Why it would be a very bad idea for the GOP to deny Trump the nomination...

No matter what Hillary Clinton is going to win the White House. Neither Trump nor Cruz can. The Republican Party is shattered into pieces, and there's no putting it back together for the general

I agree that things look in disarray at the moment but the party has been there before.... and still won the general. Lots of things can happen before November and lots of things can change. It's WAY to early to be boldly proclaiming victory.

No political party has ever seen the likes of Donald Trump. If he does not reach the magic number, and yet has the most delegates at the convention, his people will fight if he loses on a second or third ballot . I just do not see him or his supporters supporting "Lying Ted." Drama in Cleveland!

Might not be that much drama. I expect Trump will end the process big on june 7th with 60+% in NJ and at least 3/4ths of the CA delegates
Trumpers should just demand the nomination be given to the guy who sells the most hats.

Should the Republican nomination be awarded to Cruz or John Kasich, it would be wildly out of step with the tradition of letting primary voters decide in practice who their candidate should be. Moreover, explaining this outcome would be enormously difficult to explain to the already dwindling number of voters willing to register Republican.

Trump's argument, in this scenario, will be simple, clean, and easy to understand: I won the most delegates, the most votes, the most contests, and they stole the nomination from me.

The argument from the other side will be much more complicated and obtuse: You may not have known this, but the guy who wins the most of everything is ultimately at the mercy of a faceless mass of delegates, some of whom can be essentially bribed, and therefore giving the nomination to another candidate is fair game. Millions of Republicans will be told that their vote did not matter, and that the GOP, in its wisdom, has settled on a candidate that has been rejected by its electorate.

The obvious result of such a strategy will be that Trump and many of his supporters will reject the GOP nominee as illegitimate - according to an AP poll out his week, 58 percent of Republicans think the person with the most delegates should get the nomination. That GOP nominee, most likely Cruz, will limp out of Cleveland as the leader of a severely divided party, and will probably lose the election in November.

The GOP is in a tough position. Either give Trump, who will supposedly have the most delegates and wins, the nomination or face a very divided party. The resulting party split will have ramifications for generations to come.

And if they do deny Donald and lose with the resulting nominee, they will have caused damage to their party that may never be repaired. GLAD I AM NOT A REPUBLICAN....Just saying.

Trump will win the next 6 states in apr by big margins making it 27-11 for Trump. Trump will likely win CA,OR, WA and NJ Making it 31-11. Add in WVA and IN and its 33-11. I think its increasingly likely we will see a Trump/kasich ticket, though i prefer a Trump/Webb ticket.

I certainly hope so. It will be a GOP embarrassment of monumental proportions. Most of the Repubs I know think Kasich is Soros funded..They will sit at home.
If the Trumpheteer gets 1237, he won fair and square.

And while I think he is a disaster, he will prove the cyst punch to explode the pussed filled filth of the far right.

Let him have it.

Should the Republican nomination be awarded to Cruz or John Kasich, it would be wildly out of step with the tradition of letting primary voters decide in practice who their candidate should be. Moreover, explaining this outcome would be enormously difficult to explain to the already dwindling number of voters willing to register Republican.

Trump's argument, in this scenario, will be simple, clean, and easy to understand: I won the most delegates, the most votes, the most contests, and they stole the nomination from me.

The argument from the other side will be much more complicated and obtuse: You may not have known this, but the guy who wins the most of everything is ultimately at the mercy of a faceless mass of delegates, some of whom can be essentially bribed, and therefore giving the nomination to another candidate is fair game. Millions of Republicans will be told that their vote did not matter, and that the GOP, in its wisdom, has settled on a candidate that has been rejected by its electorate.

The obvious result of such a strategy will be that Trump and many of his supporters will reject the GOP nominee as illegitimate - according to an AP poll out his week, 58 percent of Republicans think the person with the most delegates should get the nomination. That GOP nominee, most likely Cruz, will limp out of Cleveland as the leader of a severely divided party, and will probably lose the election in November.

The GOP is in a tough position. Either give Trump, who will supposedly have the most delegates and wins, the nomination or face a very divided party. The resulting party split will have ramifications for generations to come.

And if they do deny Donald and lose with the resulting nominee, they will have caused damage to their party that may never be repaired. GLAD I AM NOT A REPUBLICAN....Just saying.

Trump will win the next 6 states in apr by big margins making it 27-11 for Trump. Trump will likely win CA,OR, WA and NJ Making it 31-11. Add in WVA and IN and its 33-11. I think its increasingly likely we will see a Trump/kasich ticket, though i prefer a Trump/Webb ticket.

I certainly hope so. It will be a GOP embarrassment of monumental proportions. Most of the Repubs I know think Kasich is Soros funded..They will sit at home.

Not directly by Soros but by several of his associates to keep Kasich pro Amnesty.

Whoopsies ETA: over half a million.
f Trump does not have 1237 delegates by the Convention, his probability of being blocked there goes up exponentially.

Trump's biggest problem is his mouth and caustic attitude. Traditionally, a front-runner (who has an automatic built-in advantage already) keeps his nose clean and doesn't piss many people off. That way, if he happens to end up in a brokered convention, he can usually rally support from some of the uncommitted delegates on the second ballot. But Trump has burned all bridges not leading to Trump. Instead of trying to unite the party or bring support over to his side, he chose to smear and slime his opponents and insult their supporters. That's going to cost him big time.

Now maybe we'll all get to see some of this phenomenal deal-making prowess in action and he can finagle the delegates he needs to win? But I am thinking, the establishment now sees the ONLY option they have of blocking Trump is to back Cruz. They don't want to... but they don't want Trump. So we'll have to hear all the Trump Dummies parade around claiming Cruz is "establishment" when everyone knows he isn't. But that's how Trump will play it and he'll hope that some of the stupid rubs off on Kasich and Rubio delegates.

