Why Jews “Recoil from the GOP”

This is all we need to know about the Jew.

Why do you obsess with repubs when this issue was set in motion in the 1990's? CRA opened the door.
ARM's were implemented and gullible people who failed to do their due dilligence went for it. Ask my former next door neighbor with zero home equity after ten years.
And you continue to dodge the issue of this hack president's energy fiasco keeping the economy in a hole.
Why people who are culturally so highly attuned to business and money issues would support him is beyond me. And apparently you, too.
Despite your irrational belief that the CRA was somehow responsible when the vast majority of toxic loans were short term ARM's and not CRA loans, the fact remains that too few of the toxic loans were CRA loans and none of the commercial toxic loans were CRA loans. You want to remain stuck on stupid. I can't help you there. :dunno:
Liberal Jews in the US are no different than the liberal Jews in 1938 Germany.

Liberals will betray Jews to muslims the same way they are betraying blacks for hispanics.

ignorant goyim, no matter how you try to twist it the germans were christers
Just up with your "goyum" you moron. You look like the idiot that you are.... atheist Jew?. Religious Jews are going to breed you out :thup:...

goyisha kopf

Only White supremacists and nutjob antagonist like you use the word "goyum" in in casual conversation. I think you just pretend to be a Jew to make us look bad

lol----so true-----people who masquerade as jews always
give themselves away with lingo-------they never get those few words they think they know-----QUITE RIGHT
A good article explaining why

'Today’s Republican Party repels a majority of American Jews. In the article, Goldberg explained that the Republican Party’s coziness with radical Christian factions makes Jews uneasy. She criticized Republican claims that Jews are leaving the Democratic Party as one of the “perennial canards of American political commentary.” Using historical facts about Jewish voting patterns, she emphasized that the majority of Jewish voters are unlikely to vote Republican because many in the GOP define America as a Christian nation and advance extreme right wing policies intended to achieve that conception of America.'

Goldberg explained why the values of the Republican Party conflict with those of most American Jewish voters

Michelle Goldberg Explains Why Jews Recoil from the GOP NJDC Blog[/QUO

A good article explaining why

'Today’s Republican Party repels a majority of American Jews. In the article, Goldberg explained that the Republican Party’s coziness with radical Christian factions makes Jews uneasy. She criticized Republican claims that Jews are leaving the Democratic Party as one of the “perennial canards of American political commentary.” Using historical facts about Jewish voting patterns, she emphasized that the majority of Jewish voters are unlikely to vote Republican because many in the GOP define America as a Christian nation and advance extreme right wing policies intended to achieve that conception of America.'

Goldberg explained why the values of the Republican Party conflict with those of most American Jewish voters

Michelle Goldberg Explains Why Jews Recoil from the GOP NJDC Blog
the reason, 90% of the American Jewish vote believe that abortions should be readily available for everyone.
from Freely >>>
If a woman has difficulty in childbirth, one dismembers the embryo within her, limb by limb, because her life takes precedence over its life. However, once its head (or its 'greater part') has emerged, it may not be touched, for we do not set aside one life for another
Ohalot 7:6

Freely----I am curious as to why you use this line from the mishnah
in your signature-----can you explain?
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like 90% of Jews in America I am pro abortion. You?

I am pro-choice-----"PRO ABORTION" is far too
harsh an idea. Abortions are actually tragic for
the women who have them. They should not be
employed as a kind of convenient form of birth
control. Once the pregnant woman is delivered of
the head-------the labor is just about over ---If I remember
correctly (?) there is a rare kind of complication which
involves the infant's shoulder getting stuck up against
the pelvic bone (don't quote me). I believe the answer
to that is now ----crack the pelvic bone (a damn dramatic
scary process). I do not believe that you are referring
to "partial birth abortion"-----once the head is out (don't
quote me). In cases of hopeless cephalo pelvic dystocia
(?) do not quote me----I am referring to head STUCK
in the birth canal-----I do support emergency decompression
of the cranial contents------awful as the procedure is. (that
the one in which the brain is sucked out of the head) if nothing
else can be done (don't quote me----its been a long time
since I have known this stuff)
Liberal Jews who have abandoned the Torah are Democrats. Orthodox Jews who live by the Torah vote GOP. I've been a Reagan Republican since Reagan's first election.
Liberal Jews who have abandoned the Torah are Democrats. Orthodox Jews who live by the Torah vote GOP. I've been a Reagan Republican since Reagan's first election.

Only lately------very lately, have some jews gone republican----
including only some orthodox jews-----and only in some
elections. Of course some orthodox jews define themselves
and their own group as THE ORTHODOX JEWS. Jews remain overwhelmingly democrat-------since the triangle fire---
well actually even before that
Liberal Jews who have abandoned the Torah are Democrats. Orthodox Jews who live by the Torah vote GOP. I've been a Reagan Republican since Reagan's first election.

