Why Liberalism Must Be Expunged.

As a classical liberal, my contribution to this discussion will be short and concise. Liberalism has become one of the most widely misused words in the American political dictionary. By both the modern left and right.

Liberalism needs to be restored.
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Yet another prime example of why progressivism must be expunged...
Ted Brown, the founder of ALC, said in a statement that NeverTrump allows like-minded individuals to join together against “the corrupt, morally-bankrupt administration in power.”

“Our Democracy can still be saved,” Brown said. “But in order to do so, we must join together those with like-minded beliefs and stand for tolerance and justice for all. We need allies who will never back down to the corrupt, morally-bankrupt administration in power — and we can do that right here.”
Astounding idioicy. The people crying about “tolerance” have an extremely intolerant “Never Trump” position.

Liberals start anti-Trump dating website as ‘safe space’ for couples united in ‘social justice’
There are very few 'Classic Liberals' left in this country. Today's Democrats are Communists. They don't support the Constitution. Anyone who really wants to understand their Agenda, should watch the documentary 'Agenda: Grinding Down America.' It's currently running on places like Amazon Prime.

The closest thing we have to Classic Liberalism these days, is Libertarianism. The current Democratic Party is run by Communist Authoritarian fanatics, and the Republican Party is currently run by Neocon (Nazi) Authoritarian fanatics. That's the ugly reality.
There are very few 'Classic Liberals' left in this country. Today's Democrats are Communists. They don't support the Constitution. Anyone who really wants to understand their Agenda, should watch the documentary 'Agenda: Grinding Down America.' It's currently running on places like Amazon Prime.

The closest thing we have to Classic Liberalism these days, is Libertarianism. The current Democratic Party is run by Communist Authoritarian fanatics, and the Republican Party is currently run by Neocon (Nazi) Authoritarian fanatics. That's the ugly reality.

Only the slightest disagreement......it is conservatism that reflects the Founders, and classical liberalism.

Conservatism: individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
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There are very few 'Classic Liberals' left in this country. Today's Democrats are Communists. They don't support the Constitution. Anyone who really wants to understand their Agenda, should watch the documentary 'Agenda: Grinding Down America.' It's currently running on places like Amazon Prime.

The closest thing we have to Classic Liberalism these days, is Libertarianism. The current Democratic Party is run by Communist Authoritarian fanatics, and the Republican Party is currently run by Neocon (Nazi) Authoritarian fanatics. That's the ugly reality.

Only .e slightest disagreement......it is conservatism that reflects the Founders, and classical liberalism.

Conservatism: individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

I agree. But the Republican Party is currently being run by Neo-Conservatives. And they're all for Big Government Authoritarianism. I regard Neocons as being the Nazi wing of the GOP. The reality is, both major political parties are controlled by Authoritarian assholes. Communists and Nazis. Sadly, it is what it is.
There are very few 'Classic Liberals' left in this country. Today's Democrats are Communists. They don't support the Constitution. Anyone who really wants to understand their Agenda, should watch the documentary 'Agenda: Grinding Down America.' It's currently running on places like Amazon Prime.

The closest thing we have to Classic Liberalism these days, is Libertarianism. The current Democratic Party is run by Communist Authoritarian fanatics, and the Republican Party is currently run by Neocon (Nazi) Authoritarian fanatics. That's the ugly reality.

Only .e slightest disagreement......it is conservatism that reflects the Founders, and classical liberalism.

Conservatism: individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

I agree. But the Republican Party is currently being run by Neo-Conservatives. And they're all for Big Government Authoritarianism. I regard Neocons as being the Nazi wing of the GOP. The reality is, both major political parties are controlled by Authoritarian assholes. Communists and Nazis. Sadly, it is what it is.

If you are saying that Trump doesn't run the Republican Party, I agree.

The establishment, what we voted against, seems to have the upper hand.
What we really need is for progressivism to be expunged...


