Why it such a BFD for Republicans to mask (Idaho Edition)

Why it such a BFD for Republicans to mask (Idaho Edition)
Masks restrict oxygen, which affects the brain in particular. I can see why that wouldn't be a problem for lower brainstem organisms such as the OP, but for normal human beings, masks are quite unhealthy.

Do all Democrats mask up? Do all Republicans reject the mask?

Your broad brush is painting outside the lines again.

Apparently most of the Republicans in the Idaho State Legislature do loon.
Do all Democrats mask up? Do all Republicans reject the mask?

Your broad brush is painting outside the lines again.

Apparently most of the Republicans in the Idaho State Legislature refuse to mask loon.
They’ve been listening to Rump and “Dr” Atlas instead of Fauci.
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Having lived in ID for 18 of past 20 years, this is actually embarrassing :rolleyes-41:

Not being a Republican I cannot speak for them. As a Conservative though I am able to think for myself and do my own research. Masks don't work, it's a con. So are lockdowns. Why is it you Progs cannot even acknowledge the problems with the lockdowns? Suicides are way up. The "vaccine" is causing problems and killing people but you don't care.


a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease.

We've been told that the "vaccine" for Covid doesn't make you immune, if that's the case by definition it isn't a "vaccine". We've been told we may have to take a "series" of shots, why? Do we need evolutionary "immunity"?
We've been told we must take the shot but still wear a mask, why" Does the "vaccine" work or not? If not why do it? Now we must take the shot and wear TWO masks? You people are idiots.

Vaccines are killing NO ONE - Idiot? Look in the mirror!
Do all Democrats mask up? Do all Republicans reject the mask?

Your broad brush is painting outside the lines again.

Apparently most of the Republicans in the Idaho State Legislature do loon.
Do all Democrats mask up? Do all Republicans reject the mask?

Your broad brush is painting outside the lines again.

Apparently most of the Republicans in the Idaho State Legislature refuse to mask loon.
They’ve been listening to Rump and “Dr” Atlas instead of Fauci - Idiots.

National File? :lol:

  • Overall, we rate National File an extreme right Tin-Foil Hat Conspiracy website based on the promotion of unproven/debunked claims and a Strong Pseudoscience purveyor based on using junk science to support claims.
Having lived in ID for 18 of past 20 years, this is actually embarrassing :rolleyes-41:

Why would you be embarrassed, there are only 9 States with lower covid death rates than Idaho.

Also from your link:

Many lawmakers frequently don't wear masks, including some Democrats.

Why is it you commies never criticize your fellow commies? Hypocrite.


Per capita? BS or link me butthole
I will never understand today's republicans. They want more disease. They want more orphaned babies. They want more abortions. They want more violence. Issue after issue, they want to make every problem worse rather than embracing solutions and they want to hold the rest of us back from solving problems. Republicans are into some sort of primitive tribal culture that they want to force the rest of us into. They want to spread disease in Idaho. I guess sickness and death are desirable there.

Another science illiterate speaks up, you simply can't grasp the overwhelming evidence that Masks DO NOT STOP transmission of virus..

Your partisan babble is embarrassing.
Stupid is as stupid (Republicans) does/did. :)

What's that Jack? Think for ourselves based on actual proven science?

Beats living like a lemming like you.

View attachment 470281

If these masks could stop viruses, then they could also stop paint fumes. Try wearing an N95 while spraying imron paint in a paint booth with nothing but a cloth mask on your face then get back to me.

And YOU wouldn’t know “science” if it crawled up your ass and sharted ;)
If you don’t think its a BFD for the government to make you wear a mask, then there is no debate to be had with you.

FACTS are irrelevant, immaterial, and unimportant to you.

Like the vast majority of Democrat programs, they don't give a flip about the accountability or effectiveness of their policies. If the policy makes them and their lemmings FEEL BETTER, that is all that matters!

Dr. Fauci Masks don’t work.


