Why Jews “Recoil from the GOP”

Jews are mostly liberal. With obumble supporting terrorist attacks against Jews they might remain liberal and still not vote democrat.

Brilliant display of ignorance.

Put the bong down, take two steps away from the gin bottle.
That was an excellent refutation of the facts. It perfectly explains why obumble refuses to consider the deli attack in Paris a terrorist attack. It also illuminates the democrat infatuation with the architect of the Crown Heights riot.

You make no sense at all. Are you feeling well. Do you have fever? Chills? Anal Warts?

You stated no "facts" to begin with. All you did was to fart out of your bunghole.
Jews are mostly liberal. With obumble supporting terrorist attacks against Jews they might remain liberal and still not vote democrat.

Brilliant display of ignorance.

Put the bong down, take two steps away from the gin bottle.
That was an excellent refutation of the facts. It perfectly explains why obumble refuses to consider the deli attack in Paris a terrorist attack. It also illuminates the democrat infatuation with the architect of the Crown Heights riot.

You make no sense at all. Are you feeling well. Do you have fever? Chills? Anal Warts?

You stated no "facts" to begin with. All you did was to fart out of your bunghole.
So you have nothing to say. Thought so.
Think Again: Jews Are Still Liberal

Conservatives, it turns out, have very little to offer most American Jews today, even less than in the past. Regarding key social and cultural issues, conservatives’ beliefs regarding reproductive rights, immigration, or equal rights for gay and transgender people are all anathema to most Jews; so too is their desire to tear down the wall that America’s founders purposely constructed between politics and official religion.

Jews Are Still Liberal Center for American Progress

American, secular, Jews are mostly liberal. Religious Jews vote 75% Republican. They are also having a lots more babies:eusa_angel: Jews outside of the U.S. probably lean more conservative. My friend came here from Russia, as did most of the older guys from Shul. He was circumcised, in his late forties because the soviets outlawed it. Is It any wonder that these people would be more conservative?:eusa_eh:
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Liberal Jews in the US are no different than the liberal Jews in 1938 Germany.

Liberals will betray Jews to muslims the same way they are betraying blacks for hispanics.

ignorant goyim, no matter how you try to twist it the germans were christers
Just up with your "goyum" you moron. You look like the idiot that you are.... atheist Jew?. Religious Jews are going to breed you out :thup:...
Think Again: Jews Are Still Liberal

Conservatives, it turns out, have very little to offer most American Jews today, even less than in the past. Regarding key social and cultural issues, conservatives’ beliefs regarding reproductive rights, immigration, or equal rights for gay and transgender people are all anathema to most Jews; so too is their desire to tear down the wall that America’s founders purposely constructed between politics and official religion.

Jews Are Still Liberal Center for American Progress

American, secular, Jews are mostly liberal. Religious Jews vote 75% Republican. They are also having a lots more babies:eusa_angel: Jews outside of the U.S. probably lean more conservative. My friend from came here from Russia, as did most of the older guys from Shul. He was circumcised, in his late forties because the soviets outlawed it. Is It any wonder that these people would be more conservative?:eusa_eh:

Exactly who are you to decide which Jews are religious and which are not?

That was an extremely stupid statement on your part, one of the most stupid statements I have ever heard you make, well, next to the first 50 stupid statements you made last month.
Think Again: Jews Are Still Liberal

Conservatives, it turns out, have very little to offer most American Jews today, even less than in the past. Regarding key social and cultural issues, conservatives’ beliefs regarding reproductive rights, immigration, or equal rights for gay and transgender people are all anathema to most Jews; so too is their desire to tear down the wall that America’s founders purposely constructed between politics and official religion.

Jews Are Still Liberal Center for American Progress

American, secular, Jews are mostly liberal. Religious Jews vote 75% Republican. They are also having a lots more babies:eusa_angel: Jews outside of the U.S. probably lean more conservative. My friend from came here from Russia, as did most of the older guys from Shul. He was circumcised, in his late forties because the soviets outlawed it. Is It any wonder that these people would be more conservative?:eusa_eh:

Exactly who are you to decide which Jews are religious and which are not?

