Why isn't Hillary Clinton being tried for treason and conspiracy?

Hillary Clinton has been implicated in orchestrating Trump's downfall with the help of her minions in the FBI, a British spy, and Russian correspondents, while Barack Obama was President and while she was Secretary of State. There is a lot of unhappiness over her influencing the Democrat Party to keep President Trump away from his official duties. That's treason, not adults being good Americans.

Some states have had enough of Hillary Clinton.

She belongs in jail for 50 years minimum.

Texas board of education has voted to eliminate Hillary Clinton from history curriculums.
Texas board votes to eliminate Hillary Clinton, Helen Keller from history curriculum | Education | Dallas News

Helen Keller?? ROTFLMAO! I guess you view redacting history as a good thing...how very white..er..I mean right, of you!

BTW..was one local Board in Texas..not the entire State.


EvilEyeFleegle sez: BTW..was one local Board in Texas..not the entire State.

I gave you a link which said the following:

As part of an effort to "streamline" the social studies curriculum in public schools, the State Board of Education voted Friday to adjust what students in every grade learn in the classroom. Among the changes, board members approved the removal of several historical figures, including Clinton and Keller, from the curriculum. Texas board votes to eliminate Hillary Clinton, Helen Keller from history curriculum | Education | Dallas News
I guess the print was a little too light, so I highlighted it for your better comprehension, sweetie. ^^

Thank you..the article required that i disable my ad blockers..which i do not do..so i had to snatch a few fragments..i did find the info elsewhere..and yes it was the entire state..and yes..it just a preliminary vote..so there is still time for some sanity to break out. History is a chronicle..nothing more or less...when you start leaving parts out that you don't like..you are no longer educators..just propagandists.
Hillary Clinton has been implicated in orchestrating Trump's downfall with the help of her minions in the FBI, a British spy, and Russian correspondents, while Barack Obama was President and while she was Secretary of State. There is a lot of unhappiness over her influencing the Democrat Party to keep President Trump away from his official duties. That's treason, not adults being good Americans.

Some states have had enough of Hillary Clinton.

She belongs in jail for 50 years minimum.

Texas board of education has voted to eliminate Hillary Clinton from history curriculums.
Texas board votes to eliminate Hillary Clinton, Helen Keller from history curriculum | Education | Dallas News

Helen Keller?? ROTFLMAO! I guess you view redacting history as a good thing...how very white..er..I mean right, of you!


Helen Keller?? ROTFLMAO! I guess you view redacting history as a good thing..

Oh, I missed that about redacting history the first go round, EvilEyeFleegle. I'm pretty sure the press people who added that were putting their goddess Hillary with good company that she does not deserve to be mentioned with, with her life of crime during, before, and since then.

I'm pretty certain our State Board of Education had a different reason for removing from developing children's notice borderline criminals who do dirty tricks and profit from elderly's life savings invested to take care of themselves in their old age, order minions to do illegal things or be exposed from her treasury of FBI files she is famed for using to intimidate reluctant performers of her illegal and unconstitutional activities necessary to promote her career into megabucks for self-enrichment. She wasn't very nice to numerous Texas politicians who spent time serving in Washington, D.C., having cooked up lies about the late George HW Bush and worse things for Dubya using her Cabal tactics which account for the dirtiest campaigns and backstabbing in American History. Texas would rather our children never know that a former First Lady became the most crooked politician who ever lived, and other Americans put up with her in order to institute a socialism into this nation so close to you could not separate it from pure communism, to dictate people's thoughts and be rid of them if they do not obey the kingpin leader. Hillary was looking to make herself a very, very wealthy woman. All George Soros money went to the wastebin of history. But Hillary couldn't bear a capable manager would take away her future treasury filtch. What would one expect of someone who swiped all the White House china when she left the White House? Not to mention choice household items that were willed by patriots to the White House, and not to individuals wanting to sell each item for megabucks. Since I don't understand the criminal mind very well, I didn't understand that when I read about what the Clintons tried to make off with treasures of the state. The larceny resulted in a repossession of known items taken on Clinton's moving day.

