Why Jews “Recoil from the GOP”

And yet EVERY politician that wants national office better pucker up to AIPAC and go stick their hand on the Wailing Wall and put a cute little hat on his head...They know who runs things and who can sink their chance of winning or who can pack that bank acct with plenty of money.

Really think 14 million Jews can control the 7 billion non-Jews to any degree? You guys must be profoundly stupid and easy to control if so. :)
This is another one of those democrat dichotomies, like Catholics and black churches who oppose homos and abortion but vote for the party of homos and abortion, etc.
Jewish people who have a cultural virtue of being highly attuned to money and financial issues rooting for the party that destroys the economy.
And yet EVERY politician that wants national office better pucker up to AIPAC and go stick their hand on the Wailing Wall and put a cute little hat on his head...They know who runs things and who can sink their chance of winning or who can pack that bank acct with plenty of money.

Really think 14 million Jews can control the 7 billion non-Jews to any degree? You guys must be profoundly stupid and easy to control if so. :)
When they control the monetary systems,media and politics absolutely.
This is another one of those democrat dichotomies, like Catholics and black churches who oppose homos and abortion but vote for the party of homos and abortion, etc.
Jewish people who have a cultural virtue of being highly attuned to money and financial issues rooting for the party that destroys the economy.
And yet, it was the Republican party which led the U.S. into economic disaster in the 1920's and then again in the 2000's. So much for your nonsense.
And yet EVERY politician that wants national office better pucker up to AIPAC and go stick their hand on the Wailing Wall and put a cute little hat on his head...They know who runs things and who can sink their chance of winning or who can pack that bank acct with plenty of money.

Really think 14 million Jews can control the 7 billion non-Jews to any degree? You guys must be profoundly stupid and easy to control if so. :)
When they control the monetary systems,media and politics absolutely.

With smart guys like you around to expose the "Jewish conspiracy" How can they succeed in controlling the world:dunno:
Controlling media allows them to decide what gets shown and what doesn't. Its the easiest way to control a population,change peoples views by constantly showing them the same thing over and over or saying same thing over and over...I know you are being an ass but do tell me this. How is it that supposedly the Learned Elders of Zion is a fake yet the things said in them are coming true or have already come true?
Controlling media allows them to decide what gets shown and what doesn't. Its the easiest way to control a population,change peoples views by constantly showing them the same thing over and over or saying same thing over and over...I know you are being an ass but do tell me this. How is it that supposedly the Learned Elders of Zion is a fake yet the things said in them are coming true or have already come true?

What the purpose of this Jewish conspiracy? Is it really a Jewish conspiracy? to make everybody Jewish? What should be done with these Jews?
Controlling media allows them to decide what gets shown and what doesn't. Its the easiest way to control a population,change peoples views by constantly showing them the same thing over and over or saying same thing over and over...I know you are being an ass but do tell me this. How is it that supposedly the Learned Elders of Zion is a fake yet the things said in them are coming true or have already come true?

If media controls anything, I'd sooner think the consumers of that media are more to blame than the media itself. That's like blaming a horror movie or violent videogame for the consumer's later criminal actions. Not ever person who watches horror movies or plays violent video games becomes violent. In point of fact, very few do that it's statistically insignificant. By the same vein, not everyone who watches the media or reads newspapers is under that media company's control.

No one ever controls other people (except by threat of physical harm.) Rather, people give others control and authority over them willingly. Governments authority is only as good as those governed allow it. If the governed say no more and stop obeying, governmental authority is weakened and can eventually collapse entirely. Of course, until it does there's usually lots of shooting and death.
Controlling media allows them to decide what gets shown and what doesn't. Its the easiest way to control a population,change peoples views by constantly showing them the same thing over and over or saying same thing over and over...I know you are being an ass but do tell me this. How is it that supposedly the Learned Elders of Zion is a fake yet the things said in them are coming true or have already come true?

If media controls anything, I'd sooner think the consumers of that media are more to blame than the media itself. That's like blaming a horror movie or violent videogame for the consumer's later criminal actions. Not ever person who watches horror movies or plays violent video games becomes violent. In point of fact, very few do that it's statistically insignificant. By the same vein, not everyone who watches the media or reads newspapers is under that media company's control.

