Why Israel Is No Better Than Russia


Gold Member
Feb 26, 2012
It is clearly obvious that Israel, through its subordinates on the AIPAC Israeli Lobby in America CONTROLS all Middle East policies...America is no longer the Beacon of Light and truth but an Israeli lackey. The American ideal built by our Forefathers has been hijacked by the power of money!

Israel rsquo s illegal land grab in West Bank The Israeli rationale is no different than Vladimir Putin rsquo s in Ukraine.
Six months ago, after Vladimir Putin annexed part of Ukraine, President Obama authorized sanctions against Russia. “The basic principles that govern relations between nations in Europe and around the world must be upheld in the 21st century,” said Obama. “That includes respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity—the notion that nations do not simply redraw borders or make decisions at the expense of their neighbors simply because they are larger or more powerful.”
William Saletan
Will Saletan writes about politics, science, technology, and other stuff for Slate. He’s the author of Bearing Right.
The United States has defended that principle in Ukraine and Iraq: You can’t use force to grab territory or change borders. But Israel, a U.S. ally, continues to violate the rule. This weekend, Israel claimed yet more Palestinian territory: nearly 1,000 acres, its biggest land grab in 30 years.
The land isn’t in Gaza, where Hamas has been firing rockets and digging tunnels. It’s in the West Bank, where Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has been preaching nonviolence and trying to negotiate a peace agreement. Israel controls more than 40 percent of the West Bank, using its army to facilitate the occupation of this land by Jewish settlers. This is land never granted to Israel under any agreement. It’s theft.
Boring, Israel is far better than ANY state in the ME, Asia, and even some of Europe to the US.
America is an Israeli lackey?



Good one!
..."This isn’t a Putin-style invasion or an ISIS-level bloodbath. But it’s offensive for many reasons. It’s a slap at the United States, which stood with Israel in its latest war in Gaza, and at European countries that cut Israel lots of slack during the lopsided conflict. It’s a thumb in the eye of Secretary of State John Kerry, who keeps trying to restart peace talks. And it discredits Abbas, sending every Palestinian a message that negotiation is for suckers..."
pbel, et al,

And this is part of the problem.

It is clearly obvious that Israel, through its subordinates on the AIPAC Israeli Lobby in America CONTROLS all Middle East policies... America is no longer the Beacon of Light and truth but an Israeli lackey. The American ideal built by our Forefathers has been hijacked by the power of money!

In America, money is always an issue with politicians. But it is not about the money --- that is simply an easy excuse.

It IS about the perception --- and the gradual change in the perception. America doesn't want to be the "Beacon of Light" for the rest of the world. Trouble starts some place, and it is automatically the US that has to be the solution maker. That was 20th Century thinking. It is no longer the way into the 21st Century. The US simply can no longer be the nation that goes into the trouble spots of the world, only to be criticized for the work we do.

The US is not a lackey to anyone. We are a friend and ally. The US places a lot of emphasis friendship and loyalty. Don't mistake loyalty for a submissive culture, dominated by political influence. In these discussions, the fact that the US does not side with the Arab Palestinian is the fault of the Arab Palestinian, and not the political influence of any single political action committee (PAC).

There is little doubt that there are some that prefer to associate with the crooks, criminals, and Jihadist in HAMAS. But a vast majority see them only as the Poster-boy image of a terrorist. That is not because a PAC told us to think that way; no it is not. It is because the Hostile Arab Palestinian presents themselves this way.

Most Respectfully,
..."This isn’t a Putin-style invasion or an ISIS-level bloodbath. But it’s offensive for many reasons. It’s a slap at the United States, which stood with Israel in its latest war in Gaza, and at European countries that cut Israel lots of slack during the lopsided conflict. It’s a thumb in the eye of Secretary of State John Kerry, who keeps trying to restart peace talks. And it discredits Abbas, sending every Palestinian a message that negotiation is for suckers..."
JFK is a sorry bastard who is using the Gaza conflict as a stepping to the Nobel prize he doesn't deserve. Instead of a thumb to his eye he deserves a mailed fist.
pbel, et al,

And this is part of the problem.