So, if any of that is true..it is history and you teach it..warts and all. I still wonder what it is about Helen Keller that offended them...LOL!
Hillary Clinton has been implicated in orchestrating Trump's downfall with the help of her minions in the FBI, a British spy, and Russian correspondents, while Barack Obama was President and while she was Secretary of State. There is a lot of unhappiness over her influencing the Democrat Party to keep President Trump away from his official duties. That's treason, not adults being good Americans.

Some states have had enough of Hillary Clinton.

She belongs in jail for 50 years minimum.

Texas board of education has voted to eliminate Hillary Clinton from history curriculums.
Texas board votes to eliminate Hillary Clinton, Helen Keller from history curriculum | Education | Dallas News

Any day now.....we've been promised.
Hillary Clinton has been implicated in orchestrating Trump's downfall with the help of her minions in the FBI, a British spy, and Russian correspondents, while Barack Obama was President and while she was Secretary of State. There is a lot of unhappiness over her influencing the Democrat Party to keep President Trump away from his official duties. That's treason, not adults being good Americans.

Some states have had enough of Hillary Clinton.

She belongs in jail for 50 years minimum.

Texas board of education has voted to eliminate Hillary Clinton from history curriculums.
Texas board votes to eliminate Hillary Clinton, Helen Keller from history curriculum | Education | Dallas News

Helen Keller?? ROTFLMAO! I guess you view redacting history as a good thing...how very white..er..I mean right, of you!


Helen Keller?? ROTFLMAO! I guess you view redacting history as a good thing..

Oh, I missed that about redacting history the first go round, EvilEyeFleegle. I'm pretty sure the press people who added that were putting their goddess Hillary with good company that she does not deserve to be mentioned with, with her life of crime during, before, and since then.

I'm pretty certain our State Board of Education had a different reason for removing from developing children's notice borderline criminals who do dirty tricks and profit from elderly's life savings invested to take care of themselves in their old age, order minions to do illegal things or be exposed from her treasury of FBI files she is famed for using to intimidate reluctant performers of her illegal and unconstitutional activities necessary to promote her career into megabucks for self-enrichment. She wasn't very nice to numerous Texas politicians who spent time serving in Washington, D.C., having cooked up lies about the late George HW Bush and worse things for Dubya using her Cabal tactics which account for the dirtiest campaigns and backstabbing in American History. Texas would rather our children never know that a former First Lady became the most crooked politician who ever lived, and other Americans put up with her in order to institute a socialism into this nation so close to you could not separate it from pure communism, to dictate people's thoughts and be rid of them if they do not obey the kingpin leader. Hillary was looking to make herself a very, very wealthy woman. All George Soros money went to the wastebin of history. But Hillary couldn't bear a capable manager would take away her future treasury filtch. What would one expect of someone who swiped all the White House china when she left the White House? Not to mention choice household items that were willed by patriots to the White House, and not to individuals wanting to sell each item for megabucks. Since I don't understand the criminal mind very well, I didn't understand that when I read about what the Clintons tried to make off with treasures of the state. The larceny resulted in a repossession of known items taken on Clinton's moving day.

You know Helen Keller was a huge socialist and that the federal government had an extensive investigative file on her, right?
Hillary Clinton has been implicated in orchestrating Trump's downfall with the help of her minions in the FBI, a British spy, and Russian correspondents, while Barack Obama was President and while she was Secretary of State. There is a lot of unhappiness over her influencing the Democrat Party to keep President Trump away from his official duties. That's treason, not adults being good Americans.

Some states have had enough of Hillary Clinton.

She belongs in jail for 50 years minimum.

Texas board of education has voted to eliminate Hillary Clinton from history curriculums.
Texas board votes to eliminate Hillary Clinton, Helen Keller from history curriculum | Education | Dallas News

Helen Keller?? ROTFLMAO! I guess you view redacting history as a good thing...how very white..er..I mean right, of you!


Helen Keller?? ROTFLMAO! I guess you view redacting history as a good thing..

Oh, I missed that about redacting history the first go round, EvilEyeFleegle. I'm pretty sure the press people who added that were putting their goddess Hillary with good company that she does not deserve to be mentioned with, with her life of crime during, before, and since then.