No one ever controls other people (except by threat of physical harm.) Rather, people give others control and authority over them willingly. Governments authority is only as good as those governed allow it. If the governed say no more and stop obeying, governmental authority is weakened and can eventually collapse entirely. Of course, until it does there's usually lots of shooting and death.
People should be able to watch tv or a movie without having to worry about hidden messages being inserted into it. One thing I notice alot is in commercials. You will have a weak white man with a strong non white/jewish looking man/woman,or you will have as I have seen in one commercial about a car the white man trying to tell the negro who is driving what's happening and it keeps showing him to be a fool because the car corrects its self or tells the negro what's going on...that is subtle to most but quite clear to me. Its showing the non white to be smart,handsome,and in power and the white man to be dumb,ignorant,and not in control. Women of ALL races want a man who is in control not a weakling...these commercials are propaganda at its finest. Hell even Hitler used propaganda. Our kids should be able to watch cartoons without having shit like uncle grandpa or Clarence or King of the hill that shows dumb,ignorant,weak males that are ALL white and then have them watch Dora and Ni Hao Kai Lan that shows smart,educational non whites...you can't in any way seriously tell me its brainwashing at its best. Its aimed directly at kids..especially with Bobby Hill NEVER having a white GF but wanting to be the BF of that Asian girl...
Controlling media allows them to decide what gets shown and what doesn't. Its the easiest way to control a population,change peoples views by constantly showing them the same thing over and over or saying same thing over and over...I know you are being an ass but do tell me this. How is it that supposedly the Learned Elders of Zion is a fake yet the things said in them are coming true or have already come true?

What the purpose of this Jewish conspiracy? Is it really a Jewish conspiracy? to make everybody Jewish? What should be done with these Jews?
Purpose for now is to control the population. Using the useful idiots of the black and latino races to commit war on the white race. The eventual goal is a world ruled by jews with all other races beneath them. The White race is their most ardent enemy and has come close at times to stopping this conquest of the world. The white race as a WHOLE only represents roughly 12-15% of the WORLDS population and dropping.By 2060 its going to be in the single digits at 9.6%.As a percentage of world inhabitants, the white population will
plummet to a single digit (9.76%) by 2060 from a high-water mark of
27.98% in 1950.

Obviously the Jews goal of white genocide is working quite well.I know 99.9% of people don't believe me and I long ago gave up trying to educate the willingly ignorant. My wife is due with child #4 soon and we know for sure we want at least 1 more possibly more...she isn't even 30 yet so has many years of fertility left. The more the better to at least from our little tiny percentage we increased it just a bit. With 4 kids. We will have replaced both of us and 1 set of grandparents...
Controlling media allows them to decide what gets shown and what doesn't. Its the easiest way to control a population,change peoples views by constantly showing them the same thing over and over or saying same thing over and over...I know you are being an ass but do tell me this. How is it that supposedly the Learned Elders of Zion is a fake yet the things said in them are coming true or have already come true?

What the purpose of this Jewish conspiracy? Is it really a Jewish conspiracy? to make everybody Jewish? What should be done with these Jews?
Purpose for now is to control the population. Using the useful idiots of the black and latino races to commit war on the white race. The eventual goal is a world ruled by jews with all other races beneath them. The White race is their most ardent enemy and has come close at times to stopping this conquest of the world. The white race as a WHOLE only represents roughly 12-15% of the WORLDS population and dropping.By 2060 its going to be in the single digits at 9.6%.As a percentage of world inhabitants, the white population will
plummet to a single digit (9.76%) by 2060 from a high-water mark of
27.98% in 1950.

Obviously the Jews goal of white genocide is working quite well.I know 99.9% of people don't believe me and I long ago gave up trying to educate the willingly ignorant. My wife is due with child #4 soon and we know for sure we want at least 1 more possibly more...she isn't even 30 yet so has many years of fertility left. The more the better to at least from our little tiny percentage we increased it just a bit. With 4 kids. We will have replaced both of us and 1 set of grandparents...

Take your stupidity to the the conspiracy room you're off topic and get some psychological help while your at it
Controlling media allows them to decide what gets shown and what doesn't. Its the easiest way to control a population,change peoples views by constantly showing them the same thing over and over or saying same thing over and over...I know you are being an ass but do tell me this. How is it that supposedly the Learned Elders of Zion is a fake yet the things said in them are coming true or have already come true?

