Why Liberals Support Muslims who stand for everythng they hate?

Liberals support muslims because liberals hate Christians more than they love gays.


It's wrong indeed. No democrat yet has released an onslaught on Christian people killing 50. None of them support an ideology that says Christians be thrown down from rooftops. Clearly, they hate gays even more than Christians.


Look. I'm a liberal. I strongly disagree with the tenets of Islam. Most liberals do, because otherwise they wouldn't really have liberal values such as the equality of women, non-descrimination of people based on sexual orientation or gender identity, and secular humanist values such as the separation of church and state.

At the same time I respect the 1st Amendment of the Constitution, specifically the right to religion.

So, although I disagree with Islam, I don't think Muslims should be descriminated against because of freedom of religion. That doesn't mean I support Islam; it means I support the Constitution of the United States.

Why do they want to make the west, the middle east then?


Pretty sure there is no amendment in the constitution commanding: "Thou shalt import bunch of crazy 3rd world regressives". Obama doesn't seem to believe that either. Didn't he just ban immigration from socialist Venezuela?

But there is an amendment that the government can't descriminate based on religion.

Liberals do not want to make the West the Middle East. Your logical fallacy is strawman
Liberals support muslims because liberals hate Christians more than they love gays.


It's wrong indeed. No democrat yet has released an onslaught on Christian people killing 50. None of them support an ideology that says Christians be thrown down from rooftops. Clearly, they hate gays even more than Christians.


Look. I'm a liberal. I strongly disagree with the tenets of Islam. Most liberals do, because otherwise they wouldn't really have liberal values such as the equality of women, non-descrimination of people based on sexual orientation or gender identity, and secular humanist values such as the separation of church and state.

At the same time I respect the 1st Amendment of the Constitution, specifically the right to religion.

So, although I disagree with Islam, I don't think Muslims should be descriminated against because of freedom of religion. That doesn't mean I support Islam; it means I support the Constitution of the United States.

Why do they want to make the west, the middle east then?


Pretty sure there is no amendment in the constitution commanding: "Thou shalt import bunch of crazy 3rd world regressives". Obama doesn't seem to believe that either. Didn't he just ban immigration from socialist Venezuela?

But there is an amendment that the government can't descriminate based on religion.

Liberals do not want to make the West the Middle East. Your logical fallacy is strawman

In the name of National Security the American Government can and should halt the immigration of Muslims into America.

In the Name of National Security all of the muslims that now have to be monitored because of the threat they pose to America....should be deported.

Do the above and the Muslim Community would not only become much more co-operative....they would expose the ones that are dangerous....and they know most of them.

Do the above and there would be no need to outlaw Islam....though it poses a danger to the whole world....we mut look out for ourselves aka the safety of our children and families....to continue on the obama path of utter stupidity is gross negligence and will certainly allow muslim terrorism to grow and proliferate in America...not even to mention that it has been documented ISIS is attempting to acquire a nuclear weapon...with their money it would be possible for them to do so eventually.
  • "I also now realize, with brutal clarity, that in the progressive hierarchy of identity groups, Muslims are above gays. Every pundit and politician -- and that includes President Obama and Hillary Clinton and half the talking heads on TV -- who today have said ‘We don't know what the shooter's motivation could possibly be!’ have revealed to me their true priorities: appeasing Muslims is more important than defending the lives of gay people. Every progressive who runs interference for Islamic murderers is complicit in those murders, and I can no longer be a part of that team." --

John Hawkins - Why Liberals Support Muslims Who Hate Everything They Stand For
Because progressives are fucked in the head

It's wrong indeed. No democrat yet has released an onslaught on Christian people killing 50. None of them support an ideology that says Christians be thrown down from rooftops. Clearly, they hate gays even more than Christians.


Look. I'm a liberal. I strongly disagree with the tenets of Islam. Most liberals do, because otherwise they wouldn't really have liberal values such as the equality of women, non-descrimination of people based on sexual orientation or gender identity, and secular humanist values such as the separation of church and state.

At the same time I respect the 1st Amendment of the Constitution, specifically the right to religion.

