Why Jail for Kim Davis But Not for Sanctuary City Officials?


She's America's "best Christian" according to herself.

See this is just another example of the two faced liberal democrats. IF mulims riot because some preacher they don't know or never met burns a Koran then the left says that the Muslims have integrity standing up for their religion. But white Christians, not so much.
Wasn't also democrats that interned innocent Americans? Who are the only humans alive to kill a whole bunch of folks with an atom bomb? That supports the killing of 50 million unborn children? Wasn't it democrats that got the US involved in WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam? I don't Jack RWer will remember it that way.

Both parties, podjo, are war parties.

Internment: pushed by California Republicans.

Republican Secretary of War and Secretary of Navy advised Truman to authorize the bomb and was carried out by a Republican Admiral.

Republicans: Civil War, Indian Wars, Spanish-American War, Vietnam began with Eisenhower, Iraq I and Iraq II and Afghanistan were Republican.

FreeWill dumb winger is such a jack.
Jack Freewill is so easy to deal with. Always has been, always will be.
B/c it's different.


Not magically, legally.

Look, I too am against Sanctuary cities....but if you are going to just sit and complain, nothing will get done. File a case against one or more of those cities for refusing to do their legal duty. Have it go thru the legal process. Just like the gay couples did in Kentucky.

We the People do not have standing to file. Kate's parents may have standing for a wrongful death in some way, I'm not sure. We can't just sue the feds, though, which is a very big reason to limit their power IMO.
I"m going to boldly go where no one has gone before and agree with Griffith on this one. If a law is on the books, it should be enforced. If there isn't a need for the law, it needs to be sunsetted.
Wasn't also democrats that interned innocent Americans? Who are the only humans alive to kill a whole bunch of folks with an atom bomb? That supports the killing of 50 million unborn children? Wasn't it democrats that got the US involved in WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam? I don't Jack RWer will remember it that way.

Both parties, podjo, are war parties.

Internment: pushed by California Republicans.

Republican Secretary of War and Secretary of Navy advised Truman to authorize the bomb and was carried out by a Republican Admiral.

Republicans: Civil War, Indian Wars, Spanish-American War, Vietnam began with Eisenhower, Iraq I and Iraq II and Afghanistan were Republican.

FreeWill dumb winger is such a jack.

Jake, you are so full of it. The southern democrats started the civil war, read a freakin' book.

Truman was president and ordered the bomb dropped, everyone else just followed his orders. No matter who advised him the buck stops with him.

Gosh Jake, anyone who has read a book knows that there were just advisers in Vietnam from about 1955 to 1961, major troop operation in 1969. People who lived through the period know that. It was Kennedy's war but mostly LBJ's war which Nixon had to end.

Iraq 1 and 2, both successes all objectives met. Afghanistan well we can give that one to Obama since he had the surge and most combat deaths came under his adminstration and we know he was all for the Afghanistan war, at least until he admitted his failure.

Jake you ought to start writing fairy tales instead of trying to rewrite history.
B/c it's different.


Not magically, legally.

Look, I too am against Sanctuary cities....but if you are going to just sit and complain, nothing will get done. File a case against one or more of those cities for refusing to do their legal duty. Have it go thru the legal process. Just like the gay couples did in Kentucky.
Sad commentary on leftist.

if an illegal rapes, robs, murders or commits any crime, the demand for justice is racist.
if multiple cities break a law for decades, it's ok b/c leftist really don't give a fuck.

But one person stands against gays and it's to the courts and off to jail.

And you have the fucking audacity to brush off following the law onto other people.

understand, that when an illegal kills or rapes, again, you did nothing, you didn't even bitch about the laws not being followed.
B/c it's different.


Not magically, legally.

Look, I too am against Sanctuary cities....but if you are going to just sit and complain, nothing will get done. File a case against one or more of those cities for refusing to do their legal duty. Have it go thru the legal process. Just like the gay couples did in Kentucky.
Cities don't have a duty. Immigration is a Federal issue, kiddos...
When cities protect them, they are breaking the law.

fucking idiot.
Selling human body parts is against the law in every state.
Yet no state investigation has found that to be the case on the part of PP.

We will have to have an election to get rid of some demons before the state or feds get back to having some kind of sense again.. Right now the demons have gotten themselves in charge of things, and that's why we are having all the troubles we are having now. So you ride the wave while you can, but people will have a belly full of it all before long, and hopefully it will be sooner than later or before the scorched earth policy is implemented by a rogue government getting booted out of office finally..
Been to a chic-filet lately?
Last week. And they no longer support anti-gay marriage groups, not that it matters.
Hey you want one of them chicken sandwiches on Sunday? Ask them why don't they open up on Sunday ? I'm sure there are those offended by them being closed on Sunday, but should they be forced by a manipulated government to open If a few people complain about it ?