Planned Parenthood: ‘We need a Disney princess who’s had an abortion’
This is why progressivism must be expunged...
  • Nearly 100 million people died under communist regimes.
  • Chinese dictator Mao Zedong, aka ‘Chairman Mao,’ was responsible for executions, imprisonments, forced famines and labor camps that killed an estimated 65 million of his own countrymen.
  • Cuban Revolutionist and pop-culture icon, Che Guevara, ordered hundreds of executions by firing squad without trials. He famously said, “We executed many people by firing squad without knowing if they were fully guilty. At times, the Revolution cannot stop to conduct much investigation.” He also famously hated America, free speech, and rock n’ roll music.
  • An estimated 7,000,000 people perished under the dictatorship of Joseph Stalin, the dictator of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Many died from famine after the government’s forced collectivization of farmland.
  • 33% - 42% of American millennials say they are unfamiliar with Mao, Guevara and Lenin.
  • Among the millennials who are familiar, at least a quarter have a favorable impression of Guevara, Marx, and Lenin.
The entire left-wing ideology is evil and responsible for the worst atrocities in the history of mankind.

CHILLING: 6 facts about communism you won’t hear in today’s pop culture
Generation after generation, liberalism wins.

Semantics - The modern day term for 'Liberal' in the political sense is actually an Oxymoron. Liberals aka libtards are the most close minded non liberal people on the planet more akin to that other socialist disaster from the 30s and 40s Natioonal Socialism.

Thinking liberals do exist. Although the combination of Liberal and thinking seems oxymoronic in of itself, there are actually a handful of libtards who are capable of formulating their own opinions outside the sphere of Big Brother.

In fact some libtards actually posess a relatively High IQ. However, in reality IQ and Wisdom are two distinct arenas of higher brain function. The paradox of 'high IQ liberals' is somewhat explained by the fact that most have been heavily indoctrinated under the guise of education.
There is a problem with the OP....

PC states that the Left is more interested in equality than wealth....but then I see people such as the Clintons who seem to worship money, and the Obama's who have become mega millionaires. In fact, between Hollywood, Google, Microsoft, Amazon the Media, Facebook, etc....most of the money in this nation resides on the Left today. No?

Maybe the average Leftist is more concerned with equality because "equality" means they get for free what you worked hard for. That doesn't seem to apply to the upper echelon.
Odd, but I've yet to hear of a Conservative who is a champion of civil rights, women's rights, children's rights, Gay rights, worker's rights or anyone else's rights. I've never heard of a Conservative who is a champion of environmental protection, workplace safety, or the development of science.

Conservatives are, by definition, regressive. Hard to get progress with that attitude.

Unlike Al Sharpton and Jesse Ah - Jack-son, conservatives often quietly and conservatively help others.

Maybe it's your bias and you don't WANT to hear of conservative charity is your problem. It's there.

I'm not sure if any studies have been done but my understanding is that the USA used to be the source of the vast majority of global charity. But that has dwindled significantly as the nation has shifted left.

Also, on a smaller scale, people I know who are waiters and waitresses often say they get stiffed much more in Liberal areas than in Conservative areas. Conservatives are simply raised to have more respect for others. I dunno. I think you're totally wrong. But maybe I'm biased as well.
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Odd, but I've yet to hear of a Conservative who is a champion of civil rights, women's rights, children's rights, Gay rights, worker's rights or anyone else's rights. I've never heard of a Conservative who is a champion of environmental protection, workplace safety, or the development of science.

Conservatives are, by definition, regressive. Hard to get progress with that attitude.

Unlike Al Sharpton and Jesse Ah - Jack-son, conservatives often quietly and conservatively help others.

Maybe it's your bias and you don't WANT to hear of conservative charity is your problem. It's there.

I'm not sure if any studies have been done but my understanding is that the USA used to be the source of the vast majority of global charity. But that has dwindled significantly as the nation has shifted left.

Also, on a smaller scale, people I know who are waiters and waitresses often say they get stiffed much more in Liberal areas than in Conservative areas. Conservatives are simply raised to have more respect for others. I dunno. I think you're totally wrong. But maybe I'm biased as well.
I'm not talking about charity. I'm talking about rights.

