Why Jews “Recoil from the GOP”

Liberal Jews who have abandoned the Torah are Democrats. Orthodox Jews who live by the Torah vote GOP. I've been a Reagan Republican since Reagan's first election.

No. Liberal Jews have not abandoned Torah and neither have Conservative Jews (Ve emet Emunah). If you think that orthodox Jews are the only real Jews, then you are even more batshit crazy than I considered possible. I am not responsible for your mental illness. Get help.

Jews recoil from the GOP because all through the ranks of the GOP, seething hatred for Jews and Jewry can be found. But even more importantly, the GOP is so far away from Tikkun Olam on so many issues that most Jews simply cannot swallow the GOP's platform.
Liberal Jews do not keep Schabbes. Conservative Jews neither. They do not recognize the Torah as coming from HaShem. They may be Jews in some technical sense but they are adrift from real Jewish values, cut off from their own heritage.
The only real anti semitism is in the Democrat Party. Do I need to replay the clip where they managed a vote in support of Israel at their convention only by fraud?
Liberal Jews do not keep Schabbes. Conservative Jews neither. They do not recognize the Torah as coming from HaShem. They may be Jews in some technical sense but they are adrift from real Jewish values, cut off from their own heritage.

spoken like a inbred subhuman goy

for my fellow posters----I am acquainted with lots
of Orthodox jews who are democrats

Part of the 30% who vote leftist
And they're probably YTC types anyway.
Liberal Jews do not keep Schabbes. Conservative Jews neither. They do not recognize the Torah as coming from HaShem. They may be Jews in some technical sense but they are adrift from real Jewish values, cut off from their own heritage.
The only real anti semitism is in the Democrat Party. Do I need to replay the clip where they managed a vote in support of Israel at their convention only by fraud?

Oh, dear Lord, you are quite funny...
Translation: You are right but I couldnt admit it in a million years.
Fortunately with assimilation and intermarriage the non orthodox will be a memory. Like Sadducees or something. And poseurs like you will be gone like a shadow in sunlight.

Your translator is broken.

It is now your job to decide who is a "real" Jew or not, sheygetz.

Like all religions, Judaism changes with time as well. The eternal precepts do now change, but the application thereof may. Or have you poked out any eyes lately? Chopped off any hands lately?

Your arrogance is only to be outdone by your ignorance.

But in spite of that, I wish you long life and peace. Because that is part of what tikkun olam is all about. What a shame that you will never understand it.

And back to the OP: Jews recoil from the GOP because esp. on social issues, the GOP is far too far away from tikkun olam.

It's really that simple.

Oh, and btw, you don't always keep shabbat, either. I have seen you post on Friday evenings and Saturdays as well, you fucking hypocrite.
You are stupid ignorant poseur of a Jew. And an arrogant piece of shit as well.
I dont need to decide what a real jew is and what isnt. Halakha does that for me. And the halakha is clear that a mechalel shabbos is a goy in every respect.
Your eye poking reference indicates you dont have the slightest clue what the Torah injunction is. Your appeal to that shows you have about zero Jewish education, which is fine for a non jew like yourself. You calling other arrogant is really really funny.
And no, I NEVER post on Fri night or Saturday. You are making lies up. As you always do.
The GOP is generall aligned with real Jews on social issues. Orthodox Judaism is a conservative religion. For this reason Lord Jakobovitz was PM Thatcher's favorite cleric, probably leading to his peerage.

Goyim drek, you have no understanding of Yiddishkeit.
Shut up you atheist antagonist. Your kind will be the first to be bred out...:thup:
Virginia Democrats Flee Chamber Twice Rather Than Vote on Resolution in Support of Israel

Liberal Jews in the US are no different than the liberal Jews in 1938 Germany.

Liberals will betray Jews to muslims the same way they are betraying blacks for hispanics.
Every conservative movement making promises to Jews in recorded history betrayed them after they got what they wanted...The Byzantines..Muhammed...Martin Luther...Ferdinand and Isabel....and so on.
Liberal Jews in the US are no different than the liberal Jews in 1938 Germany.