So, although I disagree with Islam, I don't think Muslims should be descriminated against because of freedom of religion. That doesn't mean I support Islam; it means I support the Constitution of the United States.

Why do they want to make the west, the middle east then?


Liberals support muslims because liberals hate Christians more than they love gays.


It's wrong indeed. No democrat yet has released an onslaught on Christian people killing 50. None of them support an ideology that says Christians be thrown down from rooftops. Clearly, they hate gays even more than Christians.


Look. I'm a liberal. I strongly disagree with the tenets of Islam. Most liberals do, because otherwise they wouldn't really have liberal values such as the equality of women, non-descrimination of people based on sexual orientation or gender identity, and secular humanist values such as the separation of church and state.

At the same time I respect the 1st Amendment of the Constitution, specifically the right to religion.

So, although I disagree with Islam, I don't think Muslims should be descriminated against because of freedom of religion. That doesn't mean I support Islam; it means I support the Constitution of the United States.

Do you also support the second amendment?....i mean if you support the constitution? jus sayin ya know................irregardless.....................what if there was a religion that stated it's primary function was to kill Americans....do you think such a religion should be protected or outlawed?

In other woids....are you claiming anyone can claim their religion should be respected juz because of the first amendment no matter what their behavior or ideology happens to be? Git mah drift boyo?

There was a time......when Americans were very pragmatic. Whut Happened? Obviously political correctness.

I support all of the Constitution including the 2nd. I would support an amendment to the 2nd but not to ban guns.

How does one outlaw a religion? Anytime in history such a thing has been attempted it has failed. Religious belief must be protected whether Islam or Christianity. To erode the freedom of religion for Muslims is to erode the freedom of religion of Christians. A religion can not be held responsible for the behavior of its adherents otherwise we would have to outlaw Christianity for abortion clinic bombings and murders, the Oklahoma City bombing, slavery, the Inquisition and the genocide of native peoples during the colonial era.

Shallow thinking aka nonsense. What we need is a rational approach to stopping Muslim Terrorism...specifically in America...but in the whole of the world also. Islam must be exposed for what it is.....making apologies for their behavior is the epitome of stupidity.
  • "I also now realize, with brutal clarity, that in the progressive hierarchy of identity groups, Muslims are above gays. Every pundit and politician -- and that includes President Obama and Hillary Clinton and half the talking heads on TV -- who today have said ‘We don't know what the shooter's motivation could possibly be!’ have revealed to me their true priorities: appeasing Muslims is more important than defending the lives of gay people. Every progressive who runs interference for Islamic murderers is complicit in those murders, and I can no longer be a part of that team." --

John Hawkins - Why Liberals Support Muslims Who Hate Everything They Stand For
Because progressives are fucked in the head

Liberals support muslims because liberals hate Christians more than they love gays.


It's wrong indeed. No democrat yet has released an onslaught on Christian people killing 50. None of them support an ideology that says Christians be thrown down from rooftops. Clearly, they hate gays even more than Christians.

When a thread gets this long...glitches began to appear...this format needs to be changed to one like the other boards...it is quite pathetic as it now is.

Look. I'm a liberal. I strongly disagree with the tenets of Islam. Most liberals do, because otherwise they wouldn't really have liberal values such as the equality of women, non-descrimination of people based on sexual orientation or gender identity, and secular humanist values such as the separation of church and state.

At the same time I respect the 1st Amendment of the Constitution, specifically the right to religion.

So, although I disagree with Islam, I don't think Muslims should be descriminated against because of freedom of religion. That doesn't mean I support Islam; it means I support the Constitution of the United States.

Why do they want to make the west, the middle east then?


Pretty sure there is no amendment in the constitution commanding: "Thou shalt import bunch of crazy 3rd world regressives". Obama doesn't seem to believe that either. Didn't he just ban immigration from socialist Venezuela?

But there is an amendment that the government can't descriminate based on religion.

Liberals do not want to make the West the Middle East. Your logical fallacy is strawman
Liberals support muslims because liberals hate Christians more than they love gays.


It's wrong indeed. No democrat yet has released an onslaught on Christian people killing 50. None of them support an ideology that says Christians be thrown down from rooftops. Clearly, they hate gays even more than Christians.


