Why Liberalism Must Be Expunged.

So what president besides FDR was elected by the American people four times in a row?
What president have historians named the greatest of all the American presidents?
If the people loved FDR and America's best historians agreed, where will Trump end up?
I also wonder why Republicans seem to have abandoned Lincoln as a great president? Most Democrats seem proud of FDR while Republicans never seem to mention Lincoln.
What did Lincoln do wrong?
How many times has Putin been elected? How many times was Sadam elected? He got 98% of the vote.
Are you comparing Roosevelt with Putin and Saddam Hussein?

To what end?

Sure. He was a sleazy dictator, just like them.
You're an idiot.
Wrong. I'm just not gullible like you.
No, you're an idiot. You're entitle do to your own opinion. You're not entitled to your own facts.

You are a gullible Trumpian, and ergo an idiot of the first order.
It was probably brought up already but Cali's economy just past that of the UK making it the 5th largest economy on the planet. Seems as though the State is doing better than the OP would have you believe.
Everybody I know thinks the economy will continue Obamas growth
There was no “growth” under Obama, so everyone you know is clearly a high school dropout. Unemployment hit 10% under Obama’s and the Dumbocrats. That’s when the American people turned to the Republicans coast-to-coast in the 2010 midterms.

Remember...when Obama said he took a “shellacking”? Yeah. It’s not a coincidence that the recovery and growth started shortly after that. Idiot.
It was probably brought up already but Cali's economy just past that of the UK making it the 5th largest economy on the planet.
And it’s not a coincidence that that event coincides with the UK’s adaptation of more and more failed radical left-wing policy.

And if California’s economy is soooooo amazing, why are citizens and businesses fleeing in record numbers? Oops.
It was probably brought up already but Cali's economy just past that of the UK making it the 5th largest economy on the planet.
And it’s not a coincidence that that event coincides with the UK’s adaptation of more and more failed radical left-wing policy.

And if California’s economy is soooooo amazing, why are citizens and businesses fleeing in record numbers? Oops.

You're right about the UK. They just elected a trump clone...
Cali's economy is growing. Sorry that makes you sad.
I find it sad that universities and the media have convinced SJWs that communism and authoritarianism will somehow make life better for minorities and women. They are literally choosing to go down a rat hole in the belief of made up social issues. The war on women was fake, and Trump appears to be doing more for Black Americans than Barry ever did. They want to kill people's drive to succeed. So how is offering benefits on such a massive scale that you are giving taxpayer aid to millionaires without any hope for paying for it supposed to help anybody of any color or gender?
I find it sad that universities and the media have convinced SJWs that communism and authoritarianism will somehow make life better for minorities and women. They are literally choosing to go down a rat hole in the belief of made up social issues. The war on women was fake, and Trump appears to be doing more for Black Americans than Barry ever did. They want to kill people's drive to succeed. So how is offering benefits on such a massive scale that you are giving taxpayer aid to millionaires without any hope for paying for it supposed to help anybody of any color or gender?
:clap: :clap2: :clap:
Liberalism is not the problem it is the far left religion that has hijacked it.

Get rid of the far left and humanity will prosper like never before!
And....as per the title of the thread: "Turns out all those liberal predictions of doom and gloom if Donald Trump were elected president were not only wrong, they were lies.

Liberalism Must Be Destroyed
No college?
Yeah...she only attended college in the Ivy League (Columbia) while your dumb ass dropped out of high school. :eusa_doh:

Whose she?
You mean our Ben, our first immigrant hater is a lady?
Thought you was talking about Obama?
Let's say a couple of post docs
Liberalism is not the problem it is the far left religion that has hijacked it.

Get rid of the far left and humanity will prosper like never before!
Might help if you looked up the def of liberal.
Helps when you know the meaning of the words you spout
Here is a rule which is the hermeneutical key to understanding how the Left differs, in a most deleterious way, from the right:

The Left does not value prosperity....it values equality.

1. Every Leftist is, essentially, a Marxist…even though most eschew the title since the fall of the Soviet Union. Even so, Left-wing ideas are predicated on Marx’s materialist view. Philosophically, the term implies that only material things are real.

The Left’s concept of materialism broadens into the overarching desire to see every individual materially equal. The Left is less interested in creating wealth than in distributing it, and has been far more interested in fighting material inequality than tyranny, which is why Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., tend to have the support of Leftists around the world.

Leftists believe that an end to social and economic inequality and one will have Utopia! Dennis Prager, ”Still The Best Hope”

2. Claims of 'racism' are linked to demands for increased minimum wage laws by this view of the world.
No matter that it has been tried, and not only failed, failed miserably, but resulted in well over 100 million human beings slaughtered.