What the purpose of this Jewish conspiracy? Is it really a Jewish conspiracy? to make everybody Jewish? What should be done with these Jews?
Purpose for now is to control the population. Using the useful idiots of the black and latino races to commit war on the white race. The eventual goal is a world ruled by jews with all other races beneath them. The White race is their most ardent enemy and has come close at times to stopping this conquest of the world. The white race as a WHOLE only represents roughly 12-15% of the WORLDS population and dropping.By 2060 its going to be in the single digits at 9.6%.As a percentage of world inhabitants, the white population will
plummet to a single digit (9.76%) by 2060 from a high-water mark of
27.98% in 1950.

Obviously the Jews goal of white genocide is working quite well.I know 99.9% of people don't believe me and I long ago gave up trying to educate the willingly ignorant. My wife is due with child #4 soon and we know for sure we want at least 1 more possibly more...she isn't even 30 yet so has many years of fertility left. The more the better to at least from our little tiny percentage we increased it just a bit. With 4 kids. We will have replaced both of us and 1 set of grandparents...

Take your stupidity to the the conspiracy room you're off topic and get some psychological help while your at it
Don't ask a question if you don't want an answer.
This is another one of those democrat dichotomies, like Catholics and black churches who oppose homos and abortion but vote for the party of homos and abortion, etc.
Jewish people who have a cultural virtue of being highly attuned to money and financial issues rooting for the party that destroys the economy.
And yet, it was the Republican party which led the U.S. into economic disaster in the 1920's and then again in the 2000's. So much for your nonsense.
It was a democrat congress, and especially the CRA, that led to the housing market crisis more than repubs. Obama as president kept the economy in the hole with his energy policy. That's what has me most perplexed about Jews and this president in particular.
As for the 1920's, I wasn't around plus the distinctions between the parties had little or nothing in common with today.
This is another one of those democrat dichotomies, like Catholics and black churches who oppose homos and abortion but vote for the party of homos and abortion, etc.
Jewish people who have a cultural virtue of being highly attuned to money and financial issues rooting for the party that destroys the economy.
And yet, it was the Republican party which led the U.S. into economic disaster in the 1920's and then again in the 2000's. So much for your nonsense.
It was a democrat congress, and especially the CRA, that led to the housing market crisis more than repubs. Obama as president kept the economy in the hole with his energy policy. That's what has me most perplexed about Jews and this president in particular.
As for the 1920's, I wasn't around plus the distinctions between the parties had little or nothing in common with today.
Your insanity is noted, however, Republicans controlled the Congress when the vast majority of toxic loans were written; and given only 6% of the toxic residential loans were CRA loans and zero percent of the commercial toxic loans were CRA loans, the CRA is a long debunked rightwing talking point which actually did not cause the financial collapse.
This is another one of those democrat dichotomies, like Catholics and black churches who oppose homos and abortion but vote for the party of homos and abortion, etc.
Jewish people who have a cultural virtue of being highly attuned to money and financial issues rooting for the party that destroys the economy.
And yet, it was the Republican party which led the U.S. into economic disaster in the 1920's and then again in the 2000's. So much for your nonsense.
It was a democrat congress, and especially the CRA, that led to the housing market crisis more than repubs. Obama as president kept the economy in the hole with his energy policy. That's what has me most perplexed about Jews and this president in particular.
As for the 1920's, I wasn't around plus the distinctions between the parties had little or nothing in common with today.
Your insanity is noted, however, Republicans controlled the Congress when the vast majority of toxic loans were written; and given only 6% of the toxic residential loans were CRA loans and zero percent of the commercial toxic loans were CRA loans, the CRA is a long debunked rightwing talking point which actually did not cause the financial collapse.
This is another one of those democrat dichotomies, like Catholics and black churches who oppose homos and abortion but vote for the party of homos and abortion, etc.
Jewish people who have a cultural virtue of being highly attuned to money and financial issues rooting for the party that destroys the economy.
And yet, it was the Republican party which led the U.S. into economic disaster in the 1920's and then again in the 2000's. So much for your nonsense.
It was a democrat congress, and especially the CRA, that led to the housing market crisis more than repubs. Obama as president kept the economy in the hole with his energy policy. That's what has me most perplexed about Jews and this president in particular.