Liberals will betray Jews to muslims the same way they are betraying blacks for hispanics.
Every conservative movement making promises to Jews in recorded history betrayed them after they got what they wanted...The Byzantines..Muhammed...Martin Luther...Ferdinand and Isabel....and so on.

Yepp. Just like American Conservatives, exactly the ones who demonize Liberal Jews. When you scratch under the surface of many Conservatives, you will find a thick layer of anti-semitism that would be very hard to compete with in the Democratic Party. Just ask James Baker, former cabinet member to both Reagan and Bush 41, who told Bush 41 to "fuck the Jews, they won't vote for you, anyway". Yes, the same James Baker who led the lawsuit for Bush in Gore vs. Bush, 2000. And then there's ultra-Conservative James Buchanan, who hates Jews to the core. Oh, the list is very, very long. Like Conservatives who buddy up to David Duke, for instance, the current GOP majority whip in the US HOR, the one who replaced one of the only 2 Republican Jews in the HOR (there are currently: none).

Funny: 2 Ultra-Conservative Jews in USMB and they are just convinced that they are the only ones who are real Jews.

This is fun to watch. These two crazy-assed ultra-Conservative Jews somehow think that only Orthodox Jews live in Eretz Yisrael. They think that only Orthodox Jews understand the Tanakh. And they talk about Fantasyland. :rofl:

These 2 Ultra-Conservative Jews are the same crazy assed clown-car types who are sooo convinced that our President, the one who gave the order to kill Osama bin Laden, is a secret Muslim and who wants to destroy Israel, despite the fact that there has been more military AND trade cooperation between the USA and Israel under the Obama administration than ever before.

I personally am sick and tired of such batshit crazy ultra-Conservative Jews making us Jews look terrible in front of the world. They play right into the stereotypes chucked up by Jew-haters and at the same time, are far too stupid to realize that they are doing just that.

I've got news for our crazy assed ultra-conservative Jews: Liberal Jews have also fought and died for the USA and also for Israel. Liberal Jews contribute much more to the colorful cultural mural of both countries that ultra-Conservative Jews ever will, any day of the week. Liberal Jews have contributed GREATLY to the building of Eretz Israel, all the way since 1948. If these batshit crazy ultra-conservative Jews think that Eretz Yisrael can only survive with Orthodox Jews, then they have a cold, hard surprise coming at them.

These two ultra-Conservative Jews are veritably the two dicks of USMB and fortunately for us, they are NOT representative of most all Jews across the world.

Tikkun Olam. Learn the principles therein, you two dickheads.
Liberal Jews in the US are no different than the liberal Jews in 1938 Germany.

Liberals will betray Jews to muslims the same way they are betraying blacks for hispanics.
Every conservative movement making promises to Jews in recorded history betrayed them after they got what they wanted...The Byzantines..Muhammed...Martin Luther...Ferdinand and Isabel....and so on.
They werent conservatives. They were progressives of their era.
Look what happens on a liberal college campus with Jews and Israel.
Liberal Jews in the US are no different than the liberal Jews in 1938 Germany.

Liberals will betray Jews to muslims the same way they are betraying blacks for hispanics.
Every conservative movement making promises to Jews in recorded history betrayed them after they got what they wanted...The Byzantines..Muhammed...Martin Luther...Ferdinand and Isabel....and so on.

Yepp. Just like American Conservatives, exactly the ones who demonize Liberal Jews. When you scratch under the surface of many Conservatives, you will find a thick layer of anti-semitism that would be very hard to compete with in the Democratic Party. Just ask James Baker, former cabinet member to both Reagan and Bush 41, who told Bush 41 to "fuck the Jews, they won't vote for you, anyway". Yes, the same James Baker who led the lawsuit for Bush in Gore vs. Bush, 2000. And then there's ultra-Conservative James Buchanan, who hates Jews to the core. Oh, the list is very, very long. Like Conservatives who buddy up to David Duke, for instance, the current GOP majority whip in the US HOR, the one who replaced one of the only 2 Republican Jews in the HOR (there are currently: none).

Funny: 2 Ultra-Conservative Jews in USMB and they are just convinced that they are the only ones who are real Jews.

