having all the atoms of the universe in one place and accounted for.

In addition, we have to consider that everything we know of materially, every element, compound, molecule, subatomic particle and atom, only makes up 4% of the universe. The rest is dark matter and dark energy, of which we know virtually nothing about. But there is something much more mysterious than dark energy or the physical universe itself, and that is TIME.

I belive that TIME is the ultimate "proof" for God's existence. Without Time, nothing in the universe matters and nothing can exist. To "exist" something must have time and space to exist in. We can measure the passing of time but the existence of time itself is elusive.
You can't prove that God does not exist any more than I can prove that He does. It all comes down to faith. I have faith and truly believe that God exists. You do not. End of story.

I have been asked on more than one occasion by an atheist for proof that God exists. The interesting thing is the type of proof they wanted was something they knew I couldn't provide. Therefore, I asked them for a type of proof of what they believed in a manner I knew they couldn't provide. The difference is they claimed my lack of ability to provide proof to their level of request meant my claims were false yet still expected me to believe what they did despite their lack to do the same for me.
The problem is that they are not willing to admit that the evidence of God's Word is the entire Universe.
I don't understand why you would want evidence of something you don't believe. Why such a reaction to a simple statement that I made? Don't you think you are a bit over the top? Is it that important to you to disprove God? What benefits do you get from trashing my faith?

I don't believe because I've never seen any evidence that would justify my doing so. I, like all humans, am curious and perhaps would wish to believe in a God if empirical evidence could prove that He indeed does exist . . . I'm also curious about why others believe when they have no proof to justify, too, their doing so. ~ Susan
I don't believe because I've never seen any evidence that would justify my doing so. I, like all humans, am curious and perhaps would wish to believe in a God if empirical evidence could prove that He indeed does exist . . . I'm also curious about why others believe when they have no proof to justify, too, their doing so. ~ Susan

I understand your point of view and I once contemplated the same questions. The problem begins with our ability to rationalize the context of what we have become familiar with. Let me explain what I mean... When you say "exist" in regards to God, it naturally implies the existence in physical reality or state of being. We can confirm things "exist" because we can touch them, see them, feel them, or experience the result of their presence, like gravity. And IF things exist, we can generally coalesce behind a thing we call "evidence" which is the confirmation of our aforementioned senses.

Okay... None of this stuff can or does apply to God. If it did or if it could, God would be a physical entity, explained and evidenced by physical science according to physical properties of nature. But God is spiritual energy and is not currently observable by physical science. So the "empirical evidence" for God can't come from physical science, at least not as of now. This is convenient for Atheists but it doesn't do a thing for the argument of God's existence.

To find the kind of evidence you need to prove God, you have to first open your mind to the acceptance of spiritual evidence. This means an understanding in context of spiritual existence as opposed to physical. Spirit is independent of the physical. This is the only logical approach one can take to find clear empirical evidence of God.
You can't prove that God does not exist any more than I can prove that He does. It all comes down to faith. I have faith and truly believe that God exists. You do not. End of story.

I have been asked on more than one occasion by an atheist for proof that God exists. The interesting thing is the type of proof they wanted was something they knew I couldn't provide. Therefore, I asked them for a type of proof of what they believed in a manner I knew they couldn't provide. The difference is they claimed my lack of ability to provide proof to their level of request meant my claims were false yet still expected me to believe what they did despite their lack to do the same for me.
The problem is that they are not willing to admit that the evidence of God's Word is the entire Universe.
I don't understand why you would want evidence of something you don't believe. Why such a reaction to a simple statement that I made? Don't you think you are a bit over the top? Is it that important to you to disprove God? What benefits do you get from trashing my faith?

I don't believe because I've never seen any evidence that would justify my doing so. I, like all humans, am curious and perhaps would wish to believe in a God if empirical evidence could prove that He indeed does exist . . . I'm also curious about why others believe when they have no proof to justify, too, their doing so. ~ Susan

The problem with that is the type and level evidence Susan wants in order to believe can't be provided. I have yet to see the type and level of evidence I want in order to believe that evolution is true.
You can't prove that God does not exist any more than I can prove that He does. It all comes down to faith. I have faith and truly believe that God exists. You do not. End of story.

I have been asked on more than one occasion by an atheist for proof that God exists. The interesting thing is the type of proof they wanted was something they knew I couldn't provide. Therefore, I asked them for a type of proof of what they believed in a manner I knew they couldn't provide. The difference is they claimed my lack of ability to provide proof to their level of request meant my claims were false yet still expected me to believe what they did despite their lack to do the same for me.
The problem is that they are not willing to admit that the evidence of God's Word is the entire Universe.

I'm more than willing to admit that the evidence of God's word is the entire Universe, Max . . . kindly show me this evidence please. Thank you. ~ Susan
I don't understand why you would want evidence of something you don't believe. Why such a reaction to a simple statement that I made? Don't you think you are a bit over the top? Is it that important to you to disprove God? What benefits do you get from trashing my faith?
That's not the primary problem. Those who ask for proof ask for a type that can't be provided by the ones they are asking. They say if God spoke to them like Moses and things to that degree, they might believe and if God was real, He would do it. Apparently they don't understand that I can't force God to do that nor is He going to do it because they demand it. Or maybe they do understand and use that as an excuse.
You can't prove that God does not exist any more than I can prove that He does. It all comes down to faith. I have faith and truly believe that God exists. You do not. End of story.

I have been asked on more than one occasion by an atheist for proof that God exists. The interesting thing is the type of proof they wanted was something they knew I couldn't provide. Therefore, I asked them for a type of proof of what they believed in a manner I knew they couldn't provide. The difference is they claimed my lack of ability to provide proof to their level of request meant my claims were false yet still expected me to believe what they did despite their lack to do the same for me.
The problem is that they are not willing to admit that the evidence of God's Word is the entire Universe.

I'm more than willing to admit that the evidence of God's word is the entire Universe, Max . . . kindly show me this evidence please. Thank you. ~ Susan
What type of evidence do you want?

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