Europe's Top Health Officials Say Masks Aren't Helpful in Beating COVID-19
The top medical experts in the world can’t decide if masks are helpful in reducing the spread of COVID-19 or just make things worse.
Thursday, August 6, 2020

Denmark boasts one of the lowest COVID-19 death rates in the world. As of August 4, the Danes have suffered 616 COVID-19 deaths, according to figures from Johns Hopkins University.

That’s less than one-third of the number of Danes who die from pneumonia or influenza in a given year.

Despite this success, Danish leaders recently found themselves on the defensive. The reason is that Danes aren’t wearing face masks, and local authorities for the most part aren’t even recommending them.


CDC Study Finds Overwhelming Majority Of People Getting Coronavirus Wore Masks
OCTOBER 12, 2020 By Jordan Davidson

A Centers for Disease Control report released in September shows that masks and face coverings are not effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19, even for those people who consistently wear them.

A study conducted in the United States in July found that when they compared 154 “case-patients,” who tested positive for COVID-19, to a control group of 160 participants from health care facilities who were symptomatic but tested negative, over 70 percent of the case-patients were contaminated with the virus and fell ill despite “always” wearing a mask.


Difference between a virus and bacteria.


1/25/2021 Masking the Science


In truth, we wish masks worked. If they did, it would be a cheap, and easy way to control the spread of Covid. The idea that they protect not only their wearer, but also those people around them seems noble. We wished masks worked because citizens are spending billions of dollars on them.

We wish masks worked because most Americans wear them now. Telling them it was unnecessary will not make them happy. We wish masks worked because they have become a symbol for virtue and social responsibility. Anyone who doubts their utility is personally attacked; as though they don’t believe the viral pandemic is real, or don’t care about those who die from it.


Post | efmproject


Flip-flop Fauci reverses—again—on double-mask-wearing

Whatever Dr. Anthony Fauci says today may be different from what he says tomorrow, but he might come back to what he said yesterday in a day or two if he feels like it.
by Carl Durrek February 1, 2021 in Healthcare

If there’s one thing that’s certain about the coronavirus, it’s that Dr. Anthony Fauci reserves the right to change whatever he’s said in the past to fit whatever narrative he needs to push forward in the present. His reversals have become so common that it’s almost impossible to keep up with his current agenda at any given moment.

Flip-flop Fauci reverses—again—on double-mask-wearing


Many Studies Find That Cloth Masks Do Not Stop Viruses Like COVID
By Lisa Mair
NOVEMBER 23, 2020

A thorough marketing campaign for the use of low-quality masks has convinced millions of people that masks will reduce COVID-19 spread, but do they really?

Much Recent Pro-Mask Research Is Deeply Flawed

The only statistically significant data on preventing viral spread is for N95 masks worn indoors when one can’t socially distance, which is not the type of mask required nor typically worn by the general public.


CDC Claims Mask Mandates Don’t Have Statistically Improved Impact on Spread of COVID Than No Masks At All – Will Therefore Continue Pushing Masks
By Joe Hoft
Published March 7, 2021 at 8:15am

The CDC recommends wearing masks after their study showed that related to COVID, the results of wearing masks were statistically the same as the results when not wearing masks.

CDC Claims Mask Mandates Don't Have Statistically Improved Impact on Spread of COVID Than No Masks At All - Will Therefore Continue Pushing Masks
Having lived in ID for 18 of past 20 years, this is actually embarrassing :rolleyes-41:

Why would you be embarrassed, there are only 9 States with lower covid death rates than Idaho.

Also from your link:

Many lawmakers frequently don't wear masks, including some Democrats.

Why is it you commies never criticize your fellow commies? Hypocrite.


Per capita? BS or link me butthole

New York then New Jersey later led the WORLD in Per Capita deaths for many months. For a while the top three long running Democrat states led the world in Per Capita deaths.

New Jersey
New York
I will never understand today's republicans. They want more disease. They want more orphaned babies. They want more abortions. They want more violence. Issue after issue, they want to make every problem worse rather than embracing solutions and they want to hold the rest of us back from solving problems. Republicans are into some sort of primitive tribal culture that they want to force the rest of us into. They want to spread disease in Idaho. I guess sickness and death are desirable there.