This is fun to watch. These two crazy-assed ultra-Conservative Jews somehow think that only Orthodox Jews live in Eretz Yisrael. They think that only Orthodox Jews understand the Tanakh. And they talk about Fantasyland. :rofl:

These 2 Ultra-Conservative Jews are the same crazy assed clown-car types who are sooo convinced that our President, the one who gave the order to kill Osama bin Laden, is a secret Muslim and who wants to destroy Israel, despite the fact that there has been more military AND trade cooperation between the USA and Israel under the Obama administration than ever before.

I personally am sick and tired of such batshit crazy ultra-Conservative Jews making us Jews look terrible in front of the world. They play right into the stereotypes chucked up by Jew-haters and at the same time, are far too stupid to realize that they are doing just that.

I've got news for our crazy assed ultra-conservative Jews: Liberal Jews have also fought and died for the USA and also for Israel. Liberal Jews contribute much more to the colorful cultural mural of both countries that ultra-Conservative Jews ever will, any day of the week. Liberal Jews have contributed GREATLY to the building of Eretz Israel, all the way since 1948. If these batshit crazy ultra-conservative Jews think that Eretz Yisrael can only survive with Orthodox Jews, then they have a cold, hard surprise coming at them.

These two ultra-Conservative Jews are veritably the two dicks of USMB and fortunately for us, they are NOT representative of most all Jews across the world.

Tikkun Olam. Learn the principles therein, you two dickheads.
Butt hurt much? You are the most arrogant prick on here. One of the least informed as well. You are ignorant of Judaism--because you're not Jewish. You are ignorant of politics. You are ignorant of economics. And you damn sure dont know what "tikkun olam" means. Is there anything you do know??
Liberal Jews in the US are no different than the liberal Jews in 1938 Germany.

Liberals will betray Jews to muslims the same way they are betraying blacks for hispanics.
Every conservative movement making promises to Jews in recorded history betrayed them after they got what they wanted...The Byzantines..Muhammed...Martin Luther...Ferdinand and Isabel....and so on.

Yepp. Just like American Conservatives, exactly the ones who demonize Liberal Jews. When you scratch under the surface of many Conservatives, you will find a thick layer of anti-semitism that would be very hard to compete with in the Democratic Party. Just ask James Baker, former cabinet member to both Reagan and Bush 41, who told Bush 41 to "fuck the Jews, they won't vote for you, anyway". Yes, the same James Baker who led the lawsuit for Bush in Gore vs. Bush, 2000. And then there's ultra-Conservative James Buchanan, who hates Jews to the core. Oh, the list is very, very long. Like Conservatives who buddy up to David Duke, for instance, the current GOP majority whip in the US HOR, the one who replaced one of the only 2 Republican Jews in the HOR (there are currently: none).

Funny: 2 Ultra-Conservative Jews in USMB and they are just convinced that they are the only ones who are real Jews.

This is fun to watch. These two crazy-assed ultra-Conservative Jews somehow think that only Orthodox Jews live in Eretz Yisrael. They think that only Orthodox Jews understand the Tanakh. And they talk about Fantasyland. :rofl:

These 2 Ultra-Conservative Jews are the same crazy assed clown-car types who are sooo convinced that our President, the one who gave the order to kill Osama bin Laden, is a secret Muslim and who wants to destroy Israel, despite the fact that there has been more military AND trade cooperation between the USA and Israel under the Obama administration than ever before.

I personally am sick and tired of such batshit crazy ultra-Conservative Jews making us Jews look terrible in front of the world. They play right into the stereotypes chucked up by Jew-haters and at the same time, are far too stupid to realize that they are doing just that.

I've got news for our crazy assed ultra-conservative Jews: Liberal Jews have also fought and died for the USA and also for Israel. Liberal Jews contribute much more to the colorful cultural mural of both countries that ultra-Conservative Jews ever will, any day of the week. Liberal Jews have contributed GREATLY to the building of Eretz Israel, all the way since 1948. If these batshit crazy ultra-conservative Jews think that Eretz Yisrael can only survive with Orthodox Jews, then they have a cold, hard surprise coming at them.