I'm pretty certain our State Board of Education had a different reason for removing from developing children's notice borderline criminals who do dirty tricks and profit from elderly's life savings invested to take care of themselves in their old age, order minions to do illegal things or be exposed from her treasury of FBI files she is famed for using to intimidate reluctant performers of her illegal and unconstitutional activities necessary to promote her career into megabucks for self-enrichment. She wasn't very nice to numerous Texas politicians who spent time serving in Washington, D.C., having cooked up lies about the late George HW Bush and worse things for Dubya using her Cabal tactics which account for the dirtiest campaigns and backstabbing in American History. Texas would rather our children never know that a former First Lady became the most crooked politician who ever lived, and other Americans put up with her in order to institute a socialism into this nation so close to you could not separate it from pure communism, to dictate people's thoughts and be rid of them if they do not obey the kingpin leader. Hillary was looking to make herself a very, very wealthy woman. All George Soros money went to the wastebin of history. But Hillary couldn't bear a capable manager would take away her future treasury filtch. What would one expect of someone who swiped all the White House china when she left the White House? Not to mention choice household items that were willed by patriots to the White House, and not to individuals wanting to sell each item for megabucks. Since I don't understand the criminal mind very well, I didn't understand that when I read about what the Clintons tried to make off with treasures of the state. The larceny resulted in a repossession of known items taken on Clinton's moving day.

You know Helen Keller was a huge socialist and that the federal government had an extensive investigative file on her, right?

Yes, I did know that..thanks to an accurate reading of history..pity Texas students won't get the chance. In her time, the socialists were the good guys..to a large degree. The bloated plutocrats that held sway over the workers deserved debunking....much of what we hold dear in the way of worker's rights came from those struggles.

She was also a strong advocate for Women's rights..and not surprisingly..the rights of the disabled.
Why isn't Hillary Clinton being tried for treason and conspiracy?

Mostly because our court system requires more than lies and conspiracy theories to convict
Justice will be done very soon as things are falling into place. I foresee many passports being confiscated to keep lots of high ranking criminals from escaping to countries with no extraditions to the U.S. Obama and the Clintons should tread lightly. They should be in pretrial confinement as we speak. The rest of the criminal bastards are going down and I hope there will be no plea bargains allowed.

Yep. Any day now.
You finally got it right, Bulldog.

You be sure to get back with me when that happens. It hasn't happened all those hundreds of other times I read about it here, but this could be your lucky day.
Justice will be done very soon as things are falling into place. I foresee many passports being confiscated to keep lots of high ranking criminals from escaping to countries with no extraditions to the U.S. Obama and the Clintons should tread lightly. They should be in pretrial confinement as we speak. The rest of the criminal bastards are going down and I hope there will be no plea bargains allowed.

Yep. Any day now.
You finally got it right, Bulldog.

How many years have you childish right wingers been saying "any day now"?
For as many years as it takes to clean up dirty politics created in the gutters of Hillary Clinton's cesspool of illegal activities and recruiting FBI chiefs to do her bidding of destroying as much of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights as she and her minions hate. So far, the false dossier she induced her minions to create have kinda put the cowpie she was throwing to remove President Trump has been combined with human defecation on Pelosi's hometown of Sanfran has boomeranged right back in their collective faces. Please try to avoid supporting criminal Democrats or the present ones boomeranging will land in your face too. Even though you are loyal opposition, I don't think you can wrap your mind around the damage these two witches have concerted against the Presidency of the United States.
Justice will be done very soon as things are falling into place. I foresee many passports being confiscated to keep lots of high ranking criminals from escaping to countries with no extraditions to the U.S. Obama and the Clintons should tread lightly. They should be in pretrial confinement as we speak. The rest of the criminal bastards are going down and I hope there will be no plea bargains allowed.

Yep. Any day now.
You finally got it right, Bulldog.

