Why Isn't Everyone an Atheist?

Because being atheist makes you dangerous and less "controlled". If you're atheist - you're always a lil bit smarter than others, if you're little bit smarter - you're resisting brainwashing much more successful than others and in fact you're more dangerous than others!
If no one can do it, why isn't everyone an Atheist like me? Thank you. ~ Susan

Because you are special.

Actually, she asks a valid question.

Actually she does not. Not everyone is a Christian, so that everyone must logically be an atheist because of inconsistencies in one religious text is a false premise.

I believe you play an insincere game of semantics with me here. Feel free to paint me as an atheist by substituting my reference to the Christian bible with any religious text of your choosing be it the Koran, the Book of Mormon, the Scientology Book of Dianetics, or any book on Easter Bunnyism if there is such a thing. ~ Susan
If no one can do it, why isn't everyone an Atheist like me? Thank you. ~ Susan

Because you are special.

Actually, she asks a valid question.

Actually she does not. Not everyone is a Christian, so that everyone must logically be an atheist because of inconsistencies in one religious text is a false premise.

I believe you play an insincere game of semantics with me here. Feel free to paint me as an atheist by substituting my reference to the Christian bible with any religious text of your choosing be it the Koran, the Book of Mormon, the Scientology Book of Dianetics, or any book on Easter Bunnyism if there is such a thing. ~ Susan
Your whole OP is about semantics and you have died by your own sword. RIP
You can't prove that God does not exist any more than I can prove that He does. It all comes down to faith. I have faith and truly believe that God exists. You do not. End of story.

And nothing logically separates the two. Only if I weren't an unknown, I'd be a believer. Why not? Why have hate in your heart? That's what atheism ultimately is - hate.

Atheism is not hate any more than Theism is hate.
If no one can do it, why isn't everyone an Atheist like me? Thank you. ~ Susan

Because you are special.

Actually, she asks a valid question.

We've heard about this weird belief in a magic guy who killed his son and all the rest - we've heard it all for so long that we're no longer shocked by it.

If one person says they see Napoleon, we think he's nuts. When millions see him, we come to think its normal.

Its not.

Its no more normal than believing you were abducted by aliens and anally probed.

What do you mean by "normal"?
If no one can do it, why isn't everyone an Atheist like me? Thank you. ~ Susan

Because you are special.

Actually, she asks a valid question.

Actually she does not. Not everyone is a Christian, so that everyone must logically be an atheist because of inconsistencies in one religious text is a false premise.

It doesn't even mean Christians should be. It is based upon the idea that a collection of writings must be perfect or God does not exist. That is ridiculous.
If no one can do it, why isn't everyone an Atheist like me? Thank you. ~ Susan

Because you are special.

Actually, she asks a valid question.

Actually she does not. Not everyone is a Christian, so that everyone must logically be an atheist because of inconsistencies in one religious text is a false premise.
All religions are equally false, as all religions are creations of man, imbued with man's faults and failings.

All that means is all religions are imperfect. It doesn't mean they are false. That presumes knowledge you do no possess, which of course only means Atheism is equally imperfect.
The more important question is why aren't atheists agnostic? Why do they choose the same ultimatum religious folks do and claim a difference?
Oh, wait....

Well, I AM an agnostic in the sense that I approach the matter by using the same guidelines as renowned atheist, Richard Dawkins does only he uses a scale of, I believe, seven and I use a scale of ten. That is to say, because I can't prove that there is a God, I rank the chances of there not being one at about 9.5 on a scale of 10 . . . the same ranking as other things that I can't prove such as the tooth fairy, the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, Beelzebub, goblins, witches, unicorns, etc. ~ Susan
PS One only has to walk into a children's hospital to know that there is no God . . . however, if I err and there is one, this God, who childishly plays hide-go-seek with us, surely has no compassion nor love for us.
This line of reasoning comes up often in discussions of the existence of God, "Why do people suffer if there is a God?" If one really is interested in finding God one must seek God for themselves by putting everything, and everyone, else to the side and asking God for wisdom and understanding. His word is in the book, KJV to be precise. I had hoped but not longer expect to find anyone at all on this board who is actually seeking God. Most just seek reassurence that they have nothing to fear. Does God love individuals who are in denial and have absolutely no interest in finding him? Maybe, maybe not.
I'm not going to spend 10.5 minutes listening to someone make your argument. However, anyone who claims there is no God has no more evidence to back up their position than someone who claims there is. To talk about the Bible merely indicates your entire perspective is Christian, which kind of belies the entire premise of Atheism. So the reason everyone isn't an Atheist like you is because they are making another blind guess than the blind guess you are making. But that doesn't make your blind guess any less blind.