It is clearly obvious that Israel, through its subordinates on the AIPAC Israeli Lobby in America CONTROLS all Middle East policies... America is no longer the Beacon of Light and truth but an Israeli lackey. The American ideal built by our Forefathers has been hijacked by the power of money!

In America, money is always an issue with politicians. But it is not about the money --- that is simply an easy excuse.

It IS about the perception --- and the gradual change in the perception. America doesn't want to be the "Beacon of Light" for the rest of the world. Trouble starts some place, and it is automatically the US that has to be the solution maker. That was 20th Century thinking. It is no longer the way into the 21st Century. The US simply can no longer be the nation that goes into the trouble spots of the world, only to be criticized for the work we do.

The US is not a lackey to anyone. We are a friend and ally. The US places a lot of emphasis friendship and loyalty. Don't mistake loyalty for a submissive culture, dominated by political influence. In these discussions, the fact that the US does not side with the Arab Palestinian is the fault of the Arab Palestinian, and not the political influence of any single political action committee (PAC).

There is little doubt that there are some that prefer to associate with the crooks, criminals, and Jihadist in HAMAS. But a vast majority see them only as the Poster-boy image of a terrorist. That is not because a PAC told us to think that way; no it is not. It is because the Hostile Arab Palestinian presents themselves this way.

Most Respectfully,
Very simply Rocco, your world view does not coincide with the vast majority of Humanity as noted by UN Resolutions on Palestine...Power and Money is a marriage made in Hell and it has no place in the future of humanity.
pbel, et al,

And this is part of the problem.

It is clearly obvious that Israel, through its subordinates on the AIPAC Israeli Lobby in America CONTROLS all Middle East policies... America is no longer the Beacon of Light and truth but an Israeli lackey. The American ideal built by our Forefathers has been hijacked by the power of money!

In America, money is always an issue with politicians. But it is not about the money --- that is simply an easy excuse.

It IS about the perception --- and the gradual change in the perception. America doesn't want to be the "Beacon of Light" for the rest of the world. Trouble starts some place, and it is automatically the US that has to be the solution maker. That was 20th Century thinking. It is no longer the way into the 21st Century. The US simply can no longer be the nation that goes into the trouble spots of the world, only to be criticized for the work we do.

The US is not a lackey to anyone. We are a friend and ally. The US places a lot of emphasis friendship and loyalty. Don't mistake loyalty for a submissive culture, dominated by political influence. In these discussions, the fact that the US does not side with the Arab Palestinian is the fault of the Arab Palestinian, and not the political influence of any single political action committee (PAC).

There is little doubt that there are some that prefer to associate with the crooks, criminals, and Jihadist in HAMAS. But a vast majority see them only as the Poster-boy image of a terrorist. That is not because a PAC told us to think that way; no it is not. It is because the Hostile Arab Palestinian presents themselves this way.

Most Respectfully,

I disagree, it's all about the money needed to run for office; it's about those all important contributions; soft money vs hard money and the prevailing belief amongst American politicians of whatever party, rightly or wrongly, that the "Jewish Lobby" is organised and can tip the balance of an election. The US Congress and Senate are virtually all bought and paid for as far as Zionist Israel is concerned; "loyalty to a friend and ally" may be words bandied about in public, but behind closed doors politicians have no real friends or allies except those of convenience and expediency.

The problem is that there is a prevailing strand of American thought that does believe that America should be the world's policeman ans a beacon of freedom and democracy, if that wasn't the case what the hell was the point in the doctrine of "regime change"; democracy through superior firepower?

As for the Palestinians, you seem to overlook that after Hamas won the only free and fair election the Palestinians ever had, the US State Department treated Hamas as the de-jure government of Palestine (PA). America changed it's policies only after Zionist Israel went bannanas. America no-one's lackey? Perhaps not, but Zionist Izreal's political bitch? That's very hard to disprove.
pbel, et al,

And this is part of the problem.

It is clearly obvious that Israel, through its subordinates on the AIPAC Israeli Lobby in America CONTROLS all Middle East policies... America is no longer the Beacon of Light and truth but an Israeli lackey. The American ideal built by our Forefathers has been hijacked by the power of money!