How many years have you childish right wingers been saying "any day now"?
For as many years as it takes to clean up dirty politics created in the gutters of Hillary Clinton's cesspool of illegal activities and recruiting FBI chiefs to do her bidding of destroying as much of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights as she and her minions hate. So far, the false dossier she induced her minions to create have kinda put the cowpie she was throwing to remove President Trump has been combined with human defecation on Pelosi's hometown of Sanfran has boomeranged right back in their collective faces. Please try to avoid supporting criminal Democrats or the present ones boomeranging will land in your face too. Even though you are loyal opposition, I don't think you can wrap your mind around the damage these two witches have concerted against the Presidency of the United States.

Bla Bla Bla. The subject is how many years right wingers have been saying "any day now". That phrase has a specific meaning. You don't get that?
Justice will be done very soon as things are falling into place. I foresee many passports being confiscated to keep lots of high ranking criminals from escaping to countries with no extraditions to the U.S. Obama and the Clintons should tread lightly. They should be in pretrial confinement as we speak. The rest of the criminal bastards are going down and I hope there will be no plea bargains allowed.

Yep. Any day now.
You finally got it right, Bulldog.

How many years have you childish right wingers been saying "any day now"?
For as many years as it takes to clean up dirty politics created in the gutters of Hillary Clinton's cesspool of illegal activities and recruiting FBI chiefs to do her bidding of destroying as much of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights as she and her minions hate. So far, the false dossier she induced her minions to create have kinda put the cowpie she was throwing to remove President Trump has been combined with human defecation on Pelosi's hometown of Sanfran has boomeranged right back in their collective faces. Please try to avoid supporting criminal Democrats or the present ones boomeranging will land in your face too. Even though you are loyal opposition, I don't think you can wrap your mind around the damage these two witches have concerted against the Presidency of the United States.

Bla Bla Bla. The subject is how many years right wingers have been saying "any day now". That phrase has a specific meaning. You don't get that?
Ya, baby. It's a great song! :D
I suspect that the Trump Admin has enough evidence to charge both Obama and Clinton...and that the Nadler fishing expedition and shrieks of Impeachment are part of a chess match to keep both from being indicted. i.e., the Dems will back off the witch hunt if Obama is left alone. Comey is certainly going to be sacrificed. Nobody likes him.
Hillary Clinton has been implicated in orchestrating Trump's downfall with the help of her minions in the FBI, a British spy, and Russian correspondents, while Barack Obama was President and while she was Secretary of State. There is a lot of unhappiness over her influencing the Democrat Party to keep President Trump away from his official duties. That's treason, not adults being good Americans.

Some states have had enough of Hillary Clinton.

She belongs in jail for 50 years minimum.

Texas board of education has voted to eliminate Hillary Clinton from history curriculums.
Texas board votes to eliminate Hillary Clinton, Helen Keller from history curriculum | Education | Dallas News

Because, just like Trump, Clinton has the presumption of innocence.

We don't put people in jail because others don't like them.

Get a trial and a conviction. Nothing short of that is acceptable.

So, who has that power? The same person who has the power to prosecute, or not, Trump.

Guess what. He is not going to just start throwing people in jail based on outrage. He is going to investigate first, then make a decision when the investigation is over based on the facts.

Just like he did with Trump.
Hillary Clinton has been implicated in orchestrating Trump's downfall with the help of her minions in the FBI, a British spy, and Russian correspondents, while Barack Obama was President and while she was Secretary of State. There is a lot of unhappiness over her influencing the Democrat Party to keep President Trump away from his official duties. That's treason, not adults being good Americans.

Some states have had enough of Hillary Clinton.

She belongs in jail for 50 years minimum.

Texas board of education has voted to eliminate Hillary Clinton from history curriculums.
Texas board votes to eliminate Hillary Clinton, Helen Keller from history curriculum | Education | Dallas News

Helen Keller?? ROTFLMAO! I guess you view redacting history as a good thing...how very white..er..I mean right, of you!


Helen Keller?? ROTFLMAO! I guess you view redacting history as a good thing..

Oh, I missed that about redacting history the first go round, EvilEyeFleegle. I'm pretty sure the press people who added that were putting their goddess Hillary with good company that she does not deserve to be mentioned with, with her life of crime during, before, and since then.