These two ultra-Conservative Jews are veritably the two dicks of USMB and fortunately for us, they are NOT representative of most all Jews across the world.

Tikkun Olam. Learn the principles therein, you two dickheads.
Butt hurt much? You are the most arrogant prick on here. One of the least informed as well. You are ignorant of Judaism--because you're not Jewish. You are ignorant of politics. You are ignorant of economics. And you damn sure dont know what "tikkun olam" means. Is there anything you do know??

Chuckle, chuckle.

You are so wrong about this, on so many levels.

But it is fun to watch you melt-down when you don't get what you want.

Back to the OP:

We Jews recoil at the GOP especially when people like the fake Rabbi are promoting it.
Liberal Jews in the US are no different than the liberal Jews in 1938 Germany.

Liberals will betray Jews to muslims the same way they are betraying blacks for hispanics.
Every conservative movement making promises to Jews in recorded history betrayed them after they got what they wanted...The Byzantines..Muhammed...Martin Luther...Ferdinand and Isabel....and so on.

Yepp. Just like American Conservatives, exactly the ones who demonize Liberal Jews. When you scratch under the surface of many Conservatives, you will find a thick layer of anti-semitism that would be very hard to compete with in the Democratic Party. Just ask James Baker, former cabinet member to both Reagan and Bush 41, who told Bush 41 to "fuck the Jews, they won't vote for you, anyway". Yes, the same James Baker who led the lawsuit for Bush in Gore vs. Bush, 2000. And then there's ultra-Conservative James Buchanan, who hates Jews to the core. Oh, the list is very, very long. Like Conservatives who buddy up to David Duke, for instance, the current GOP majority whip in the US HOR, the one who replaced one of the only 2 Republican Jews in the HOR (there are currently: none).

Funny: 2 Ultra-Conservative Jews in USMB and they are just convinced that they are the only ones who are real Jews.

This is fun to watch. These two crazy-assed ultra-Conservative Jews somehow think that only Orthodox Jews live in Eretz Yisrael. They think that only Orthodox Jews understand the Tanakh. And they talk about Fantasyland. :rofl:

These 2 Ultra-Conservative Jews are the same crazy assed clown-car types who are sooo convinced that our President, the one who gave the order to kill Osama bin Laden, is a secret Muslim and who wants to destroy Israel, despite the fact that there has been more military AND trade cooperation between the USA and Israel under the Obama administration than ever before.

I personally am sick and tired of such batshit crazy ultra-Conservative Jews making us Jews look terrible in front of the world. They play right into the stereotypes chucked up by Jew-haters and at the same time, are far too stupid to realize that they are doing just that.

I've got news for our crazy assed ultra-conservative Jews: Liberal Jews have also fought and died for the USA and also for Israel. Liberal Jews contribute much more to the colorful cultural mural of both countries that ultra-Conservative Jews ever will, any day of the week. Liberal Jews have contributed GREATLY to the building of Eretz Israel, all the way since 1948. If these batshit crazy ultra-conservative Jews think that Eretz Yisrael can only survive with Orthodox Jews, then they have a cold, hard surprise coming at them.

These two ultra-Conservative Jews are veritably the two dicks of USMB and fortunately for us, they are NOT representative of most all Jews across the world.

Tikkun Olam. Learn the principles therein, you two dickheads.

You're so steep down into your liberal ideology you cant see straight. All this babbling and you said nothing really, just a bunch of babbling. the more you post, The more of a blind, clueless, idiot, you look...Jews live in Israel, and they see people like Obama for what he is. You Germans not so much. You can think conservatives like Ronald Reagan. that you even have a whole country there. and Republican Richard Nixon for resupplying and saving Israel during the '73 war. If it were up to people like Ted Kennedy he'd have made deals with the Soviets to keep the eastern block alive.... As people like Obama makes deals with the Iranian mullahs who've pledged the destruction of Israel. "Tikkun Olam " doesn't mean abandoning your people for your ideology....Your people aren't Jews, they are the leftist
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Liberal Jews in the US are no different than the liberal Jews in 1938 Germany.