Look. I'm a liberal. I strongly disagree with the tenets of Islam. Most liberals do, because otherwise they wouldn't really have liberal values such as the equality of women, non-descrimination of people based on sexual orientation or gender identity, and secular humanist values such as the separation of church and state.

At the same time I respect the 1st Amendment of the Constitution, specifically the right to religion.

So, although I disagree with Islam, I don't think Muslims should be descriminated against because of freedom of religion. That doesn't mean I support Islam; it means I support the Constitution of the United States.

Why do they want to make the west, the middle east then?


Pretty sure there is no amendment in the constitution commanding: "Thou shalt import bunch of crazy 3rd world regressives". Obama doesn't seem to believe that either. Didn't he just ban immigration from socialist Venezuela?

But there is an amendment that the government can't descriminate based on religion.

Liberals do not want to make the West the Middle East. Your logical fallacy is strawman
Liberals support muslims because liberals hate Christians more than they love gays.


It's wrong indeed. No democrat yet has released an onslaught on Christian people killing 50. None of them support an ideology that says Christians be thrown down from rooftops. Clearly, they hate gays even more than Christians.


Look. I'm a liberal. I strongly disagree with the tenets of Islam. Most liberals do, because otherwise they wouldn't really have liberal values such as the equality of women, non-descrimination of people based on sexual orientation or gender identity, and secular humanist values such as the separation of church and state.

At the same time I respect the 1st Amendment of the Constitution, specifically the right to religion.

So, although I disagree with Islam, I don't think Muslims should be descriminated against because of freedom of religion. That doesn't mean I support Islam; it means I support the Constitution of the United States.

Why do they want to make the west, the middle east then?


Pretty sure there is no amendment in the constitution commanding: "Thou shalt import bunch of crazy 3rd world regressives". Obama doesn't seem to believe that either. Didn't he just ban immigration from socialist Venezuela?

But there is an amendment that the government can't descriminate based on religion.

Liberals do not want to make the West the Middle East. Your logical fallacy is strawman
  • "I also now realize, with brutal clarity, that in the progressive hierarchy of identity groups, Muslims are above gays. Every pundit and politician -- and that includes President Obama and Hillary Clinton and half the talking heads on TV -- who today have said ‘We don't know what the shooter's motivation could possibly be!’ have revealed to me their true priorities: appeasing Muslims is more important than defending the lives of gay people. Every progressive who runs interference for Islamic murderers is complicit in those murders, and I can no longer be a part of that team." --

John Hawkins - Why Liberals Support Muslims Who Hate Everything They Stand For

Liberals support freedom of religion
I wouldn't say the Regressive Left "supports" Islam. They're just far, far, far more tolerant of it than they are of Christianity.

Why that is, is a fascinating question. Especially in the face of what is happening right now, at this very moment, all around the world.

The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

There are several reasons why the leftwingers apologize and make excuses for Islamic terrorism.........it goes against their liberal narrative, they want to use it to ban guns for everyone, they use it to attack all religions but especially Christianity, political correctness demands all minorities be protected etc.etc. and so on and so forth.

America needs to wake up and do everything possible to Protect All Americans as Trump wants to do.
  • "I also now realize, with brutal clarity, that in the progressive hierarchy of identity groups, Muslims are above gays. Every pundit and politician -- and that includes President Obama and Hillary Clinton and half the talking heads on TV -- who today have said ‘We don't know what the shooter's motivation could possibly be!’ have revealed to me their true priorities: appeasing Muslims is more important than defending the lives of gay people. Every progressive who runs interference for Islamic murderers is complicit in those murders, and I can no longer be a part of that team." --

John Hawkins - Why Liberals Support Muslims Who Hate Everything They Stand For

Liberals support freedom of religion

More shallow thinking...........there is nothing in the constitution saying we must allow those practicing an alien religion to kill Americans....quit being so passive and try and get a grip on reality. Do a poll and I gurantee you most Americans would say they would like to ban the immigration of muslims to America ...just common sense.
I wouldn't say the Regressive Left "supports" Islam. They're just far, far, far more tolerant of it than they are of Christianity.

Why that is, is a fascinating question. Especially in the face of what is happening right now, at this very moment, all around the world.