In America, money is always an issue with politicians. But it is not about the money --- that is simply an easy excuse.

It IS about the perception --- and the gradual change in the perception. America doesn't want to be the "Beacon of Light" for the rest of the world. Trouble starts some place, and it is automatically the US that has to be the solution maker. That was 20th Century thinking. It is no longer the way into the 21st Century. The US simply can no longer be the nation that goes into the trouble spots of the world, only to be criticized for the work we do.

The US is not a lackey to anyone. We are a friend and ally. The US places a lot of emphasis friendship and loyalty. Don't mistake loyalty for a submissive culture, dominated by political influence. In these discussions, the fact that the US does not side with the Arab Palestinian is the fault of the Arab Palestinian, and not the political influence of any single political action committee (PAC).

There is little doubt that there are some that prefer to associate with the crooks, criminals, and Jihadist in HAMAS. But a vast majority see them only as the Poster-boy image of a terrorist. That is not because a PAC told us to think that way; no it is not. It is because the Hostile Arab Palestinian presents themselves this way.

Most Respectfully,
Very simply Rocco, your world view does not coincide with the vast majority of Humanity as noted by UN Resolutions on Palestine...Power and Money is a marriage made in Hell and it has no place in the future of humanity.

Your right. The AIPAC lobby is too controlling in or Gov. We need to get rid of it and the Zionist in our goverment. The Israel's are still going after Germany for money, the nerve. Yet they ravaged Gaza and refuse to repair it, but continued to claim land as their own which they will build on shortly.

Read Israel Hayon opinions sections and listen to how they talk about us. We can no longer trust Israel, they are a detriment to our country. They make money off of us stupid Americans, and then complain about us non stop. Most have dual citizenship.

Its disgusting to watch our politicians kiss up to Israel. And for a US President to put a skull cap on and make a vow at the wailing wall is a bit overboard as well but very telling.
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Penelope, The Idiot...
Jews wanted to be the best Germans.

Arabs want to murder Jews.

Get it?
Of course not, that's why you're an idiot.
It is clearly obvious that Israel, through its subordinates on the AIPAC Israeli Lobby in America CONTROLS all Middle East policies...America is no longer the Beacon of Light and truth but an Israeli lackey. The American ideal built by our Forefathers has been hijacked by the power of money!

Israel rsquo s illegal land grab in West Bank The Israeli rationale is no different than Vladimir Putin rsquo s in Ukraine.
Six months ago, after Vladimir Putin annexed part of Ukraine, President Obama authorized sanctions against Russia. “The basic principles that govern relations between nations in Europe and around the world must be upheld in the 21st century,” said Obama. “That includes respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity—the notion that nations do not simply redraw borders or make decisions at the expense of their neighbors simply because they are larger or more powerful.”
William Saletan
Will Saletan writes about politics, science, technology, and other stuff for Slate. He’s the author of Bearing Right.
The United States has defended that principle in Ukraine and Iraq: You can’t use force to grab territory or change borders. But Israel, a U.S. ally, continues to violate the rule. This weekend, Israel claimed yet more Palestinian territory: nearly 1,000 acres, its biggest land grab in 30 years.
The land isn’t in Gaza, where Hamas has been firing rockets and digging tunnels. It’s in the West Bank, where Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has been preaching nonviolence and trying to negotiate a peace agreement. Israel controls more than 40 percent of the West Bank, using its army to facilitate the occupation of this land by Jewish settlers. This is land never granted to Israel under any agreement. It’s theft.

What about the land theft by the muslims then that accounts for an area 4 times the size of Israel, does that put the arab muslims far above the Russians ?
Penelope, The Idiot...
Jews wanted to be the best Germans.

Arabs want to murder Jews.

Get it?
Of course not, that's why you're an idiot.
Well you have bested the Germans in the cleverness of annihilation of a People and State...ZioNazism lives on in a more polite way...
..."This isn’t a Putin-style invasion or an ISIS-level bloodbath. But it’s offensive for many reasons. It’s a slap at the United States, which stood with Israel in its latest war in Gaza, and at European countries that cut Israel lots of slack during the lopsided conflict. It’s a thumb in the eye of Secretary of State John Kerry, who keeps trying to restart peace talks. And it discredits Abbas, sending every Palestinian a message that negotiation is for suckers..."