Liberals will betray Jews to muslims the same way they are betraying blacks for hispanics.
Every conservative movement making promises to Jews in recorded history betrayed them after they got what they wanted...The Byzantines..Muhammed...Martin Luther...Ferdinand and Isabel....and so on.

Yepp. Just like American Conservatives, exactly the ones who demonize Liberal Jews. When you scratch under the surface of many Conservatives, you will find a thick layer of anti-semitism that would be very hard to compete with in the Democratic Party. Just ask James Baker, former cabinet member to both Reagan and Bush 41, who told Bush 41 to "fuck the Jews, they won't vote for you, anyway". Yes, the same James Baker who led the lawsuit for Bush in Gore vs. Bush, 2000. And then there's ultra-Conservative James Buchanan, who hates Jews to the core. Oh, the list is very, very long. Like Conservatives who buddy up to David Duke, for instance, the current GOP majority whip in the US HOR, the one who replaced one of the only 2 Republican Jews in the HOR (there are currently: none).

Funny: 2 Ultra-Conservative Jews in USMB and they are just convinced that they are the only ones who are real Jews.

This is fun to watch. These two crazy-assed ultra-Conservative Jews somehow think that only Orthodox Jews live in Eretz Yisrael. They think that only Orthodox Jews understand the Tanakh. And they talk about Fantasyland. :rofl:

These 2 Ultra-Conservative Jews are the same crazy assed clown-car types who are sooo convinced that our President, the one who gave the order to kill Osama bin Laden, is a secret Muslim and who wants to destroy Israel, despite the fact that there has been more military AND trade cooperation between the USA and Israel under the Obama administration than ever before.

I personally am sick and tired of such batshit crazy ultra-Conservative Jews making us Jews look terrible in front of the world. They play right into the stereotypes chucked up by Jew-haters and at the same time, are far too stupid to realize that they are doing just that.

I've got news for our crazy assed ultra-conservative Jews: Liberal Jews have also fought and died for the USA and also for Israel. Liberal Jews contribute much more to the colorful cultural mural of both countries that ultra-Conservative Jews ever will, any day of the week. Liberal Jews have contributed GREATLY to the building of Eretz Israel, all the way since 1948. If these batshit crazy ultra-conservative Jews think that Eretz Yisrael can only survive with Orthodox Jews, then they have a cold, hard surprise coming at them.

These two ultra-Conservative Jews are veritably the two dicks of USMB and fortunately for us, they are NOT representative of most all Jews across the world.

Tikkun Olam. Learn the principles therein, you two dickheads.
Butt hurt much? You are the most arrogant prick on here. One of the least informed as well. You are ignorant of Judaism--because you're not Jewish. You are ignorant of politics. You are ignorant of economics. And you damn sure dont know what "tikkun olam" means. Is there anything you do know??

Chuckle, chuckle.

You are so wrong about this, on so many levels.

But it is fun to watch you melt-down when you don't get what you want.

Back to the OP:

We Jews recoil at the GOP especially when people like the fake Rabbi are promoting it.
I am right. You are an ignorant bozo. You can't even tell me where "tikkun olam" appears in the Torah. Youre religion is liberalism and whatever passes for poltiical correct these days. That and a dose of envy and hatred.
Liberal Jews in the US are no different than the liberal Jews in 1938 Germany.

Liberals will betray Jews to muslims the same way they are betraying blacks for hispanics.
Every conservative movement making promises to Jews in recorded history betrayed them after they got what they wanted...The Byzantines..Muhammed...Martin Luther...Ferdinand and Isabel....and so on.

Yepp. Just like American Conservatives, exactly the ones who demonize Liberal Jews. When you scratch under the surface of many Conservatives, you will find a thick layer of anti-semitism that would be very hard to compete with in the Democratic Party. Just ask James Baker, former cabinet member to both Reagan and Bush 41, who told Bush 41 to "fuck the Jews, they won't vote for you, anyway". Yes, the same James Baker who led the lawsuit for Bush in Gore vs. Bush, 2000. And then there's ultra-Conservative James Buchanan, who hates Jews to the core. Oh, the list is very, very long. Like Conservatives who buddy up to David Duke, for instance, the current GOP majority whip in the US HOR, the one who replaced one of the only 2 Republican Jews in the HOR (there are currently: none).

