Why Jewish Race Total Population Only Few Millions, Even After 5000 Years?


VIP Member
Jul 31, 2014
May be they convert into other's races and other's religion to rule over them.
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In my point of view their population should be 100 Millions after 5000 years.
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Just be glad there isn't a shortage of inbred antisemites with double digit IQs.

They seem to be everywhere these days..
Maybe that's why the Jews are so few. What was Hitler's IQ?

Jews have been dispersed since there were Jews. Many stayed where they were placed. The queen of England, for example, can trace her lineage back to King David. And not all of the Jews that left Egypt during the exodus went with Moses to Israel, or stayed there after they arrived. There are Jews worldwide. There are Jews that don't know even know they are.
The Bible says that there will be those fighting for the destruction of the Jews but will come to realize that THEY are Jewish and will turn and fight with the Jews instead of against them.
Maybe that's why the Jews are so few. What was Hitler's IQ?

Jews have been dispersed since there were Jews. Many stayed where they were placed. The queen of England, for example, can trace her lineage back to King David. And not all of the Jews that left Egypt during the exodus went with Moses to Israel, or stayed there after they arrived. There are Jews worldwide. There are Jews that don't know even know they are.
The Bible says that there will be those fighting for the destruction of the Jews but will come to realize that THEY are Jewish and will turn and fight with the Jews instead of against them.

Different topic but there is no proof the Jews were in Egypt or wandered the desert for 40 years.
Jewish numbers only seem small. 14 million insofar as those who identify as the Jewish religion, but the genes common to Jews likely number far more. Biggest explanation why isn't the Holocaust though loosing 6 million didn't help, but rather how Jews refrain from interfaith marriage. Right or wrong, limiting your available spouses to only other Jews which may be few and far between, means you're not going to have the explosion in population you'd have with a more liberal policy. Plus, compared to other faiths, becomming a Jew involves a lot more than signing your name on the church's guestbook.
Why Jewish Race total population only few millions, even after 5000 years?
Because there really isnt a Jewish race. There is a gene identified but that doesnt make it a race.
Why Jews called themselves PIME RACE among the mankind, means consider themselves superior race.
It doesn't mean they consider themselves superior. It is a traditional aspect of the religion. There are native American tribes who called themselves 'the people' as if they were the only ones who mattered, they were the originals, etc. There are other cultures who have done the same thing. People who believe 'ours is the one true religion,' etc.
Jewish numbers only seem small. 14 million insofar as those who identify as the Jewish religion, but the genes common to Jews likely number far more. Biggest explanation why isn't the Holocaust though loosing 6 million didn't help, but rather how Jews refrain from interfaith marriage. Right or wrong, limiting your available spouses to only other Jews which may be few and far between, means you're not going to have the explosion in population you'd have with a more liberal policy. Plus, compared to other faiths, becoming a Jew involves a lot more than signing your name on the church's guestbook.
Jews are Semitic, racially, as are all indigenous people throughout the Middle East. But being a Jew is a religious thing, not a racial thing. I've no idea why the number of people identifying as Jewish remains limited; possibly it is the marriage thing.
Jewish numbers only seem small. 14 million insofar as those who identify as the Jewish religion, but the genes common to Jews likely number far more. Biggest explanation why isn't the Holocaust though loosing 6 million didn't help, but rather how Jews refrain from interfaith marriage. Right or wrong, limiting your available spouses to only other Jews which may be few and far between, means you're not going to have the explosion in population you'd have with a more liberal policy. Plus, compared to other faiths, becomming a Jew involves a lot more than signing your name on the church's guestbook.

May be you know some one, who can calculate population, like fore example if Father Abraham PBUH and his wife and their 4 children,(with out variable) what would be their population after 5000 years?

And why Jews consider themselves superior race?

I doubt it that, Hitler killed 6 million Jews.
Why Jewish Race total population only few millions, even after 5000 years?
Because there really isnt a Jewish race. There is a gene identified but that doesnt make it a race.
Judaism is a religion, not a race.

You're right except for that bit about race, on that you're wrong.

But being a Jew is a religious thing, not a racial thing. I've no idea why the number of people identifying as Jewish remains limited; possibly it is the marriage thing.

Not a race. Hmm. Take your unsupported declaration or assess reality? Tough choice.

Why Jewish Race total population only few millions, even after 5000 years?
Because there really isnt a Jewish race. There is a gene identified but that doesnt make it a race.
Why Jews called themselves PIME RACE among the mankind, means consider themselves superior race.
It doesn't mean they consider themselves superior. It is a traditional aspect of the religion. There are native American tribes who called themselves 'the people' as if they were the only ones who mattered, they were the originals, etc. There are other cultures who have done the same thing. People who believe 'ours is the one true religion,' etc.
Not only they are considering themselves superior, but also causing trouble to themselves and others in regard to proving superior unlike to other races as you mentioned in your post. I will say they are slave of their elders.
Why Jewish Race total population only few millions, even after 5000 years?
Because there really isnt a Jewish race. There is a gene identified but that doesnt make it a race.
Why Jews called themselves PIME RACE among the mankind, means consider themselves superior race.
It doesn't mean they consider themselves superior. It is a traditional aspect of the religion. There are native American tribes who called themselves 'the people' as if they were the only ones who mattered, they were the originals, etc. There are other cultures who have done the same thing. People who believe 'ours is the one true religion,' etc.
Not only they are considering themselves superior, but also causing trouble to themselves and others in regard to proving superior unlike to other races as you mentioned in your post. I will say they are slave of their elders.
I did not say and do not think Jews consider themselves superior to others. And, as I said, being a Jew is not a racial thing: Jew does not equal race. They are Semitic, as are all people indigenous to the Middle East: Semitics are Caucasians. Other cultures and religions have, and may still do, believe they are superior and their religion is the true religion, their god is the true god. Thinking like that is not a Jewish thing.

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