It is the muslims that control America through oil money and oil. This is why so many Saudi arab muslims were allowed to leave America after 9/11 when there was a complete block on any flights out. This is why Saudi gets F16's for free and flying lessons for its royal pilots at the American tax payers expense. Now once again who controls Americas interests in the M.E. ? How many $ billions does Saudi get every month from America ?
pbel, et al,

And this is part of the problem.

It is clearly obvious that Israel, through its subordinates on the AIPAC Israeli Lobby in America CONTROLS all Middle East policies... America is no longer the Beacon of Light and truth but an Israeli lackey. The American ideal built by our Forefathers has been hijacked by the power of money!

In America, money is always an issue with politicians. But it is not about the money --- that is simply an easy excuse.

It IS about the perception --- and the gradual change in the perception. America doesn't want to be the "Beacon of Light" for the rest of the world. Trouble starts some place, and it is automatically the US that has to be the solution maker. That was 20th Century thinking. It is no longer the way into the 21st Century. The US simply can no longer be the nation that goes into the trouble spots of the world, only to be criticized for the work we do.

The US is not a lackey to anyone. We are a friend and ally. The US places a lot of emphasis friendship and loyalty. Don't mistake loyalty for a submissive culture, dominated by political influence. In these discussions, the fact that the US does not side with the Arab Palestinian is the fault of the Arab Palestinian, and not the political influence of any single political action committee (PAC).

There is little doubt that there are some that prefer to associate with the crooks, criminals, and Jihadist in HAMAS. But a vast majority see them only as the Poster-boy image of a terrorist. That is not because a PAC told us to think that way; no it is not. It is because the Hostile Arab Palestinian presents themselves this way.

Most Respectfully,
Very simply Rocco, your world view does not coincide with the vast majority of Humanity as noted by UN Resolutions on Palestine...Power and Money is a marriage made in Hell and it has no place in the future of humanity.

Now who controls the security council again, that hands out resolutions against Israel like confetti. Yet has not once handed down a resolution on palestine
..."This isn’t a Putin-style invasion or an ISIS-level bloodbath. But it’s offensive for many reasons. It’s a slap at the United States, which stood with Israel in its latest war in Gaza, and at European countries that cut Israel lots of slack during the lopsided conflict. It’s a thumb in the eye of Secretary of State John Kerry, who keeps trying to restart peace talks. And it discredits Abbas, sending every Palestinian a message that negotiation is for suckers..."
JFK is a sorry bastard who is using the Gaza conflict as a stepping to the Nobel prize he doesn't deserve. Instead of a thumb to his eye he deserves a mailed fist.

John Kerry is wasting our money for his visits to Israel.
Penelope, The Idiot...
Jews wanted to be the best Germans.

Arabs want to murder Jews.

Get it?
Of course not, that's why you're an idiot.

Well I don't believe the Israel propaganda. I see you do , that makes you gullible.
pbel, et al,

And this is part of the problem.

It is clearly obvious that Israel, through its subordinates on the AIPAC Israeli Lobby in America CONTROLS all Middle East policies... America is no longer the Beacon of Light and truth but an Israeli lackey. The American ideal built by our Forefathers has been hijacked by the power of money!

In America, money is always an issue with politicians. But it is not about the money --- that is simply an easy excuse.

It IS about the perception --- and the gradual change in the perception. America doesn't want to be the "Beacon of Light" for the rest of the world. Trouble starts some place, and it is automatically the US that has to be the solution maker. That was 20th Century thinking. It is no longer the way into the 21st Century. The US simply can no longer be the nation that goes into the trouble spots of the world, only to be criticized for the work we do.

The US is not a lackey to anyone. We are a friend and ally. The US places a lot of emphasis friendship and loyalty. Don't mistake loyalty for a submissive culture, dominated by political influence. In these discussions, the fact that the US does not side with the Arab Palestinian is the fault of the Arab Palestinian, and not the political influence of any single political action committee (PAC).

