Why Israel Is No Better Than Russia

People like you who aren't explicitly repulsed by Islamic Terrorists murdering people should not call themselves "true humans".
Terrorism by Israelis or Arabs is abhorrent and criminal...
Are you quoting facts or just some garbage from Stormfront?
Speaking along your Stormfront accusation, let's focus on another fine product of Jewish Society, Donald Sterling aka Donald Tokowitz, disgraced, disgruntled former owner of NBA LA Clippers for racist remarks and a lifetime of illegal discriminatory behavior. Banned for life from the NBA. I'd consider him to be a mainstream Jewish personality...
Are you quoting facts or just some garbage from Stormfront?
Speaking along your Stormfront accusation, let's focus on another fine product of Jewish Society, Donald Sterling aka Donald Tokowitz, disgraced, disgruntled former owner of NBA LA Clippers for racist remarks and a lifetime of illegal discriminatory behavior. Banned for life from the NBA. I'd consider him to be a mainstream Jewish personality...
Your consideration is duly noted and marked Drivel.
Are you quoting facts or just some garbage from Stormfront?
Speaking along your Stormfront accusation, let's focus on another fine product of Jewish Society, Donald Sterling aka Donald Tokowitz, disgraced, disgruntled former owner of NBA LA Clippers for racist remarks and a lifetime of illegal discriminatory behavior. Banned for life from the NBA. I'd consider him to be a mainstream Jewish personality...
But of course you would, how many Jews do you actually know? How many Israelis do you actually know? How many GOOD stuuf you hear about Jews/Israelis in the media?
But of course you would, how many Jews do you actually know? How many Israelis do you actually know? How many GOOD stuuf you hear about Jews/Israelis in the media?
I've actually roomed with a Jewish guy (hey Arnie!) and known quite a few Jewish people. I've also known many Arabs from Iran, Iraq, and Syria, and they're NOT all the subhuman beasts that pro-Israelis claim that they are. So your propaganda has NO effect on me whatsoever. BTW I used to be pro-Israel until I educated myself on the matter.
But of course you would, how many Jews do you actually know? How many Israelis do you actually know? How many GOOD stuuf you hear about Jews/Israelis in the media?
I've actually roomed with a Jewish guy (hey Arnie!) and known quite a few Jewish people. I've also known many Arabs from Iran, Iraq, and Syria, and they're NOT all the subhuman beasts that pro-Israelis claim that they are. So your propaganda has NO effect on me whatsoever. BTW I used to be pro-Israel until I educated myself on the matter.
BTW, that's they all say.
But of course you would, how many Jews do you actually know? How many Israelis do you actually know? How many GOOD stuuf you hear about Jews/Israelis in the media?
I've actually roomed with a Jewish guy (hey Arnie!) and known quite a few Jewish people. I've also known many Arabs from Iran, Iraq, and Syria, and they're NOT all the subhuman beasts that pro-Israelis claim that they are. So your propaganda has NO effect on me whatsoever. BTW I used to be pro-Israel until I educated myself on the matter.
BTW, that's they all say.

I was also fervently pro-Israel, even at college. Then I did some research and realized I was fed propaganda.
But of course you would, how many Jews do you actually know? How many Israelis do you actually know? How many GOOD stuuf you hear about Jews/Israelis in the media?
I've actually roomed with a Jewish guy (hey Arnie!) and known quite a few Jewish people. I've also known many Arabs from Iran, Iraq, and Syria, and they're NOT all the subhuman beasts that pro-Israelis claim that they are. So your propaganda has NO effect on me whatsoever. BTW I used to be pro-Israel until I educated myself on the matter.
BTW, that's they all say.

I was also fervently pro-Israel, even at college. Then I did some research and realized I was fed propaganda.
No shit!
But of course you would, how many Jews do you actually know? How many Israelis do you actually know? How many GOOD stuuf you hear about Jews/Israelis in the media?
I've actually roomed with a Jewish guy (hey Arnie!) and known quite a few Jewish people. I've also known many Arabs from Iran, Iraq, and Syria, and they're NOT all the subhuman beasts that pro-Israelis claim that they are. So your propaganda has NO effect on me whatsoever. BTW I used to be pro-Israel until I educated myself on the matter.
BTW, that's they all say.

I was also fervently pro-Israel, even at college. Then I did some research and realized I was fed propaganda.
Is that why you told us that story about being kicked off the bus in Israel at a very young age and that's why you started hating Israel.
Now you only started in college.

So before you beat me up, which story is true?
Boring, Israel is far better than ANY state in the ME, Asia, and even some of Europe to the US.

that last part...

The Europe part? Russia.

.....you know what i mean......
Pakistan? China? Iran?
Oh right I forgot Africa and Latin America.

shut up 2-face.
Hmm care to explain please?

NO !!

wait, yeah....

Israel is FAR better than, who again ?



A country that is keeping millions under their control in Gulags just because of their religion is not better than any country in the world.

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