Why Jail for Kim Davis But Not for Sanctuary City Officials?

False equivalency, Mike.

Rosa Davis wrongfully was denied equal access to public transportation.

Kim Davis wrongfully was denying equal access to county clerk services.

actually no. she just had to sit in the back of the bus...she was still allowed to ride.....

the funny thing is that Rosa Parks was sitting in the back of the bus. She just refused to give her seat to a white man. It is simply amazing the laws that the democrats got passed back then.
Kim Davis gets arrested for refusing to obey a clearly unconstitutional and immoral Supreme Court ruling. However, no action has been taken against the mayors and city council members of the co-called "sanctuary cities," cities that are openly defying federal law and whose refusal to follow the law has led to the murder of innocent Americans. Why the double standard?
A very astute question. The answer is simple,

Nobody has yet to prove sanctuary cities are illegal

Sanctuary is a term for cities, counties, or states that are defying a federal law relative to the various government agencies being required to assist the federal government with their illegal immigrants. In 1996 a federal law was passed called the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIR) that requires local governments to cooperate with Department of Homeland Security's Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Contrary to this law, many of these governments are officially or unofficially defying the law and have passed various local policies to ignore the federal law and not question the status of suspected illegal immigrants. Those in defiance of the law prefer to call them undocumented workers and help protect the illegal immigrants from being deported.
False equivalency, Mike.

Rosa Davis wrongfully was denied equal access to public transportation.

Kim Davis wrongfully was denying equal access to county clerk services.

actually no. she just had to sit in the back of the bus...she was still allowed to ride.....

the funny thing is that Rosa Parks was sitting in the back of the bus. She just refused to give her seat to a white man. It is simply amazing the laws that the democrats got passed back then.

Democrats influenced Hitler, Stalin and Mao
False equivalency, Mike.

Rosa Davis wrongfully was denied equal access to public transportation.

Kim Davis wrongfully was denying equal access to county clerk services.

actually no. she just had to sit in the back of the bus...she was still allowed to ride.....

the funny thing is that Rosa Parks was sitting in the back of the bus. She just refused to give her seat to a white man. It is simply amazing the laws that the democrats got passed back then.

Democrats influenced Hitler, Stalin and Mao
The dictators influenced the far American right.
False equivalency, Mike.

Rosa Davis wrongfully was denied equal access to public transportation.

Kim Davis wrongfully was denying equal access to county clerk services.

actually no. she just had to sit in the back of the bus...she was still allowed to ride.....

the funny thing is that Rosa Parks was sitting in the back of the bus. She just refused to give her seat to a white man. It is simply amazing the laws that the democrats got passed back then.

Democrats influenced Hitler, Stalin and Mao
The dictators influenced the far American right.

Ass backwards, as usual. Democrats started Planned Parenthood and Tuskegee Experiments, later Stalin, Hitler and Mao would take these programs on their own
And Republicans continued them, and Democrats ended them.

Frank, our country has a fucked up history on race.
Nobody has yet to prove sanctuary cities are illegal

Sanctuary is a term for cities, counties, or states that are defying a federal law relative to the various government agencies being required to assist the federal government with their illegal immigrants. In 1996 a federal law was passed called the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIR) that requires local governments to cooperate with Department of Homeland Security's Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Contrary to this law, many of these governments are officially or unofficially defying the law and have passed various local policies to ignore the federal law and not question the status of suspected illegal immigrants. Those in defiance of the law prefer to call them undocumented workers and help protect the illegal immigrants from being deported.
Time and again you've been asked to show what laws are being broken, and you've yet to be able to...
And Republicans continued them, and Democrats ended them.

Frank, our country has a fucked up history on race.

^ Progressive Reactionary has the Professor Backwards History Node.

Democrats kept Tuskegee running through at least four Administrations. Tuskegee and Planned Parenthood Eugenics influenced Mengele and the Nazis, Stalin and the Soviets and Mao's ChiComs.

And Democrats, I mean Progressive Reactionaries defend Planned Parenthood to this very day
Frank continues to be confused. Started during FDR, run through the Truman and Eisenhower administrations, ended in the JKF and LBJ administrations.

The far right American fascists worship the German and Italian regimes. The Dems and Pubs opposed the commies right through evil empire's collapse.
False equivalency, Mike.

Rosa Davis wrongfully was denied equal access to public transportation.

Kim Davis wrongfully was denying equal access to county clerk services.

actually no. she just had to sit in the back of the bus...she was still allowed to ride.....

the funny thing is that Rosa Parks was sitting in the back of the bus. She just refused to give her seat to a white man. It is simply amazing the laws that the democrats got passed back then.

Democrats influenced Hitler, Stalin and Mao
The dictators influenced the far American right.

Hitler, Stalin and Mao were dictators, moron.
Frank continues to be confused. Started during FDR, run through the Truman and Eisenhower administrations, ended in the JKF and LBJ administrations.

The far right American fascists worship the German and Italian regimes. The Dems and Pubs opposed the commies right through evil empire's collapse.

ROFL! You are joking. Dims defended commies all through their history. They defended Alger Hiss. They defended Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. They defended Zero Mostel. They defended dozens of commie Hollywood actors, screenwriters and producers. They even defended Hitler between the signing of the Hitler-Stalin non-aggression treaty and the invasion of the Soviet Union.
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In other news


Hundreds gather at jail for Kentucky clerk held in gay marriage dispute

Up to 500 supporters gathered outside a Kentucky jail on Saturday to support a county clerk held there for defying a federal judge's order to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis, 49, who refused the licenses due to her Christian belief that marriage can only be between a man and a woman, said she was prepared to remain in jail where she has been reading a Bible since her incarceration for contempt on Thursday, her lawyers said.