Funny: 2 Ultra-Conservative Jews in USMB and they are just convinced that they are the only ones who are real Jews.

This is fun to watch. These two crazy-assed ultra-Conservative Jews somehow think that only Orthodox Jews live in Eretz Yisrael. They think that only Orthodox Jews understand the Tanakh. And they talk about Fantasyland. :rofl:

These 2 Ultra-Conservative Jews are the same crazy assed clown-car types who are sooo convinced that our President, the one who gave the order to kill Osama bin Laden, is a secret Muslim and who wants to destroy Israel, despite the fact that there has been more military AND trade cooperation between the USA and Israel under the Obama administration than ever before.

I personally am sick and tired of such batshit crazy ultra-Conservative Jews making us Jews look terrible in front of the world. They play right into the stereotypes chucked up by Jew-haters and at the same time, are far too stupid to realize that they are doing just that.

I've got news for our crazy assed ultra-conservative Jews: Liberal Jews have also fought and died for the USA and also for Israel. Liberal Jews contribute much more to the colorful cultural mural of both countries that ultra-Conservative Jews ever will, any day of the week. Liberal Jews have contributed GREATLY to the building of Eretz Israel, all the way since 1948. If these batshit crazy ultra-conservative Jews think that Eretz Yisrael can only survive with Orthodox Jews, then they have a cold, hard surprise coming at them.

These two ultra-Conservative Jews are veritably the two dicks of USMB and fortunately for us, they are NOT representative of most all Jews across the world.

Tikkun Olam. Learn the principles therein, you two dickheads.
Butt hurt much? You are the most arrogant prick on here. One of the least informed as well. You are ignorant of Judaism--because you're not Jewish. You are ignorant of politics. You are ignorant of economics. And you damn sure dont know what "tikkun olam" means. Is there anything you do know??

Chuckle, chuckle.

You are so wrong about this, on so many levels.

But it is fun to watch you melt-down when you don't get what you want.

Back to the OP:

We Jews recoil at the GOP especially when people like the fake Rabbi are promoting it.
I am right. You are an ignorant bozo. You can't even tell me where "tikkun olam" appears in the Torah. Youre religion is liberalism and whatever passes for poltiical correct these days. That and a dose of envy and hatred.
Tikkun Olam does not appear directly in the Tanakh, you doofus. It is a principle for living, based on the sum effect of a number of mitzvoteem, which says that it is our duty as Jews to repair the world through good deeds in order to pave the way for moshiach. Maimonedes was a large proponent of this. As with pikuach nefesh, an exact verse for this does not exist in the Tanakh, but through centuries long argumentation laid forth in Talmud, Mishnah and Gemarrah, the precept developed with time. I never once said that Tikkun Olam is to be found in the Tanakh. Were you a real Jew and actually cared about your Jewish brethren, you would have known this.

With this level of astonishing ignorance, I bet that yigdal is every bit as mysterious to you.

Yepp, nutz like you are precisely why Jews are leery of the GOP.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Last edited:
Every conservative movement making promises to Jews in recorded history betrayed them after they got what they wanted...The Byzantines..Muhammed...Martin Luther...Ferdinand and Isabel....and so on.

Yepp. Just like American Conservatives, exactly the ones who demonize Liberal Jews. When you scratch under the surface of many Conservatives, you will find a thick layer of anti-semitism that would be very hard to compete with in the Democratic Party. Just ask James Baker, former cabinet member to both Reagan and Bush 41, who told Bush 41 to "fuck the Jews, they won't vote for you, anyway". Yes, the same James Baker who led the lawsuit for Bush in Gore vs. Bush, 2000. And then there's ultra-Conservative James Buchanan, who hates Jews to the core. Oh, the list is very, very long. Like Conservatives who buddy up to David Duke, for instance, the current GOP majority whip in the US HOR, the one who replaced one of the only 2 Republican Jews in the HOR (there are currently: none).