BUT, you guys started it. You said there is a god. We asked you for evidence and you gave us your ancient holy books. We did our research and your religion doesn't pass the test. Just like any other religion doesn't pass your test. Right? Are you a Mormon, Jew or Muslim? Why not? Well that is why I/we reject your stories of god. You can't tell us god talked to you 2000 or 200 or 7000 years ago and expect us to buy that shit, do you?

So don't get mad at anyone who rejects your specific religion/god.

Now, are you talking about a generic creator? Why is he hiding? Why have all the religions in our short 40,000 years gotten it so wrong? They thought the sun was god. And rulers forced the poor and stupid to worship them. We are way too smart to keep on believing. Just look at the Muslims in the middle east. You are the western version of them.

Why did Martin Luther burn Giordano Bruno in 1600 when he said the earth revolved around the sun, not the other way around? And how do you stick with a religion this flawed? You believe the Catholic Church 2000 years ago? Wow! I'll go with facts, science and logic.
Well, I AM an agnostic in the sense that I approach the matter by using the same guidelines as renowned atheist, Richard Dawkins does only he uses a scale of, I believe, seven and I use a scale of ten. That is to say, because I can't prove that there is a God, I rank the chances of there not being one at about 9.5 on a scale of 10 . . . the same ranking as other things that I can't prove such as the tooth fairy, the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, Beelzebub, goblins, witches, unicorns, etc. ~ Susan
PS One only has to walk into a children's hospital to know that there is no God . . . however, if I err and there is one, this God, who childishly plays hide-go-seek with us, surely has no compassion nor love for us.

Wow, they just let anyone post here. . .

As far as the children's hospital, where were you when the foundations of the earth were laid? Did you set the height of the mountains, the depth of the seas?

Personally, I'd rather have some God and possibly not need one, than be too late and need one and not have had one.

Got an answer to my post #2 yet?
If no one can do it, why isn't everyone an Atheist like me? Thank you. ~ Susan

Because you are special.

Actually, she asks a valid question.

Actually she does not. Not everyone is a Christian, so that everyone must logically be an atheist because of inconsistencies in one religious text is a false premise.
All religions are equally false, as all religions are creations of man, imbued with man's faults and failings.

All that means is all religions are imperfect. It doesn't mean they are false. That presumes knowledge you do no possess, which of course only means Atheism is equally imperfect.

A greek 2500 years ago figured out the Cosmos and science. He wanted to teach it to the masses but the rich decided to suppress it for thousands of years and instead teach slavery and religion.

Guys like Aristarchus of Samos or Theodorus of Samos

Why are there not monuments to these men? Why was their knowledge hidden and suppressed? Religion! It has held us back for thousands of years. It has us polluting the planet, going to war with muslims, banning stem cell,

Guy name Bruno Giordano discovered the Cosmos and Martin Luther had him burned. Fuck religion.
Well, I AM an agnostic in the sense that I approach the matter by using the same guidelines as renowned atheist, Richard Dawkins does only he uses a scale of, I believe, seven and I use a scale of ten. That is to say, because I can't prove that there is a God, I rank the chances of there not being one at about 9.5 on a scale of 10 . . . the same ranking as other things that I can't prove such as the tooth fairy, the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, Beelzebub, goblins, witches, unicorns, etc. ~ Susan
PS One only has to walk into a children's hospital to know that there is no God . . . however, if I err and there is one, this God, who childishly plays hide-go-seek with us, surely has no compassion nor love for us.

Wow, they just let anyone post here. . .

As far as the children's hospital, where were you when the foundations of the earth were laid? Did you set the height of the mountains, the depth of the seas?

Personally, I'd rather have some God and possibly not need one, than be too late and need one and not have had one.

Got an answer to my post #2 yet?

The better be safe than sorry argument doesn't pass the scientific test. You are asking us to believe something pretty unbelievable. What evidence are you giving. And have you ever questioned if your religion is all made up? Use these rules and get back to me.

Question authority. No idea is true just because someone says so. Think for yourself. Question yourself. Don't believe anything just because you want to. Believing something doesn't make it so. Test ideas, by the evidence gained from observation and experiment. If a favorite idea fails a well designed test, it's wrong. Get over it. Follow the evidence, were ever it leads. If you have no evidence, reserve judgment.
And remember you could be wrong.
The better be safe than sorry argument doesn't pass the scientific test. You are asking us to believe something pretty unbelievable. What evidence are you giving. And have you ever questioned if your religion is all made up? Use these rules and get back to me.