On Saturday, a white banner spray-painted with the black letters "Kim Davis POW" was placed near the entrance of the jail in Grayson, Kentucky, and a bagpipe and drum corps played "You're a Grand Old Flag" and marched to a field across from the jail.

"God is going to continue to bless Kim Davis," the mayor of Grayson George Steele told those gathered before leading the group in prayer for the program, which ran a little over an hour.

Hundreds gather at jail for Kentucky clerk held in gay marriage dispute
In other news


Hundreds gather at jail for Kentucky clerk held in gay marriage dispute

Up to 500 supporters gathered outside a Kentucky jail on Saturday to support a county clerk held there for defying a federal judge's order to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis, 49, who refused the licenses due to her Christian belief that marriage can only be between a man and a woman, said she was prepared to remain in jail where she has been reading a Bible since her incarceration for contempt on Thursday, her lawyers said.

On Saturday, a white banner spray-painted with the black letters "Kim Davis POW" was placed near the entrance of the jail in Grayson, Kentucky, and a bagpipe and drum corps played "You're a Grand Old Flag" and marched to a field across from the jail.

"God is going to continue to bless Kim Davis," the mayor of Grayson George Steele told those gathered before leading the group in prayer for the program, which ran a little over an hour.

Hundreds gather at jail for Kentucky clerk held in gay marriage dispute
Fat lot of good that does her. I liked this part though:

"Elizabeth Johnston, 40, traveled with her nine children 140 miles (225 km) from Zanesville, Ohio, on Thursday to the federal courthouse in Ashland, Kentucky to support Davis."

So goddamned typical...
In other news


Hundreds gather at jail for Kentucky clerk held in gay marriage dispute

Up to 500 supporters gathered outside a Kentucky jail on Saturday to support a county clerk held there for defying a federal judge's order to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis, 49, who refused the licenses due to her Christian belief that marriage can only be between a man and a woman, said she was prepared to remain in jail where she has been reading a Bible since her incarceration for contempt on Thursday, her lawyers said.

On Saturday, a white banner spray-painted with the black letters "Kim Davis POW" was placed near the entrance of the jail in Grayson, Kentucky, and a bagpipe and drum corps played "You're a Grand Old Flag" and marched to a field across from the jail.

"God is going to continue to bless Kim Davis," the mayor of Grayson George Steele told those gathered before leading the group in prayer for the program, which ran a little over an hour.

Hundreds gather at jail for Kentucky clerk held in gay marriage dispute
Fat lot of good that does her. I liked this part though:

"Elizabeth Johnston, 40, traveled with her nine children 140 miles (225 km) from Zanesville, Ohio, on Thursday to the federal courthouse in Ashland, Kentucky to support Davis."

So goddamned typical...

Here's typical for you:

"There were plenty of Jews who sucked Nazi cock, and ended up in Israel, which is why the place was made up of scum. The nice Jews died in the camps."
In other news


Hundreds gather at jail for Kentucky clerk held in gay marriage dispute

Up to 500 supporters gathered outside a Kentucky jail on Saturday to support a county clerk held there for defying a federal judge's order to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis, 49, who refused the licenses due to her Christian belief that marriage can only be between a man and a woman, said she was prepared to remain in jail where she has been reading a Bible since her incarceration for contempt on Thursday, her lawyers said.

On Saturday, a white banner spray-painted with the black letters "Kim Davis POW" was placed near the entrance of the jail in Grayson, Kentucky, and a bagpipe and drum corps played "You're a Grand Old Flag" and marched to a field across from the jail.

"God is going to continue to bless Kim Davis," the mayor of Grayson George Steele told those gathered before leading the group in prayer for the program, which ran a little over an hour.

Hundreds gather at jail for Kentucky clerk held in gay marriage dispute
Fat lot of good that does her. I liked this part though:

"Elizabeth Johnston, 40, traveled with her nine children 140 miles (225 km) from Zanesville, Ohio, on Thursday to the federal courthouse in Ashland, Kentucky to support Davis."

So goddamned typical...

yeah I know you like your women bare foot and pregnant, damn uppity women.

Of course you will give allowances if they are paid to dress as vaginas and protest.

So damned liberal.
False equivalency, Mike.

Rosa Davis wrongfully was denied equal access to public transportation.

Kim Davis wrongfully was denying equal access to county clerk services.

actually no. she just had to sit in the back of the bus...she was still allowed to ride.....

the funny thing is that Rosa Parks was sitting in the back of the bus. She just refused to give her seat to a white man. It is simply amazing the laws that the democrats got passed back then.

Democrats influenced Hitler, Stalin and Mao
The dictators influenced the far American right.

Ass backwards, as usual. Democrats started Planned Parenthood and Tuskegee Experiments, later Stalin, Hitler and Mao would take these programs on their own

Wasn't also democrats that interned innocent Americans? Who are the only humans alive to kill a whole bunch of folks with an atom bomb? That supports the killing of 50 million unborn children? Wasn't it democrats that got the US involved in WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam? I don't Jack RWer will remember it that way.

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