I'm pretty certain our State Board of Education had a different reason for removing from developing children's notice borderline criminals who do dirty tricks and profit from elderly's life savings invested to take care of themselves in their old age, order minions to do illegal things or be exposed from her treasury of FBI files she is famed for using to intimidate reluctant performers of her illegal and unconstitutional activities necessary to promote her career into megabucks for self-enrichment. She wasn't very nice to numerous Texas politicians who spent time serving in Washington, D.C., having cooked up lies about the late George HW Bush and worse things for Dubya using her Cabal tactics which account for the dirtiest campaigns and backstabbing in American History. Texas would rather our children never know that a former First Lady became the most crooked politician who ever lived, and other Americans put up with her in order to institute a socialism into this nation so close to you could not separate it from pure communism, to dictate people's thoughts and be rid of them if they do not obey the kingpin leader. Hillary was looking to make herself a very, very wealthy woman. All George Soros money went to the wastebin of history. But Hillary couldn't bear a capable manager would take away her future treasury filtch. What would one expect of someone who swiped all the White House china when she left the White House? Not to mention choice household items that were willed by patriots to the White House, and not to individuals wanting to sell each item for megabucks. Since I don't understand the criminal mind very well, I didn't understand that when I read about what the Clintons tried to make off with treasures of the state. The larceny resulted in a repossession of known items taken on Clinton's moving day.

You know Helen Keller was a huge socialist and that the federal government had an extensive investigative file on her, right?

Yes, I did know that..thanks to an accurate reading of history..pity Texas students won't get the chance. In her time, the socialists were the good guys..to a large degree. The bloated plutocrats that held sway over the workers deserved debunking....much of what we hold dear in the way of worker's rights came from those struggles.

She was also a strong advocate for Women's rights..and not surprisingly..the rights of the disabled.

I appreciate your fluff, but you have to realize, Hillary is gang-raping the Constitution in a conspiracy to overthrow President Trump from his rightful office, won in a close election in which he endured the usual Hillary lies of character decimation that divide and she usually takes the spoils. Didn't work this time, because too many seasoned voters remembered her day in court in which she used the lawyer's trick of "I forget." She ain't getting away with bullshit this time. She went for the neck of a sitting President and used in conspiracy with President Obama, her influence as Secretary of State, now her neck is in peril based on what the Constitution she is trying to destroy in conjunction with other Democrat Socialists. Their assistance of her in Court could result into a look into their criminal activities to promote this bad-to-the-bone criminal first lady.
Hillary Clinton has been implicated in orchestrating Trump's downfall with the help of her minions in the FBI, a British spy, and Russian correspondents, while Barack Obama was President and while she was Secretary of State. There is a lot of unhappiness over her influencing the Democrat Party to keep President Trump away from his official duties. That's treason, not adults being good Americans.

Some states have had enough of Hillary Clinton.

She belongs in jail for 50 years minimum.

Texas board of education has voted to eliminate Hillary Clinton from history curriculums.
Texas board votes to eliminate Hillary Clinton, Helen Keller from history curriculum | Education | Dallas News

No surprise you convict without a trial..As far as Texass well it's a hell hole and has been for many years.
Hillary Clinton has been implicated in orchestrating Trump's downfall with the help of her minions in the FBI, a British spy, and Russian correspondents, while Barack Obama was President and while she was Secretary of State. There is a lot of unhappiness over her influencing the Democrat Party to keep President Trump away from his official duties. That's treason, not adults being good Americans.

Some states have had enough of Hillary Clinton.

She belongs in jail for 50 years minimum.

Texas board of education has voted to eliminate Hillary Clinton from history curriculums.
Texas board votes to eliminate Hillary Clinton, Helen Keller from history curriculum | Education | Dallas News

Helen Keller?? ROTFLMAO! I guess you view redacting history as a good thing...how very white..er..I mean right, of you!


Helen Keller?? ROTFLMAO! I guess you view redacting history as a good thing..

Oh, I missed that about redacting history the first go round, EvilEyeFleegle. I'm pretty sure the press people who added that were putting their goddess Hillary with good company that she does not deserve to be mentioned with, with her life of crime during, before, and since then.