3. And, more bad news for the Left from the LA Times:
"Leaving for Las Vegas: California's minimum wage law leaves businesses no choice

California’s minimum wage jumped
to $10.50 an hour at the start of the new year. As the founder of a small fashion design house and clothing manufacturer in San Fernando, I’m not a disinterested observer in this change.

After two years in business, my company now has more than 150 clients from all over the world and 18 employees. It’s what’s known as a cut-and-sew house, part of the garment industry that generates about $17 billion in annual economic activity in Los Angeles County, including $6.9 billion in payroll, according to a 2016 industry report by the California Fashion Assn. This is the epicenter of apparel design and manufacturing in the United States; domestically manufactured clothing is more expensive, but retail and wholesale customers who care about quality and working conditions have historically been willing to pay for it.

Unfortunately, the industry is on a downward trend. Los Angeles County used to have more than 5,000 apparel factories; today, my company is one of roughly 2,000 — and many (e.g. American Apparel) are looking for a way out. One Los Angeles Times headline, quoting a California State University economist, warned that “the exodus has begun."

If not for the $15 minimum wage, I’d have zero interest in leaving California."
Leaving for Las Vegas: California's minimum wage law leaves businesses no choice

Did I mention that the Left does not value prosperity....it values equality.

Think about that.

Generation after generation, liberalism wins. Liberalism is progress and progress has proven inevitable.

You don't think so? Try to bring back segregation, or take away a woman's right to vote, or end Social Security, or bring back child labor, or kick gays out of the military or deny them marriage equality.

You can't win, conservatives. All you can do is slow things down temporarily.

You are like the rear guard defense of a perpetually retreating army.
/——-/ Segregation was started by and maintained by liberals. It was Republicans who ended it. Try reading a history book. Progress to a termite is destroying your home.
Here is a rule which is the hermeneutical key to understanding how the Left differs, in a most deleterious way, from the right:

The Left does not value prosperity....it values equality.

1. Every Leftist is, essentially, a Marxist…even though most eschew the title since the fall of the Soviet Union. Even so, Left-wing ideas are predicated on Marx’s materialist view. Philosophically, the term implies that only material things are real.

The Left’s concept of materialism broadens into the overarching desire to see every individual materially equal. The Left is less interested in creating wealth than in distributing it, and has been far more interested in fighting material inequality than tyranny, which is why Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., tend to have the support of Leftists around the world.

Leftists believe that an end to social and economic inequality and one will have Utopia! Dennis Prager, ”Still The Best Hope”

2. Claims of 'racism' are linked to demands for increased minimum wage laws by this view of the world.
No matter that it has been tried, and not only failed, failed miserably, but resulted in well over 100 million human beings slaughtered.

3. And, more bad news for the Left from the LA Times:
"Leaving for Las Vegas: California's minimum wage law leaves businesses no choice

California’s minimum wage jumped
to $10.50 an hour at the start of the new year. As the founder of a small fashion design house and clothing manufacturer in San Fernando, I’m not a disinterested observer in this change.

After two years in business, my company now has more than 150 clients from all over the world and 18 employees. It’s what’s known as a cut-and-sew house, part of the garment industry that generates about $17 billion in annual economic activity in Los Angeles County, including $6.9 billion in payroll, according to a 2016 industry report by the California Fashion Assn. This is the epicenter of apparel design and manufacturing in the United States; domestically manufactured clothing is more expensive, but retail and wholesale customers who care about quality and working conditions have historically been willing to pay for it.

Unfortunately, the industry is on a downward trend. Los Angeles County used to have more than 5,000 apparel factories; today, my company is one of roughly 2,000 — and many (e.g. American Apparel) are looking for a way out. One Los Angeles Times headline, quoting a California State University economist, warned that “the exodus has begun."

If not for the $15 minimum wage, I’d have zero interest in leaving California."
Leaving for Las Vegas: California's minimum wage law leaves businesses no choice

Did I mention that the Left does not value prosperity....it values equality.

Think about that.

Generation after generation, liberalism wins. Liberalism is progress and progress has proven inevitable.

You don't think so? Try to bring back segregation, or take away a woman's right to vote, or end Social Security, or bring back child labor, or kick gays out of the military or deny them marriage equality.

You can't win, conservatives. All you can do is slow things down temporarily.

You are like the rear guard defense of a perpetually retreating army.
/——-/ Segregation was started by and maintained by liberals. It was Republicans who ended it. Try reading a history book. Progress to a termite is destroying your home.