Funny: 2 Ultra-Conservative Jews in USMB and they are just convinced that they are the only ones who are real Jews.

This is fun to watch. These two crazy-assed ultra-Conservative Jews somehow think that only Orthodox Jews live in Eretz Yisrael. They think that only Orthodox Jews understand the Tanakh. And they talk about Fantasyland. :rofl:

These 2 Ultra-Conservative Jews are the same crazy assed clown-car types who are sooo convinced that our President, the one who gave the order to kill Osama bin Laden, is a secret Muslim and who wants to destroy Israel, despite the fact that there has been more military AND trade cooperation between the USA and Israel under the Obama administration than ever before.

I personally am sick and tired of such batshit crazy ultra-Conservative Jews making us Jews look terrible in front of the world. They play right into the stereotypes chucked up by Jew-haters and at the same time, are far too stupid to realize that they are doing just that.

I've got news for our crazy assed ultra-conservative Jews: Liberal Jews have also fought and died for the USA and also for Israel. Liberal Jews contribute much more to the colorful cultural mural of both countries that ultra-Conservative Jews ever will, any day of the week. Liberal Jews have contributed GREATLY to the building of Eretz Israel, all the way since 1948. If these batshit crazy ultra-conservative Jews think that Eretz Yisrael can only survive with Orthodox Jews, then they have a cold, hard surprise coming at them.

These two ultra-Conservative Jews are veritably the two dicks of USMB and fortunately for us, they are NOT representative of most all Jews across the world.

Tikkun Olam. Learn the principles therein, you two dickheads.
Butt hurt much? You are the most arrogant prick on here. One of the least informed as well. You are ignorant of Judaism--because you're not Jewish. You are ignorant of politics. You are ignorant of economics. And you damn sure dont know what "tikkun olam" means. Is there anything you do know??

Chuckle, chuckle.

You are so wrong about this, on so many levels.

But it is fun to watch you melt-down when you don't get what you want.

Back to the OP:

We Jews recoil at the GOP especially when people like the fake Rabbi are promoting it.
I am right. You are an ignorant bozo. You can't even tell me where "tikkun olam" appears in the Torah. Youre religion is liberalism and whatever passes for poltiical correct these days. That and a dose of envy and hatred.
Tikkun Olam does not appear directly in the Tanakh, you doofus. It is a principle for living, based on the sum effect of a number of mitzvoteem, which says that it is our duty as Jews to repair the world through good deeds in order to pave the way for moshiach. Maimonedes was a large proponent of this. As with pikuach nefesh, an exact verse for this does not exist in the Tanakh, but through centuries long argumentation laid forth in Talmud, Mishnah and Gemarrah, the precept developed with time. I never once said that Tikkun Olam is to be found in the Tanakh. Were you a real Jew and actually cared about your Jewish brethren, you would have known this.

With this level of astonishing ignorance, I bet that yigdal is every bit as mysterious to you.

Yepp, nutz like you are precisely why Jews are leery of the GOP.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Nice work plagiarizing a source.
There is no word "mitzvoteem". It is mitzva. Mitzvot in the plural.
Maimonides said nothing about tikkun olam.
Pikuach nefesh is from the Torah, v'chai bahem. It is a central part of halakha, unlike tikkun olam which has no part in halakha.
Here is an article destroying your notion of "tikun olam"
The Fallacy Delusion and Myth of Tikkun Olam Jewish Israel News Algemeiner.com

You have again outed yourself as grossly ignorant, and an arrogant piece of shit to boot.
Yepp. Just like American Conservatives, exactly the ones who demonize Liberal Jews. When you scratch under the surface of many Conservatives, you will find a thick layer of anti-semitism that would be very hard to compete with in the Democratic Party. Just ask James Baker, former cabinet member to both Reagan and Bush 41, who told Bush 41 to "fuck the Jews, they won't vote for you, anyway". Yes, the same James Baker who led the lawsuit for Bush in Gore vs. Bush, 2000. And then there's ultra-Conservative James Buchanan, who hates Jews to the core. Oh, the list is very, very long. Like Conservatives who buddy up to David Duke, for instance, the current GOP majority whip in the US HOR, the one who replaced one of the only 2 Republican Jews in the HOR (there are currently: none).