The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

The net result of what the liberals/progressives/politically correct zombies are doing is to make muslim terrorism in America not only possible but easy for the muslims to carry out.....it is utter stupidity not to do everything possible to protect the American People.

The president is sworn to protect the American People...you do not do that when you allow illegal immigration, when you allow specifically muslim immigration, when you allow the musims here to go back and forth to the middle east to become radicalized etc.etc. and so on and so forth......so many things that could be done to protect the Ameican People but this administration refuses to take action to protect Americans.
  • "I also now realize, with brutal clarity, that in the progressive hierarchy of identity groups, Muslims are above gays. Every pundit and politician -- and that includes President Obama and Hillary Clinton and half the talking heads on TV -- who today have said ‘We don't know what the shooter's motivation could possibly be!’ have revealed to me their true priorities: appeasing Muslims is more important than defending the lives of gay people. Every progressive who runs interference for Islamic murderers is complicit in those murders, and I can no longer be a part of that team." --

John Hawkins - Why Liberals Support Muslims Who Hate Everything They Stand For

Liberals support freedom of religion

More shallow thinking...........there is nothing in the constitution saying we must allow those practicing an alien religion to kill Americans....quit being so passive and try and get a grip on reality. Do a poll and I gurantee you most Americans would say they would like to ban the immigration of muslims to America ...just common sense.

It's funny how you introduce your post stating that you are going to use shallow thinking, but I'm sure I can figure that out for myself.

There's nothing here about liberals supporting killing. They support freedom of religion. If someone goes and commits a crime that goes against Human Rights, then they don't get supported. However if one Muslim kills, that doesn't mean another Muslim has gone against Human Rights.

Problem is, you like to put everyone together.

It's wrong indeed. No democrat yet has released an onslaught on Christian people killing 50. None of them support an ideology that says Christians be thrown down from rooftops. Clearly, they hate gays even more than Christians.


Look. I'm a liberal. I strongly disagree with the tenets of Islam. Most liberals do, because otherwise they wouldn't really have liberal values such as the equality of women, non-descrimination of people based on sexual orientation or gender identity, and secular humanist values such as the separation of church and state.

At the same time I respect the 1st Amendment of the Constitution, specifically the right to religion.

So, although I disagree with Islam, I don't think Muslims should be descriminated against because of freedom of religion. That doesn't mean I support Islam; it means I support the Constitution of the United States.

Why do they want to make the west, the middle east then?


Liberals support muslims because liberals hate Christians more than they love gays.


It's wrong indeed. No democrat yet has released an onslaught on Christian people killing 50. None of them support an ideology that says Christians be thrown down from rooftops. Clearly, they hate gays even more than Christians.


Look. I'm a liberal. I strongly disagree with the tenets of Islam. Most liberals do, because otherwise they wouldn't really have liberal values such as the equality of women, non-descrimination of people based on sexual orientation or gender identity, and secular humanist values such as the separation of church and state.

At the same time I respect the 1st Amendment of the Constitution, specifically the right to religion.

So, although I disagree with Islam, I don't think Muslims should be descriminated against because of freedom of religion. That doesn't mean I support Islam; it means I support the Constitution of the United States.

Do you also support the second amendment?....i mean if you support the constitution? jus sayin ya know................irregardless.....................what if there was a religion that stated it's primary function was to kill Americans....do you think such a religion should be protected or outlawed?

In other woids....are you claiming anyone can claim their religion should be respected juz because of the first amendment no matter what their behavior or ideology happens to be? Git mah drift boyo?

There was a time......when Americans were very pragmatic. Whut Happened? Obviously political correctness.

I support all of the Constitution including the 2nd. I would support an amendment to the 2nd but not to ban guns.

How does one outlaw a religion? Anytime in history such a thing has been attempted it has failed. Religious belief must be protected whether Islam or Christianity. To erode the freedom of religion for Muslims is to erode the freedom of religion of Christians. A religion can not be held responsible for the behavior of its adherents otherwise we would have to outlaw Christianity for abortion clinic bombings and murders, the Oklahoma City bombing, slavery, the Inquisition and the genocide of native peoples during the colonial era.
But do we need to let thousands come in every year? I don't want to ban a religion but I don't want to be over run by Muslims either.