The far left practices political slavery which is ok by these so called "Liberals".

They feel that their protected classes can not survive without them, so they have to keep them down to try and prove it.
Here is a rule which is the hermeneutical key to understanding how the Left differs, in a most deleterious way, from the right:

The Left does not value prosperity....it values equality.

1. Every Leftist is, essentially, a Marxist…even though most eschew the title since the fall of the Soviet Union. Even so, Left-wing ideas are predicated on Marx’s materialist view. Philosophically, the term implies that only material things are real.

The Left’s concept of materialism broadens into the overarching desire to see every individual materially equal. The Left is less interested in creating wealth than in distributing it, and has been far more interested in fighting material inequality than tyranny, which is why Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., tend to have the support of Leftists around the world.

Leftists believe that an end to social and economic inequality and one will have Utopia! Dennis Prager, ”Still The Best Hope”

2. Claims of 'racism' are linked to demands for increased minimum wage laws by this view of the world.
No matter that it has been tried, and not only failed, failed miserably, but resulted in well over 100 million human beings slaughtered.

3. And, more bad news for the Left from the LA Times:
"Leaving for Las Vegas: California's minimum wage law leaves businesses no choice

California’s minimum wage jumped
to $10.50 an hour at the start of the new year. As the founder of a small fashion design house and clothing manufacturer in San Fernando, I’m not a disinterested observer in this change.

After two years in business, my company now has more than 150 clients from all over the world and 18 employees. It’s what’s known as a cut-and-sew house, part of the garment industry that generates about $17 billion in annual economic activity in Los Angeles County, including $6.9 billion in payroll, according to a 2016 industry report by the California Fashion Assn. This is the epicenter of apparel design and manufacturing in the United States; domestically manufactured clothing is more expensive, but retail and wholesale customers who care about quality and working conditions have historically been willing to pay for it.

Unfortunately, the industry is on a downward trend. Los Angeles County used to have more than 5,000 apparel factories; today, my company is one of roughly 2,000 — and many (e.g. American Apparel) are looking for a way out. One Los Angeles Times headline, quoting a California State University economist, warned that “the exodus has begun."

If not for the $15 minimum wage, I’d have zero interest in leaving California."
Leaving for Las Vegas: California's minimum wage law leaves businesses no choice

Did I mention that the Left does not value prosperity....it values equality.

Think about that.

Generation after generation, liberalism wins. Liberalism is progress and progress has proven inevitable.

You don't think so? Try to bring back segregation, or take away a woman's right to vote, or end Social Security, or bring back child labor, or kick gays out of the military or deny them marriage equality.

You can't win, conservatives. All you can do is slow things down temporarily.

You are like the rear guard defense of a perpetually retreating army.
/——-/ Segregation was started by and maintained by liberals. It was Republicans who ended it. Try reading a history book. Progress to a termite is destroying your home.

No, southern DEMS who became republican after the rights act.
Do you really think current KKK members are. DEMS?
On jobs you do know that fewer jobs were created in 2017 than 2016?
Here is a rule which is the hermeneutical key to understanding how the Left differs, in a most deleterious way, from the right:

The Left does not value prosperity....it values equality.

1. Every Leftist is, essentially, a Marxist…even though most eschew the title since the fall of the Soviet Union. Even so, Left-wing ideas are predicated on Marx’s materialist view. Philosophically, the term implies that only material things are real.

The Left’s concept of materialism broadens into the overarching desire to see every individual materially equal. The Left is less interested in creating wealth than in distributing it, and has been far more interested in fighting material inequality than tyranny, which is why Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., tend to have the support of Leftists around the world.

Leftists believe that an end to social and economic inequality and one will have Utopia! Dennis Prager, ”Still The Best Hope”

2. Claims of 'racism' are linked to demands for increased minimum wage laws by this view of the world.
No matter that it has been tried, and not only failed, failed miserably, but resulted in well over 100 million human beings slaughtered.

3. And, more bad news for the Left from the LA Times:
"Leaving for Las Vegas: California's minimum wage law leaves businesses no choice

California’s minimum wage jumped
to $10.50 an hour at the start of the new year. As the founder of a small fashion design house and clothing manufacturer in San Fernando, I’m not a disinterested observer in this change.

After two years in business, my company now has more than 150 clients from all over the world and 18 employees. It’s what’s known as a cut-and-sew house, part of the garment industry that generates about $17 billion in annual economic activity in Los Angeles County, including $6.9 billion in payroll, according to a 2016 industry report by the California Fashion Assn. This is the epicenter of apparel design and manufacturing in the United States; domestically manufactured clothing is more expensive, but retail and wholesale customers who care about quality and working conditions have historically been willing to pay for it.