When there is a struggle by a minority to enjoy equal rights, who are they struggling,with? When there is a fight for liberty on behalf of the repressed, who's doing the fighting back?

Cite one instance when Conservatives (that's Conservatives, not political parties) have been in the vanguard of equal rights.
Cite one instance when Conservatives (that's Conservatives, not political parties) have been in the vanguard of equal rights.
Well, let's see, Republicans freed African-Americans. Then they lead the Civil Rights movement to end "separate but equal" and other crap like that. They make sure that ALL American's have the right to keep and bear arms. While the left wants to control speech with "political correctness" and "safe spaces", Republicans ensure that ALL Americans have the right to free speech. While the left tramples on religious rights, Republicans ensure that ALL Americans have the right of their faith. And let's not even get into Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats picking winners and loses in the private sector, while Republicans ensure that ALL Americans have a free market with equal opportunity.

Good grief NK, that was one of the all time dumb questions on USMB. The Republican's are the party of rights. The Democrats are the party of control. That's just an indisputable fact.
Cite one instance when Conservatives (that's Conservatives, not political parties) have been in the vanguard of equal rights.
Well, let's see, Republicans freed African-Americans. Then they lead the Civil Rights movement to end "separate but equal" and other crap like that. They make sure that ALL American's have the right to keep and bear arms. While the left wants to control speech with "political correctness" and "safe spaces", Republicans ensure that ALL Americans have the right to free speech. While the left tramples on religious rights, Republicans ensure that ALL Americans have the right of their faith. And let's not even get into Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats picking winners and loses in the private sector, while Republicans ensure that ALL Americans have a free market with equal opportunity.

Good grief NK, that was one of the all time dumb questions on USMB. The Republican's are the party of rights. The Democrats are the party of control. That's just an indisputable fact.
And that was one of the all-time stupidest responses! Did you read the part where I specified 'Conservative' and not political party? Guess not.
Odd, but I've yet to hear of a Conservative who is a champion of civil rights, women's rights, children's rights, Gay rights, worker's rights or anyone else's rights. I've never heard of a Conservative who is a champion of environmental protection, workplace safety, or the development of science.

Conservatives are, by definition, regressive. Hard to get progress with that attitude.

Unlike Al Sharpton and Jesse Ah - Jack-son, conservatives often quietly and conservatively help others.

Maybe it's your bias and you don't WANT to hear of conservative charity is your problem. It's there.

I'm not sure if any studies have been done but my understanding is that the USA used to be the source of the vast majority of global charity. But that has dwindled significantly as the nation has shifted left.

Also, on a smaller scale, people I know who are waiters and waitresses often say they get stiffed much more in Liberal areas than in Conservative areas. Conservatives are simply raised to have more respect for others. I dunno. I think you're totally wrong. But maybe I'm biased as well.
I'm not talking about charity. I'm talking about rights.

When there is a struggle by a minority to enjoy equal rights, who are they struggling,with? When there is a fight for liberty on behalf of the repressed, who's doing the fighting back?

Cite one instance when Conservatives (that's Conservatives, not political parties) have been in the vanguard of equal rights.

Eisenhower - The start of the Civil Rights movement - Civil Rights Act of 1957 followed by Civil Rights act 1964
Odd, but I've yet to hear of a Conservative who is a champion of civil rights, women's rights, children's rights, Gay rights, worker's rights or anyone else's rights. I've never heard of a Conservative who is a champion of environmental protection, workplace safety, or the development of science.

Conservatives are, by definition, regressive. Hard to get progress with that attitude.

Unlike Al Sharpton and Jesse Ah - Jack-son, conservatives often quietly and conservatively help others.

Maybe it's your bias and you don't WANT to hear of conservative charity is your problem. It's there.

I'm not sure if any studies have been done but my understanding is that the USA used to be the source of the vast majority of global charity. But that has dwindled significantly as the nation has shifted left.

Also, on a smaller scale, people I know who are waiters and waitresses often say they get stiffed much more in Liberal areas than in Conservative areas. Conservatives are simply raised to have more respect for others. I dunno. I think you're totally wrong. But maybe I'm biased as well.
I'm not talking about charity. I'm talking about rights.