My brother lives in Dearborn MI Muslim capital of America. Would you like Muslims to become 51% of our population and government?
I wouldn't say the Regressive Left "supports" Islam. They're just far, far, far more tolerant of it than they are of Christianity.

Why that is, is a fascinating question. Especially in the face of what is happening right now, at this very moment, all around the world.

The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

The net result of what the liberals/progressives/politically correct zombies are doing is to make muslim terrorism in America not only possible but easy for the muslims to carry out.....it is utter stupidity not to do everything possible to protect the American People.

The president is sworn to protect the American People...you do not do that when you allow illegal immigration, when you allow specifically muslim immigration, when you allow the musims here to go back and forth to the middle east to become radicalized etc.etc. and so on and so forth......so many things that could be done to protect the Ameican People but this administration refuses to take action to protect Americans.
It's you who wants to hand them automatic weapons the minute they step off the boat.

Maybe we should have never invaded Iraq. It's where and why Isis was born.

And don't act like corporations and Republicans don't like importing the cheap labor. They're the ones who say for the economy to grow we need more bodies not less. And they don't want to pay Americans enough to want to have more kids. I'm talking about kids who can grow up to be engineers. Then the GOP wants to ruin public schools.

On so many levels your way doesn't work
I wouldn't say the Regressive Left "supports" Islam. They're just far, far, far more tolerant of it than they are of Christianity.

Why that is, is a fascinating question. Especially in the face of what is happening right now, at this very moment, all around the world.

The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

The net result of what the liberals/progressives/politically correct zombies are doing is to make muslim terrorism in America not only possible but easy for the muslims to carry out.....it is utter stupidity not to do everything possible to protect the American People.

The president is sworn to protect the American People...you do not do that when you allow illegal immigration, when you allow specifically muslim immigration, when you allow the musims here to go back and forth to the middle east to become radicalized etc.etc. and so on and so forth......so many things that could be done to protect the Ameican People but this administration refuses to take action to protect Americans.
It's you who wants to hand them automatic weapons the minute they step off the boat.

Maybe we should have never invaded Iraq. It's where and why Isis was born.

And don't act like corporations and Republicans don't like importing the cheap labor. They're the ones who say for the economy to grow we need more bodies not less. And they don't want to pay Americans enough to want to have more kids. I'm talking about kids who can grow up to be engineers. Then the GOP wants to ruin public schools.

On so many levels your way doesn't work

What on Earth are you babbling about? Automatic weapons? Public schools? Iraq?

Geeze Louise...
I wouldn't say the Regressive Left "supports" Islam. They're just far, far, far more tolerant of it than they are of Christianity.

Why that is, is a fascinating question. Especially in the face of what is happening right now, at this very moment, all around the world.

The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

The net result of what the liberals/progressives/politically correct zombies are doing is to make muslim terrorism in America not only possible but easy for the muslims to carry out.....it is utter stupidity not to do everything possible to protect the American People.

The president is sworn to protect the American People...you do not do that when you allow illegal immigration, when you allow specifically muslim immigration, when you allow the musims here to go back and forth to the middle east to become radicalized etc.etc. and so on and so forth......so many things that could be done to protect the Ameican People but this administration refuses to take action to protect Americans.
It's you who wants to hand them automatic weapons the minute they step off the boat.

Maybe we should have never invaded Iraq. It's where and why Isis was born.

And don't act like corporations and Republicans don't like importing the cheap labor. They're the ones who say for the economy to grow we need more bodies not less. And they don't want to pay Americans enough to want to have more kids. I'm talking about kids who can grow up to be engineers. Then the GOP wants to ruin public schools.

On so many levels your way doesn't work

What on Earth are you babbling about? Automatic weapons? Public schools? Iraq?

Geeze Louise...
Exactly. On some many levels you are wrong for the middle class or as you call us "takers"
I wouldn't say the Regressive Left "supports" Islam. They're just far, far, far more tolerant of it than they are of Christianity.

Why that is, is a fascinating question. Especially in the face of what is happening right now, at this very moment, all around the world.