I'm pretty certain our State Board of Education had a different reason for removing from developing children's notice borderline criminals who do dirty tricks and profit from elderly's life savings invested to take care of themselves in their old age, order minions to do illegal things or be exposed from her treasury of FBI files she is famed for using to intimidate reluctant performers of her illegal and unconstitutional activities necessary to promote her career into megabucks for self-enrichment. She wasn't very nice to numerous Texas politicians who spent time serving in Washington, D.C., having cooked up lies about the late George HW Bush and worse things for Dubya using her Cabal tactics which account for the dirtiest campaigns and backstabbing in American History. Texas would rather our children never know that a former First Lady became the most crooked politician who ever lived, and other Americans put up with her in order to institute a socialism into this nation so close to you could not separate it from pure communism, to dictate people's thoughts and be rid of them if they do not obey the kingpin leader. Hillary was looking to make herself a very, very wealthy woman. All George Soros money went to the wastebin of history. But Hillary couldn't bear a capable manager would take away her future treasury filtch. What would one expect of someone who swiped all the White House china when she left the White House? Not to mention choice household items that were willed by patriots to the White House, and not to individuals wanting to sell each item for megabucks. Since I don't understand the criminal mind very well, I didn't understand that when I read about what the Clintons tried to make off with treasures of the state. The larceny resulted in a repossession of known items taken on Clinton's moving day.

You know Helen Keller was a huge socialist and that the federal government had an extensive investigative file on her, right?

Yes, I did know that..thanks to an accurate reading of history..pity Texas students won't get the chance. In her time, the socialists were the good guys..to a large degree. The bloated plutocrats that held sway over the workers deserved debunking....much of what we hold dear in the way of worker's rights came from those struggles.

She was also a strong advocate for Women's rights..and not surprisingly..the rights of the disabled.

I appreciate your fluff, but you have to realize, Hillary is gang-raping the Constitution in a conspiracy to overthrow President Trump from his rightful office, won in a close election in which he endured the usual Hillary lies of character decimation that divide and she usually takes the spoils. Didn't work this time, because too many seasoned voters remembered her day in court in which she used the lawyer's trick of "I forget." She ain't getting away with bullshit this time. She went for the neck of a sitting President and used in conspiracy with President Obama, her influence as Secretary of State, now her neck is in peril based on what the Constitution she is trying to destroy in conjunction with other Democrat Socialists. Their assistance of her in Court could result into a look into their criminal activities to promote this bad-to-the-bone criminal first lady.

Where is this proof of her gang raping anyone in this administration?
All I see and hear is hyperbole.
Justice will be done very soon as things are falling into place. I foresee many passports being confiscated to keep lots of high ranking criminals from escaping to countries with no extraditions to the U.S. Obama and the Clintons should tread lightly. They should be in pretrial confinement as we speak. The rest of the criminal bastards are going down and I hope there will be no plea bargains allowed.

Yep. Any day now.
You finally got it right, Bulldog.

How many years have you childish right wingers been saying "any day now"?
For as many years as it takes to clean up dirty politics created in the gutters of Hillary Clinton's cesspool of illegal activities and recruiting FBI chiefs to do her bidding of destroying as much of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights as she and her minions hate. So far, the false dossier she induced her minions to create have kinda put the cowpie she was throwing to remove President Trump has been combined with human defecation on Pelosi's hometown of Sanfran has boomeranged right back in their collective faces. Please try to avoid supporting criminal Democrats or the present ones boomeranging will land in your face too. Even though you are loyal opposition, I don't think you can wrap your mind around the damage these two witches have concerted against the Presidency of the United States.

Bla Bla Bla. The subject is how many years right wingers have been saying "any day now". That phrase has a specific meaning. You don't get that?
Seems every time the impeachment of Trump gets hot, we get these Lock Hillary Up threads
I suspect that the Trump Admin has enough evidence to charge both Obama and Clinton...and that the Nadler fishing expedition and shrieks of Impeachment are part of a chess match to keep both from being indicted. i.e., the Dems will back off the witch hunt if Obama is left alone. Comey is certainly going to be sacrificed. Nobody likes him.
You suspect, eh? :71:
Hillary Clinton has been implicated in orchestrating Trump's downfall with the help of her minions in the FBI, a British spy, and Russian correspondents, while Barack Obama was President and while she was Secretary of State. There is a lot of unhappiness over her influencing the Democrat Party to keep President Trump away from his official duties. That's treason, not adults being good Americans.