Question authority. No idea is true just because someone says so. Think for yourself. Question yourself. Don't believe anything just because you want to. Believing something doesn't make it so. Test ideas, by the evidence gained from observation and experiment. If a favorite idea fails a well designed test, it's wrong. Get over it. Follow the evidence, were ever it leads. If you have no evidence, reserve judgment.
And remember you could be wrong.

I am not expecting it to pass any test, and I am not asking you to believe anything. I have personal evidence that works for me, but is unprovable scientifically. that is why it is for me and I do not ask anyone else to believe it. that is like asking the Indians to prove whether or not they had visions. I have nothing to need to get over. And I could be wrong. But if I'm not, then my better safe than sorry still holds plenty of water for me. I could care less about what you think nor what you believe.
I'm not going to spend 10.5 minutes listening to someone make your argument. However, anyone who claims there is no God has no more evidence to back up their position than someone who claims there is. To talk about the Bible merely indicates your entire perspective is Christian, which kind of belies the entire premise of Atheism. So the reason everyone isn't an Atheist like you is because they are making another blind guess than the blind guess you are making. But that doesn't make your blind guess any less blind.

BUT, you guys started it. You said there is a god. We asked you for evidence and you gave us your ancient holy books. We did our research and your religion doesn't pass the test. Just like any other religion doesn't pass your test. Right? Are you a Mormon, Jew or Muslim? Why not? Well that is why I/we reject your stories of god. You can't tell us god talked to you 2000 or 200 or 7000 years ago and expect us to buy that shit, do you?

So don't get mad at anyone who rejects your specific religion/god.

Now, are you talking about a generic creator? Why is he hiding? Why have all the religions in our short 40,000 years gotten it so wrong? They thought the sun was god. And rulers forced the poor and stupid to worship them. We are way too smart to keep on believing. Just look at the Muslims in the middle east. You are the western version of them.

Why did Martin Luther burn Giordano Bruno in 1600 when he said the earth revolved around the sun, not the other way around? And how do you stick with a religion this flawed? You believe the Catholic Church 2000 years ago? Wow! I'll go with facts, science and logic.

I have to wonder when you plan to start going with facts, science and logic.
Well, I AM an agnostic in the sense that I approach the matter by using the same guidelines as renowned atheist, Richard Dawkins does only he uses a scale of, I believe, seven and I use a scale of ten. That is to say, because I can't prove that there is a God, I rank the chances of there not being one at about 9.5 on a scale of 10 . . . the same ranking as other things that I can't prove such as the tooth fairy, the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, Beelzebub, goblins, witches, unicorns, etc. ~ Susan
PS One only has to walk into a children's hospital to know that there is no God . . . however, if I err and there is one, this God, who childishly plays hide-go-seek with us, surely has no compassion nor love for us.

Wow, they just let anyone post here. . .

As far as the children's hospital, where were you when the foundations of the earth were laid? Did you set the height of the mountains, the depth of the seas?

Personally, I'd rather have some God and possibly not need one, than be too late and need one and not have had one.

Got an answer to my post #2 yet?
I would give you rep for quoting Job but seems they moved my stuff again. :)
The better be safe than sorry argument doesn't pass the scientific test. You are asking us to believe something pretty unbelievable. What evidence are you giving. And have you ever questioned if your religion is all made up? Use these rules and get back to me.

Question authority. No idea is true just because someone says so. Think for yourself. Question yourself. Don't believe anything just because you want to. Believing something doesn't make it so. Test ideas, by the evidence gained from observation and experiment. If a favorite idea fails a well designed test, it's wrong. Get over it. Follow the evidence, were ever it leads. If you have no evidence, reserve judgment.
And remember you could be wrong.

I am not expecting it to pass any test, and I am not asking you to believe anything. I have personal evidence that works for me, but is unprovable scientifically. that is why it is for me and I do not ask anyone else to believe it. that is like asking the Indians to prove whether or not they had visions. I have nothing to need to get over. And I could be wrong. But if I'm not, then my better safe than sorry still holds plenty of water for me. I could care less about what you think nor what you believe.

As long as you theists stop burning us at the stake, crucifying us, forcing us to convert or live with your religious laws. You live in America? Then you are free to follow whatever religion you want, even atheism.

If you watch the Cosmos you will see that us humans have advanced faster every time people were free to think and talk. For thousands of years religion held our civilization back. They're still doing it today. Kings/Priests were one and the same for thousands of years.