When there is a struggle by a minority to enjoy equal rights, who are they struggling,with? When there is a fight for liberty on behalf of the repressed, who's doing the fighting back?

Cite one instance when Conservatives (that's Conservatives, not political parties) have been in the vanguard of equal rights.

Eisenhower - The start of the Civil Rights movement - Civil Rights Act of 1957 followed by Civil Rights act 1964
Okay. Eisenhower.
Cite one instance when Conservatives (that's Conservatives, not political parties) have been in the vanguard of equal rights.
Well, let's see, Republicans freed African-Americans. Then they lead the Civil Rights movement to end "separate but equal" and other crap like that. They make sure that ALL American's have the right to keep and bear arms. While the left wants to control speech with "political correctness" and "safe spaces", Republicans ensure that ALL Americans have the right to free speech. While the left tramples on religious rights, Republicans ensure that ALL Americans have the right of their faith. And let's not even get into Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats picking winners and loses in the private sector, while Republicans ensure that ALL Americans have a free market with equal opportunity.

Good grief NK, that was one of the all time dumb questions on USMB. The Republican's are the party of rights. The Democrats are the party of control. That's just an indisputable fact.
It's disputable--so why did the conservatives under Adams pass the Sedition Act .
that made it illegal for newspapers to criticize politicians? Who wrote the Declaration of Independence with a somewhat new concept of government that governments are for the welfare of the people? A concept that Democrats still see the need for. And on and on,
Hoover's programs were the start of all of FDR's counter productive government interference.
Coolidge decided to ignore the first warning signs of the depression, falling prices for farm products..Yet, it got him no where also..
So now another Republican is to blame?

Farm prices were low all through the 1920s, dumbass. In fact, food prices have declined steadily ever since the country began. They were abnormally high during WW I because all the warring powers were buying American farm products.

You know zip about American economic history, so you should stop pontificating on the subject.
It would be unfair to blame Coolidge for sharing the prevalent optimism of his time. In retrospect, however, it became apparent that his policies contributed to the stock market crash of 1929 and the Great Depression that followed. His fiscal policy encouraged speculation and ignored inequality, as the flow of dollars into the pockets of the wealthy helped tip the healthy investment of the mid-1920s into the gambling that followed. His hands-off regulatory policy took its toll especially in the financial arena, where the dangerous practice of margin trading was allowed to flourish unrestrained. And for all the heady growth of the 1920s, Coolidge's policies exacerbated the uneven distribution of income and buying power, which led to the overproduction of goods for which there were not enough affluent consumers.

Making matters worse, Coolidge failed to address the worsening economic plight of farmers. Many farm-state progressives embraced a panacea known as McNary-Haugenism, based on a proposal dating back to 1921 that would have established a government corporation to buy surplus crops at artificially set prices (to be held or sold abroad when market prices rose). Although the scheme might have shored up the depressed farm economy, it would have encouraged overproduction, hurt consumers, and posed dangers to the international system. Congress passed versions of the McNary-Haugen bill twice, but Coolidge vetoed them. Still he failed to champion any alternative legislation, thus worsening the farm crisis when the Great Depression struck.
Calvin Coolidge: Domestic Affairs | Miller Center

I know you Trump lovers think that govt. actions have immediate results, but they don't..It takes time for a system to be implemented and the reaction to occur...

Leftwing propaganda based on bogus economic theories. Credit inflation by the federal reserve was responsible for the "speculation" of the 1920s. Inequality has never been established as a cause of recessions. Margin trading had been around for decades before the Great Depression. Farm price supports have never worked and they never will. I could go on and on deconstructing your propaganda, but that should be enough to establish the fact that it simply isn't credible.

Here is the zinger: The term "overproduction" is from Marxism.

And, yes, government actions usually do take time to manifest themselves in the economy, like the creation of the Federal Reserve, which took 15 years to cause an economic collapse. The CRA also took about 15 years before it caused an economic collapse.
You aren't liberal...

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