That was an extremely stupid statement on your part, one of the most stupid statements I have ever heard you make, well, next to the first 50 stupid statements you made last month.

guno is an admitted atheist, try to keep up:thup:
Liberal Jews in the US are no different than the liberal Jews in 1938 Germany.

Liberals will betray Jews to muslims the same way they are betraying blacks for hispanics.

ignorant goyim, no matter how you try to twist it the germans were christers
Just up with your "goyum" you moron. You look like the idiot that you are.... atheist Jew?. Religious Jews are going to breed you out :thup:...

goyisha kopf
Many Jews have a deep mistrust of "Right Wing Christians" based on historical experience. Whether new generations will retain these feelings towards America is an open question. Current reality is that their alignment with Left Wing Democrats is turning into a deal with a devil who constantly curries favor with whatever special interest group seems to be in ascendancy. If America goes any further Left, Jews may lose their last friend in the world.
Many American Jews are liberal. They do not understand that their fellow liberals intend to deliver them to the islamic beheading axe.

You are one stupid ignorant goy

Yeah, that previous poster basically stated that the Jews were too dumb to realize who they are voting for. People like that say the same thing about Black people and their vote. It's a "great" way to get people over to their camp. Then you have crazy folks like this guy below:
Many Jews have a deep mistrust of "Right Wing Christians" based on historical experience. Whether new generations will retain these feelings towards America is an open question. Current reality is that their alignment with Left Wing Democrats is turning into a deal with a devil who constantly curries favor with whatever special interest group seems to be in ascendancy. If America goes any further Left, Jews may lose their last friend in the world.
That's crazy. Jewish people have been part of the "far left" in this country for a LONG time. NAACP, and other civil rights and liberties organizations have had Jewish involvement from their inception.
Think Again: Jews Are Still Liberal

Conservatives, it turns out, have very little to offer most American Jews today, even less than in the past. Regarding key social and cultural issues, conservatives’ beliefs regarding reproductive rights, immigration, or equal rights for gay and transgender people are all anathema to most Jews; so too is their desire to tear down the wall that America’s founders purposely constructed between politics and official religion.

Jews Are Still Liberal Center for American Progress

American, secular, Jews are mostly liberal. Religious Jews vote 75% Republican. They are also having a lots more babies:eusa_angel: Jews outside of the U.S. probably lean more conservative. My friend came here from Russia, as did most of the older guys from Shul. He was circumcised, in his late forties because the soviets outlawed it. Is It any wonder that these people would be more conservative?:eusa_eh:

The source for your statistic is one of the following:
1) A scientific poll on the Jewish vote.
2) Your ass.

If you don't produce a link to the poll in question, I'll have to conclude it's #2.
See? That's why I love the Jews. They know the evil within both governments here and there. They don't want us to be a Christian nation but wont say anything about how foolish it was for them to tie their religion to their government. Now they can't blame it on only the one of them. Now its all their religions/God's fault when they blow up the world for their Rhode island sized desert of theirs
Liberal Jews in the US are no different than the liberal Jews in 1938 Germany.

Liberals will betray Jews to muslims the same way they are betraying blacks for hispanics.

ignorant goyim, no matter how you try to twist it the germans were christers
Just up with your "goyum" you moron. You look like the idiot that you are.... atheist Jew?. Religious Jews are going to breed you out :thup:...

goyisha kopf
Actually I was born and raised a Jew.
Oh Oh I know why. The Jews recoil from the GOP because they are too stupid to realize the GOP is good. Once they smarten up, they vote GOP.

Or so the logic goes

How long have you been on the GOP Outreach team?
Liberal Jews in the US are no different than the liberal Jews in 1938 Germany.

Liberals will betray Jews to muslims the same way they are betraying blacks for hispanics.

ignorant goyim, no matter how you try to twist it the germans were christers
Just up with your "goyum" you moron. You look like the idiot that you are.... atheist Jew?. Religious Jews are going to breed you out :thup:...

goyisha kopf

Only White supremacists and nutjob antagonist like you use the word "goyum" in in casual conversation. I think you just pretend to be a Jew to make us look bad

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