Also, you are not the typical religious nut who says believe my lie or go to hell, are you? Then we're cool, sorta. I still think they use that ignorance in you to control you. When we as a society drop the god I think we'll be much better off. Solve poverty, no wars, less work, fair government. The rich use religion to sucker poor people into voting GOP.
I'm not going to spend 10.5 minutes listening to someone make your argument. However, anyone who claims there is no God has no more evidence to back up their position than someone who claims there is. To talk about the Bible merely indicates your entire perspective is Christian, which kind of belies the entire premise of Atheism. So the reason everyone isn't an Atheist like you is because they are making another blind guess than the blind guess you are making. But that doesn't make your blind guess any less blind.

BUT, you guys started it. You said there is a god. We asked you for evidence and you gave us your ancient holy books. We did our research and your religion doesn't pass the test. Just like any other religion doesn't pass your test. Right? Are you a Mormon, Jew or Muslim? Why not? Well that is why I/we reject your stories of god. You can't tell us god talked to you 2000 or 200 or 7000 years ago and expect us to buy that shit, do you?

So don't get mad at anyone who rejects your specific religion/god.

Now, are you talking about a generic creator? Why is he hiding? Why have all the religions in our short 40,000 years gotten it so wrong? They thought the sun was god. And rulers forced the poor and stupid to worship them. We are way too smart to keep on believing. Just look at the Muslims in the middle east. You are the western version of them.

Why did Martin Luther burn Giordano Bruno in 1600 when he said the earth revolved around the sun, not the other way around? And how do you stick with a religion this flawed? You believe the Catholic Church 2000 years ago? Wow! I'll go with facts, science and logic.

I have to wonder when you plan to start going with facts, science and logic.

You'll have to be more specific if you want a reply out of me.
I am not expecting it to pass any test, and I am not asking you to believe anything. I have personal evidence that works for me, but is unprovable scientifically. that is why it is for me and I do not ask anyone else to believe it. that is like asking the Indians to prove whether or not they had visions. I have nothing to need to get over. And I could be wrong. But if I'm not, then my better safe than sorry still holds plenty of water for me. I could care less about what you think nor what you believe.

Exactly, except I don't even go with "better safe than sorry." There are many of us saying, "There is something out there." We can totally relate to people who tried to convince unbelievers the earth was round, and that the earth rotated around the sun. Just as they were not believed by some in their time, we are not believed by some in our time.

When we say, "God is out there," the response we get is typical of the responses of yore: "I don't see a round earth. I don't see earth revolving around the sun." Now it is, "I don't see God."

If we see a planet acting in an orbit not expected of planets, even though we may not see it, we know there is another force out there acting upon that planet. We also know there are many things in the universe that we cannot see. Some, perhaps many, sometimes sense a force "out there" acting upon us, not physically, but spiritually. That is why so many are immune to jeers that our five physical sense can't prove this spiritual force. We don't expect them to. Hopefully our own reactions to that force will at least have non-believers occasionally pausing and reflecting on what force has people acting in a way they do not expect people to act.
If no one can do it, why isn't everyone an Atheist like me? Thank you. ~ Susan

Because you are special.

Actually, she asks a valid question.

We've heard about this weird belief in a magic guy who killed his son and all the rest - we've heard it all for so long that we're no longer shocked by it.

If one person says they see Napoleon, we think he's nuts. When millions see him, we come to think its normal.

Its not.

Its no more normal than believing you were abducted by aliens and anally probed.

So if millions insist that those wanting to have sex with the same gender are normal, and we've heard it for so long that we're no longer shocked by it, it's still not normal? Thanks!

Thank you for describing the leftist mindset/MO for just about everything they do!
The more important question is why aren't atheists agnostic? Why do they choose the same ultimatum religious folks do and claim a difference?
Oh, wait....

Well, I AM an agnostic in the sense that I approach the matter by using the same guidelines as renowned atheist, Richard Dawkins does only he uses a scale of, I believe, seven and I use a scale of ten. That is to say, because I can't prove that there is a God, I rank the chances of there not being one at about 9.5 on a scale of 10 . . . the same ranking as other things that I can't prove such as the tooth fairy, the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, Beelzebub, goblins, witches, unicorns, etc. ~ Susan
PS One only has to walk into a children's hospital to know that there is no God . . . however, if I err and there is one, this God, who childishly plays hide-go-seek with us, surely has no compassion nor love for us.

You certainly do give yourself a lot of credit! Kudos!

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