There is little doubt that there are some that prefer to associate with the crooks, criminals, and Jihadist in HAMAS. But a vast majority see them only as the Poster-boy image of a terrorist. That is not because a PAC told us to think that way; no it is not. It is because the Hostile Arab Palestinian presents themselves this way.

Most Respectfully,

I disagree, it's all about the money needed to run for office; it's about those all important contributions; soft money vs hard money and the prevailing belief amongst American politicians of whatever party, rightly or wrongly, that the "Jewish Lobby" is organised and can tip the balance of an election. The US Congress and Senate are virtually all bought and paid for as far as Zionist Israel is concerned; "loyalty to a friend and ally" may be words bandied about in public, but behind closed doors politicians have no real friends or allies except those of convenience and expediency.

The problem is that there is a prevailing strand of American thought that does believe that America should be the world's policeman ans a beacon of freedom and democracy, if that wasn't the case what the hell was the point in the doctrine of "regime change"; democracy through superior firepower?

As for the Palestinians, you seem to overlook that after Hamas won the only free and fair election the Palestinians ever had, the US State Department treated Hamas as the de-jure government of Palestine (PA). America changed it's policies only after Zionist Israel went bannanas. America no-one's lackey? Perhaps not, but Zionist Izreal's political bitch? That's very hard to disprove.

Not according to the evidence that pots Saudi top of the pops when it comes to buying American politicians. I believe AIPAC is well down the list, under the NRA.
pbel, et al,

And this is part of the problem.

It is clearly obvious that Israel, through its subordinates on the AIPAC Israeli Lobby in America CONTROLS all Middle East policies... America is no longer the Beacon of Light and truth but an Israeli lackey. The American ideal built by our Forefathers has been hijacked by the power of money!

In America, money is always an issue with politicians. But it is not about the money --- that is simply an easy excuse.

It IS about the perception --- and the gradual change in the perception. America doesn't want to be the "Beacon of Light" for the rest of the world. Trouble starts some place, and it is automatically the US that has to be the solution maker. That was 20th Century thinking. It is no longer the way into the 21st Century. The US simply can no longer be the nation that goes into the trouble spots of the world, only to be criticized for the work we do.

The US is not a lackey to anyone. We are a friend and ally. The US places a lot of emphasis friendship and loyalty. Don't mistake loyalty for a submissive culture, dominated by political influence. In these discussions, the fact that the US does not side with the Arab Palestinian is the fault of the Arab Palestinian, and not the political influence of any single political action committee (PAC).

There is little doubt that there are some that prefer to associate with the crooks, criminals, and Jihadist in HAMAS. But a vast majority see them only as the Poster-boy image of a terrorist. That is not because a PAC told us to think that way; no it is not. It is because the Hostile Arab Palestinian presents themselves this way.

Most Respectfully,
Very simply Rocco, your world view does not coincide with the vast majority of Humanity as noted by UN Resolutions on Palestine...Power and Money is a marriage made in Hell and it has no place in the future of humanity.

Your right. The AIPAC lobby is too controlling in or Gov. We need to get rid of it and the Zionist in our goverment. The Israel's are still going after Germany for money, the nerve. Yet they ravaged Gaza and refuse to repair it, but continued to claim land as their own which they will build on shortly.

Read Israel Hayon opinions sections and listen to how they talk about us. We can no longer trust Israel, they are a detriment to our country. They make money off of us stupid Americans, and then complain about us non stop. Most have dual citizenship.

Its disgusting to watch our politicians kiss up to Israel. And for a US President to put a skull cap on and make a vow at the wailing wall is a bit overboard as well but very telling.

Why don't you do some real research for a change instead of relying on ISLAMONAZI LIES. AIPAC is so far down the list as to be a non contender, Saudi tops the list of big spenders which is why it gets $billions every month from America
Penelope, The Idiot...
Jews wanted to be the best Germans.

Arabs want to murder Jews.

Get it?
Of course not, that's why you're an idiot.
Well you have bested the Germans in the cleverness of annihilation of a People and State...ZioNazism lives on in a more polite way...

Which state and people have been annihilated ( do you even understand what it means)

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