Only lately------very lately, have some jews gone republican----
including only some orthodox jews-----and only in some
elections. Of course some orthodox jews define themselves
and their own group as THE ORTHODOX JEWS. Jews remain overwhelmingly democrat-------since the triangle fire---
well actually even before that
Actually since FDR. Why Jews love FDR, who was a gross anti semite and condemned many Jews to death, is beyond me.
Yes Jews remain overwhelmingly Democrat. They also remain overwhelmingly for assimilation and intermarriage. It is a death wish I dont understand.
Liberal Jews who have abandoned the Torah are Democrats. Orthodox Jews who live by the Torah vote GOP. I've been a Reagan Republican since Reagan's first election.

Only lately------very lately, have some jews gone republican----
including only some orthodox jews-----and only in some
elections. Of course some orthodox jews define themselves
and their own group as THE ORTHODOX JEWS. Jews remain overwhelmingly democrat-------since the triangle fire---
well actually even before that
Actually since FDR. Why Jews love FDR, who was a gross anti semite and condemned many Jews to death, is beyond me.
Yes Jews remain overwhelmingly Democrat. They also remain overwhelmingly for assimilation and intermarriage. It is a death wish I dont understand.

It is and always has been a matter of the lesser of the two evils------the republican presidents have been anti semites too.-----Roosevelt was only a little anti semitic and he was very pro ------broadbased economic and social improvement-----well.....at least Eleanor was. As to assimilation an intermarriage----jews, in general, do not
fight it
Liberal Jews who have abandoned the Torah are Democrats. Orthodox Jews who live by the Torah vote GOP. I've been a Reagan Republican since Reagan's first election.

Only lately------very lately, have some jews gone republican----
including only some orthodox jews-----and only in some
elections. Of course some orthodox jews define themselves
and their own group as THE ORTHODOX JEWS. Jews remain overwhelmingly democrat-------since the triangle fire---
well actually even before that
Actually since FDR. Why Jews love FDR, who was a gross anti semite and condemned many Jews to death, is beyond me.
Yes Jews remain overwhelmingly Democrat. They also remain overwhelmingly for assimilation and intermarriage. It is a death wish I dont understand.

It is and always has been a matter of the lesser of the two evils------the republican presidents have been anti semites too.-----Roosevelt was only a little anti semitic and he was very pro ------broadbased economic and social improvement-----well.....at least Eleanor was. As to assimilation an intermarriage----jews, in general, do not
fight it
The Democrat party today is the home of anti semites parading as anti zionists. Obama is the most anti semitic president we've ever had. Yet Jews line up to vote for him. Why? It is because Jews hate religion more than they love Torah, more than they love their own existence.
Fortunately in another 75 years there wont be any non Orthodox Jews.
Liberal Jews who have abandoned the Torah are Democrats. Orthodox Jews who live by the Torah vote GOP. I've been a Reagan Republican since Reagan's first election.

No. Liberal Jews have not abandoned Torah and neither have Conservative Jews (Ve emet Emunah). If you think that orthodox Jews are the only real Jews, then you are even more batshit crazy than I considered possible. I am not responsible for your mental illness. Get help.

Jews recoil from the GOP because all through the ranks of the GOP, seething hatred for Jews and Jewry can be found. But even more importantly, the GOP is so far away from Tikkun Olam on so many issues that most Jews simply cannot swallow the GOP's platform.
Liberal Jews who have abandoned the Torah are Democrats. Orthodox Jews who live by the Torah vote GOP. I've been a Reagan Republican since Reagan's first election.

Only lately------very lately, have some jews gone republican----
including only some orthodox jews-----and only in some
elections. Of course some orthodox jews define themselves
and their own group as THE ORTHODOX JEWS. Jews remain overwhelmingly democrat-------since the triangle fire---
well actually even before that
Actually since FDR. Why Jews love FDR, who was a gross anti semite and condemned many Jews to death, is beyond me.
Yes Jews remain overwhelmingly Democrat. They also remain overwhelmingly for assimilation and intermarriage. It is a death wish I dont understand.

It is and always has been a matter of the lesser of the two evils------the republican presidents have been anti semites too.-----Roosevelt was only a little anti semitic and he was very pro ------broadbased economic and social improvement-----well.....at least Eleanor was. As to assimilation an intermarriage----jews, in general, do not
fight it
The Democrat party today is the home of anti semites parading as anti zionists. Obama is the most anti semitic president we've ever had. Yet Jews line up to vote for him. Why? It is because Jews hate religion more than they love Torah, more than they love their own existence.
Fortunately in another 75 years there wont be any non Orthodox Jews.

