Why liberals are fundamentally wrong

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Before you start commenting in this thread I suggest you read up on Kelo, and think about why Democrats/liberals/progressives support that decision.

There is one issue that is so fundamental that every liberal should line up behind it, yet most of them get it wrong, property rights. The single thing that should define liberty in this country is the right of a man to his own property, yet most liberals prefer to come down solidly on the wrong side and support big government and big business over the individual.

Kelo has been used to take property from the poor and the working class and give it to rich, politically powerful, developers so they can get richer. Yet the world is so bizarre that when Virginia decided to curb that power it was billed as a victory for conservatives and the Tea Party.

This week Virginia Democrats scored a major victory for liberals when the Senate started rolling back eminent-domain abuse in the commonwealth.
That's not how the issue is commonly perceived, of course. In fact, The Washington Post spun it just the other way in its lead paragraph on the story: "The Democratic-led state Senate handed a victory to tea party activists and other conservatives in Virginia on Tuesday by agreeing to start the process of adding new protections for private property to the state constitution," the paper reported.
Well. It's certainly true that the activists pushing back against eminent-domain abuse tend to come from the right side of the political spectrum: Americans for Prosperity (conservative), The Institute for Justice (libertarian), the Cato Institute (libertarian), the Family Foundation of Virginia (conservative) and so on. Generally speaking, government seizures of private property are to right-wingers what rising income inequality is to left-wingers: a profound injustice crying out for redress.

Hinkle: Liberals won a major victory this week | Richmond Times-Dispatch

What is wrong with liberalism today that it supports corporations and big government over the little guy?

I know all the liberals hate Justice Thomas, and that could be because he said the one thing that is inexcusable in his dissent.

Something has gone seriously awry with this Court’‘s interpretation of the Constitution.

Guess what, he was right. When the government can take property from a poor black man in order to make a rich white man richer there is something fundamentally wrong.

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