Funny: 2 Ultra-Conservative Jews in USMB and they are just convinced that they are the only ones who are real Jews.

This is fun to watch. These two crazy-assed ultra-Conservative Jews somehow think that only Orthodox Jews live in Eretz Yisrael. They think that only Orthodox Jews understand the Tanakh. And they talk about Fantasyland. :rofl:

These 2 Ultra-Conservative Jews are the same crazy assed clown-car types who are sooo convinced that our President, the one who gave the order to kill Osama bin Laden, is a secret Muslim and who wants to destroy Israel, despite the fact that there has been more military AND trade cooperation between the USA and Israel under the Obama administration than ever before.

I personally am sick and tired of such batshit crazy ultra-Conservative Jews making us Jews look terrible in front of the world. They play right into the stereotypes chucked up by Jew-haters and at the same time, are far too stupid to realize that they are doing just that.

I've got news for our crazy assed ultra-conservative Jews: Liberal Jews have also fought and died for the USA and also for Israel. Liberal Jews contribute much more to the colorful cultural mural of both countries that ultra-Conservative Jews ever will, any day of the week. Liberal Jews have contributed GREATLY to the building of Eretz Israel, all the way since 1948. If these batshit crazy ultra-conservative Jews think that Eretz Yisrael can only survive with Orthodox Jews, then they have a cold, hard surprise coming at them.

These two ultra-Conservative Jews are veritably the two dicks of USMB and fortunately for us, they are NOT representative of most all Jews across the world.

Tikkun Olam. Learn the principles therein, you two dickheads.
Butt hurt much? You are the most arrogant prick on here. One of the least informed as well. You are ignorant of Judaism--because you're not Jewish. You are ignorant of politics. You are ignorant of economics. And you damn sure dont know what "tikkun olam" means. Is there anything you do know??

Chuckle, chuckle.

You are so wrong about this, on so many levels.

But it is fun to watch you melt-down when you don't get what you want.

Back to the OP:

We Jews recoil at the GOP especially when people like the fake Rabbi are promoting it.
I am right. You are an ignorant bozo. You can't even tell me where "tikkun olam" appears in the Torah. Youre religion is liberalism and whatever passes for poltiical correct these days. That and a dose of envy and hatred.
Tikkun Olam does not appear directly in the Tanakh, you doofus. It is a principle for living, based on the sum effect of a number of mitzvoteem, which says that it is our duty as Jews to repair the world through good deeds in order to pave the way for moshiach. Maimonedes was a large proponent of this. As with pikuach nefesh, an exact verse for this does not exist in the Tanakh, but through centuries long argumentation laid forth in Talmud, Mishnah and Gemarrah, the precept developed with time. I never once said that Tikkun Olam is to be found in the Tanakh. Were you a real Jew and actually cared about your Jewish brethren, you would have known this.

With this level of astonishing ignorance, I bet that yigdal is every bit as mysterious to you.

Yepp, nutz like you are precisely why Jews are leery of the GOP.

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Nice work plagiarizing a source.
There is no word "mitzvoteem". It is mitzva. Mitzvot in the plural.
Maimonides said nothing about tikkun olam.
Pikuach nefesh is from the Torah, v'chai bahem. It is a central part of halakha, unlike tikkun olam which has no part in halakha.
Here is an article destroying your notion of "tikun olam"
The Fallacy Delusion and Myth of Tikkun Olam Jewish Israel News Algemeiner.com

You have again outed yourself as grossly ignorant, and an arrogant piece of shit to boot.

Many American Jews are liberal. They do not understand that their fellow liberals intend to deliver them to the islamic beheading axe.

So, what is your favorite hallucinogen?

liberslism is such an evil mental disease that anyone unaffected must seem terribly different.

Jews really are coming to understand that liberals intend to buy peace with islam by Jewish blood. Especially in the even more liberal France. The Jew hate is no different in the USA. It's just more expressed by the Jew hating regime.

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