As for the 1920's, I wasn't around plus the distinctions between the parties had little or nothing in common with today.
Your insanity is noted, however, Republicans controlled the Congress when the vast majority of toxic loans were written; and given only 6% of the toxic residential loans were CRA loans and zero percent of the commercial toxic loans were CRA loans, the CRA is a long debunked rightwing talking point which actually did not cause the financial collapse.
The CRA contributed. Plus irresponsible homeowners. Just ask the W Post and their three part front page story about PG County. Oh, wait. They failed to mention the CRA because their job is to brainwash lefty dupes like you. Now let's get back to obama screwing our economy with his energy policy fiasco.
This is another one of those democrat dichotomies, like Catholics and black churches who oppose homos and abortion but vote for the party of homos and abortion, etc.
Jewish people who have a cultural virtue of being highly attuned to money and financial issues rooting for the party that destroys the economy.
And yet, it was the Republican party which led the U.S. into economic disaster in the 1920's and then again in the 2000's. So much for your nonsense.
It was a democrat congress, and especially the CRA, that led to the housing market crisis more than repubs. Obama as president kept the economy in the hole with his energy policy. That's what has me most perplexed about Jews and this president in particular.
As for the 1920's, I wasn't around plus the distinctions between the parties had little or nothing in common with today.
Your insanity is noted, however, Republicans controlled the Congress when the vast majority of toxic loans were written; and given only 6% of the toxic residential loans were CRA loans and zero percent of the commercial toxic loans were CRA loans, the CRA is a long debunked rightwing talking point which actually did not cause the financial collapse.
This is another one of those democrat dichotomies, like Catholics and black churches who oppose homos and abortion but vote for the party of homos and abortion, etc.
Jewish people who have a cultural virtue of being highly attuned to money and financial issues rooting for the party that destroys the economy.
And yet, it was the Republican party which led the U.S. into economic disaster in the 1920's and then again in the 2000's. So much for your nonsense.
It was a democrat congress, and especially the CRA, that led to the housing market crisis more than repubs. Obama as president kept the economy in the hole with his energy policy. That's what has me most perplexed about Jews and this president in particular.
As for the 1920's, I wasn't around plus the distinctions between the parties had little or nothing in common with today.
Your insanity is noted, however, Republicans controlled the Congress when the vast majority of toxic loans were written; and given only 6% of the toxic residential loans were CRA loans and zero percent of the commercial toxic loans were CRA loans, the CRA is a long debunked rightwing talking point which actually did not cause the financial collapse.
The CRA contributed. Plus irresponsible homeowners. Just ask the W Post and their three part front page story about PG County. Oh, wait. They failed to mention the CRA because their job is to brainwash lefty dupes like you. Now let's get back to obama screwing our economy with his energy policy fiasco.
Again, your insanity is noted. I like how you change course of your fluid position from the CRA led to the financial collapse to the CRA contributed to it when you former idiocy doesn't hold water. And even your claim that it "contributed" to it is negligible. In any given year, a small percentage of CRA loans would result in foreclosure no matter what the economic conditions are. That 6% of the toxic residential loans and 0% of the toxic commercial loans were CRA loans indicates CRA loans barely contributed to the economic collapse and would have occurred even had there not been a collapse. Plus, you probably also don't know that some 84% of the financial institutions which wrote toxic loans which cratered the economy were not even governed by the CRA. Even worse for you nonsense is that by far, the vast majority of subprime loans expired after 30 months and had to be refinanced. That's what led to the collapse as millions of home owners had their monthly payments increase dramatically when their rate went up from 1% to over 5% in 2006 and 2007 and they could no longer afford to stay in their home. That is also not a CRA loan which is a long term mortgage.

By 2006, foreclosures were increasing dramatically. Even moreso in 2007. By the end of 2007, the economy was in recession and by the end of the summer in 2008, the economy began to crumble under the weight of all the foreclosures. Subtract 30 months from 2006 and that reveals the root cause of the subprime disaster began sometime in 2003. What happened in 2003 to kick it off? The federal fund rate dropped to under 2%. Then to one percent in 2004. The CRA had shit to do with it. But of course, since Republicans controlled the House, Senate, and executive branch during that time; the loony right needed to find a way to blame Democrats .... enter, the CRA.

And lastly .........

"Thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all time high!" - George Bush, 2004 Republican National Convention acceptance speech

emphasis added
This is another one of those democrat dichotomies, like Catholics and black churches who oppose homos and abortion but vote for the party of homos and abortion, etc.
Jewish people who have a cultural virtue of being highly attuned to money and financial issues rooting for the party that destroys the economy.
And yet, it was the Republican party which led the U.S. into economic disaster in the 1920's and then again in the 2000's. So much for your nonsense.
It was a democrat congress, and especially the CRA, that led to the housing market crisis more than repubs. Obama as president kept the economy in the hole with his energy policy. That's what has me most perplexed about Jews and this president in particular.
As for the 1920's, I wasn't around plus the distinctions between the parties had little or nothing in common with today.
Your insanity is noted, however, Republicans controlled the Congress when the vast majority of toxic loans were written; and given only 6% of the toxic residential loans were CRA loans and zero percent of the commercial toxic loans were CRA loans, the CRA is a long debunked rightwing talking point which actually did not cause the financial collapse.
This is another one of those democrat dichotomies, like Catholics and black churches who oppose homos and abortion but vote for the party of homos and abortion, etc.
Jewish people who have a cultural virtue of being highly attuned to money and financial issues rooting for the party that destroys the economy.
And yet, it was the Republican party which led the U.S. into economic disaster in the 1920's and then again in the 2000's. So much for your nonsense.
It was a democrat congress, and especially the CRA, that led to the housing market crisis more than repubs. Obama as president kept the economy in the hole with his energy policy. That's what has me most perplexed about Jews and this president in particular.
As for the 1920's, I wasn't around plus the distinctions between the parties had little or nothing in common with today.
Your insanity is noted, however, Republicans controlled the Congress when the vast majority of toxic loans were written; and given only 6% of the toxic residential loans were CRA loans and zero percent of the commercial toxic loans were CRA loans, the CRA is a long debunked rightwing talking point which actually did not cause the financial collapse.
The CRA contributed. Plus irresponsible homeowners. Just ask the W Post and their three part front page story about PG County. Oh, wait. They failed to mention the CRA because their job is to brainwash lefty dupes like you. Now let's get back to obama screwing our economy with his energy policy fiasco.
Again, your insanity is noted. I like how you change course of your fluid position from the CRA led to the financial collapse to the CRA contributed to it when you former idiocy doesn't hold water. And even your claim that it "contributed" to it is negligible. In any given year, a small percentage of CRA loans would result in foreclosure no matter what the economic conditions are. That 6% of the toxic residential loans and 0% of the toxic commercial loans were CRA loans indicates CRA loans barely contributed to the economic collapse and would have occurred even had there not been a collapse. Plus, you probably also don't know that some 84% of the financial institutions which wrote toxic loans which cratered the economy were not even governed by the CRA. Even worse for you nonsense is that by far, the vast majority of subprime loans expired after 30 months and had to be refinanced. That's what led to the collapse as millions of home owners had their monthly payments increase dramatically when their rate went up from 1% to over 5% in 2006 and 2007 and they could no longer afford to stay in their home. That is also not a CRA loan which is a long term mortgage.

By 2006, foreclosures were increasing dramatically. Even moreso in 2007. By the end of 2007, the economy was in recession and by the end of the summer in 2008, the economy began to crumble under the weight of all the foreclosures. Subtract 30 months from 2006 and that reveals the root cause of the subprime disaster began sometime in 2003. What happened in 2003 to kick it off? The federal fund rate dropped to under 2%. Then to one percent in 2004. The CRA had shit to do with it. But of course, since Republicans controlled the House, Senate, and executive branch during that time; the loony right needed to find a way to blame Democrats .... enter, the CRA.

And lastly .........

"Thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all time high!" - George Bush, 2004 Republican National Convention acceptance speech

emphasis added
If you live where I live and see all of the foreclosed homes you can see the impact of CRA. Consider, too, that no one had a gun to their head when they accepted mortgages they couldn't afford -- well, except for the banks that were forced by CRA.
In your obsession with blaming the repubs, you continue to ignore the financial disaster created and perpetuated by your hack obama.
And yet, it was the Republican party which led the U.S. into economic disaster in the 1920's and then again in the 2000's. So much for your nonsense.
It was a democrat congress, and especially the CRA, that led to the housing market crisis more than repubs. Obama as president kept the economy in the hole with his energy policy. That's what has me most perplexed about Jews and this president in particular.
As for the 1920's, I wasn't around plus the distinctions between the parties had little or nothing in common with today.
Your insanity is noted, however, Republicans controlled the Congress when the vast majority of toxic loans were written; and given only 6% of the toxic residential loans were CRA loans and zero percent of the commercial toxic loans were CRA loans, the CRA is a long debunked rightwing talking point which actually did not cause the financial collapse.
And yet, it was the Republican party which led the U.S. into economic disaster in the 1920's and then again in the 2000's. So much for your nonsense.
It was a democrat congress, and especially the CRA, that led to the housing market crisis more than repubs. Obama as president kept the economy in the hole with his energy policy. That's what has me most perplexed about Jews and this president in particular.
As for the 1920's, I wasn't around plus the distinctions between the parties had little or nothing in common with today.
Your insanity is noted, however, Republicans controlled the Congress when the vast majority of toxic loans were written; and given only 6% of the toxic residential loans were CRA loans and zero percent of the commercial toxic loans were CRA loans, the CRA is a long debunked rightwing talking point which actually did not cause the financial collapse.
The CRA contributed. Plus irresponsible homeowners. Just ask the W Post and their three part front page story about PG County. Oh, wait. They failed to mention the CRA because their job is to brainwash lefty dupes like you. Now let's get back to obama screwing our economy with his energy policy fiasco.
Again, your insanity is noted. I like how you change course of your fluid position from the CRA led to the financial collapse to the CRA contributed to it when you former idiocy doesn't hold water. And even your claim that it "contributed" to it is negligible. In any given year, a small percentage of CRA loans would result in foreclosure no matter what the economic conditions are. That 6% of the toxic residential loans and 0% of the toxic commercial loans were CRA loans indicates CRA loans barely contributed to the economic collapse and would have occurred even had there not been a collapse. Plus, you probably also don't know that some 84% of the financial institutions which wrote toxic loans which cratered the economy were not even governed by the CRA. Even worse for you nonsense is that by far, the vast majority of subprime loans expired after 30 months and had to be refinanced. That's what led to the collapse as millions of home owners had their monthly payments increase dramatically when their rate went up from 1% to over 5% in 2006 and 2007 and they could no longer afford to stay in their home. That is also not a CRA loan which is a long term mortgage.

By 2006, foreclosures were increasing dramatically. Even moreso in 2007. By the end of 2007, the economy was in recession and by the end of the summer in 2008, the economy began to crumble under the weight of all the foreclosures. Subtract 30 months from 2006 and that reveals the root cause of the subprime disaster began sometime in 2003. What happened in 2003 to kick it off? The federal fund rate dropped to under 2%. Then to one percent in 2004. The CRA had shit to do with it. But of course, since Republicans controlled the House, Senate, and executive branch during that time; the loony right needed to find a way to blame Democrats .... enter, the CRA.

And lastly .........

"Thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all time high!" - George Bush, 2004 Republican National Convention acceptance speech

emphasis added
If you live where I live and see all of the foreclosed homes you can see the impact of CRA. Consider, too, that no one had a gun to their head when they accepted mortgages they couldn't afford -- well, except for the banks that were forced by CRA.
In your obsession with blaming the repubs, you continue to ignore the financial disaster created and perpetuated by your hack obama.
Lying doesn't help you. As already stated, some 84% of the lending institutions you falsely claimed forced loans due to the CRA weren't even subject to the CRA. Whether you're capable of comprehending that or not, it completely undermines the falsehoods you're trying to propagate. And it's no one's obsession in blaming Republicans. As Bush stated when speaking to Republicans ... it was Republican policies which led to record levels of home ownership. Sorry, but Republicans don't get to take credit for the bubble but pass the buck on the bust. :eusa_naughty:
Why do you obsess with repubs when this issue was set in motion in the 1990's? CRA opened the door.
ARM's were implemented and gullible people who failed to do their due dilligence went for it. Ask my former next door neighbor with zero home equity after ten years.
And you continue to dodge the issue of this hack president's energy fiasco keeping the economy in a hole.
Why people who are culturally so highly attuned to business and money issues would support him is beyond me. And apparently you, too.

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