Why isn't Flynn being investigated, he had the means and the


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
access to hack the DNC and get the stuff to Russia and then to WikiLeaks. He also had a reason since being let go from this station.

Why is he not being investigated. I think he should be, I so believe while it may of come from Russia I believe it may of begun in the US. I think this was planned for a long time. I also believe Trump planned on Tillerson for a long time and made it just look like he didn't.
Penelope, don't you think that if a measure of power is taken back by white men in America then maybe there will be LESS corruption than there is now? It's not going to be perfect with all the forces at play but do you really think white men(as a group) are the problem with the world?

There will still be vast corruption but the door has been opened for a few good guys to squeeze through and do SOME good.
The dumbocrats should run Clinton again in 4 years...LOL....It wasn't her HORRIBLE policies,lying,backstabbing of Sanders that lost her the election it was THE RUSSIANS! ROFL
No he is a crook and need to be deeply investigated. He is also a horrible man, but that is besides the point.
He is possibly behind the DNC hack and no one is investigating him.
No he is a crook and need to be deeply investigated. He is also a horrible man, but that is besides the point.
He is possibly behind the DNC hack and no one is investigating him.
The truth escapes you there on your plantation.....

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