Some states have had enough of Hillary Clinton.

She belongs in jail for 50 years minimum.

Texas board of education has voted to eliminate Hillary Clinton from history curriculums.
Texas board votes to eliminate Hillary Clinton, Helen Keller from history curriculum | Education | Dallas News

Helen Keller?? ROTFLMAO! I guess you view redacting history as a good thing...how very white..er..I mean right, of you!


Helen Keller?? ROTFLMAO! I guess you view redacting history as a good thing..

Oh, I missed that about redacting history the first go round, EvilEyeFleegle. I'm pretty sure the press people who added that were putting their goddess Hillary with good company that she does not deserve to be mentioned with, with her life of crime during, before, and since then.

I'm pretty certain our State Board of Education had a different reason for removing from developing children's notice borderline criminals who do dirty tricks and profit from elderly's life savings invested to take care of themselves in their old age, order minions to do illegal things or be exposed from her treasury of FBI files she is famed for using to intimidate reluctant performers of her illegal and unconstitutional activities necessary to promote her career into megabucks for self-enrichment. She wasn't very nice to numerous Texas politicians who spent time serving in Washington, D.C., having cooked up lies about the late George HW Bush and worse things for Dubya using her Cabal tactics which account for the dirtiest campaigns and backstabbing in American History. Texas would rather our children never know that a former First Lady became the most crooked politician who ever lived, and other Americans put up with her in order to institute a socialism into this nation so close to you could not separate it from pure communism, to dictate people's thoughts and be rid of them if they do not obey the kingpin leader. Hillary was looking to make herself a very, very wealthy woman. All George Soros money went to the wastebin of history. But Hillary couldn't bear a capable manager would take away her future treasury filtch. What would one expect of someone who swiped all the White House china when she left the White House? Not to mention choice household items that were willed by patriots to the White House, and not to individuals wanting to sell each item for megabucks. Since I don't understand the criminal mind very well, I didn't understand that when I read about what the Clintons tried to make off with treasures of the state. The larceny resulted in a repossession of known items taken on Clinton's moving day.

You know Helen Keller was a huge socialist and that the federal government had an extensive investigative file on her, right?

Yes, I did know that..thanks to an accurate reading of history..pity Texas students won't get the chance. In her time, the socialists were the good guys..to a large degree. The bloated plutocrats that held sway over the workers deserved debunking....much of what we hold dear in the way of worker's rights came from those struggles.

She was also a strong advocate for Women's rights..and not surprisingly..the rights of the disabled.

I appreciate your fluff, but you have to realize, Hillary is gang-raping the Constitution in a conspiracy to overthrow President Trump from his rightful office, won in a close election in which he endured the usual Hillary lies of character decimation that divide and she usually takes the spoils. Didn't work this time, because too many seasoned voters remembered her day in court in which she used the lawyer's trick of "I forget." She ain't getting away with bullshit this time. She went for the neck of a sitting President and used in conspiracy with President Obama, her influence as Secretary of State, now her neck is in peril based on what the Constitution she is trying to destroy in conjunction with other Democrat Socialists. Their assistance of her in Court could result into a look into their criminal activities to promote this bad-to-the-bone criminal first lady.


What is it with CRCs on about rape? Is it exciting to them?
I suspect that the Trump Admin has enough evidence to charge both Obama and Clinton...and that the Nadler fishing expedition and shrieks of Impeachment are part of a chess match to keep both from being indicted. i.e., the Dems will back off the witch hunt if Obama is left alone. Comey is certainly going to be sacrificed. Nobody likes him.
You suspect, eh? :71:

Yes, I do. As a rational person, I can make judgements based on available information. I do understand, however, how that concept eludes you.

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