Upon what facts can you base this wild and wooly prediction?
obama and his Jew hate could change the whole direction of Jewish support for democrats. It's not like Jews agree that the deli attack in Paris was random.
Liberal Jews who have abandoned the Torah are Democrats. Orthodox Jews who live by the Torah vote GOP. I've been a Reagan Republican since Reagan's first election.

No. Liberal Jews have not abandoned Torah and neither have Conservative Jews (Ve emet Emunah). If you think that orthodox Jews are the only real Jews, then you are even more batshit crazy than I considered possible. I am not responsible for your mental illness. Get help.

Jews recoil from the GOP because all through the ranks of the GOP, seething hatred for Jews and Jewry can be found. But even more importantly, the GOP is so far away from Tikkun Olam on so many issues that most Jews simply cannot swallow the GOP's platform.
Liberal Jews do not keep Schabbes. Conservative Jews neither. They do not recognize the Torah as coming from HaShem. They may be Jews in some technical sense but they are adrift from real Jewish values, cut off from their own heritage.
The only real anti semitism is in the Democrat Party. Do I need to replay the clip where they managed a vote in support of Israel at their convention only by fraud?
Liberal Jews who have abandoned the Torah are Democrats. Orthodox Jews who live by the Torah vote GOP. I've been a Reagan Republican since Reagan's first election.

No. Liberal Jews have not abandoned Torah and neither have Conservative Jews (Ve emet Emunah). If you think that orthodox Jews are the only real Jews, then you are even more batshit crazy than I considered possible. I am not responsible for your mental illness. Get help.

Jews recoil from the GOP because all through the ranks of the GOP, seething hatred for Jews and Jewry can be found. But even more importantly, the GOP is so far away from Tikkun Olam on so many issues that most Jews simply cannot swallow the GOP's platform.
Liberal Jews do not keep Schabbes. Conservative Jews neither. They do not recognize the Torah as coming from HaShem. They may be Jews in some technical sense but they are adrift from real Jewish values, cut off from their own heritage.
The only real anti semitism is in the Democrat Party. Do I need to replay the clip where they managed a vote in support of Israel at their convention only by fraud?

Oh, dear Lord, you are quite funny...
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Liberal Jews who have abandoned the Torah are Democrats. Orthodox Jews who live by the Torah vote GOP. I've been a Reagan Republican since Reagan's first election.

No. Liberal Jews have not abandoned Torah and neither have Conservative Jews (Ve emet Emunah). If you think that orthodox Jews are the only real Jews, then you are even more batshit crazy than I considered possible. I am not responsible for your mental illness. Get help.

Jews recoil from the GOP because all through the ranks of the GOP, seething hatred for Jews and Jewry can be found. But even more importantly, the GOP is so far away from Tikkun Olam on so many issues that most Jews simply cannot swallow the GOP's platform.
Liberal Jews do not keep Schabbes. Conservative Jews neither. They do not recognize the Torah as coming from HaShem. They may be Jews in some technical sense but they are adrift from real Jewish values, cut off from their own heritage.
The only real anti semitism is in the Democrat Party. Do I need to replay the clip where they managed a vote in support of Israel at their convention only by fraud?

Oh, dear Lord, you are quite funny...
Translation: You are right but I couldnt admit it in a million years.
Fortunately with assimilation and intermarriage the non orthodox will be a memory. Like Sadducees or something. And poseurs like you will be gone like a shadow in sunlight.
obama and his Jew hate could change the whole direction of Jewish support for democrats. It's not like Jews agree that the deli attack in Paris was random.

Obama made a silly mistake while standing on his feet
speaking. I am not going to base EVERYTHING on that
one remark. I do not believe that Obama is a whole lot
more anti semitic than have been most of the presidents
of the USA------except for Carter
Liberal Jews who have abandoned the Torah are Democrats. Orthodox Jews who live by the Torah vote GOP. I've been a Reagan Republican since Reagan's first election.

No. Liberal Jews have not abandoned Torah and neither have Conservative Jews (Ve emet Emunah). If you think that orthodox Jews are the only real Jews, then you are even more batshit crazy than I considered possible. I am not responsible for your mental illness. Get help.

Jews recoil from the GOP because all through the ranks of the GOP, seething hatred for Jews and Jewry can be found. But even more importantly, the GOP is so far away from Tikkun Olam on so many issues that most Jews simply cannot swallow the GOP's platform.
Liberal Jews do not keep Schabbes. Conservative Jews neither. They do not recognize the Torah as coming from HaShem. They may be Jews in some technical sense but they are adrift from real Jewish values, cut off from their own heritage.
The only real anti semitism is in the Democrat Party. Do I need to replay the clip where they managed a vote in support of Israel at their convention only by fraud?
Liberal Jews do not keep Schabbes. Conservative Jews neither. They do not recognize the Torah as coming from HaShem. They may be Jews in some technical sense but they are adrift from real Jewish values, cut off from their own heritage.

spoken like a inbred subhuman goy

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