Another science illiterate speaks up, you simply can't grasp the overwhelming evidence that Masks DO NOT STOP transmission of virus..

Your partisan babble is embarrassing.

Masks are UNHEALTHY.
If you don’t think its a BFD for the government to make you wear a mask, then there is no debate to be had with you.

FACTS are irrelevant, immaterial, and unimportant to you.

Like the vast majority of Democrat programs, they don't give a flip about the accountability or effectiveness of their policies. If the policy makes them and their lemmings FEEL BETTER, that is all that matters!

Dr. Fauci Masks don’t work.


Europe's Top Health Officials Say Masks Aren't Helpful in Beating COVID-19
The top medical experts in the world can’t decide if masks are helpful in reducing the spread of COVID-19 or just make things worse.
Thursday, August 6, 2020

Denmark boasts one of the lowest COVID-19 death rates in the world. As of August 4, the Danes have suffered 616 COVID-19 deaths, according to figures from Johns Hopkins University.

That’s less than one-third of the number of Danes who die from pneumonia or influenza in a given year.

Despite this success, Danish leaders recently found themselves on the defensive. The reason is that Danes aren’t wearing face masks, and local authorities for the most part aren’t even recommending them.


CDC Study Finds Overwhelming Majority Of People Getting Coronavirus Wore Masks
OCTOBER 12, 2020 By Jordan Davidson

A Centers for Disease Control report released in September shows that masks and face coverings are not effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19, even for those people who consistently wear them.

A study conducted in the United States in July found that when they compared 154 “case-patients,” who tested positive for COVID-19, to a control group of 160 participants from health care facilities who were symptomatic but tested negative, over 70 percent of the case-patients were contaminated with the virus and fell ill despite “always” wearing a mask.


Difference between a virus and bacteria.


1/25/2021 Masking the Science


In truth, we wish masks worked. If they did, it would be a cheap, and easy way to control the spread of Covid. The idea that they protect not only their wearer, but also those people around them seems noble. We wished masks worked because citizens are spending billions of dollars on them.

We wish masks worked because most Americans wear them now. Telling them it was unnecessary will not make them happy. We wish masks worked because they have become a symbol for virtue and social responsibility. Anyone who doubts their utility is personally attacked; as though they don’t believe the viral pandemic is real, or don’t care about those who die from it.


Post | efmproject


Flip-flop Fauci reverses—again—on double-mask-wearing

Whatever Dr. Anthony Fauci says today may be different from what he says tomorrow, but he might come back to what he said yesterday in a day or two if he feels like it.
by Carl Durrek February 1, 2021 in Healthcare

If there’s one thing that’s certain about the coronavirus, it’s that Dr. Anthony Fauci reserves the right to change whatever he’s said in the past to fit whatever narrative he needs to push forward in the present. His reversals have become so common that it’s almost impossible to keep up with his current agenda at any given moment.

Flip-flop Fauci reverses—again—on double-mask-wearing


Many Studies Find That Cloth Masks Do Not Stop Viruses Like COVID
By Lisa Mair
NOVEMBER 23, 2020

A thorough marketing campaign for the use of low-quality masks has convinced millions of people that masks will reduce COVID-19 spread, but do they really?

Much Recent Pro-Mask Research Is Deeply Flawed

The only statistically significant data on preventing viral spread is for N95 masks worn indoors when one can’t socially distance, which is not the type of mask required nor typically worn by the general public.


CDC Claims Mask Mandates Don’t Have Statistically Improved Impact on Spread of COVID Than No Masks At All – Will Therefore Continue Pushing Masks
By Joe Hoft
Published March 7, 2021 at 8:15am

The CDC recommends wearing masks after their study showed that related to COVID, the results of wearing masks were statistically the same as the results when not wearing masks.

CDC Claims Mask Mandates Don't Have Statistically Improved Impact on Spread of COVID Than No Masks At All - Will Therefore Continue Pushing Masks

Your Fauci video is a year old - Loon. The Federalist and Gateway Pundit? :lol:

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