Unfortunately, the industry is on a downward trend. Los Angeles County used to have more than 5,000 apparel factories; today, my company is one of roughly 2,000 — and many (e.g. American Apparel) are looking for a way out. One Los Angeles Times headline, quoting a California State University economist, warned that “the exodus has begun."

If not for the $15 minimum wage, I’d have zero interest in leaving California."
Leaving for Las Vegas: California's minimum wage law leaves businesses no choice

Did I mention that the Left does not value prosperity....it values equality.

Think about that.

Generation after generation, liberalism wins. Liberalism is progress and progress has proven inevitable.

You don't think so? Try to bring back segregation, or take away a woman's right to vote, or end Social Security, or bring back child labor, or kick gays out of the military or deny them marriage equality.

You can't win, conservatives. All you can do is slow things down temporarily.

You are like the rear guard defense of a perpetually retreating army.
/——-/ Segregation was started by and maintained by liberals. It was Republicans who ended it. Try reading a history book. Progress to a termite is destroying your home.

No, southern DEMS who became republican after the rights act.
Do you really think current KKK members are. DEMS?
On jobs you do know that fewer jobs were created in 2017 than 2016?

Do you know that you are spouting far left religious propaganda not based in fact?

The far left still uses slavery, it is called political slavery. But as we can see you are perfectly ok with that!

Chicago and Baltimore must be a source of pride for the far left!
Here is a rule which is the hermeneutical key to understanding how the Left differs, in a most deleterious way, from the right:

The Left does not value prosperity....it values equality.

1. Every Leftist is, essentially, a Marxist…even though most eschew the title since the fall of the Soviet Union. Even so, Left-wing ideas are predicated on Marx’s materialist view. Philosophically, the term implies that only material things are real.

The Left’s concept of materialism broadens into the overarching desire to see every individual materially equal. The Left is less interested in creating wealth than in distributing it, and has been far more interested in fighting material inequality than tyranny, which is why Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., tend to have the support of Leftists around the world.

Leftists believe that an end to social and economic inequality and one will have Utopia! Dennis Prager, ”Still The Best Hope”

2. Claims of 'racism' are linked to demands for increased minimum wage laws by this view of the world.
No matter that it has been tried, and not only failed, failed miserably, but resulted in well over 100 million human beings slaughtered.

3. And, more bad news for the Left from the LA Times:
"Leaving for Las Vegas: California's minimum wage law leaves businesses no choice

California’s minimum wage jumped
to $10.50 an hour at the start of the new year. As the founder of a small fashion design house and clothing manufacturer in San Fernando, I’m not a disinterested observer in this change.

After two years in business, my company now has more than 150 clients from all over the world and 18 employees. It’s what’s known as a cut-and-sew house, part of the garment industry that generates about $17 billion in annual economic activity in Los Angeles County, including $6.9 billion in payroll, according to a 2016 industry report by the California Fashion Assn. This is the epicenter of apparel design and manufacturing in the United States; domestically manufactured clothing is more expensive, but retail and wholesale customers who care about quality and working conditions have historically been willing to pay for it.

Unfortunately, the industry is on a downward trend. Los Angeles County used to have more than 5,000 apparel factories; today, my company is one of roughly 2,000 — and many (e.g. American Apparel) are looking for a way out. One Los Angeles Times headline, quoting a California State University economist, warned that “the exodus has begun."

If not for the $15 minimum wage, I’d have zero interest in leaving California."
Leaving for Las Vegas: California's minimum wage law leaves businesses no choice

Did I mention that the Left does not value prosperity....it values equality.

Think about that.

Generation after generation, liberalism wins. Liberalism is progress and progress has proven inevitable.

You don't think so? Try to bring back segregation, or take away a woman's right to vote, or end Social Security, or bring back child labor, or kick gays out of the military or deny them marriage equality.

You can't win, conservatives. All you can do is slow things down temporarily.

You are like the rear guard defense of a perpetually retreating army.
/——-/ Segregation was started by and maintained by liberals. It was Republicans who ended it. Try reading a history book. Progress to a termite is destroying your home.

No, southern DEMS who became republican after the rights act.
Do you really think current KKK members are. DEMS?
On jobs you do know that fewer jobs were created in 2017 than 2016?
/——-/ Yore full of shyt. I grew up in the South before during and after the CRA and VRA that Dems filibustered. There was no shift in party. So when did the Dems who tried to block it become Republicans? Got a list? Al Gore Sr, Robert KKK Byrd and William Fulbright on that list?

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