Is there any law saying that they should be?
You all keep using law as if every law is valid and should be honored no matter what the sheeple think.. There are laws still on the books today that no judge would up hold nor would anyone be expected to follow, and the gay marriage law should be amongst them..
Hey they gotta have some good out in front in order to hide the bad going on in the back room..
Name a single law they are breaking

Selling human body parts is against the law in every state.
As it should be

There is no evidence body parts were sold in violation of any law. All you have is some highly doctored videos

What part of "they admitted it on video tape" didn't you understand?
What part of "doctored tape" don't you understand?
As long as it's got enough evidence to force the investigation it should matter not of the amount that may have been doctored, but rather the amount that is true considering the heinus subject matter involved should be the focus.. So why isn't there an investigation going on by the government to counter the tapes, and to arrest people for doctoring or tampering with evidence that is being submitted to authorities or to the media on such crimes taking place?
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What does that have to do with Sanctuary cities? What about Kathryn Steinle? Her right to live was denied by the scumbag mayor of San Francisco who illegally provides sanctuary for criminals.
And I am happy to see her parents using the courts to try to get that changed.

Why isn't a judge putting the mayor in prison for refusing to obey the law? Why aren't all you liberal hypocrites all howling for these scum to obey the law?
Sanctuary cities aren't breaking the law, they just are spending their time and money on a Federal issue.

Wrong. They are actively breaking the law.
No, they are not.

"Sanctuary city is a term that is applied by some to cities in the United States or Canada that have policies designed to not persecute undocumented immigrants. These practices can be by law (de jure) or they can be by habit (de facto). The term generally applies to cities that do not allow municipal funds or resources to be used to enforce federal immigration laws, usually by not allowing police or municipal employees to inquire about an individual's immigration status. The designation has no legal meaning.[1]"
Sanctuary city - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1. Not asking about immigration status is not against the law.
2. Telling the local Barney Fifes not to ask is also not against the law, immigration is a Federal issue.
3. Holding an illegal (for deportation) after a criminal sentence has been completed is currently unconstitutional.
4. In this particular case, the Feds had him before they turned him over to the city, which they did not have to do. They could have deported him, and didn't.
Regardless, someone or many in government are involved, and that has caused death of Americans in which they should be fired immediately for, and even go to jail for..
You all keep using law as if every law is valid and should be honored no matter what the sheeple think.. There are laws still on the books today that no judge would up hold nor would anyone be expected to follow, and the gay marriage law should be amongst them..
I don't think anyone has described contempt of court as invalid.
So why isn't there an investigation going on by the government to counter the tapes, and to arrest people for doctoring or tampering with evidence that is being submitted to authorities or to the media on such crimes taking place?
Probably because no one's submitted that video propaganda as evidence of crime, knowing they'd be laughed out of court. The state investigations have been voluntary to my knowledge, while freedom of speech protects lies.

The PP sponsored investigation of the tapes has not been refuted, as far as I know, merely misrepresented.
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Freewill:Jake, you are so full of it. The southern democrats started the civil war, read a freakin' book. Jake: You far rightbots have been insisting the North started the war.

Freewill: Truman was president and ordered the bomb dropped, everyone else just followed his orders. No matter who advised him the buck stops with him. Jake: He made sure he had the GOP on board before giving the order.

Freewill: Gosh Jake, anyone who has read a book knows that there were just advisers in Vietnam from about 1955 to 1961, major troop operation in 1969. People who lived through the period know that. It was Kennedy's war but mostly LBJ's war which Nixon had to end. Jake: Everybody knows that the American invovlement began with Eisenhower. If he had not taken over the French commitment to SVN, we would not have had the war as we did. Be honest.

Freewill: Iraq 1 and 2, both successes all objectives met. Afghanistan well we can give that one to Obama since he had the surge and most combat deaths came under his adminstration and we know he was all for the Afghanistan war, at least until he admitted his failure. Jake: So if being the victor is a criteria, by your estimates WWI and WWII and Korea were Democratic vicotires. You cannot be consistent.

Freewill: Jake you ought to start writing fairy tales instead of trying to rewrite history. Jake: That's right, bub, your fairy tales will always be corrected. You know that. Always have been. Always will be.
These RWnuts want the state and local governments to be able to ignore same sex marriage law,

but not immigration law.


Wrong, the clerk violated law and should be punished in accordance with the law.

Question for you: Why was she denied bail? Is she a danger to society? Is she a flight risk? That is simply absurd.
The law is not valid, because it was pushed on the people unconstitutionally by rogue activist judges who are ruling by emotions and not by their adjudicating of the Constitution properly. The law they have ruled on is unconditional, and therefore should be null and void to follow. Making a person follow or abide by unconstitutional laws being created is a problem.

we don't get to choose which laws to obey. Neither does the president.

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