The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

The net result of what the liberals/progressives/politically correct zombies are doing is to make muslim terrorism in America not only possible but easy for the muslims to carry out.....it is utter stupidity not to do everything possible to protect the American People.

The president is sworn to protect the American People...you do not do that when you allow illegal immigration, when you allow specifically muslim immigration, when you allow the musims here to go back and forth to the middle east to become radicalized etc.etc. and so on and so forth......so many things that could be done to protect the Ameican People but this administration refuses to take action to protect Americans.
It's you who wants to hand them automatic weapons the minute they step off the boat.

Maybe we should have never invaded Iraq. It's where and why Isis was born.

And don't act like corporations and Republicans don't like importing the cheap labor. They're the ones who say for the economy to grow we need more bodies not less. And they don't want to pay Americans enough to want to have more kids. I'm talking about kids who can grow up to be engineers. Then the GOP wants to ruin public schools.

On so many levels your way doesn't work

What on Earth are you babbling about? Automatic weapons? Public schools? Iraq?

Geeze Louise...
Exactly. On some many levels you are wrong for the middle class or as you call us "takers"

I do? When did I ever call you a "taker"? Are you drunk?
  • "I also now realize, with brutal clarity, that in the progressive hierarchy of identity groups, Muslims are above gays. Every pundit and politician -- and that includes President Obama and Hillary Clinton and half the talking heads on TV -- who today have said ‘We don't know what the shooter's motivation could possibly be!’ have revealed to me their true priorities: appeasing Muslims is more important than defending the lives of gay people. Every progressive who runs interference for Islamic murderers is complicit in those murders, and I can no longer be a part of that team." --

John Hawkins - Why Liberals Support Muslims Who Hate Everything They Stand For

The Democrat philosophy is the enemy of my enemy is my friend. They consider the greatest threat to the world to be the uneven power militarily and economically of the west, the Muslim radicals want to destroy that, so the Democrats climb on to help them
I wouldn't say the Regressive Left "supports" Islam. They're just far, far, far more tolerant of it than they are of Christianity.

Why that is, is a fascinating question. Especially in the face of what is happening right now, at this very moment, all around the world.

The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

The net result of what the liberals/progressives/politically correct zombies are doing is to make muslim terrorism in America not only possible but easy for the muslims to carry out.....it is utter stupidity not to do everything possible to protect the American People.

The president is sworn to protect the American People...you do not do that when you allow illegal immigration, when you allow specifically muslim immigration, when you allow the musims here to go back and forth to the middle east to become radicalized etc.etc. and so on and so forth......so many things that could be done to protect the Ameican People but this administration refuses to take action to protect Americans.
It's you who wants to hand them automatic weapons the minute they step off the boat.

Maybe we should have never invaded Iraq. It's where and why Isis was born.

And don't act like corporations and Republicans don't like importing the cheap labor. They're the ones who say for the economy to grow we need more bodies not less. And they don't want to pay Americans enough to want to have more kids. I'm talking about kids who can grow up to be engineers. Then the GOP wants to ruin public schools.

On so many levels your way doesn't work

What on Earth are you babbling about? Automatic weapons? Public schools? Iraq?

Geeze Louise...
Exactly. On some many levels you are wrong for the middle class or as you call us "takers"

Yes, "takers" is such a euphemism for you. Blood sucking leaches is far more accurate. Dependency whores works too. Or simply parasite
  • "I also now realize, with brutal clarity, that in the progressive hierarchy of identity groups, Muslims are above gays. Every pundit and politician -- and that includes President Obama and Hillary Clinton and half the talking heads on TV -- who today have said ‘We don't know what the shooter's motivation could possibly be!’ have revealed to me their true priorities: appeasing Muslims is more important than defending the lives of gay people. Every progressive who runs interference for Islamic murderers is complicit in those murders, and I can no longer be a part of that team." --

John Hawkins - Why Liberals Support Muslims Who Hate Everything They Stand For

Why do we Liberals support the First Amendment?

Because we believe in the Constitution.

Why do Conservatives believe all Muslims are terrorists?

View attachment 78595

Lol !! What a fucking liar, you guys no more support the First Amendment any more than the Second.

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