Why liberals are responsible the recent horrible Syrian deaths:


Platinum Member
Nov 23, 2011
All the combatants in Syria are liberals fighting and killing for the authority to control the govt and thus to control the nation and the people. What is the ultimate source of liberalism on this planet? Ans: American liberals!!

Our message or our "shot heard around the world" was supposed to be that freedom from govt worked best. That message is no where to be found anywhere in the world thanks to American liberals who oppose it and thus the very concept of America. Liberalism is essentially civil war class/ group warfare in an effort to control the govt and the people. That is what is going on in Syria and what our domestic liberal politics is leading us toward!!
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We didn't break away from Britain to be free from government, we did it to have a government where we had a say in it.
We didn't break away from Britain to be free from government, we did it to have a government where we had a say in it.

wrong of course the men who fought the Revolution and later created the govt were great historians who created a very very conservative Republican govt.. Do you understand?

Thomas Jefferson:
Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.

History, in general, only informs us of what bad government is.

I own that I am not a friend to a very energetic government. It is always oppressive.

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.

My reading of history convinces me that bad government results from too much government.
I agree, though there should be decent government regulation in certain areas (EPA, Board of Education, certain aspects of healthcare and to an extent companies to prevent consumers being exploited)
I agree, though there should be decent government regulation in certain areas (EPA, Board of Education, certain aspects of healthcare and to an extent companies to prevent consumers being exploited)

Issue is whether liberals are responsible for civil war in Syria.
wow, what a fucking joke...The isis are conservatives retard...

Conservationism is responsible.
We didn't break away from Britain to be free from government, we did it to have a government where we had a say in it.

And if government doesn't do anything then we're not a democracy or a republic...We're then just like somalia with abunch of tribes killing each other.

This guy is nutz....Really nutz.
Radical islam is conservative...

Don't ever forget that!

The president of Turkey is conservative! He hates the liberal colleges and is doing the same shit that you want to do in America.

The isis and other terrorist groups are also conservative.
ISis is a bunch of religious nuts. Aka conservatives
HItler Stalin Mao ISIS all nut liberals who wanted to control central govt. This is the entire issue in human history: freedom versus government? Do you understand?

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