No matter what Hillary Clinton is going to win the White House. Neither Trump nor Cruz can. The Republican Party is shattered into pieces, and there's no putting it back together for the general

The very worst thing that could happen is for the Republican party to put up a new face. It may mean disaster, but this party has been dragged so far right by one issue abortion voters, (Evangelicals) that were the reason Romney lost in 2012. They chased off women by double digits, younger women by 36 points which is what secured a 2nd term for Obama. In 2016, it's Hispanics or 17% of the population that are now solidly in Hillary Clinton's column. This when the GOP nominee needed 46% of this block to win. Trump is polling at a negative 80%.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

If Republicans put up a new face, these same people will not learn a dam thing. They'll just say Republicans didn't win because the nominee wasn't Trump or Cruz. They'll turn on their right wing talk show hosts, and start the process all over again for another loss in 2020. So it's best to just step aside and let it happen.



Yeah because Hillary can't be beat.

Who's that guy called Obama living at 1600 again? I remember. The guy who beat Hillary for the White House.


Should the Republican nomination be awarded to Cruz or John Kasich, it would be wildly out of step with the tradition of letting primary voters decide in practice who their candidate should be. Moreover, explaining this outcome would be enormously difficult to explain to the already dwindling number of voters willing to register Republican.

Trump's argument, in this scenario, will be simple, clean, and easy to understand: I won the most delegates, the most votes, the most contests, and they stole the nomination from me.

The argument from the other side will be much more complicated and obtuse: You may not have known this, but the guy who wins the most of everything is ultimately at the mercy of a faceless mass of delegates, some of whom can be essentially bribed, and therefore giving the nomination to another candidate is fair game. Millions of Republicans will be told that their vote did not matter, and that the GOP, in its wisdom, has settled on a candidate that has been rejected by its electorate.

The obvious result of such a strategy will be that Trump and many of his supporters will reject the GOP nominee as illegitimate - according to an AP poll out his week, 58 percent of Republicans think the person with the most delegates should get the nomination. That GOP nominee, most likely Cruz, will limp out of Cleveland as the leader of a severely divided party, and will probably lose the election in November.

The GOP is in a tough position. Either give Trump, who will supposedly have the most delegates and wins, the nomination or face a very divided party. The resulting party split will have ramifications for generations to come.

And if they do deny Donald and lose with the resulting nominee, they will have caused damage to their party that may never be repaired. GLAD I AM NOT A REPUBLICAN....Just saying.
Lol it all amounts to a guranteed win for the dems for the White House.
f Trump does not have 1237 delegates by the Convention, his probability of being blocked there goes up exponentially.

Trump's biggest problem is his mouth and caustic attitude. Traditionally, a front-runner (who has an automatic built-in advantage already) keeps his nose clean and doesn't piss many people off. That way, if he happens to end up in a brokered convention, he can usually rally support from some of the uncommitted delegates on the second ballot. But Trump has burned all bridges not leading to Trump. Instead of trying to unite the party or bring support over to his side, he chose to smear and slime his opponents and insult their supporters. That's going to cost him big time.

Now maybe we'll all get to see some of this phenomenal deal-making prowess in action and he can finagle the delegates he needs to win? But I am thinking, the establishment now sees the ONLY option they have of blocking Trump is to back Cruz. They don't want to... but they don't want Trump. So we'll have to hear all the Trump Dummies parade around claiming Cruz is "establishment" when everyone knows he isn't. But that's how Trump will play it and he'll hope that some of the stupid rubs off on Kasich and Rubio delegates.

No matter what Hillary Clinton is going to win the White House. Neither Trump nor Cruz can. The Republican Party is shattered into pieces, and there's no putting it back together for the general

The very worst thing that could happen is for the Republican party to put up a new face. It may mean disaster, but this party has been dragged so far right by one issue abortion voters, (Evangelicals) that were the reason Romney lost in 2012. They chased off women by double digits, younger women by 36 points which is what secured a 2nd term for Obama. In 2016, it's Hispanics or 17% of the population that are now solidly in Hillary Clinton's column. This when the GOP nominee needed 46% of this block to win. Trump is polling at a negative 80%.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

If Republicans put up a new face, these same people will not learn a dam thing. They'll just say Republicans didn't win because the nominee wasn't Trump or Cruz. They'll turn on their right wing talk show hosts, and start the process all over again for another loss in 2020. So it's best to just step aside and let it happen.



Yeah because Hillary can't be beat.

Who's that guy called Obama living at 1600 again? I remember. The guy who beat Hillary for the White House.

Hillary definitely will win. It isn't about her merit. It's about how terrible the GOP candidates are. You people need to face facts. People overwhelming see Hillary as the lesser evil.
Trumpers should just demand the nomination be given to the guy who sells the most hats.
No. Simple democracy - the guy who gets the most votes - will do very nicely, thank you.
If the Trumpheteer gets 1237, he won fair and square.

And while I think he is a disaster, he will prove the cyst punch to explode the pussed filled filth of the far right.

Let him have it.
The only filth on the political stage this year are the unAmerican pekkerwoods who want 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens to stay; usually the same ones who are in bed - metaphorically and politically - with sexual deviants and perverts ( a.k.a. homosexuals ); the same ones making excuses for Muzzie Neanderthals.

Next batter, please.
Kondor3, America knows generally that the filthy far right has most of the perverts.

The fact is that GOP now is diseased with people like Vigilante, S. J., you, and others like you, and that a major defeat is required to get rid of the illness.

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